972 resultados para Soils - Carbon content - Victoria


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Experimentation indicates that water and nutrients move through heterogeneous matrix flow pathways and that nutrients show little variation in concentration with fertilizer application rate after 2 months. However a scatter in concentrations independent of application rates after 4 and 7 months, indicates that external factors are affecting nutrient concentrations within the soil after this time period. Grassmere and Rutherglen were the sample sites.


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Abstract: Preferential flow and transport through macropores affect plant water use efficiency and enhance leaching of agrochemicals and the transport of colloids, thereby increasing the risk for contamination of groundwater resources. The effects of soil compaction, expressed in terms of bulk density (BD), and organic carbon (OC) content on preferential flow and transport were investigated using 150 undisturbed soil cores sampled from 15 × 15–m grids on two field sites. Both fields had loamy textures, but one site had significantly higher OC content. Leaching experiments were conducted in each core by applying a constant irrigation rate of 10 mm h−1 with a pulse application of tritium tracer. Five percent tritium mass arrival times and apparent dispersivities were derived from each of the tracer breakthrough curves and correlated with texture, OC content, and BD to assess the spatial distribution of preferential flow and transport across the investigated fields. Soils from both fields showed strong positive correlations between BD and preferential flow. Interestingly, the relationships between BD and tracer transport characteristics were markedly different for the two fields, although the relationship between BD and macroporosity was nearly identical. The difference was likely caused by the higher contents of fines and OC at one of the fields leading to stronger aggregation, smaller matrix permeability, and a more pronounced pipe-like pore system with well-aligned macropores.


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Although soil algae are among the main primary producers in most terrestrial ecosystems of continental Antarctica, there are very few quantitative studies on their relative proportion in the main algal groups and on how their distribution is affected by biotic and abiotic factors. Such knowledge is essential for understanding the functioning of Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems. We therefore analyzed biological soil crusts from northern Victoria Land to determine their pH, electrical conductivity (EC), water content (W), total and organic C (TC and TOC) and total N (TN) contents, and the presence and abundance of photosynthetic pigments. In particular, the latter were tested as proxies for biomass and coarse-resolution community structure. Soil samples were collected from five sites with known soil algal communities and the distribution of pigments was shown to reflect differences in the relative proportions of Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta and Bacillariophyta in these sites. Multivariate and univariate models strongly indicated that almost all soil variables (EC, W, TOC and TN) were important environmental correlates of pigment distribution. However, a significant amount of variation is independent of these soil variables and may be ascribed to local variability such as changes in microclimate at varying spatial and temporal scales. There are at least five possible sources of local variation: pigment preservation, temporal variations in water availability, temporal and spatial interactions among environmental and biological components, the local-scale patchiness of organism distribution, and biotic interactions.


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Although soil algae are among the main primary producers in most terrestrial ecosystems of continental Antarctica, there are very few quantitative studies on their relative proportion in the main algal groups and on how their distribution is affected by biotic and abiotic factors. Such knowledge is essential for understanding the functioning of Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems. We therefore analyzed biological soil crusts from northern Victoria Land to determine their pH, electrical conductivity (EC) water content (W), total and organic C (TC and TOC) and total N (TN) contents, and the presence and abundance of photosynthetic pigments. In particular, the latter were tested as proxies for biomass and coarse-resolution community structure. Soil samples were collected from five sites with known soil algal communities and the distribution of pigments was shown to reflect differences in the relative proportions of Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta and Bacillariophyta in these sites. Multivariate and univariate models strongly indicated that almost all soil variables (EC, W, TOC and TN) were important environmental correlates of pigment distribution. However, a significant amount of variation is independent of these soil variables and may be ascribed to local variability such as changes in microclimate at varying spatial and temporal scales. There are at least five possible sources of local variation: pigment preservation, temporal variations in water availability, temporal and spatial interactions among environmental and biological components, the local-scale patchiness of organism distribution, and biotic interactions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study applies spatial statistical techniques including cokriging to integrate airborne geophysical (radiometric) data with ground-based measurements of peat depth and soil organic carbon (SOC) to monitor change in peat cover for carbon stock calculations. The research is part of the EU funded Tellus Border project and is supported by the INTERREG IVA development programme of the European Regional Development Fund, which is managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB). The premise is that saturated peat attenuates the radiometric signal from underlying soils and rocks. Contemporaneous ground-based measurements were collected to corroborate mapped estimates and develop a statistical model for volumetric carbon content (VCC) to 0.5 metres. Field measurements included ground penetrating radar, gamma ray spectrometry and a soil sampling methodology which measured bulk density and soil moisture to determine VCC. One aim of the study was to explore whether airborne radiometric survey data can be used to establish VCC across a region. To account for the footprint of airborne radiometric data, five cores were obtained at each soil sampling location: one at the centre of the ground radiometric equivalent sample location and one at each of the four corners 20 metres apart. This soil sampling strategy replicated the methodology deployed for the Tellus Border geochemistry survey. Two key issues will be discussed from this work. The first addresses the integration of different sampling supports for airborne and ground measured data and the second discusses the compositional nature of the VOC data.


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The emerging field of blue carbon science is seeking cost-effective ways to estimate the organic carbon content of soils that are bound by coastal vegetated ecosystems. Organic carbon (Corg) content in terrestrial soils and marine sediments has been correlated with mud content (i.e. silt and clay), however, empirical tests of this theory are lacking for coastal vegetated ecosystems. Here, we compiled data (n = 1345) on the relationship between Corg and mud (i.e. silt and clay, particle sizes <63 μm) contents in seagrass ecosystems (79 cores) and adjacent bare sediments (21 cores) to address whether mud can be used to predict soil Corg content. We also combined these data with the δ13C signatures of the soil Corg to understand the sources of Corg stores. The results showed that mud is positively correlated with soil Corg content only when the contribution of seagrass-derived Corg to the sedimentary Corg pool is relatively low, such as in small and fast growing meadows of the genera Zostera, Halodule and Halophila, and in bare sediments adjacent to seagrass ecosystems. In large and long-living seagrass meadows of the genera Posidonia and Amphibolis there was a lack of, or poor relationship between mud and soil Corg content, related to a higher contribution of seagrass-derived Corg to the sedimentary Corg pool in these meadows. The relative high soil Corg contents with relatively low mud contents (i.e. mud-Corg saturation) together with significant allochthonous inputs of terrestrial organic matter could overall disrupt the correlation expected between soil Corg and mud contents. This study shows that mud (i.e. silt and clay content) is not a universal proxy for blue carbon content in seagrass ecosystems, and therefore should not be applied generally across all seagrass habitats. Mud content can only be used as a proxy to estimate soil Corg content for scaling up purposes when opportunistic and/or low biomass seagrass species (i.e. Zostera, Halodule and Halophila) are present (explaining 34 to 91% of variability), and in bare sediments (explaining 78% of the variability).


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Characterizing vegetation composition, carbon/nitrogen (C/N) content of soils, and root-mass distribution is critical to understanding carbon sequestration potential of subirrigated meadows in the Nebraska Sandhills. Five subirrigated meadows dominated by cool-season (C3) graminoids and five meadows dominated by warm-season (C4) grasses were selected throughout the Nebraska Sandhills. Vegetation, soil carbon and nitrogen, and root-mass density distribution were sampled in each meadow. Meadows dominated by C3 vegetation had 12% greater (P < 0.1) yields than meadows dominated by C4 vegetation. Total root-mass density was 30% greater (P < 0.1) in C4-dominated meadows than C3-dominated meadows. Total carbon and nitrogen content was 65% and 53% greater (P < 0.1), respectively, in the A horizon of C3-dominated meadows, but was 43% and 52% greater (P < 0.1), respectively, in the C horizon of C4-dominated meadows. Although meadows dominated by C3 vegetation had more carbon in the soil profile, much of the carbon in C3-dominated meadows appeared to be recalcitrant C4 carbon from historic vegetation.


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Anthropogenic N deposition poses a threat to European Mediterranean ecosystems. We combined data from an extant N deposition gradient (4.3–7.3 kg N ha−1 yr−1) from semiarid areas of Spain and a field experiment in central Spain to evaluate N deposition effects on soil fertility, function and cyanobacteria community. Soil organic N did not increase along the extant gradient. Nitrogen fixation decreased along existing and experimental N deposition gradients, a result possibly related to compositional shifts in soil cyanobacteria community. Net ammonification and nitrification (which dominated N-mineralization) were reduced and increased, respectively, by N fertilization, suggesting alterations in the N cycle. Soil organic C content, C:N ratios and the activity of β-glucosidase decreased along the extant gradient in most locations. Our results suggest that semiarid soils in low-productivity sites are unable to store additional N inputs, and that are also unable to mitigate increasing C emissions when experiencing increased N deposition.


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Using spcctroscopic ellipsometry (SE), we have measured the optical properties and optical gaps of a series of amorphous carbon (a-C) films ∼ 100-300 Å thick, prepared using a filtered beam of C+ ions from a cathodic arc. Such films exhibit a wide range of sp3-bonded carbon contents from 20 to 76 at.%, as measured by electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). The Taue optical gaps of the a-C films increase monotonically from 0.65 eV for 20 at.% sp3 C to 2.25 eV for 76 at.% sp3 C. Spectra in the ellipsometric angles (1.5-5 eV) have been analyzed using different effective medium theories (EMTs) applying a simplified optical model for the dielectric function of a-C, assuming a composite material with sp2 C and sp3 C components. The most widely used EMT, namely that of Bruggeman (with three-dimensionally isotropic screening), yields atomic fractions of sp3 C that correlate monotonically with those obtained from EELS. The results of the SE analysis, however, range from 10 to 25 at.% higher than those from EELS. In fact, we have found that the volume percent sp3 C from SE using the Bruggeman EMT shows good numerical agreement with the atomic percent sp3 C from EELS. The SE-EELS discrepancy has been reduced by using an optical model in which the dielectric function of the a-C is determined as a volume-fraction-weighted average of the dielectric functions of the sp2 C and sp3 C components. © 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.


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National Natural Science Foundation of China [30590381]; Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences [KZCX2YW-432]; International Partnership Project


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To clarify the response of soil organic carbon (SOC) content to season-long grazing in the semiarid typical steppes of Inner Mongolia, we examined the aboveground biomass and SOC in both grazing (G-site) and no grazing (NG-site) sites in two typical steppes dominated by Leymus chinensis and Stipa grandis, as well as one seriously degraded L. chinensis grassland dominated by Artemisia frigida. The NG-sites had been fenced for 20 years in L. chinensis and S. grandis grasslands and for 10 years in A. frigida grassland. Above-ground biomass at G-sites was 21-35% of that at NG-sites in L. chinensis and S. grandis grasslands. The SOC, however, showed no significant difference between G-site and NG-site in both grasslands. In the NG-sites, aboveground biomass was significantly lower in A. frigida grassland than in the other two grasslands. The SOC in A. frigida grassland was about 70% of that in L. chinensis grassland. In A. frigida grassland, aboveground biomass in the G-site was 68-82% of that in the NG-site, whereas SOC was significantly lower in the G-site than in the NG-site. Grazing elevated the surface soil pH in L. chinensis and A. frigida communities. A spatial heterogeneity in SOC and pH in the topsoil was not detected the G-site within the minimal sampling distance of 10 m. The results suggested that compensatory growth may account for the relative stability of SOC in G-sites in typical steppes. The SOC was sensitive to heavy grazing and difficult to recover after a significant decline caused by overgrazing in semiarid steppes.