992 resultados para Soil porosity


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This manuscript aims proposing a methodology for correlating soil porosity to the respective geological units using geostatistical analysis techniques, including interpolation data by kriging. The site studied was in Lorena municipality, Paraíba do Sul Valley, southeastern Brazil. Specifically all studies were carried out within an area of 12 km2 located at Santa Edwirges farm. The database comprehended 41 soil samples taken at different geological and geomorphologic units at three different depths: surface, 50 cm and 100 cm depth. The geostatistical analyses results were correlated to a geological mapping specifically elaborated for the site. This mapping accounts for two different geological formations and a geological contact characterized by a shearing zone. The results indicate the existence of a significant relationship between the soil porosity and the respective geological units. The studies revealed that the residual soils from weathered granitic rocks tend to have higher porosities than the residual soils from weathered biotite gneiss rocks, while the soil porosity within the shearing zone is relatively un-sensitive to the respective geological formation. The spatial patterns observed were efficient to evaluate the relationship between the soil porosity, geology unit and the and geomorphology showing a good potential for correlating with others soil properties such as hydraulic conductivity, soil water retention curves and erosion potentials.


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Soil porosity is the fraction of total volume occupied by pores or voids measured at matric potential 0. To measure soil porosity, soil samples were taken from each plot using sample rings with an internal diameter of 57 mm and height of 40.5 mm (inner volume of Vs=100 cm3). The samples were placed on a sand bed box with water level set to allow saturation of the samples with water. After 48 h the samples were weighed (ms), oven dried at 105 °C and weighed again to determine the dry weight (md). We calculated soil porosity (n [%]) using the density of water (?w=1 g cm?3), n=100 ? (mw-md) / (?w?Vs). To account for the spatial variation of soil properties, three replicates were taken per plot, approximately 2, 3 and 4 weeks after the flood that occurred at the field site during June 2013. Data are the average soil porosity values per plot. All data where measured in the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown in the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, or 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing.


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Soil erosion is a complex phenomenon involving the detachment and transport of soil particles, storage and runoff of rainwater, and infiltration. The relative magnitude and importance of these processes depends on several factors being one of them surface microtopography, usually quantified trough soil surface roughness (SSR). Surface soil porosity and SSR can be altered by tillage operation. Even though the surface porosity is an important parameter of a tilled field, however, no practical technique for rapid and non-contact measurement of surface porosity has been developed yet.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The University of British Columbia (UBC) began performing piezocone penetration tests (CPTU) with electrical resistivity measurements (RCPTU) in 1989. Since then, RCPTU research at UBC has focused on obtaining geo-environmental parameters such as fluid resistivity and soil engineering properties such as porosity and degree of saturation from measurements of bulk soil electrical resistivity using the empirical relationship proposed by Archie (1942). Within this framework, the paper illustrates and discusses important design and calibration issues for resistivity modules such as the use of isolated circuitry to achieve linear calibrations over large ranges of resistivity. The suitability of RCPTU measurements for determination of geo-environmental and geotechnical parameters are assessed using typical ranges of soil and groundwater properties and methods of isolating individual factors for study are discussed. Illustrative examples of RCPTU research efforts including the environmental characterization of mine tailings, delineation of saline water intrusions in fresh water aquifers and the quality control of geotechnical ground densification are presented throughout the text. It is shown that groundwater temperature and hence ion mobility is not significantly altered by frictional heat generated during piezocone penetration and that ratio-based approaches to monitoring soil porosity can be used to eliminate the requirement for extensive groundwater sampling programs. Lastly, it is shown that RCPTU measurements above the water table can only be made using resistivity modules that are stable over a large range of resistivities and that such measurements are the most difficult to interpret because of grain surface conduction effects and generally unknown fluid resistivities.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Diffusion controls the gaseous transport process in soils when advective transport is almost null. Knowledge of the soil structure and pore connectivity are critical issues to understand and modelling soil aeration, sequestration or emission of greenhouse gasses, volatilization of volatile organic chemicals among other phenomena. In the last decades these issues increased our attention as scientist have realize that soil is one of the most complex materials on the earth, within which many biological, physical and chemical processes that support life and affect climate change take place. A quantitative and explicit characterization of soil structure is difficult because of the complexity of the pore space. This is the main reason why most theoretical approaches to soil porosity are idealizations to simplify this system. In this work, we proposed a more realistic attempt to capture the complexity of the system developing a model that considers the size and location of pores in order to relate them into a network. In the model we interpret porous soils as heterogeneous networks where pores are represented by nodes, characterized by their size and spatial location, and the links representing flows between them. In this work we perform an analysis of the community structure of porous media of soils represented as networks. For different real soils samples, modelled as heterogeneous complex networks, spatial communities of pores have been detected depending on the values of the parameters of the porous soil model used. These types of models are named as Heterogeneous Preferential Attachment (HPA). Developing an exhaustive analysis of the model, analytical solutions are obtained for the degree densities and degree distribution of the pore networks generated by the model in the thermodynamic limit and shown that the networks exhibit similar properties to those observed in other complex networks. With the aim to study in more detail topological properties of these networks, the presence of soil pore community structures is studied. The detection of communities of pores, as groups densely connected with only sparser connections between groups, could contribute to understand the mechanisms of the diffusion phenomena in soils.


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The data files give the basic field and laboratory data on five ponds in the northeast Siberian Arctic tundra on Samoylov. The files contain water and soil temperature data of the ponds, methane fluxes, measured with closed chambers in the centres without vascular plants and the margins with vascular plants, the contribution of plant mediated fluxes on total methane fluxes, the gas concentrations (methane and dissolved inorganic carbon, oxygen) in the soil and the water column of the ponds, microbial activities (methane production, methane oxidation, aerobic and anaerobic carbon dioxide production), total carbon pools in the different horizons of the bottom soils, soil bulk density, soil substance density, and soil porosity.


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Soil is a complex heterogeneous system comprising of highly variable and dynamic micro-habitats that have significant impacts on the growth and activity of resident microbiota. A question addressed in this research is how soil structure affects the temporal dynamics and spatial distribution of bacteria. Using repacked microcosms, the effect of bulk-density, aggregate sizes and water content on growth and distribution of introduced Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis bacteria was determined. Soil bulk-density and aggregate sizes were altered to manipulate the characteristics of the pore volume where bacteria reside and through which distribution of solutes and nutrients is controlled. X-ray CT was used to characterise the pore geometry of repacked soil microcosms. Soil porosity, connectivity and soil-pore interface area declined with increasing bulk-density. In samples that differ in pore geometry, its effect on growth and extent of spread of introduced bacteria was investigated. The growth rate of bacteria reduced with increasing bulk-density, consistent with a significant difference in pore geometry. To measure the ability of bacteria to spread thorough soil, placement experiments were developed. Bacteria were capable of spreading several cm’s through soil. The extent of spread of bacteria was faster and further in soil with larger and better connected pore volumes. To study the spatial distribution in detail, a methodology was developed where a combination of X-ray microtopography, to characterize the soil structure, and fluorescence microscopy, to visualize and quantify bacteria in soil sections was used. The influence of pore characteristics on distribution of bacteria was analysed at macro- and microscales. Soil porosity, connectivity and soil-pore interface influenced bacterial distribution only at the macroscale. The method developed was applied to investigate the effect of soil pore characteristics on the extent of spread of bacteria introduced locally towards a C source in soil. Soil-pore interface influenced spread of bacteria and colonization, therefore higher bacterial densities were found in soil with higher pore volumes. Therefore the results in this showed that pore geometry affects the growth and spread of bacteria in soil. The method developed showed showed how thin sectioning technique can be combined with 3D X-ray CT to visualize bacterial colonization of a 3D pore volume. This novel combination of methods is a significant step towards a full mechanistic understanding of microbial dynamics in structured soils.


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This work analyses a study on natural ventilation and its relation to the urban legislation versus the building types in an urban fraction of coastal area of Praia do Meio in the city of Natal/RN, approaching the type or types of land use most appropriate to this limited urban fraction. The objective of this study is to analyse the effects of the present legislation as well as the types of buildings in this area on the natural ventilation. This urban fraction was selected because it is one of the sites from where the wind flows into the city of Natal. This research is based on the hypothesis stating that the reduction on the porosity of the urban soil (decrease in the set back/boundary clearance), and an increase in the form (height of the buildings) rise the level of the ventilation gradient, consequently causing a reduction on the wind speed at the lowest part of the buildings. Three-dimensional computational models were used to produce the modes of occupation allowed in the urban fraction within the area under study. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software was also used to analyse the modes of land occupation. Following simulation, a statistical assessment was carried out for validation of the hypothesis. It was concluded that the reduction in the soil porosity as a consequence of the rates that defined the minimum boundary clearance between the building and the boundary of the plot (and consequently the set back), as well as the increase in the building form (height of the buildings) caused a reduction in the wind speed, thus creating heat islands


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The cultivation of the soil causes changes in physical attributes, depending on the intensity of preparation and management. The objective of this work was to evaluate the degree of modification of some physical properties of soil mid the S index, comparing areas of Pasture of grass Tanzania (Panicum maximum) and native forest with an area under maize (Zea mays L.) irrigated bay, a central pivot. The study was conducted in three areas within the Agency of Technology Agribusiness Paulista (APTA) Regional High Mogiana, located in Colina, SP. The experimental design was split plot in a factorial 3 x 3, with 4 replications, where the plots were installed in areas of Cultivation of corn, pasture and forest in the depths 0-0.1 m, 0.1-0.2 m 0.2-0.3 m. The physical attributes of soil were: resistance to penetration (RP), bulk density (Ds), microporosity (Micro), macroporosity (Macro), total volume of pores (VTP) and water retention in soil. The native forest had the best physical condition of soil in all parameters examined. The use of land and pasture with corn altered the physical structure of it, evidenced by the increase in penetration resistance and soil density and, reduction in macroporosity. The level of degradation of the managed soil was considered low, index S (<0035). The replacement of pasture by the corn crop in the soil tillage system provided a conventional mild improvement in soil physical characteristics.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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As modificações estruturais causadas no solo pelos diferentes sistemas de manejo podem resultar em maior ou menor compactação, que poderá interferir na resistência mecânica à penetração, densidade e porosidade do solo, influenciando o crescimento radicular e, por fim, a produtividade das culturas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da compactação sobre determinadas características de um Latossolo Vermelho textura média e associá-las ao crescimento radicular e à produtividade da cultura do milho. Os tratamentos principais foram constituídos por seis níveis de compactação, proporcionados pelo tráfego controlado de tratores, e duas camadas, como subtratamentos, com quatro repetições. Foram coletadas amostras indeformadas do solo nas camadas de 0-0,10 e 0,10-0,20 m, para determinação da resistência do solo à penetração, densidade e porosidade do solo. Para determinação de densidade, superfície, diâmetro e massa seca das raízes, foram retiradas amostras do solo nas camadas de 0-0,10 e 0,10-0,20 m, em cada parcela. O tráfego de tratores sobre o solo provocou maiores níveis de compactação na camada superficial, proporcionando maior densidade e superfície radicular. O diâmetro radicular e a massa seca das raízes aumentaram linearmente com o aumento da resistência à penetração do solo. Verificou-se que valores de resistência à penetração variando entre 1,03 e 5,69 MPa provocaram alterações na morfologia do sistema radicular do milho, reduzindo a produtividade da cultura em 2,581 Mg ha-1, mas não foram impeditivos ao enraizamento.