998 resultados para Soil ecotoxicology


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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仅以污染物浓度定义土壤污染并评价其潜在风险,缺乏对其生态毒性效应的综合考虑,不能反映土壤污染对生物及人体健康的潜在危害。传统的生态毒理研究仅局限于依据宏观生理指标,如半致死剂量,产茧量等,这些指标对环境浓度(亚致死浓度)土壤污染的响应较差甚至不响应,无法应用于环境浓度的污染土壤诊断。土壤生物微观生理、生化指标,作为一种较为敏感的土壤生态毒理效应及毒性诊断手段,近几年来成为研究热点。 本文以赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia fetida)为供试生物,草甸棕壤为供试土壤,以国际标准组织(International Standard Organization-ISO)方法指南为参考,以蚯蚓微粒体细胞色素P450含量、抗氧化酶系(超氧化物歧化酶-SOD、过氧化氢酶-CAT和过氧化物酶-POD)和谷胱甘肽转移酶(GST)活性为指标,进行了的典型多环芳烃污染物-苯并(a)芘和内泌干扰物-壬基酚在土壤中暴露的动态量效关系研究,试验浓度范围为0.1-2 mg•kg -1。 研究结果如下:1)苯并(a)芘与细胞色素P450含量具有动态响应关系。总体上,诱导效应明显,诱导时间对P450活性影响显著(P<0.05);2)在试验浓度范围(0.1-2 mg•kg-1)内, GST对试验浓度的BaP未产生生态毒性响应;3)CAT 和POD酶活性对低浓度的BaP暴露响应具有延时性(即第7d开始响应)和阶段性(即第7d前无明显响应、第7d后响应消失)特征;4) 在BaP胁迫下,蚯蚓体内SOD产生明显响应,苯并(a)芘暴露1~3d,SOD酶活性整体升高,最大升幅30%,与对照差异显著。苯并(a)芘暴露的第7d和14d, 除0.1 mg•kg -1外,0.5~2 mg•kg-1 BaP处理组中SOD酶活性均显著降低(P<0.05),这表明BaP造成了抗氧化防御酶系的损伤。以上结果表明: 5项指标中, 代谢解毒酶系指标P450和抗氧化酶系指标SOD对BaP暴露响应较为敏感,CAT,POD以及GST的敏感性较差。各指标敏感性总体为:P450>SOD>CAT,POD>GST。综合本试验及其他相关实验结果初步确认,苯并(a)芘生态毒性>芘>菲。 低浓度(0.1~2.0 mg•kg-1)壬基酚(NP)土壤暴露动态关系研究结果表明:1)壬基酚(NP)与细胞色素P450含量具有动态响应关系。1、7、14d时,P450整体表现为低浓度下抑制,而高浓度下诱导的趋势。随着诱导时间的延长P450含量表现出显著的升高趋势;SOD活性在较高浓度3d暴露后降低,而第7、14d时显著升高。NP诱导与P450含量与SOD酶活性两种指标的响应趋势与BaP诱导下的响应趋势大体吻合。CAT的响应较前两者差,随着诱导时间的延长,在第7、14d个别浓度下CAT表现出升高趋势。GST与POD对试验浓度下的NP诱导未产生明显和快速的毒性响应。NP诱导第3dGST出现升高趋势。NP诱导的第14d POD (2 mg•kg-1)有显著降低。总体上,各指标对NP诱导的敏感性顺序依次为:P450,SOD>CAT>GST, POD。 继前期的“蚯蚓P450对土壤菲、芘暴露生态毒理研究”以及“土壤低浓度PAHs胁迫下蚯蚓差异表达基因筛选研究”之后,本论文中所进行的“土壤BaP暴露生态毒性响应研究”作为上述整体研究内容的组成部分,从两个方面获得研究进展:第一,进一步证实P450指标对低剂量多环芳烃污染响应的相对敏感性。第二,从代谢解毒酶系的角度发现苯并(a)芘生态毒性>芘>菲。这一结果与基因水平上论证的细胞色素P450(类似Cyp2R1)对 PAHs胁迫下的研究结果一致。 本论文中进行的土壤NP暴露生态毒性响应研究,首次将内分泌干扰物纳入土壤毒理研究中,丰富了土壤生态毒理学的研究内容。研究进一步证实蚯蚓细胞色素P450指标对多种污染物低剂量暴露诊断的广谱适应性。研究也为内分泌干扰物的生态毒性评价提供了基础依据。


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Os produtos farmacêuticos são substâncias químicas muito utilizados em medicina, veterinária e ainda na agricultura. Nos anos 90, foi descoberta a presença de fármacos em meio aquático, verificando-se que a sua remoção nas Estações de Tratamento de Águas Residuais (ETAR) não era completa. Durante as duas últimas décadas foi identificada a presença de mais de oitenta compostos no meio ambiente e actualmente são considerados poluentes emergentes. Podem contaminar solos e águas, depois de serem usados e excretados (inalterados ou metabolizados) por humanos e animais, ou quando são indevidamente lançados directamente no meio ambiente. Os estudos ecotoxicológicos efectuados com estes poluentes têm sido direccionados, sobretudo, para as águas, existindo uma ausência de trabalhos sobre solos. O Ibuprofeno (IB) é um anti-inflamatório não esteróide, utilizado também como analgésico e antipirético, sendo um dos produtos farmacêuticos mais vendidos em todo o mundo, o que justifica a sua forte presença no meio ambiente. Por isso, e dada a ausência de trabalhos ecotoxicológicos de solos contaminados por fármacos, o IB foi o produto farmacêutico selecionado para a realização deste trabalho. A ecotoxicidade pode ser avaliada através de bioensaios. Estes têm a capacidade de avaliar a toxicidade de uma determinada substância de forma global, usando organismos vivos que funcionam como bio-indicadores. O presente trabalho tem como objectivos avaliar o impacte causado nos solos pelo IB, testar a toxicidade de dois processos de descontaminação para remover o referido fármaco dos solos assim como avaliar a toxicidade provocada por águas residuais, de três unidades hospitalares e de uma indústria farmacêutica. Esta avaliação foi efectuada através de ensaios de toxicidade aguda de germinação e de alongamento de raiz de sementes de alface, variedade bola de manteiga (Lactuca sativa), em solo arenoso. Os ensaios de ecotoxicidade aguda em solos contaminados por IB foram realizados para uma gama de concentrações entre 0,1 e 1000 μg/L. Verificou-se uma redução do número de sementes germinadas e do comprimento médio da planta no solo contaminado com 0,5 e 20 μg/L de IB. No solo contaminado com 1000 μg/L de IB observou-se uma redução da germinação, acompanhada por uma indução de crescimento da raiz da espécie Lactuca sativa. Os dois tratamentos de descontaminação de solos, reagente de Fenton e Nanopartículas de ferro zero valente, revelaram toxicidade, tendo-se obtido uma percentagem de germinação entre 32,2 ± 3,5 e 48,5 ± 6,2 e inibição do crescimento da raiz do organismo teste em cerca de 85,0 %. Em relação às águas residuais hospitalares verificou-se uma redução da percentagem de germinação entre 31,1 ± 5,0 e 72,3 ± 12,4 e uma inibição do crescimento da raiz situada entre 13,0 ± 6,4 e 20,2 ± 10,0 %. Para a água residual industrial ocorreu uma inibição da percentagem de germinação de 60,5 ± 13,1, contudo nas plantas germinadas observou-se uma indução do crescimento da raiz de 14,9 ± 7,7 %.


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A correlation between the physicochemical properties of mono- [Li(I), K(I), Na(I)] and divalent [Cd(II), Cu(II), Mn(II), Ni(II), Co(II), Zn(II), Mg(II), Ca(II)] metal cations and their toxicity (evaluated by the free ion median effective concentration. EC50(F)) to the naturally bioluminescent fungus Gerronema viridilucens has been studied using the quantitative ion character activity relationship (QICAR) approach. Among the 11 ionic parameters used in the current study, a univariate model based on the covalent index (X(m)(2)r) proved to be the most adequate for prediction of fungal metal toxicity evaluated by the logarithm of free ion median effective concentration (log EC50(F)): log EC50(F) = 4.243 (+/-0.243) -1.268 (+/-0.125).X(m)(2)r (adj-R(2) = 0.9113, Alkaike information criterion [AIC] = 60.42). Additional two- and three-variable models were also tested and proved less suitable to fit the experimental data. These results indicate that covalent bonding is a good indicator of metal inherent toxicity to bioluminescent fungi. Furthermore, the toxicity of additional metal ions [Ag(I), Cs(I), Sr(II), Ba(II), Fe(II), Hg(II), and Pb(II)] to G. viridilucens was predicted, and Pb was found to be the most toxic metal to this bioluminescent fungus (EC50(F)): Pb(II) > Ag(I) > Hg(I) > Cd(II) > Cu(II) > Co(II) Ni(II) > Mn(II) > Fe(II) approximate to Zn(II) > Mg(II) approximate to Ba(II) approximate to Cs(I) > Li(I) > K(I) approximate to Na(I) approximate to Sr(II)> Ca(II). Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2010;29:2177-2181. (C) 2010 SETAC


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Metal cation toxicity to basidiomycete fungi is poorly understood, despite its well-known importance in terrestrial ecosystems. Moreover, there is no reported methodology for the routine evaluation of metal toxicity to basidiomycetes. In the present study, we describe the development of a procedure to assess the acute toxicity of metal cations (Na(+), K(+), Li(+), Ca(2+), Mg(2+), Co(2+), Zn(2+), Ni(2+), Mn(2+), Cd(2+), and Cu(2+)) to the bioluminescent basidiomycete fungus Gerronema viridilucens. The method is based on the decrease in the intensity of bioluminescence resulting from injuries sustained by the fungus mycelium exposed to either essential or nonessential metal toxicants. The assay described herein enables LIS to propose a metal toxicity series to Gerronenia viridilucens based on data obtained from the bioluminescence intensity (median effective concentration [EC50] values) versus metal concentration: Cd(2+) > Cu(2+) > Mn(2+) approximate to Ni(2+) approximate to Co(2+) > Zn(2+) > Mg(2+) > Li(+) > K(+) approximate to Na(+) > Ca(2+), and to shed some li-ht on the mechanism of toxic action of metal cations to basidiomycete fungi. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2010;29:320-326. (C) 2009 SETAC


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Pollution by toxic compounds is one of the most relevant environmental damages to ecosystems produced by human activity and, therefore, it must be considered in environmental protection and restoration of contaminated sites. According to this purposes, the main goal of this doctoral thesis has been to analyse the impact of several chlorophenols and heavy metals on the microbial communities of two typical Mediterranean soils. The ecological risk concentrations of each pollutant, which have been determined according to respirometric activity and changes in the microbial community composition, and the factors that influence on their effective toxic concentrations (bioavailable pollutants) have been analysed in order to predict their potential impact on different soil ecosystems and provide scientific data for the regulation of the soil protection policies. Moreover, resistant microorganisms with pollutant removal capacities have been isolated from artificially contaminated soil microcosms and tested in axenic cultures, to infer their potential usefulness for bioremediation.


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Carbendazim-amended soil was placed above or below unamended soil. Control tests comprised two layers of unamended soil. Allolobophora chlorotica earthworms were added to either the upper or the unamended soil. After 72 h vertical distributions of earthworms were compared between control and carbendazim-amended experiments. Earthworm distributions in the carbendazim-amended test containers differed significantly from the ‘normal’ distribution observed in the control tests. In the majority of the experiments, earthworms significantly altered their burrowing behaviour to avoid carbendazim. However, when earthworms were added to an upper layer of carbendazim-amended soil they remained in this layer. This non-avoidance is attributed to (1) the earthworms’ inability to sense the lower layer of unamended soil and (2) the toxic effect of carbendazim inhibiting burrowing. Earthworms modified their burrowing behaviour in response to carbendazim in the soil. This may explain anomalous results observed in pesticide field trials when carbendazim is used as a control substance.


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The effects of metal contamination on natural populations of Collembola in soils from five sites in the Wolverhampton area ( West Midlands, England) were examined. Analysis revealed that metal concentrations were elevated above background levels at all sites. One location in particular (Ladymoor, a former smelting site) was highly contaminated with Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn at more than 20 times background levels. Biodiversity indices ( Shannon - Weiner, Simpson index, Margalef index, alpha index, species richness, Shaneven ( evenness) and Berger - Parker dominance) were calculated. Of these indices, estimates of species richness and evenness were most effective at highlighting the differences between the Collembola communities. Indeed, the highest number of species were found at the most contaminated site, although the Collembola population also had a comparatively low evenness value, with just two species dominating. The number of individuals per species were allocated into geometric classes and plotted against the cumulative number of species as a percentage. At Ladymoor, there were more geometric classes, and the slope of the line was shallower than at the other four sites. This characteristic is a feature of polluted sites, where a few species are dominant and most species are rare. The Ladymoor soil also had a dominance of Isotomurus palustris, and was the only site in which Ceratophysella denticulata was found. Previous studies have shown that these two species are often found in sites subject to high metal contamination. Survival and reproduction of the "standard'' test springtail, Folsomia candida (Willem), were determined in a 4 week exposure test to soils from all five sites. Mortality was significantly increased in adults and reproduction significantly lower in the Ladymoor soil in comparison to the other four sites. This study has shown that severe metal contamination can be related to the population structure of Collembola in the field, and performance of F. candida ( in soils from such sites) in the laboratory.


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Folsomia candida Willem 1902, a member of the order Collembola (colloquially called springtails), is a common and widespread arthropod that occurs in soils throughout the world. The species is parthenogenetic and is easy to maintain in the laboratory on a diet of granulated dry yeast. F. candida has been used as a "standard" test organism for more than 40 years for estimating the effects of pesticides and environmental pollutants on nontarget soil arthropods. However. it has also been employed as a model for the investigation of numerous other phenomena such as cold tolerance, quality as a prey item, and effects of microarthropod grazing on pathogenic fungi and mycorrhizae of plant roots. In this comprehensive review. aspects of the life history, ecology, and ecotoxicology of F candida are covered. We focus on the recent literature, especially studies that have examined the effects of soil pollutants on reproduction in F candida using the protocol published by the International Standards Organization in 1999.


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Folsomia candida Willem 1902, a member of the order Collembola (colloquially called springtails), is a common and widespread arthropod that occurs in soils throughout the world. The species is parthenogenetic and is easy to maintain in the laboratory on a diet of granulated dry yeast. F. candida has been used as a "standard" test organism for more than 40 years for estimating the effects of pesticides and environmental pollutants on nontarget soil arthropods. However. it has also been employed as a model for the investigation of numerous other phenomena such as cold tolerance, quality as a prey item, and effects of microarthropod grazing on pathogenic fungi and mycorrhizae of plant roots. In this comprehensive review. aspects of the life history, ecology, and ecotoxicology of F candida are covered. We focus on the recent literature, especially studies that have examined the effects of soil pollutants on reproduction in F candida using the protocol published by the International Standards Organization in 1999.


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The effects of metal contamination on natural populations of Collembola in soils from five sites in the Wolverhampton area ( West Midlands, England) were examined. Analysis revealed that metal concentrations were elevated above background levels at all sites. One location in particular (Ladymoor, a former smelting site) was highly contaminated with Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn at more than 20 times background levels. Biodiversity indices ( Shannon - Weiner, Simpson index, Margalef index, alpha index, species richness, Shaneven ( evenness) and Berger - Parker dominance) were calculated. Of these indices, estimates of species richness and evenness were most effective at highlighting the differences between the Collembola communities. Indeed, the highest number of species were found at the most contaminated site, although the Collembola population also had a comparatively low evenness value, with just two species dominating. The number of individuals per species were allocated into geometric classes and plotted against the cumulative number of species as a percentage. At Ladymoor, there were more geometric classes, and the slope of the line was shallower than at the other four sites. This characteristic is a feature of polluted sites, where a few species are dominant and most species are rare. The Ladymoor soil also had a dominance of Isotomurus palustris, and was the only site in which Ceratophysella denticulata was found. Previous studies have shown that these two species are often found in sites subject to high metal contamination. Survival and reproduction of the "standard'' test springtail, Folsomia candida (Willem), were determined in a 4 week exposure test to soils from all five sites. Mortality was significantly increased in adults and reproduction significantly lower in the Ladymoor soil in comparison to the other four sites. This study has shown that severe metal contamination can be related to the population structure of Collembola in the field, and performance of F. candida ( in soils from such sites) in the laboratory.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)