999 resultados para Software debugging


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With the increasing complexity of today's software, the software development process is becoming highly time and resource consuming. The increasing number of software configurations, input parameters, usage scenarios, supporting platforms, external dependencies, and versions plays an important role in expanding the costs of maintaining and repairing unforeseeable software faults. To repair software faults, developers spend considerable time in identifying the scenarios leading to those faults and root-causing the problems. While software debugging remains largely manual, it is not the case with software testing and verification. The goal of this research is to improve the software development process in general, and software debugging process in particular, by devising techniques and methods for automated software debugging, which leverage the advances in automatic test case generation and replay. In this research, novel algorithms are devised to discover faulty execution paths in programs by utilizing already existing software test cases, which can be either automatically or manually generated. The execution traces, or alternatively, the sequence covers of the failing test cases are extracted. Afterwards, commonalities between these test case sequence covers are extracted, processed, analyzed, and then presented to the developers in the form of subsequences that may be causing the fault. The hypothesis is that code sequences that are shared between a number of faulty test cases for the same reason resemble the faulty execution path, and hence, the search space for the faulty execution path can be narrowed down by using a large number of test cases. To achieve this goal, an efficient algorithm is implemented for finding common subsequences among a set of code sequence covers. Optimization techniques are devised to generate shorter and more logical sequence covers, and to select subsequences with high likelihood of containing the root cause among the set of all possible common subsequences. A hybrid static/dynamic analysis approach is designed to trace back the common subsequences from the end to the root cause. A debugging tool is created to enable developers to use the approach, and integrate it with an existing Integrated Development Environment. The tool is also integrated with the environment's program editors so that developers can benefit from both the tool suggestions, and their source code counterparts. Finally, a comparison between the developed approach and the state-of-the-art techniques shows that developers need only to inspect a small number of lines in order to find the root cause of the fault. Furthermore, experimental evaluation shows that the algorithm optimizations lead to better results in terms of both the algorithm running time and the output subsequence length.


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Embedded systems are usually designed for a single or a specified set of tasks. This specificity means the system design as well as its hardware/software development can be highly optimized. Embedded software must meet the requirements such as high reliability operation on resource-constrained platforms, real time constraints and rapid development. This necessitates the adoption of static machine codes analysis tools running on a host machine for the validation and optimization of embedded system codes, which can help meet all of these goals. This could significantly augment the software quality and is still a challenging field.Embedded systems are usually designed for a single or a specified set of tasks. This specificity means the system design as well as its hardware/software development can be highly optimized. Embedded software must meet the requirements such as high reliability operation on resource-constrained platforms, real time constraints and rapid development. This necessitates the adoption of static machine codes analysis tools running on a host machine for the validation and optimization of embedded system codes, which can help meet all of these goals. This could significantly augment the software quality and is still a challenging field.Embedded systems are usually designed for a single or a specified set of tasks. This specificity means the system design as well as its hardware/software development can be highly optimized. Embedded software must meet the requirements such as high reliability operation on resource-constrained platforms, real time constraints and rapid development. This necessitates the adoption of static machine codes analysis tools running on a host machine for the validation and optimization of embedded system codes, which can help meet all of these goals. This could significantly augment the software quality and is still a challenging field.Embedded systems are usually designed for a single or a specified set of tasks. This specificity means the system design as well as its hardware/software development can be highly optimized. Embedded software must meet the requirements such as high reliability operation on resource-constrained platforms, real time constraints and rapid development. This necessitates the adoption of static machine codes analysis tools running on a host machine for the validation and optimization of embedded system codes, which can help meet all of these goals. This could significantly augment the software quality and is still a challenging field.This dissertation contributes to an architecture oriented code validation, error localization and optimization technique assisting the embedded system designer in software debugging, to make it more effective at early detection of software bugs that are otherwise hard to detect, using the static analysis of machine codes. The focus of this work is to develop methods that automatically localize faults as well as optimize the code and thus improve the debugging process as well as quality of the code.Validation is done with the help of rules of inferences formulated for the target processor. The rules govern the occurrence of illegitimate/out of place instructions and code sequences for executing the computational and integrated peripheral functions. The stipulated rules are encoded in propositional logic formulae and their compliance is tested individually in all possible execution paths of the application programs. An incorrect sequence of machine code pattern is identified using slicing techniques on the control flow graph generated from the machine code.An algorithm to assist the compiler to eliminate the redundant bank switching codes and decide on optimum data allocation to banked memory resulting in minimum number of bank switching codes in embedded system software is proposed. A relation matrix and a state transition diagram formed for the active memory bank state transition corresponding to each bank selection instruction is used for the detection of redundant codes. Instances of code redundancy based on the stipulated rules for the target processor are identified.This validation and optimization tool can be integrated to the system development environment. It is a novel approach independent of compiler/assembler, applicable to a wide range of processors once appropriate rules are formulated. Program states are identified mainly with machine code pattern, which drastically reduces the state space creation contributing to an improved state-of-the-art model checking. Though the technique described is general, the implementation is architecture oriented, and hence the feasibility study is conducted on PIC16F87X microcontrollers. The proposed tool will be very useful in steering novices towards correct use of difficult microcontroller features in developing embedded systems.


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Este Proyecto Fin de Grado (PFG) recoge el trabajo de depuración realizado sobre el prototipo PCCMuTe v2.2, un sistema empotrado que dispone de la instrumentación necesaria para medir el consumo de potencia/energía en cada uno de sus dominios de tensión, y posteriormente digitalizar y enviar los resultados al procesador que se encuentra en su interior. Su uso permite la obtención de información en tiempo real sobre el consumo del hardware de la placa, en especial del procesador, pudiendo relacionar la potencia consumida con el software ejecutado. El proyecto está orientado a medir el consumo de energía derivado de la decodificación de vídeo. El software utilizado para controlar el hardware se basa en Linux. En este proyecto se distinguen principalmente dos actividades, depuración hardware y depuración software. Los resultados muestran avances en la depuración hardware hasta obtener un prototipo en completo funcionamiento. Los avances en el apartado del software habilitan las comunicaciones SPI, necesarias para la transmisión de los resultados de consumo al procesador. En la fase final de este PFG se hace uso de una aplicación previamente desarrollada por miembros del GDEM con la que se obtienen los primeros datos de consumo, pero por falta de tiempo estos resultados no pueden ser verificados. Por la misma razón no ha sido posible diseñar y codificar una nueva aplicación que mejore la forma en la que se obtienen esos datos. ABSTRACT. This bachelor final project includes the debugging work done on the prototype PCCMuTe v2.2, an embedded system with the necessary instrumentation to measure the power/ energy consumption in each of its voltage domains, scan and send the results to its processor. The purpose of this device is to obtain real-time information about the hardware power consumption, especially from the processor, being able to relate the power consumed with the software executed. The project aims to measure the energy consumption of video decoding. The software used to control the hardware is based on Linux. In this project there are two main activities: hardware and software debugging. The results show advances in hardware debugging, and finally a fully functioning prototype is obtained. Advances in software debugging enable SPI communications, used to transmit the consumption data to the processor. In the last part of this final bachelor project an application previously coded by other members of the GDEM is used to obtain the first data. The results can not finally be verified because of the lack of time. For the same reason it is not possible to design and code a new application that improves the way the data is obtained.


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In 2006, Gaurav Gupta and Josef Pieprzyk presented an attack on the branch-based software watermarking scheme proposed by Ginger Myles and Hongxia Jin in 2005. The software watermarking model is based on replacing jump instructions or unconditional branch statements (UBS) by calls to a fingerprint branch function (FBF) that computes the correct target address of the UBS as a function of the generated fingerprint and integrity check. If the program is tampered with, the fingerprint and/or integrity checks change and the target address is not computed correctly. Gupta and Pieprzyk's attack uses debugger capabilities such as register and address lookup and breakpoints to minimize the requirement to manually inspect the software. Using these resources, the FBF and calls to the same is identified, correct displacement values are generated and calls to FBF are replaced by the original UBS transferring control of the attack to the correct target instruction. In this paper, we propose a watermarking model that provides security against such debugging attacks. Two primary measures taken are shifting the stack pointer modification operation from the FBF to the individual UBSs, and coding the stack pointer modification in the same language as that of the rest of the code rather than assembly language to avoid conspicuous contents. The manual component complexity increases from O(1) in the previous scheme to O(n) in our proposed scheme.


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In 2005, Ginger Myles and Hongxia Jin proposed a software watermarking scheme based on converting jump instructions or unconditional branch statements (UBSs) by calls to a fingerprint branch function (FBF) that computes the correct target address of the UBS as a function of the generated fingerprint and integrity check. If the program is tampered with, the fingerprint and integrity checks change and the target address will not be computed correctly. In this paper, we present an attack based on tracking stack pointer modifications to break the scheme and provide implementation details. The key element of the attack is to remove the fingerprint and integrity check generating code from the program after disassociating the target address from the fingerprint and integrity value. Using the debugging tools that give vast control to the attacker to track stack pointer operations, we perform both subtractive and watermark replacement attacks. The major steps in the attack are automated resulting in a fast and low-cost attack.


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This paper presents on overview of the issues in precisely defining, specifying and evaluating the dependability of software, particularly in the context of computer controlled process systems. Dependability is intended to be a generic term embodying various quality factors and is useful for both software and hardware. While the developments in quality assurance and reliability theories have proceeded mostly in independent directions for hardware and software systems, we present here the case for developing a unified framework of dependability—a facet of operational effectiveness of modern technological systems, and develop a hierarchical systems model helpful in clarifying this view. In the second half of the paper, we survey the models and methods available for measuring and improving software reliability. The nature of software “bugs”, the failure history of the software system in the various phases of its lifecycle, the reliability growth in the development phase, estimation of the number of errors remaining in the operational phase, and the complexity of the debugging process have all been considered to varying degrees of detail. We also discuss the notion of software fault-tolerance, methods of achieving the same, and the status of other measures of software dependability such as maintainability, availability and safety.


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National Laboratory for Parallel and Distributed Processing; The University of Hong Kong


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Software bugs are violated specifications. Debugging is the process that culminates in repairing a program so that it satisfies its specification. An important part of debugging is localization, whereby the smallest region of the program that manifests the bug is found. The Debugging Assistant (DEBUSSI) localizes bugs by reasoning about logical dependencies. DEBUSSI manipulates the assumptions that underlie a bug manifestation, eventually localizing the bug to one particular assumption. At the same time, DEBUSSI acquires specification information, thereby extending its understanding of the buggy program. The techniques used for debugging fully implemented code are also appropriate for validating partial designs.


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Murphy, L., Lewandowski, G., McCauley, R., Simon, B., Thomas, L., and Zander, C. 2008. Debugging: the good, the bad, and the quirky -- a qualitative analysis of novices' strategies. SIGCSE Bull. 40, 1 (Feb. 2008), 163-167


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In this work we show how automatic relative debugging can be used to find differences in computation between a correct serial program and an OpenMP parallel version of that program that does not yield correct results. Backtracking and re-execution are used to determine the first OpenMP parallel region that produces a difference in computation that may lead to an incorrect value the user has indicated. Our approach also lends itself to finding differences between parallel computations, where executing with M threads produces expected results but an N thread execution does not (M, N > 1, M ≠ N). OpenMP programs created using a parallelization tool are addressed by utilizing static analysis and directive information from the tool. Hand-parallelized programs, where OpenMP directives are inserted by the user, are addressed by performing data dependence and directive analysis.


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The parallelization of real-world compute intensive Fortran application codes is generally not a trivial task. If the time to complete the parallelization is to be significantly reduced then an environment is needed that will assist the programmer in the various tasks of code parallelization. In this paper the authors present a code parallelization environment where a number of tools that address the main tasks such as code parallelization, debugging and optimization are available. The ParaWise and CAPO parallelization tools are discussed which enable the near automatic parallelization of real-world scientific application codes for shared and distributed memory-based parallel systems. As user involvement in the parallelization process can introduce errors, a relative debugging tool (P2d2) is also available and can be used to perform nearly automatic relative debugging of a program that has been parallelized using the tools. A high quality interprocedural dependence analysis as well as user-tool interaction are also highlighted and are vital to the generation of efficient parallel code and in the optimization of the backtracking and speculation process used in relative debugging. Results of benchmark and real-world application codes parallelized are presented and show the benefits of using the environment


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Jatkuvasti lisääntyvä matkapuhelinten käyttäjien määrä, internetin kehittyminen yleiseksi tiedon ja viihteen lähteeksi on luonut tarpeen palvelulle liikkuvan työaseman liittämiseksi tietokoneverkkoihin. GPRS on uusi teknologia, joka tarjoaa olemassa olevia matka- puhelinverkkoja (esim. NMT ja GSM) nopeamman, tehokkaamman ja taloudellisemman liitynnän pakettidataverkkoihin, kuten internettiin ja intranetteihin. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli toteuttaa GPRS:n paketinohjausyksikön (Packet Control Unit, PCU) testauksessa tarvittavat viestintäajurit työasemaympristöön. Aidot matkapuhelinverkot ovat liian kalliita, eikä niistä saa tarvittavasti lokitulostuksia, jotta niitä voisi käyttää GPRS:n testauksessa ohjelmiston kehityksen alkuvaihessa. Tämän takia PCU-ohjelmiston testaus suoritetaan joustavammassa ja helpommin hallittavassa ympäristössä, joka ei aseta kovia reaaliaikavaatimuksia. Uusi toimintaympäristö ja yhteysmedia vaativat PCU:n ja muiden GPRS-verkon yksiköiden välisistä yhteyksistä huolehtivien ohjelman osien, viestintäajurien uuden toteutuksen. Tämän työn tuloksena syntyivät tarvittavien viestintäajurien työasemaversiot. Työssä tarkastellaan eri tiedonsiirtotapoja ja -protokollia testattavan ohjelmiston vaateiden, toteutetun ajurin ja testauksen kannalta. Työssä esitellään kunkin ajurin toteuttama rajapinta ja toteutuksen aste, eli mitkä toiminnot on toteutettu ja mitä on jätetty pois. Ajureiden rakenne ja toiminta selvitetään siltä osin, kuin se on oleellista ohjelman toiminnan kannalta.


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In this session we look at the sorts of errors that occur in programs, and how we can use different testing and debugging strategies (such as unit testing and inspection) to track them down. We also look at error handling within the program and at how we can use Exceptions to manage errors in a more sophisticated way. These slides are based on Chapter 6 of the Book 'Objects First with BlueJ'


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In this paper, the hardware and software design for using a TF card in debugging an embedded system are described. The used hardware platform is designed based on a PXA310 application processor. The Android open source operating system is used as the software platform. The design of the connection circuit between the application processor and the TF card is introduced first. Secondly, the design of the TF card driver program and the method for Android system to mount the TF card are described. In designing the TF driver program, an SPI operation mode and FAT32 file system are used. The transplant of the FAT32 file system is presented more detail. Finally, the paper introduced the system debugging and the test results are given for the TF card used in a video data acquisition unit of a video monitoring. It is shown that high speed data exchange and good universal property can be obtained by using a TF card to download a system image during developing and debugging. The TF card used in debugging can be used as a mass storage in the embedded product without the need of changing the design for debugging the system and it is also convenient for a user to upgrade operating system.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)