995 resultados para Sodium Doped Lanthanum manganites


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The present thesis work focuses on hole doped lanthanum manganites and their thin film forms. Hole doped lanthanum manganites with higher substitutions of sodium are seldom reported in literature. Such high sodium substituted lanthanum manganites are synthesized and a detailed investigation on their structural and magnetic properties is carried out. Magnetic nature of these materials near room temperature is investigated explicitly. Magneto caloric application potential of these materials are also investigated. After a thorough investigation of the bulk samples, thin films of the bulk counterparts are also investigated. A magnetoelectric composite with ferroelectric and ferromagnetic components is developed using pulsed laser deposition and the variation in the magnetic and electric properties are investigated. It is established that such a composite could be realized as a potential field effect device. The central theme of this thesis is also on manganites and is with the twin objectives of a material study leading to the demonstration of a device. This is taken up for investigation. Sincere efforts are made to synthesize phase pure compounds. Their structural evaluation, compositional verification and evaluation of ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties are also taken up. Thus the focus of this investigation is related to the investigation of a magnetoelectric and magnetocaloric application potentials of doped lanthanum manganites with sodium substitution. Bulk samples of sodium substituted lanthanum manganites. Bulk samples of sodium substituted lanthanum manganites with Na substitution ranging from 50 percent to 90 percent were synthesized using a modified citrate gel method and were found to be orthorhombic in structure belonging to a pbnm spacegroup. The variation in lattice parameters and unit cell volume with sodium concentration were also dealt with. Magnetic measurements revealed that magnetization decreased with increase in sodium concentrations.


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This thesis lays importance in the investigation on the multiferroic and thermooelectric properties of selected representatives of low bandwidth and intermediate band width manganites. The first candidate, Strontium doped Gd manganite, is prepared by wet solid state reaction method and the second candidate, Na doped La manganite, by citrate gel method. In addition to the above mentioned properties, magneto resistance and dielectric properties are investigated. Using dielectric spectroscopic the dispersion parameters are correlated to the relaxation mechanisms and an attempt is made to obtain the grain and grain boundary contribution to the impedance of the sample through impedance spectroscopy studies.


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Nearly half of lanthanum sites in lanthanum manganites were substituted with monovalent ion-sodium and the compound possessed distorted orthorhombic structure. Ferromagnetic ordering at 300K and the magnetic isotherms at different temperature ranges were analyzed for estimating magnetic entropy variation. Magnetic entropy change of 1.5 J kg 1 K 1 was observed near 300 K. An appreciable magnetocaloric effect was also observed for a wide range of temperatures near 300K for small magnetic field variation. Heat capacity was measured for temperatures lower than 300K and the adiabatic temperature change increases with increase in temperature with a maximum of 0.62K at 280 K


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Thermal expansion of several compositions of Sr and Mg-doped LaGaO3 including an A-site deficient composition (La0.9Sr0.1)(0.98)(Ga0.8Mg0.2)O-2.821 were measured in the temperature range from 298 to 1273 K. The effect of doping on thermal expansion was studied by varying the composition at one site of the perovskite structure (either A or B), while keeping the composition at the other site invariant. Thermal expansion varied nonlinearly with temperature and exhibited an inflexion between 550 and 620 K, probably related to the change in crystal structure from orthorhombic to rhombohedral. The dependence of average thermal expansion coefficient (alpha (av)) on the dopant concentration on either A or B site of the perovskite structure was found to be linear, when the composition at the other site was kept constant. Mg doping on the B-site had a greater effect on the average thermal expansion coefficient than Sr doping on the A-site. Cation deficiency at the A-site decreases thermal expansion when compositions at both sites are held constant.


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Strontium-doped lanthanum chromites, La1−xSrxCrO3, have been synthesised to investigate the effect of strontium doping on the stability and physico-chemical characteristics of the perovskite LaCrO3. Both microscopic and X-ray examinations show that the materials exist as single phase perovskite structure for all compositions up to 50 mole% strontium substitution. The materials have been further characterized by infrared and electron paramagnetic resonance spectra. These materials show a good sinterability even in air at 1773 K. Electrical conductivity of thse perovskites has been measured as a function of temperature. Electrical conductivity has been found to be a maximum at x=0.2. The observed electrical and magnetic properties are consistent with activated polaron transport as the mechanism for electrical conduction in these materials.


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We examine the magnetic and structural properties of the lanthanum manganite-based double-exchange magnets exhibiting colossal magnetoresistance. A model Hamiltonian containing the double-exchange, superexchange, and the Hubbard terms, with parameters obtained from density–functional calculations (Ref. 1), is studied within a mean-field approximation both at temperature T=0 and T>0 and with the effects of the magnetic field included. The phase diagrams we obtain with magnetic and charge-ordered phases enable us to examine the competition between the double- and superexchange terms as functions of doping and temperature. Our theoretical study provides a qualitative understanding of the phase diagram observed in the experiments. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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The structural, magnetic and electrical transport properties of the Sn-doped TbMnO3 manganites are studied by X-ray diffraction, ac susceptibility, dc magnetization and electrical resistivity measurements. The Sn doping into the Tb and Mn sites of TbMnO3 compresses the unit cell and changes parameters of the antiferromagnetic phase whereas the magnetic moment of Mn are only weakly affected. The electrical resistivity of doped manganites is reduced and the activation energy EA is determined for the thermally activated conduction. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report about the magnetoresistive properties of calcium-doped lanthanum manganate thin films grown by RF magnetron sputtering on single crystalline LaAlO3 and MgO substrates. Two orientations of the magnetic field with respect to the electrical current have been studied: (i) magnetic field in the plane of the film and parallel to the electrical current, and (ii) magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the film. The film grown on LaAlO 3 is characterised by an unusual magnetoresistive behaviour when the magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the film plane: the appearance of two bumps in the field dependence of the resistance is shown to be related to the occurrence of anisotropic magnetoresistive effects in manganate films. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of bond valence on bond covalency in La1-xCaxCrO3(x =0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3) has been studied by using semiempirical method. This method is the extension of the dielectric description theory proposed by Phillips, Van Vechten, levine and Tanaka (PVLT). In the calculation of bond valence, two schemes were adopted. The first is the equal-valence scheme, and the second is Bond Valence Sums (BVS) scheme. Both schemes suggest that for the title compound bond covalency be mainly influenced by bond valence, and insensitive to the Ca doping level. Generally speaking, larger bond valences usually result in higher bond covalencies.


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A supported lanthanum gallate (LSGM) electrolyte thin-film solid oxide fuel cell with Ni-YSZ cermet anode and strontium-doped lanthanum manganite (LSM)-yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) composite cathode was, for the first time, fabricated and tested. The cell was prepared by an unconventional approach, in which an LSGM thin film (about 15 mum thick) was first deposited on a porous substrate such as a porous YSZ disk by a wet process and sintered at a high temperature (above 1400degrees C). NiO was then incorporated into the porous substrate by a carefully controlled impregnation process and fired at a much lower temperature. In this way, the severe reaction between LSGM and NiO at a high temperature, which is required for the full densification of LSGM film, can be avoided. A strontium-doped LaMnO3 (LSM)-YSZ composite cathode was screen printed on the surface of the LSGM film and then fired at 1250degrees C. The electrolyte resistances of the SOFC single cells fabricated by this approach are much lower compared to those of thick LSGM film supported cells. A maximum output power density of over 0.85 W/cm(2) at 800degreesC with H-2 as fuel and air as oxidant for a fabricated cell was achieved. (C) 2002 The Electrochemical Society.


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Siloxane-polyoxypropylene (PPO) hybrids obtained by the sol-gel process and containing short polymer chain have been doped with different sodium salts NaX (X = ClO4, BF4 or I). The effect of the counter-ion (X) on the chemical environment of the sodium ions and on the ionic conductivity of these hybrids was investigated by Na-23 NMR, small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), complex impedance, Raman spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Results reveal that the different sodium salts have essentially the same effect on the nanoscopic structure of the hybrids. The formation of immobile Na+ cations involved in NaCl-like species could be minimized by using a low amount of HCl as hydrolytic catalyst. The differences in the ionic conductivity of hybrids doped with different sodium salts were correlated with the proportion of Na ions solvated by ether-type oxygen of the polymeric chains and by the carboxyl oxygen located in the urea groups of the PPO chain extremities. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Results of crystal structure refinements and phase quantification for samples of Co-doped lanthanum chromites with nominal composition LaCr(1-x)Co(x)O(3), for x=0.00, 0.10, 0.20, and 0.30, prepared by combustion synthesis are presented. The resulting powders were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The XRD patterns were obtained with Cu K alpha radiation for non-doped lanthanum chromite sample and additionally with Cr K alpha radiation for Co-doped lanthanum chromites samples, in order to enhance the signal from scattering. Rietveld analysis of XRD data showed that the studied samples presented the lanthanum chromite with an orthorhombic structure (Pnma), except for the composition with x=0.30, in which the space group was found to be R (3) over barc. (C) 2008 International Centre for Diffraction Data.


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Orthorhombic modification of europium doped lanthanum trimetaphosphate has been prepared. The compound was obtained by precipitation of rare earth chloride solution with trimetaphosphoric acid. The characterizations were made using X-ray diffractometry, chemical analysis and infrared spectroscopy. Excitation and emission spectra were recorded at liquid nitrogen and room temperatures. Assignments of the 5D0→7FJ (J=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) transitions were made and an unusual high 5D0→7F4 transition intensity with six split lines has been observed. Structural distortion of the crystal lattice may be caused by the Eu3+ ion inclusion. The simple overlap model was applied for the calculation of the total splitting of the 5D0→7F1 transition, the 5D0→7F0/5D 0→7F2 transition intensity ratio and the Ωλ (λ=2.4) intensity parameters. Theoretical predictions showed to be in good accordance with the experimental data. © 1988 Elsevier Science S.A.


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Lanthanum chromite (LaCrO3) is one of the most adequate materials for use as interconnector in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) applications, due to its intrinsic properties, namely its good electrical conductivity and resistance to environment conditions in fuel cell operations. Due to difficulties in sintering, additives are usually added to help in the densification process. In this work, the influence of added cobalt and strontium, in the sintering of LaCrO3 obtained by combustion synthesis was studied. The starting materials were respectively nitrates of chromium, lanthanum, cobalt and strontium, and urea was used as fuel. The results show that by increasing the strontium and cobalt concentrations it is possible to reduce the temperature of sintering. Using both additives, the sintering processes took place in lesser times than normally used for this material, as well as greater values of density were attained.