984 resultados para Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures.


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Bibliography: v. 2, p. 347-395.


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Este trabalho analisa que possibilidades de transformação uma proposta de educação matemática baseada em projetos de investigação promotores da transdisciplinaridade e da participação ativa dos alunos do processo de ensino/aprendizagem, traz para o desenvolvimento da competência crítica e reflexiva para a formação integral desses alunos do ensino fundamental em escolas ribeirinhas, haja vista que tais competências, segundo Skovsmose (2004) e Mora (2005), são necessárias para a participação cidadã em nossa sociedade. Fundamentado em Santos (2010) e outros, analiso a crise no paradigma dominante nas ciências, e seus desdobramentos no processo educativo, além de suas consequências no modo de vida de culturas tradicionais como os ribeirinhos. Com aporte teórico na Etnomatemática, principalmente nos trabalhos de Ubiratan D‟Ambrosio (2005; 2012), Gelsa Knijnik (2001) e Alan Bishop (1999), num diálogo com a Educação Matemática Crítica, tendo como referência as pesquisas de Ole Skovsmose (2000; 2004; 2006) e David Mora (2005), na busca de conexões e articulações mútuas que propiciem esse fazer pedagógico na educação ribeirinha. Na Comunidade do Poção na Ilha de Cotijuba, mais especificamente na escola Anexo Pedra Branca (Ensino Fundamental, somente para os anos iniciais), foi instaurada a parte empírica dessa pesquisa. Fizeram parte da construção dos dados 19 (dezenove) alunos desse nível de ensino, sete (07) pais/responsáveis de alunos e a professora da escola. Quanto à metodologia, foram utilizados dois momentos diferenciados e complementares: o primeiro consistiu na aproximação do pesquisador do universo cultural dos ribeirinhos da Comunidade do Poção, realizado em três etapas articuladas entre si: a observação, os diálogos interpessoais com os moradores da comunidade e a participação do pesquisador em atividades onde se evidencia a prática social dos ribeirinhos. O segundo momento, de caráter mais pedagógico, constou do desenvolvimento com os alunos e a professora da turma de quatro cenários para investigação das atividades socioeconômica e culturais dos ribeirinhos da Comunidade do Poção: a carpintaria naval, a pescaria artesanal, a coleta e comercialização de frutíferas, a plantação de pequenas roças e hortas, no intuito de dialogar com os saberes/fazeres culturais dos ribeirinhos e sobre as formas de medidas utilizadas na comunidade e suas relações com as medidas estudadas nesse nível de ensino na matemática escolar. A partir da análise dos “cenários para investigação” (SKOVSMOSE, 2000), evidencio que os projetos investigativos de caráter transdisciplinar possibilitam o respeito aos estudantes como sujeitos autoprodutores de conhecimento, tendo como consequência a participação ativa dos educandos em seu processo de aprendizagem, além do mais, dão visibilidade, no currículo escolar, aos saberes da tradição “colocando-os em interlocução com os saberes legitimados em nossa sociedade como os saberes científicos” (KNIJNIK, 2001, p. 25), estabelecendo relações profícuas e articulações mútuas entre o saber matemático escolar e os saberes da tradição ribeirinha na Comunidade do Poção, em Cotijuba.


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A permanently changing occidental society framework, simultaneously, to a world Globalization and a market liberalization, requires to know how important and which role the agents plays, in Estates representation, to guarantee their own intern security. Portugal is an example of that since has been integrated in European and world politics that allowed the borders opening, with all the negative consequences of that kind of measures. In way to struggle with those debilities emerge, in our Juridical Order, several security forces such as Prison Guards Corporation, whose contribute to intern security seems undefined and confuse, being urgent legislation in way to describe and clearly define their goals and functions. We begin with a brief history view to understand the evolution, focusing on the present moment, correlate several laws in way to clarify their juridical situation. Using a own critical sense, it draws attention to legislation lack problem in opposition to the conclusion that, Prison Guards Corporation is a security force with specialized expertise in matter and territory fields. Their activity occurs, generally, in penitentiaries where people see themselves without their freedom, legally determinated and confined to places as other individuals with deviant behaviors that deserve society refutation, establishing a separation period having rehabilitation as a goal – it is called general and special prevention. Penitentiaries specificities requires specially police force because penitentiaries are places where tensions are often, both between inmates and against employees, above all prison guards, the first to struggle inmates daily frustrations. In way that institutions achieve their purpose, it is necessary that citizens respect all the rules, although, to their efficacy is necessary to inflict punishment to those who did not respect the rules. Furthermore, it will be indispensable to act immediately in situations as impeding runaway helping, illegally standing in jail and to avoid violent acts against personal and patrimonial belongings. Juridical Order has a few security tools that are available to administration, in which is included coercive methods, that as damaging to citizens in whom they are use, are restricted, unavoidably, to inflexible control rules. Concluding, Prison Guards and Penitentiaries General Direction last goal is to give back recovered inmates to society, in a way to conduct their lives responsibly, without committing crimes.


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Rubén Darío es el primer escritor en lengua castellana que reivindica sin matices y de manera plena la obra de Luis de Góngora. Su propuesta se encuentra plasmada en Cantos de vida y esperanza a través del tríptico de sonetos "Trébol" y el poema que abre el poemario ("Yo soy aquel que ayer no más decía"), en el cual confiesa que dos de sus grandes influencias son Góngora y Paul Verlaine. A partir de este diálogo inicial que establece Darío, la crítica ha insistido desde muy temprano sobre las afinidades que se encuentran entre el Modernismo y el Barroco. Pero debajo de las afinidades existen desde luego diferencias cruciales, que en este trabajo desarrollo a partir de tres ejes comparativos: la política, la religión y el lenguaje. Tras esta comparación, sostengo que el Modernismo, a través de Darío, arranca el Barroco de su suelo histórico y lo coloca en los dilemas y las contradicciones modernas del artista con la sociedad. Con esto, sienta las bases de lo que más tarde será el Neobarroco.


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Rubén Darío es el primer escritor en lengua castellana que reivindica sin matices y de manera plena la obra de Luis de Góngora. Su propuesta se encuentra plasmada en Cantos de vida y esperanza a través del tríptico de sonetos "Trébol" y el poema que abre el poemario ("Yo soy aquel que ayer no más decía"), en el cual confiesa que dos de sus grandes influencias son Góngora y Paul Verlaine. A partir de este diálogo inicial que establece Darío, la crítica ha insistido desde muy temprano sobre las afinidades que se encuentran entre el Modernismo y el Barroco. Pero debajo de las afinidades existen desde luego diferencias cruciales, que en este trabajo desarrollo a partir de tres ejes comparativos: la política, la religión y el lenguaje. Tras esta comparación, sostengo que el Modernismo, a través de Darío, arranca el Barroco de su suelo histórico y lo coloca en los dilemas y las contradicciones modernas del artista con la sociedad. Con esto, sienta las bases de lo que más tarde será el Neobarroco.


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Rubén Darío es el primer escritor en lengua castellana que reivindica sin matices y de manera plena la obra de Luis de Góngora. Su propuesta se encuentra plasmada en Cantos de vida y esperanza a través del tríptico de sonetos "Trébol" y el poema que abre el poemario ("Yo soy aquel que ayer no más decía"), en el cual confiesa que dos de sus grandes influencias son Góngora y Paul Verlaine. A partir de este diálogo inicial que establece Darío, la crítica ha insistido desde muy temprano sobre las afinidades que se encuentran entre el Modernismo y el Barroco. Pero debajo de las afinidades existen desde luego diferencias cruciales, que en este trabajo desarrollo a partir de tres ejes comparativos: la política, la religión y el lenguaje. Tras esta comparación, sostengo que el Modernismo, a través de Darío, arranca el Barroco de su suelo histórico y lo coloca en los dilemas y las contradicciones modernas del artista con la sociedad. Con esto, sienta las bases de lo que más tarde será el Neobarroco.


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Contemporary green morocco; Education Society stamped in gold on cover.


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There is a surprising lack of published experience on the use of videoconferencing in clinical genetics. Patients were randomly allocated to either a telegenetic (cases) or face-to-face (control) conventional clinic. The telegenetic consultation was done by videoconferencing, using ISDN lines at 384 kbit/s. Evaluation by the doctor and counsellor took place immediately after each appointment. The patient was asked to evaluate the appointment by telephone questionnaire about four weeks after the event. Forty-two patients were invited to participate and 33 (79%) returned their consent forms. Four patients declined to participate and were seen in ordinary face-to-face clinics. Preliminary results showed that the assessment of the telegenetics consultations by doctors, counsellors and patients was very favourable, and they responded positively when asked if they would be happy to use telemedicine in the future. For use in selected consultations, videoconferencing does appear to fulfil a useful role in clinical genetics.


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OBJECTIVE: The European Surgical Outcomes Study described mortality following in-patient surgery. Several factors were identified that were able to predict poor outcomes in a multivariate analysis. These included age, procedure urgency, severity and type and the American Association of Anaesthesia score. This study describes in greater detail the relationship between the American Association of Anaesthesia score and postoperative mortality. METHODS: Patients in this 7-day cohort study were enrolled in April 2011. Consecutive patients aged 16 years and older undergoing inpatient non-cardiac surgery with a recorded American Association of Anaesthesia score in 498 hospitals across 28 European nations were included and followed up for a maximum of 60 days. The primary endpoint was in-hospital mortality. Decision tree analysis with the CHAID (SPSS) system was used to delineate nodes associated with mortality. RESULTS: The study enrolled 46,539 patients. Due to missing values, 873 patients were excluded, resulting in the analysis of 45,666 patients. Increasing American Association of Anaesthesia scores were associated with increased admission rates to intensive care and higher mortality rates. Despite a progressive relationship with mortality, discrimination was poor, with an area under the ROC curve of 0.658 (95% CI 0.642 - 0.6775). Using regression trees (CHAID), we identified four discrete American Association of Anaesthesia nodes associated with mortality, with American Association of Anaesthesia 1 and American Association of Anaesthesia 2 compressed into the same node. CONCLUSION: The American Association of Anaesthesia score can be used to determine higher risk groups of surgical patients, but clinicians cannot use the score to discriminate between grades 1 and 2. Overall, the discriminatory power of the model was less than acceptable for widespread use.


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The present study aimed to establish, by a consensus of experts, the stages and processes of change for weight management in overweight and obese people. The first step involved developing two questionnaires aimed at assessing stages and processes of change for weight loss in overweight and obese people. The processes-ofchange questionnaire consisted of 12 subscales, and contained 107 items. A three-round Delphi study was carried out through a website, where participants were asked to give their opinion about the representativeness and clarity of the scale items. The stages-of-change questionnaire consisted of five items and was presented in the final round of the study. A team of 66 experts in the obesity field from 29 countries participated in the study. They were selected either because they belonged to the organizing committee of international associations related to obesity, or because of their research career. The required changes in the questionnaire were made according to the opinions of the participants. Some of these were the result of the group statistical response, whereas others were due to the suggestions made by the participants. A final version of the questionnaire consisting of 63 items was eventually obtained. The present study produced two questionnaires to assess stages and processes of change for weight management. The strength of the study lies in the consensus reached by the panel of experts in order to establish the required content of the questionnaires. The two measures provide useful tools for practitioners who wish to tailor weight-management interventions according to transtheoretical model constructs.