859 resultados para Social workers -- Professional ethics


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En el Congreso de Toledo en 2007 se aprobó el Código Deontológico del Educador/a Social. Han pasado, pues, cinco años y se hace necesario indagar si el Código realmente orienta en la intervención del educador/a o es un documento más, que no resulta significativo para el trabajo educativo. Este trabajo se justifica, por tanto, en el intento de indagar la utilidad de esta “Guía Ética” y, también, desde la mirada dinámica del propio Código, valorar su modificación para adaptarlo a la realidad de la intervención socio-educativa, a los conflictos éticos de hoy en día. Por otro lado, se quiere abordar, desde la ética de la complejidad, cómo se pone o no en marcha en los equipos de trabajo, la reflexión ética propia de cada ámbito de intervención, si son conocidos y debatidos los valores que se pretenden transmitir. La primera parte del trabajo abordará una breve interpretación histórica del Educador/a Social en el País Vasco desde los años 70 del siglo pasado, hasta nuestros días. Para pasar a continuación a describir el proceso de creación de lo que fue denominado “Primer Esbozo del Código Deontológico del Educador/a Social” redactado en la Universidad de Deusto en 1996. Por su importancia manifiesta en la creación del Código, se explica el origen del mismo a partir del III Congreso del Educador/a Social que se celebró en Barcelona, conjuntamente con el XV Congreso Mundial de la AIEJI. A raíz de este Congreso, ASEDES (Asociación Estatal de Educación Social) encargó la creación de una comisión para la redacción del Código Deontológico del Educador/a Social. Se explica la construcción del Código a partir de la DECLARACIÓN DE BARCELONA (2001) y, también, se le describe, más adelante en el mismo capítulo. Para finalizar esta primera parte, se hace una breve revisión bibliográfica donde se recogen una serie de textos que, desde mi punto de vista, realizan aportaciones en referencia a la reflexión ética y deontológica y que se relacionan con la situación social actual. En la segunda parte de trabajo se explican los objetivos, hipótesis y diseño de la investigación, para, posteriormente, pasar a describir los resultados de los diferentes items del cuestionario. Finalmente, se realizan una serie de conclusiones-recomendaciones para mejorar el conocimiento y utilidad del Código Deontológico del Educador/a So


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Aquest treball es proposa analitzar els diferents mètodes existents en el camp assistencial per resoldre problemàtiques ètiques, per després proposar un mètode (nou o existent) de deliberació de problemàtiques ètiques, adreçat a professionals del camp del treball social. En el primer apartat de l’estudi s’exposa la definició del concepte de problema ètic en el camp del treball social. Seguidament es presenta una reflexió sobre la presència de problemes ètics en la professió de treball social. Posteriorment es realitza una justificació de la necessitat d’un mètode de resolució de problemes ètics per a professionals del treball social i d’una nova proposta, per exposar tot seguit els objectius del treball, amb les hipòtesis corresponents. En el segon apartat es realitza un repàs de les condicions necessàries per a la deliberació, entenent aquest concepte com a base per a aplicar qualsevol mètode d’anàlisi i/o resolució de problemes ètics. En el tercer apartat s’exposen i analitzen els mètodes de deliberació ètica més rellevants en medicina i treball social, després de dissenyar i aplicar ítems de valoració dels mateixos. En el quart apartat es proposa un mètode de deliberació sobre problemàtiques ètiques per a professionals del camp del treball social i es planteja una segona fase de l’estudi per implementar el mètode i aplicar-lo a casos pràctics. Per últim es presenten les conclusions del treball, i a continuació la bibliografia


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Els riscos ètics als serveis socials en temps de crisi es multipliquen i s’intensifiquen, però en essència no es tracta de riscos nous ni diferents dels que es podien produir en temps de bonança econòmica i social. No obstant, la cruesa del context dels serveis socials bàsics (freqüència de les situacions límit que s'han d'atendre, les qüestions internes i externes de la pràctica professional, el malestar i desencant dels professionals) pot suposar una oportunitat de visibilitat i prendre consciència d'aquests riscos ètics. A la vegada, l'anàlisi i l'abordatge d'aquest nou context des d'una perspectiva ètica pot suposar un antídot que permeti ressituar la pràctica professional (amb els seus límits, però també amb les seves possibilitats), millorar-ne la qualitat i la transparència, i, de retruc, trencar amb la dinàmica de cronificació de la insatisfacció i queixa professional. És a dir, la perspectiva ètica pot ajudar a aixecar la moral dels professionals. Així doncs, amb aquesta recerca pretenem assolir els següents objectius: Identificar els riscos ètics de la intervenció als serveis socials bàsics en relació als efectes i l'impacte de la crisi econòmica; analitzar els diferents riscos ètics identificats i efectuar propostes d'abordatge i minimització d'aquests riscos ètics


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The U.S. Children’s Bureau has historically recognized the significance of the child welfare workforce in improving the lives of children, youth and families, as well as the important role of social work within that workforce. Although the public may perceive the child welfare workforce as being predominantly comprised of social workers; in fact, fewer than half of child welfare workers have a social work degree. This discrepancy has been attributed to professional shortages, workplace conditions, caseload size and complexity, and low salaries. However, studies initiated by the National Association of Social Workers have found that the profession continues to successfully attract new graduates to child welfare practice and that social workers in child welfare enjoy high levels of job satisfaction. These studies also identified factors that contribute to the retention and attrition of social workers in child welfare.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Efforts to improve the efficiency and responsiveness of public services by harnessing the self-interest of professionals in state agencies have been widely debated in the recent literature on welfare state reform. In the context of social services, one way in which British policy-makers have sought to effect such changes has been through the "new community care" of the 1990 NHS and Community Care Act. Key to this is the concept of care management, in which the identification of needs and the provision of services are separated, purportedly with a view to improving advocacy, choice and quality for service users. This paper uses data from a wide-ranging qualitative study of access to social care for older people to examine the success of the policy in these terms, with specific reference to its attempts to harness the rational self-interest of professionals. While care management removes one potential conflict of interests by separating commissioning and provision, the responsibility of social care professionals to comply with organizational priorities conflicts with their role of advocacy for their clients, a tension rendered all the more problematic by the perceived inadequacy of funding. Moreover, the bureaucracy of the care management process itself further negates the approach's supposedly client-centred ethos. The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.com


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Australian academics and practitioners in the human services are particularly susceptible to social, political and economic influences in respect of their relevance, viability and operations. In fact, it can be argued that the impact of these influences has placed human service practitioners and academics in a perpetual state of vulnerability. Australian universities have been challenged to make their programmes more relevant and viable to the community at large, and practitioners face increasing workloads with limited resources based on restricted fiscal allocation, and the changing relationship between government and service providers. Drawing on interview data from twenty-one (n = 21) practitioners, this article highlights their identified problems regarding the notion of professionalism in the human services with a particular focus on ethical dilemmas in human service practice. Gleaning these details will be a basis for recommending necessary professionalethics curricula content in human services programmes offered in Australian universities. Moreover, while the research data is Australian based, the authors contend that the universal theories and principles underpinning human service practice justify the significance and value of the data as an important source for international consideration in curriculum development of human service academic programmes.


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The educational programme reported was an experiment in the vocational training scheme of the department of General Practice, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Holland, and is now part of the course. The programme focused on the training in team function (co-operation) given to trainee GPs and social workers. It became clear that both groups during their professional training develop markedly different attitudes and views about patient (client) care. These differences form a fundamental handicap in any discussion about teamwork. During the programme the students were made aware of this divergence of viewpoint and were taught how to handle these resulting handicaps and, if possible, to eliminate them.


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Le Plan d’action en santé mentale institué en 2005 marque le début d’une période de changements profonds qui auront un impact significatif sur les équipes de première ligne qui assurent la plupart des services au Québec. Le changement se manifestera sur deux fronts distincts. En premier lieu, le passage de services historiquement ancrés dans un modèle biomédical vers des services centrés sur le rétablissement. En second lieu, l’adoption de processus administratifs s’inscrivant dans une philosophie de gestion axée sur les résultats qui ont pour objectif de mesurer et d’assurer l’efficacité des services. L'objectif de cette étude est d’explorer le statu du développement des pratiques axées sur le rétablissement au niveau des travailleurs sociaux de première ligne dans le contexte administratif mentionné ci-haut. Le travail de recherche qualitatif et exploratoire est construit sur l’analyse de 11 interviews semi structurés avec des travailleurs sociaux et des gestionnaires dans des équipes de première ligne en santé mentale. Les entretiens m’ont non seulement permis d’identifier et d’examiner des actions concrètes s’inscrivant dans l’effort d’implantation du Plan d’action mais aussi de sonder et d’explorer la signification qui est donnée au rétablissement par les travailleurs sociaux de première ligne. Les résultats indiquent que certains facteurs relatifs à l'organisation du travail tels que la flexibilité, l'autonomie, la réflexivité et l’interdisciplinarité peuvent favoriser une pratique orientée vers le rétablissement. Aussi, les résultats démontrent que le modèle du rétablissement et la profession du travail social partagent des valeurs fondamentales mais que la signification et l'expression du rétablissement ont été profondément influencés par les modèles organisationnels et obligations administratives en vigueur. Il appert que les travailleurs sociaux sont confrontés, dans leur pratique, à des contraintes qui dépassent leur mandat professionnel et, à certains égards, leur savoir-faire. En somme, les résultats obtenus indiquent que le passage avec succès vers la pratique de services basés sur le rétablissement est compromis par les exigences d’un modèle de gestion axé sur les résultats.


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On September 21, 1999, a strong earthquake devastated Taiwan's central areas and claimed more than two thousand casualties. Social work roles in the disaster aid were surveyed with standardized questionnaires six months after the earthquake; in addition, interviews of the key informants, documental research, focus groups and open-ended questionnaires were utilized to collect qualitative data. The study found that social workers had significant roles and functions in both rescue and recovery stages especially in linking the victims' needs with resources. Social workers, including from public and private sectors as well as from campuses including the faculties and students of social work departments, have been deeply involved in helping the victims. Regrettably, most Taiwanese social workers participated in the rescue aid with limited training in disaster aid; social work practice in disaster aid is not included in current curriculums of college level. This means that social work roles and functions in the disaster aid process have not been fully realized by Taiwan's society and professional education.


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In the Western developed nations, the changing pattern of mental health care provision has necessitated mental health staff adopting new approaches to service delivery across a diverse and expanding range of service settings. The impact of changed service delivery on Australian mental health professionals is an area that has not been well studied. The aim of the study was to identify the current clinical work activities performed by occupational therapists and social workers and whether there was a discrepancy between the actual and preferred work activities. The study also aimed to identify whether any discrepancy between their actual and preferred clinical work activities was associated with higher levels of stress. A cross-sectional survey of 304 (response rate 76.6%) occupational therapists and social workers in Australian mental health services was conducted. A work activities scale developed specifically for this study and the Mental Health Professionals Stress Scale were used to measure actual and preferred work activities and stress respectively. Both groups experienced a discrepancy between their actual and preferred work activities, with the occupational therapists and the social workers mostly wanting to undertake a diverse range of activities to a significantly greater extent than they currently were. As predicted, stress was associated with the discrepancy between the kind of work that the participants wanted to do and the kind of work that their job actually entailed. Health workers require assistance to adapt to their new work roles and to achieve a balance between generic and discipline-specific competencies. This has implications for education and professional training.