989 resultados para Social time


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La prima parte del documento contiene una breve introduzione al mondo mobile, cloud computing e social network. La seconda parte si concentra sulla progettazione di un'applicazione per i dispositivi mobili usando le tecnologie Facebook e Parse. Infine, viene implementata un'applicazione Android usando le techiche descritte in precedenza.


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The article addresses the analysis of time images furnished by a qualitative research made in Spain on the relations of working time and family/personal time. The analysis focuses on three widespread time metaphors used in day-to-day speeches by social agents. The first one is the metaphor of time as resource for action. Its value is equally economical, moral and political. Used in different context of action, it may mean something that can be either invested, donated generously to others, appropriated for caring for oneself, or spent without purpose with others. The second metaphor represents time as an external environment to which action must adapt. This metaphor shows many variants that represent time as a dynamic/static, repetitive/innovative, ordered/chaotic environment. In this external environment, the agents must resolve the problems of temporal embeddedness, hierarchy and synchronization of their actions. The third metaphor shows time as a horizon of action intentionality where the agents try to construct the meaning of their action and identity. Within this horizon the construction of a significant narrative connecting past and present experiences with future expectations is possible.


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Folivory, being a dietary constraint, can affect the social time of colobines. In the present study, we compared food items and activity budgets of two closely related species of colobines inhabiting South India, i.e. the Hanuman langur (Semnopithecus hypoleucos) and Nilgiri langur (Semnopithecus johnii), to determine whether folivory had an impact on social time in these species. Our study established that Nilgiri langurs were more folivorous than Hanuman langurs. Nilgiri langurs spent much less time on social activities, but more time on resting, although the social organization of S. hypoleucos was similar to that of the Nilgiri langur. The enforced resting time for fermentation of leafy food items may have reduced the time available for social interactions, which in turn affected the social time in Nilgiri langurs. By comparing the data from previous studies on other Hanuman langur species, we found that S. hypoleucos spent a similar amount of time on social activities as Semnopithecus entellus. Hence, the social behaviour of S. entellus and S. hypoleucos is phylogenetically highly conservative. (C) 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel


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By understanding art as a particular form of knowledge is possible to think that sociology has much to learn from it. One thesis that we share in this essay is that the art is able to perform the synthesis of the historical time for its specifi c capacity to be in the world, because, while scientifi c knowledge search universal categories, intending to reduce as much the infl uence of human and social aspects in the apprehension of phenomena, aesthetic knowledge, even if it seeks abstract referentials, can not get rid of the experience and the world around it. This premise, based on the reading of Fredric Jameson, worth as much to the art authorial as for the one performed in series, this is, the production of the cultural industry. Both one and another, in their own way, translates the social time, task that fi ts to criticism unravel.


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The aim of this paper is to build the stated preference method into the social discount rate methodology. The first part of the paper presents the results of a survey about stated time preferences through pair-choice decision situations for various topics and time horizons. It is assumed that stated time preferences differ from calculated time preferences and that the extent of stated rates depends on the time period, and on how much respondents are financially and emotionally involved in the transactions. A significant question remains: how can the gap between the calculation and the results of surveys be resolved, and how can the real time preferences of individuals be interpreted using a social time preference rate. The second part of the paper estimates the social time preference rate for Hungary using the results of the survey, while paying special attention to the pure time preference component. The results suggest that the current method of calculation of the pure time preference rate does not reflect the real attitudes of individuals towards future generations.


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A longitudinal qualitative study was conducted with CEOs of 12 fundraising organisations across Australia to answer the question - how mights a change in the CEO's fundraising knowledge improve fundraising activity and outcomes for their organisation? The CEOs along with the inaugural Australian Grantmaker of the Year, Caitriona Fay from Perpetual and lead researcher Dr Wendy Scaife travelled to San Antonio, Texas, USA to attend the annual Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) conference in March 2014. Participants identified five main success factors for such group learning initiatives about fundraising: - Getting away from the day to day business of running the organisation - Informal, social time to debrief and get to know others - Diversity of organisations whereby no one was in direct competition to others - Commitment, openness and willingness of individuals to participate - Group facilitation This research has been supported by the Perpetual Foundation – Trustees Endowment, The Edward Corbould Charitable Trust, and the Samuel and Eileen Gluyas Charitable Trust under the management of Perpetual Trustee Company Ltd.


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Independentemente da área de investigação, considera-se como fundamental conhecer a história, dando a possibilidade de entender o passado e perspetivar o futuro. Muitas são as descobertas e investigações feitas no âmbito da História da Contabilidade em Portugal, ainda que consideravelmente aquém da imensidão de factos ainda não estudados, possuindo o nosso país um longo caminho a percorrer no que diz respeito à investigação e descoberta de factos ligados à Contabilidade. Nesse sentido, e indo ao encontro do principal objetivo desta investigação, que consiste em conhecer e compreender o acesso das mulheres ao estudo da Contabilidade em Portugal, tendo em consideração o período do Estado Novo, a presente investigação pretende aprofundar e compreender um pequeno, mas essencial, ponto da História da Contabilidade em Portugal. Consequentemente, será traçada uma metodologia de investigação mista relativamente ao processo de recolha de dados, utilizando-se, por um lado, uma técnica de investigação qualitativa relativamente à análise documental, e como investigação quantitativa a recolha de informação através de bases de dados. Como resultados, obtiveram-se informações acerca do comportamento histórico do acesso das mulheres ao estudo da Contabilidade em Portugal, durante o Estado Novo, constatando-se, assim, os acontecimentos que estiveram na base desse mesmo comportamento, que se prevê como insatisfatório comparativamente com os valores observados relativamente aos homens. Este facto deverá ficar a dever-se ao contexto político, mas também económico e social da época, capaz de influenciar negativamente a Educação da população.


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L’agent régulateur des temps sociaux de la famille québécoise a été la religion catholique pendant des décennies. Les mouvements d’après-guerre et la Révolution tranquille, ont amené un changement de paradigme avec la laïcisation des institutions et la multiplication des programmes sociaux de l’État-providence. Pour cerner l’importance de ce changement, nous avons utilisé la clef analytique de Léon Gérin pour produire une analyse comparative entre deux familles à deux époques : en 1886 et en 2010. Or, au moment où l’État est de plus en plus présent dans toutes les sphères de la vie de la famille tout en leur laissant une autonomie et une liberté, la population se montre de plus en plus sceptique envers les institutions étatiques. Un fossé s’est créé entre la société officielle, celle du social, des institutions, et la société officieuse, celle de la culture populaire qui agit à partir de l’esprit de corps de son groupe, virtuel ou non. La crise de confiance des gens envers les institutions annonce un nouveau changement de paradigme. La rationalité qui a été le moteur de la modernité fait graduellement place à l’émotionnel et à la valeur du temps présent. Le travail, agent régulateur qui comblait les besoins matériels à la modernité, serait remplacé progressivement par des besoins immatériels devenant l’agent régulateur des temps sociaux de la famille.


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Comment fonder théoriquement des indicateurs culturels? Issue de problèmes méthodologiques reliés à l’étude des rapports entre le temps de travail et le temps libre, cette question émerge à la suite du constat du déficit théorique de la statistique culturelle. En effet, l’étude du temps libre, comme du temps de travail, nécessite de questionner les fondements de cette répartition, en même temps qu’elle exige d’analyser concrètement les pratiques sociales reliées à ces catégories. Or, les ana-lyses sur l’emploi du temps libre sont souvent fondées sur des statistiques à propos des activités culturelles, statistiques dont la portée explicative est singulièrement limitée. Bien que des statistiques sur certaines de ces activités existent au moins depuis le début du XXe siècle, c’est à partir des années 1970 que les besoins de connaissance reliés à la mise en œuvre des politiques culturelles stimulent la production de statistiques plus nombreuses et plus détaillées. Afin de donner des significations à cette masse de statistiques, il est nécessaire de délimiter les frontières de ce qui est culture et communication parmi toutes les autres activités sociales. L’élaboration de cadres conceptuels de la culture par l’UNESCO et d’autres agences statistiques tente de répondre à cette exigence, tandis que les projets d’indicateurs avancés cherchent à donner un sens à l’information statistique. Ces tentatives se caractérisent toutefois par la faiblesse de leur assise théorique, problème qui se manifeste de manière aiguë dans la définition d’indicateurs qui ont nécessairement une portée normative. La résolution de cette impasse de la statistique culturelle passe au moins par une clarification des concepts reliés à la notion de culture. À cette fin, la méthodologie de la recherche repose sur une analyse critique de certains documents fondamentaux qui ont conduit à la création du cadre conceptuel pour la statistique culturelle de l’UNESCO, ainsi que sur des textes phares de Fernand Dumont, Pierre Bourdieu et Jürgen Habermas, choisis pour leur capacité à penser les activités culturelles dans l’ensemble social selon leur temporalité. La notion de temporalité est elle-même examinée sous l’angle de plusieurs approches théoriques. Il ressort de cet examen que la différenciation du temps en temps abstrait et temps concret permet d’entrevoir que les pratiques culturelles pourraient être mesurées non seulement selon la quantité de temps social qui leur est dévolue, mais aussi comme un temps qui a une valeur marchande. Les acquis de l’analyse critique des cadres conceptuels de la statistique culturelle et des textes de Dumont, Bourdieu et Habermas servent de points d’appui pour l’élaboration d’un projet d’indicateurs culturels pour le compte de l’Observatoire de la culture et des communications du Québec (OCCQ). Ce système d’indicateurs a été élaboré selon une grille qui définit ce qu’est un indicateur culturel, son objectif et sa signification. Les indicateurs ont été choisis au cours d’un processus de consultation mené par l’OCCQ auprès des agents gouvernementaux concernés et des représentants des associations professionnelles des secteurs de la culture et des communications du Québec.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Th is article proposes a refl ection on the chronotope, considering its infl uence on the forms of cultural expression coming from segregated urban spaces in Brazil. Th e article deals, specifi cally, with Carioca Funk as a cultural expression and an integral part of the hip hop movement in Rio de Janeiro. With this aim in view, this work is based on the Bakhtin Circle proposals and some sociological refl ections on the approached subject.