981 resultados para Social segregation


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This paper examines the impact of territoriality on young people’s everyday experiences in Northern Ireland’s segregated communities. It shows how urban encounters are reproduced through negotiating differences and the ways in which living in divided communities escalates moods of social inequality and spatial imbalances. The empirical study undertaken in the city of Derry shows how individuals and community groups position and identify themselves under the impact of social segregation. Building on Gordon Allport’s (1954) theories of contact, I explain how people in Derry have established their own sense of belonging, of who they are, based on their group memberships which eventually became an important source of pride and selfesteem. They also presented their own intertextual references as a cause of routine survival and belonging, allowing them to be more constructive about their future. Under deeply rooted segregation in Northern Ireland, the young generations are sought to provide lasting change to foster peace and integration between the two communities.


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Vamos falar sobre uma favela chamada Favela do Aço. Localizada na periferiada cidade do Rio de Janeiro, chega à academia a partir do meu contato com alguns moradores locais, cujas filhas participavam de um projeto executado pela Secretaria Municipal da Assistência Social. Duas características chamam a atenção na realidade dessa comunidade: o grande quantitativo de moradores em situação de rua podem ser encontrados na zona sul da cidade, e um dispositivo político inaugurado pela Secretaria chamado Pólo de Vigilância da Exclusão. Partimos da hipótese de que o Pólo de Vigilância da Exclusão foi um dispositivo político pensado como uma forma de barrar os moradores da favela de circular pelas ruas da zona sul da cidade, já que, uma vez incluídos em projetos sociais da prefeitura e mapeados por estes técnicos, o retorno para a rua pode significar a perda de projetos de transferência de renda, como o bolsa família ou outros projetos sociais.Nessa dissertação, buscamos, com a interlocução com o Serviço Social, trazer a perspectiva histórica das políticas sociais instituídas em nosso país, onde pudemos perceber a manutenção de algumas práticas construídas dentro de parâmetros sociais conservadores. Outras discussões também são contempladas nesse trabalho, onde convocamos a Sociologia, presentificada por Loïc Wacqüant, em sua análise a respeito da segregação social e a guetificação e a Filosofia, na figura de Foucault, com suas ponderações sobre os mecanismos de controle da sociedade. É nesse espírito que convido e desejo a todos uma boa leitura.


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The article examines everyday life in Northern Ireland’s segregated communities and focus on a neglected empirical dimension of ethnic and social segregation developed within the socio-spatial relations between people and their built environment. It shows how the everyday urban encounters are reproduced through negotiating differences and the ways in which living in divided communities lead to social inequality and imbalanced use of space. The article employed qualitative research methods with individuals and community groups from the Fountain estate, a small Protestant enclave in Derry/Londonderry. Their stories were replete with cases of injustice and insights into the daily struggles that have generally occurred within theories of contact and social segregation as a whole. In fact, people in the Fountain presented their own intertextual references on what was more significant for them as a matter of routine survival and belonging, which allowed them to be more constructive about themselves. While segregation has persisted for multiple decades; time is believed to be the factor most likely to change it, as it is hoped that the younger generation will provide lasting change to Northern Ireland and eventual peace between currently segregated communities.


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O presente trabalho vem contribuir com o estudo do clima urbano na cidade de Belém durante a época menos chuvosa, juntamente com uma análise das questões da segregação social deste espaço urbano. Foi realizada uma campanha de coleta de dados meteorológicos durante alguns dias na época menos chuvosa da região para se calcular o índice de conforto térmico nos bairros e compara-los com as tipologias sociais características de cada bairro. Os resultados indicaram que as zonas da cidade menos confortáveis foram a Oeste e a Central, pois são mais urbanizadas e possuem menos vegetação que as demais áreas, enquanto que as zonas mais confortáveis foram a Leste e Noroeste, que possuem mais áreas vegetadas e predominância de edificações baixas. As análises indicaram que não existe um padrão bem definido entre as tipologias sociais dos bairros e suas condições de conforto térmico, pois as características da superfície são mais significativas para as mudanças microclimáticas locais.


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Market theory positions the consumer as a rational choice actor, making informed schooling choices on the basis of ‘hard’ evidence of relative school effectiveness. Yet there are concerns that parents simply choose schools based on socio-demographic characteristics, thus leading to greater social segregation and undercutting the potential of choice to drive quality improvements. In this paper we explore segregation by examining catchment areas for a range of public high schools in a specific middle-class urban area. We focus on socio-demographic characteristics, including levels of income, country of birth and religion affiliation, in order to explore residential segregation according to public high school catchment areas. Our data suggests distinct residential segregation between catchment areas for each public school within our dataset, particularly for the schools deemed to be popular and rejected, that may pose risks for broader equity concerns. We argue that, in contrast to market theory, even more affluent and active choosers are not equipped with information on the programmatic quality of their different school options, but instead may be relying on socio-demographic characteristics of schools—through surrogate information about the urban spaces that the schools occupy—in order to choose peer groups, if not programs, for their children.


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The reintroduction of devolution in Northern Ireland is widely interpreted as the working out of the Belfast Agreement (1998) which aimed to embed political consensus in shared institutions of the state. However, such analysis tends to be limited with regard to wider political economy readings of the devolution project and historic struggles to find an appropriate institutional fix to manage different
forms of crisis. Peace and stability have, it is argued, permitted Northern Ireland's reentry to global markets and circuits of capital with new governance structures being assembled to reconfigure `post- conflict' economic space. We argue that the onset of devolution has promoted a mix between ethnosectarian resource competition and a constantly expanding neoliberal model of governance.
Devolved neoliberal structures that sustain social polarisation may perpetuate strategies of resistance that could cut across and challenge ethnosectarian politics and deepening social segregation.


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Neighborhoods across the globe are becoming increasingly ‘divers’, yet we still find their urban encounters reproduced through negotiating differences that escalates moods of social inequality and spatial imbalances. Research on ethnic division also stresses the spatial aspects of their production as shared urban spaces are mostly signified in the literature as ethnic ‘enclaves’. Territoriality and place attachment, in this sense, has a wide impact on the people’s everyday encounters while experiencing segregation. These historical narratives have produced communities that exhibit high levels of intracommunity relations and localized networking. This article investigates how youngster generations in Northern Ireland perceive, accept and respond to their differences, or perhaps how they act against it, to push the boundaries towards more diversity. In fact, the spatial and temporal encounters that occur among one community and the ‘Other’ signify a sort of negotiations and being more constructive about the future. The argument maintains that territoriality and place attachment has a wide impact on the young people’s everyday experiences. The empirical study shows how individuals and community groups position and identify themselves under the impact of social segregation. Building on social identity theories, I explain how people in Derry have established their own sense of belonging, of who they are, based on their group memberships which eventually became an important source of pride and self-esteem.


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El trabajo se enmarca en las discusiones relacionadas con segregación espacial, segregación social y construcción de barrios mezclados. Específicamente, selecciona el caso de La Felicidad: ciudad parque en Bogotá como un ejemplo que sirve para analizar las políticas públicas enfocadas en disminuir la segregación residencial en la ciudad a partir de la construcción de un vecindario que está compuesto por vivienda de interés social y vivienda regular. A partir de métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos se analiza cómo esta funcionando esta propuesta urbana.


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Desde la inauguración del Portal Suba de TransMilenio, han sido evidentes los cambios físico-espaciales en el sector donde fue implementado, materializándose en nuevos proyectos residenciales de alta densidad, centros comerciales, supermercados de grandes superficies, espacios públicos, y vías locales y principales, en un sector que antes de la aparición del portal se caracterizaba principalmente por ser una zona agro-industrial dedicada al cultivo de flores. No obstante, tales intervenciones parecen estar desarticuladas entre si. Por ejemplo, el centro comercial y el supermercado siguen un patrón de construcción cerrada, sin interacción abierta con el espacio público exterior y sin establecer otro tipo de dinámicas urbanas. Por otra parte, puede decirse que gracias a la implementación del portal, la estructura ecológica principal ha sufrido un deterioro importante siendo observable en la disminución significativa de zonas verdes así como en el descuido de los humedales localizados en esta localidad. Por lo tanto, es importante hacer hincapié en la relación sistemas de transporte – desarrollo urbano en tanto que son agentes transformadores del entorno, generadores de desarrollo y bienestar social, y catalizadores de espacios públicos mejor diseñados y más amables, de ser bien planificados y ejecutados, ya que, caso contrario, podrían acarrear efectos contraproducentes en cuanto a la articulación física de la ciudad, accesibilidad, segregación social y el impacto negativo sobre el medio ambiente.


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This work aims to understand the spatial organization in the Town of Macau, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. This approach focus on bringing back the history of the town, the main personages responsible for the construction of this place, denominated "social agents", as well as its social processes and the spatial forms derived from them. As the personages and their practices were identified, it was found out the existence of a driving force for structuring, interlocking, and maintaining the actions carried out by the social agents during the time. Such actions were materialized in the urban space: "the social segregation". The social segregation takes place as a specific geography of domination. The outcome of those owning the best areas" and ways of accessibility in the urban space, varies from the enrichment by property valorization, because of the concentration of public investments of infrastructure, to the comfort of easily reaching all the daily needs related to the displacements in the urban space. In the latter case, such facility has contributed to improve life quality. While one takes advantage of the location in the urban space, others are negatively affected by the same process. This research identified the salina worker as the weakest element of this social structure, occupying the urban periphery of the town of Macau. Such area is characterized by the lack of services and urban equipment in opposition to the center of the town, the locus of elite. This way, it is established the most known segregation pattern: center x periphery, in which the space acts as a mechanism of segregation


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This study aims to examine the thermal structure of the urban climate based on the interpretation of the satellite Landsat 7 (thermal channel) and measures for the area. It identifies how the production of urban climate develops based on an analysis of the structure of space forms and characteristics of land use and constructive materials in the generation of heat islands and their implications in environmental comfort in a tropical climate medium size city at Brazil. To check intra-urban air temperature, measures were carried out in mobile transects in the North-South and East-West routes. Thermal Channel data of Landsat-7, were converted to surface values. The results showed that the pattern of urbanization and characteristics of land use are responsible for the distribution of temperature generating heat islands in downtown and popular densely built neighborhoods. In those cases the highest indexes of social segregation added to higher temperature also provokes elevation in the number of illnesses and morbidity cases, mostly of respiratory diseases.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Antônio Tavernard é um poeta que até então não inspirou muitos estudos acadêmicos a respeito de sua obra literária. O pouco que se sabe dele é o pouco que se repassou até hoje: um poeta triste, uma poesia pessimista e romântica. No entanto, há muito mais do que parece haver nos versos deixados por Tavernard. A vivência guardada em um chalé no fundo do quintal, o afastamento social por conta de uma doença incurável, possibilitou ao poeta a revelação de outros olhares seus sobre a realidade externa. Este trabalho propõe um percurso diferente pela obra poética de Tavernard, reconhecendo os espaços poéticos existentes na mesma. A partir da definição de flâneur dita por Walter Benjamin, aplica-se ao poeta paraense tal adjetivo de forma metafórica, já que ele, mesmo estático fisicamente, passeia pela Belém do início do século XX através de suas sensações e leituras e retrata, em seus poemas, a cidade de uma forma muito singular, como um dia, Baudelaire fez com Paris. Através da leitura de várias edições da extinta revista A Semana, a pesquisa trata também da relação que a obra do poeta tinha com um público contemporâneo formado por escritores famosos da cena literária local como, por exemplo, Bruno de Menezes.