994 resultados para Social disruption
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
post-independence, and on the other hand, the testimonies from Sao Tomeans individuals from different social conditions and different degrees of political responsibility, this article approaches some possible connections between poverty and micro-violence in Sao Tome and Principe. It is offered an outline of research for the difficulties of the eradication of poverty and, concomitantly, the diffusion of a growing feeling of social disruption, processes in all contrary to the promises of independence for this archipelago. Frequently, the archipelago’s visitors make hasty opinions about the imaginary effortlessness of governing two islands with less than one hundred and fifty thousand citizens. However, contrary to this very common prejudice, the micro-insularity is considered an obstacle to development, a notion shared by many Sao Tomeans. Could micro-insularity equally be, under this outlook, an impoverishment-inducing factor? Regarding the development, there is some truth in this diagnosis, which the Sao Tomeans also use to justify their current difficulties. Throughout the 70s and 80s, the MLSTP – Movimento de Libertação de São Tomé e Príncipe (Movement for the Liberation of Sao Tome and Principe) endorsed a development founded on an expansion of cacao cultures, at the expenses of an intensified production rate, and on an incipient industrialization, which was intended to avoid importations and economic dependency. At the time, the Sao Tomeans leaders justified the rising daily difficulties, quite the opposite of the promises made during the independence, with an economic disarticulation resulting from the gradual abandonment of economic infrastructures inflicted by the last batch of colonists, which affected the cacao plantations too. Simultaneously, both the inefficiency and cost of the industrial endeavors launched after the independence and the erosion of labor and social relationships in nationalized farms had been rather neglected.
Tausta Suomessa lainsäätäjä reagoi helposti yhteiskunnalliseen häiriötekijään rikosoikeuden keinoin. Tästä on osoituksena se, että syksyllä 2010 varsinaisen rikoslain lisäksi rikoksesta oli säädetty 256 eri laissa. Suomalainen, lähtökohdiltaan maltillinen kontrolli- ja kriminaalipolitiikka on 1970-luvulla linjatun vastaisesti johtanut 2000-luvulle tultaessa rikosoikeudellisen kontrollin lisääntymiseen ja jopa kiristymiseen. Raja rikosten ja rikkomusten välillä on liudentunut ja paikoitellen kadonnut ja erityisesti turvallisuudesta on kehittynyt – käsitteeseen liittyvistä oikeudellisista jännitteistä huolimatta – keskeinen rikosoikeudellisen sääntelyn oikeutusperuste. Rikosoikeuden käyttäminen vähäisten rikosten kontrollointiin on aiheuttanut Suomeen viivästymisen ongelman. Yleisessä tiedossa on se, että Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin on antanut 2000-luvulla Suomelle kymmeniä tuomioita siksi, että rikosjuttuja on käsitelty viranomaisissa ja tuomioistuimissa liian kauan. Vähemmän on sen sijaan keskusteltu siitä, että myös vähäiset rikokset viivästyvät rikosoikeuden alan laajetessa ja viranomaisten voimavarojen ehtyessä. Suomessa ongelmaa on pyritty hoitamaan rikosoikeudellista toimivaltaa hallintoviranomaisille delegoimalla tilanteen ollessa nyt se, että uuden sakkomenettelylain voimaan tullessa noin 90 % rikosoikeudellisesta kompetenssista on poliisilla ja muilla hallintoviranomaisilla. Se taasen on ongelmallista perustuslain 3 §:ssä säädetyn vallanjakoperiaatteen kannalta. Välttämätöntä on korostaa myös sitä, että pääosin rikosoikeudelliseen kontrolliin perustuva systeemi aiheuttaa rikosoikeuden inflaatiota: rikosoikeuden arvostuksen vähenemisestä aiheutuvia ei-mittavissa olevia kuluja. Rikosoikeuden laajenemista vastaan esitetään kuitenkin harvoin kritiikkiä. Rikosoikeustieteen piirissäkään sille ei ole esitetty vakavasti otettavaa vaihtoehtoa. Esimerkiksi hallinnollisia sanktioita ei ole Suomessa – ei tosin muissa Pohjoismaissakaan – koettu rikosoikeuden vaihtoehtona, vaan usein rikosoikeutta täydentävänä järjestelmänä. Hallinnollisten sanktioiden käyttäminen rikosoikeuden ohessa ei ole ollut yksiselitteistä ja jäsenneltyä, yleisiin oppeihin perustuvaa. Kontrollin erityisille alueille, esimerkiksi sotilaskontrolliin, on lisäksi kehittynyt rikos- ja hallinto-oikeuden sekajärjestelmiä. Tutkimuskysymykset Käsillä olevassa artikkelimuotoisessa väitöskirjatutkimuksessa pyritään hahmottelemaan rikos- ja hallinto-oikeudellisten rangaistusjärjestelmien välisiä eroavaisuuksia Suomessa. Tutkimuksen keskeisin tehtävä on sen pohtiminen, millä tavalla 2010-luvulle tultaessa olisi tutkimuksen empiiriset ja teoreettiset lähtökohdat huomioon ottaen järkevää ja tarkoituksenmukaista rangaista. Tällä perusteella kehitetään yksikertaista hallintosanktiointiteoreettista mallia, että sitä hyväksikäyttäen lainvalmisteluprosessin sanktiointitilanteessa, sanktiosta päätettäessä, olisi mahdollista asettaa oikeusturvan vähimmäistakeet täyttävällä tavalla oikeus- ja muilta vaikutuksiltaan rationaalinen seuraamus sekä säätää sen määräämiseksi yhteiskunnallisilta vaikutuksiltaan tehokas ja riittävän oikeusturvallinen menettely. Tutkimustehtävä on tiivistetysti 1) hallinnollisten sanktioiden ja rikosoikeudellisten rangaistusten ja niiden alan määrittäminen, 2) hallinnollisten sanktioiden sääntelymallien valintaperusteluiden selvittäminen, 3) hallintosanktioteoreettisen mallin kehittäminen lainvalmisteluprosessia varten sekä 4) de lege ferenda -suositusten tekeminen rangaistavuuden hyväksyttävyyden ja joutuisuuden parantamiseksi. Menetelmä ja aineistot Tutkimus kytkeytyy teoreettisen rikosoikeustieteen, hallinto-oikeustieteen ja prosessioikeustieteen alalle ja se on luonteeltaan ongelmakeskeinen. Tieteenalojen väliset painotukset ja niiden vaikutus vaihtelevat tutkimuksessa. Vaikka tutkimus on monella tavalla luonteeltaan teoreettinen, siinä rakennetaan nimenomaan lainsäädäntötyötä ja lainvalmistelua tukevaa tutkimusta ja teoriaa. Tältä osin näkökulma liittyy kriminalisointiteoreettisessa tutkimuksessa hahmotettuun lainsäätäjän oikeuslähdeoppia koskevaan uuteen näkökulmaan, jolla on yhteyksiä lainsäädäntötutkimukseen ja oikeusteoriassa hahmotettuun legisprudence-tutkimusuuntaukseen, näkökulman suuntautuessa lainsäädäntötasolle. Tutkimuksen lähteistä suurin osa on oikeustieteellistä kirjallisuutta, jonka pääosa muotoutuu suomalaisesta oikeustieteellisestä kirjallisuudesta. Myös pohjoismaalaista, saksalaista ja hieman myös anglosaksista kirjallisuutta on käytetty. Kansainvälisten kirjallisuuslähteiden merkitys ei ole ollut merkittävä, koska kattava eurooppalainen näkemys aihepiiristä on pyritty saamaan Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuimen ratkaisukäytäntöä hyödyntäen. Tutkimuksen lähteinä on käytetty laajasti myös kansallista lainvalmisteluaineistoa, erityisesti hallituksen esityksiä ja perustuslakivaliokunnan lausuntokäytäntöä. Johtopäätökset Kriminaali- ja/tai kontrollipolitiikassa on juuri nyt tärkeää pohtia, millä tavalla 2010-luvulle tultaessa on järkevää ja tarkoituksenmukaista rangaista. Tähän voisi olla mahdollista vastata tutkimuksessa kehitettävällä hallintosanktiointiteoreettisella mallilla. Mallin kehittäminen on edellyttänyt yhteiskunnallisten sanktiokäytäntöjen oikeusvaltioopillista tarkastelua, jolloin sanktioiden yhteiskunnalliseen merkitykseen pureutuminen kuvailee myös sitä, millainen modernin oikeusvaltion tila tällä hetkellä on. Perinteisten oikeusvaltioiden paradigmojen käyttäminen ei välttämättä edistä relevantin oikeusvaltiollisen sanktiointiteoreettisen mallin kehittämistä. Voi olla niinkin, että klassinen oikeusvaltio-oppi ja oletetunlaiset rikosoikeuden erityiset elementit eivät enää vastaa yhteiskuntatodellisuutta. Näin rankaisemisen yleiset opit voivat nousta kehittämisen kohteeksi oikeusvaltiollisuuden elementtien toteuttamiseksi valtavasta kasvaneessa hallintoyhteiskunnassa – hallinto-johtoisessa yhteiskunnallisessa todellisuudessa. Suomen rikoslaki sisältää laajassa merkityksessä sadoittain erilaatuisia kriminalisointeja, joiden merkitys on usein hallinnon toimintaa subventoiva, symbolinen tai jonkin toisen kriminalisoinnin vaikutusta tehostamaan pyrkivä. Tällainen rikoslaki on tehtävänsä, vaikuttavuutensa ja hyväksyttävyytensä kannalta ongelmallinen. Suomalainen hallinnollisten sanktioiden järjestelmä ei sekään ole järkevä ja tarkoituksenmukainen, yleisiin oppeihin perustuva systeemi. Myös yleiseurooppalainen kehitys näyttäisi viittaavan siihen, että Suomessa on tarve kehittää sekä rikosoikeutta että sille vaihtoehtoista hallintosanktioiden järjestelmää, sanktio-oikeutta. Tämä edellyttää lainsäädäntöuudistuksia.
Over the last decades the impact of natural disasters to the global environment is becoming more and more severe. The number of disasters has dramatically increased, as well as the cost to the global economy and the number of people affected. Among the natural disaster, flood catastrophes are considered to be the most costly, devastating, broad extent and frequent, because of the tremendous fatalities, injuries, property damage, economic and social disruption they cause to the humankind. In the last thirty years, the World has suffered from severe flooding and the huge impact of floods has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, destruction of infrastructures, disruption of economic activity and the loss of property for worth billions of dollars. In this context, satellite remote sensing, along with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), has become a key tool in flood risk management analysis. Remote sensing for supporting various aspects of flood risk management was investigated in the present thesis. In particular, the research focused on the use of satellite images for flood mapping and monitoring, damage assessment and risk assessment. The contribution of satellite remote sensing for the delineation of flood prone zones, the identification of damaged areas and the development of hazard maps was explored referring to selected cases of study.
The purpose of this study was to determine which factors predicted maladaptive outcomes in sexually abused children. Key factors were aggregated into four categories: abuse characteristics risk factors, individual-level risk factors, family disruption risk factors, and social disruption risk factors. It was hypothesized that (a) individual-level risk factors (e.g., school performance, child alcohol/substance abuse) and (b) abuse characteristics risk factors (e.g., longer duration/frequency of abuse, use of force/threats of force, intrafamilial abuse) would predict higher levels of trauma symptoms. Furthermore, it was hypothesized that (a) family disruption risk factors (e.g., family alcohol/substance use, family psychopathology) and (b) social disruption risk factors (e.g., parental divorce, homelessness, witnessing homicide or violence) would moderate the impact of prior sexual abuse and predict higher levels of trauma symptoms. ^ The participants were 110 female children (5 to 18 years old) presenting for treatment for sexual abuse at a community agency (The Journey Institute) in Miami, Florida. This study conducted a retrospective analysis of an archival data set collected over a three-year period (1998–2001). The measures completed upon intake included The Journey Psychosocial Assessment and The Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC; Briere, 1996). Using Pearson correlations and hierarchical multiple regression analysis, this study found that abuse characteristics risk factors and individual-level risk factors were predictive of maladaptive outcomes in this sample of sexually abused girls. However, no moderating effects were found for family disruption risk factors or social disruption risk factors. Therefore, the results of these analyses provided support for the contention that abuse characteristics and individual-level risk factors were appropriate targets for treatment for sexually abused girls. Moreover, limitations of this study, implications for treatment, and directions for future research were discussed. ^
Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) has become a popular area of research and study in recent years. This can be highlighted by the number of peer reviewed articles that have appeared in academic literature. This coupled with the realisation by companies that SCRM strategies are required to mitigate the risks that they face, makes for challenging research questions in the field of risk management. The challenge that companies face today is not only to identify the types of risks that they face, but also to assess the indicators of risk that face them. This will allow them to mitigate that risk before any disruption to the supply chain occurs. The use of social network theory can aid in the identification of disruption risk. This thesis proposes the combination of social networks, behavioural risk indicators and information management, to uniquely identify disruption risk. The propositions that were developed from the literature review and exploratory case study in the aerospace OEM, in this thesis are:- By improving information flows, through the use of social networks, we can identify supply chain disruption risk. - The management of information to identify supply chain disruption risk can be explored using push and pull concepts. The propositions were further explored through four focus group sessions, two within the OEM and two within an academic setting. The literature review conducted by the researcher did not find any studies that have evaluated supply chain disruption risk management in terms of social network analysis or information management studies. The evaluation of SCRM using these methods is thought to be a unique way of understanding the issues in SCRM that practitioners face today in the aerospace industry.
Dominance status among female marmosets is reflected in agonistic behavior and ovarian function. Socially dominant females receive submissive behavior from subordinates, while exhibiting normal ovulatory function. Subordinate females, however, receive agonistic behavior from dominants, while exhibiting reduced or absent ovulatory function. Such disparity in female fertility is not absolute, and groups with two breeding females have been described. The data reported here were obtained from 8 female-female pairs of captive female marmosets, each housed with a single unrelated male. Pairs were classified into two groups: "uncontested" dominance (UD) and "contested" dominance (CD), with 4 pairs each. Dominant females in UD pairs showed significantly higher frequencies (4.1) of agonism (piloerection, attack and chasing) than their subordinates (0.36), and agonistic behaviors were overall more frequently displayed by CD than by UD pairs. Subordinates in CD pairs exhibited more agonistic behavior (2.9) than subordinates in UD pairs (0.36), which displayed significantly more submissive (6.97) behaviors than their dominants (0.35). The data suggest that there is more than one kind of dominance relationship between female common marmosets. Assessment of progesterone levels showed that while subordinates in UD pairs appeared to be anovulatory, the degree of ovulatory disruption in subordinates of CD pairs was more varied and less complete. We suggest that such variation in female-female social dominance relationships and the associated variation in the degree and reliability of fertility suppression may explain variations of the reproductive condition of free-living groups of common marmosets.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) often affects social adaptive functioning and these changes in social adaptability are usually associated with general damage to the frontal cortex. Recent evidence suggests that certain neurons within the orbitofrontal cortex appear to be specialized for the processing of faces and facial expressions. The orbitofrontal cortex also appears to be involved in self-initiated somatic activation to emotionally-charged stimuli. According to Somatic Marker Theory (Damasio, 1994), the reduced physiological activation fails to provide an individual with appropriate somatic cues to personally-relevant stimuli and this, in turn, may result in maladaptive behaviour. Given the susceptibility of the orbitofrontal cortex in TBI, it was hypothesized that impaired perception and reactivity to socially-relevant information might be responsible for some of the social difficulties encountered after TBL Fifteen persons who sustained a moderate to severe brain injury were compared to age and education matched Control participants. In the first study, both groups were presented with photographs of models displaying the major emotions and either asked to identify the emotions or simply view the faces passively. In a second study, participants were asked to select cards from decks that varied in terms of how much money could be won or lost. Those decks with higher losses were considered to be high-risk decks. Electrodermal activity was measured concurrently in both situations. Relative to Controls, TBI participants were found to have difficulty identifying expressions of surprise, sadness, anger, and fear. TBI persons were also found to be under-reactive, as measured by electrodermal activity, while passively viewing slides of negative expressions. No group difference,in reactivity to high-risk card decks was observed. The ability to identify emotions in the face and electrodermal reactivity to faces and to high-risk decks in the card game were examined in relationship to social monitoring and empathy as described by family members or friends on the Brock Adaptive Functioning Questionnaire (BAFQ). Difficulties identifying negative expressions (i.e., sadness, anger, fear, and disgust) predicted problems in monitoring social situations. As well, a modest relationship was observed between hypo-arousal to negative faces and problems with social monitoring. Finally, hypo-arousal in the anticipation of risk during the card game related to problems in empathy. In summary, these data are consistent with the view that alterations in the ability to perceive emotional expressions in the face and the disruption in arousal to personally-relevant information may be accounting for some of the difficulties in social adaptation often observed in persons who have sustained a TBI. Furthermore, these data provide modest support for Damasio's Somatic Marker Theory in that physiological reactivity to socially-relevant information has some value in predicting social function. Therefore, the assessment of TBI persons, particularly those with adaptive behavioural problems, should be expanded to determine whether alterations in perception and reactivity to socially-relevant stimuli have occurred. When this is the case, rehabilitative strategies aimed more specifically at these difficulties should be considered.
Background: Research on depression has identified hyperactivity of the HPA axis as a potential contributory factor to the intergenerational transmission of affective symptoms. However, this has not yet been examined in the context of social phobia. The current study compared HPA axis activity in response to a universal social stressor (starting school) in children of 2 groups of women: one with social phobia and one with no history of anxiety (comparison group). To determine specificity of effects of maternal social phobia, a third group of children were also examined whose mothers had generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). Method: Children provided salivary cortisol samples in the morning, afternoon and at bedtime across 3 time-blocks surrounding the school start: a month before starting school (baseline), the first week at school (stress response), and the end of the first school term (stress recovery). Child behavioural inhibition at 14 months was also assessed to explore the influence of early temperament on later stress responses. Results: All children displayed an elevation in morning and afternoon cortisol from baseline during the first week at school, which remained elevated until the end of the first term. Children in the social phobia group, however, also displayed an equivalent elevation in bedtime cortisol, which was not observed for comparison children or for children of mothers with GAD. Children in the social phobia group who were classified as 'inhibited' at 14 months displayed significantly higher afternoon cortisol levels overall. Summary: A persistent stress response to school in the morning and afternoon is typical for all children, but children of mothers with social phobia also display atypical elevations in evening cortisol levels when at school - signalling long-term disruption of the circadian rhythm in HPA axis activity. This is the first study to report HPA axis disruption in children at risk of developing social phobia, and future research should aim to determine whether this represents a pathway for symptom development, taking early temperament into account.
Dominance status among female marmosets is reflected in agonistic behavior and ovarian function. Socially dominant females receive submissive behavior from subordinates, while exhibiting normal ovulatory function. Subordinate females, however, receive agonistic behavior from dominants, while exhibiting reduced or absent ovulatory function. Such disparity in female fertility is not absolute, and groups with two breeding females have been described. The data reported here were obtained from 8 female-female pairs of captive female marmosets, each housed with a single unrelated male. Pairs were classified into two groups: “uncontested” dominance (UD) and “contested” dominance (CD), with 4 pairs each. Dominant females in UD pairs showed significantly higher frequencies (4.1) of agonism (piloerection, attack and chasing) than their subordinates (0.36), and agonistic behaviors were overall more frequently displayed by CD than by UD pairs. Subordinates in CD pairs exhibited more agonistic behavior (2.9) than subordinates in UD pairs (0.36), which displayed significantly more submissive (6.97) behaviors than their dominants (0.35). The data suggest that there is more than one kind of dominance relationship between female common marmosets. Assessment of progesterone levels showed that while subordinates in UD pairs appeared to be anovulatory, the degree of ovulatory disruption in subordinates of CD pairs was more varied and less complete. We suggest that such variation in female-female social dominance relationships and the associated variation in the degree and reliability of fertility suppression may explain variations of the reproductive condition of free-living groups of common marmosets
The genus Mischocyttarus comprises 245 species of neotropical basal eusocial wasps. They form small colonies (rarely more than few tens of individuals); castes are morphologically undifferentiated and determined behaviorally by agonistic interactions. The aim of this study was to verify the effects of the experimental disruption of social hierarchy on foraging activity of Mischocyttarus cerberus styx. We observed six colonies in postemergence phase and recorded data on the foraging activity under two experimental conditions: (1) removal of lower-ranked females and (2) removal of higher ranked females, except the queen. Our results showed that the removal of higher-ranked females had higher effect on the number of foraging trips of M. cerberus styx than the removal of lower-ranked females (the number of foraging trips/hour decreased by 66.4 and 32.7, resp.). Such results are likely due to the social organization of this species and the presence of a distinct class of females, which in this study were regarded as intermediates. Our data also showed that, irrespective of the hierarchical status of the females, the removal of two or three individuals affected significantly the number of foraging trips in this species. Copyright 2011 Vanderlei Conceio Costa Filho et al.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
It has been demonstrated that disruption of social bonds and perceived isolation (loneliness) are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Adolescence is proposed as a period of vulnerability to stress. Nevertheless, the impact of chronic social stress during this ontogenic period in cardiovascular function is poorly understood. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the impact in cardiovascular function of social isolation for 3 weeks in adolescent and adult male rats. Also, the long-term effects of social isolation during adolescence were investigated longitudinally. Social isolation reduced body weight in adolescent, but not in adult animals. Disruption of social bonds during adolescence increased arterial pressure without affecting heart rate and pulse pressure (PP). Nevertheless, social isolation in adulthood reduced systolic arterial pressure and increased diastolic arterial pressure, which in turn decreased PP without affecting mean arterial pressure. Cardiovascular changes in adolescents, but not adults, were followed by facilitation of both baroreflex sensitivity and vascular reactivity to the vasodilator agent acetylcholine. Vascular responsiveness to either the vasodilator agent sodium nitroprusside or the vasoconstrictor agent phenylephrine was not affected by social isolation. Except for the changes in body weight and baroreflex sensitivity, all alterations evoked by social isolation during adolescence were reversed in adulthood after moving animals from isolated to collective housing. These findings suggest a vulnerability of adolescents to the effects of chronic social isolation in cardiovascular function. However, results indicate minimal cardiovascular consequences in adulthood of disruption of social bonds during adolescence. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2015.
Abstract Background The ability to manipulate the genetic networks underlying the physiological and behavioural repertoires of the adult honeybee worker (Apis mellifera) is likely to deepen our understanding of issues such as learning and memory generation, ageing, and the regulatory anatomy of social systems in proximate as well as evolutionary terms. Here we assess two methods for probing gene function by RNA interference (RNAi) in adult honeybees. Results The vitellogenin gene was chosen as target because its expression is unlikely to have a phenotypic effect until the adult stage in bees. This allowed us to introduce dsRNA in preblastoderm eggs without affecting gene function during development. Of workers reared from eggs injected with dsRNA derived from a 504 bp stretch of the vitellogenin coding sequence, 15% had strongly reduced levels of vitellogenin mRNA. When dsRNA was introduced by intra-abdominal injection in newly emerged bees, almost all individuals (96 %) showed the mutant phenotype. An RNA-fragment with an apparent size similar to the template dsRNA was still present in this group after 15 days. Conclusion Injection of dsRNA in eggs at the preblastoderm stage seems to allow disruption of gene function in all developmental stages. To dissect gene function in the adult stage, the intra-abdominal injection technique seems superior to egg injection as it gives a much higher penetrance, it is much simpler, and it makes it possible to address genes that are also expressed in the embryonic, larval or pupal stages.