926 resultados para Social Psychology Department
Esta dissertação apresenta uma narrativa sobre o Setor de Psicologia Social da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, pretendendo resgatar a constituição do ensino da Psicologia Social nesta Universidade e o seu desenvolvimento como teoria e prática profissional. Este estudo enfocará o período de 1964, início do Setor, até o ano de 1992, data em que foi aprovado o Mestrado em Psicologia na UFMG, momento em que vários integrantes do Setor mudaram para outros Departamentos ou Universidades, compreendendo-se assim, como momento final do grupo. Este trabalho, utiliza-se da metodologia histórica, a partir de análise de documentos e entrevistas, visando a compreensão das condições da emergência do grupo, o desenvolvimento de suas atividades práticas e teóricas, seu percurso e os motivos pelos quais este grupo não permaneceu.
This paper begins by giving an overview of why and in which ways social psychological research can be relevant to peace. Galtung's (1969) distinction between negative peace (the absence of direct violence) and positive peace (the absence of structural violence, or the presence of social justice) is crossed with a focus on factors that are detrimental (obstacles) to peace versus factors that are conducive to peace (catalysts), yielding a two-by-two classification of social psychological contributions to peace, Research falling into these four classes is cited in brief, with a particular focus on four exemplary topics: support for military interventions as an obstacle to negative peace; antiwar activism as a catalyst of negative peace; ideologies legitimizing social inequality as an obstacle to positive peace; and commitment to human rights as a catalyst of positive peace. Based on this conceptual framework, the remaining six articles of the special issue
This paper aims to provide a systematised overview of the paradigmatic orientations in social psychology in Portugal by identifying the most cited publications. Results show that the eight most cited thematic are: (1) deviance and reactions to deviance, (2) methodology, (3) prejudice and discrimination, (4) gender studies, (5) risk, environment and safety, (6) information processing, social judgment, familiarity and mood, (7) social representations and (8) social justice and belief in a just world. These eight most salient thematics can be sorted into three current paradigmatic orientations in contemporary social psychology: (a) social cognition; (b) the study of collective beliefs, ideologies and social representations; and (c) the study of identity and its impact on intra- and intergroup processes. The paper finishes with a reflection on the future developments of the discipline and the dilemmas that social psychology in Portugal could face.