996 resultados para Social Darwinism.


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If the profession of social work is to have a future we must know where it came from, and the series of portraits of our pioneers is one of the paths into the origins of that profession. I feel grateful to the publishers for this online-journal and also honoured to be asked to continue the series on pioneers in social work. I gladly comply because, in connection with my research on Alice Salomon and other social workers who were expelled from Germany and other Nazi-occupied territories (Wieler1989 and 1995) I had the pleasure and privilege of meeting and interviewing Walter Friedländer shortly before he passed away. It is years ago that I visited him in his home among stacks of books and piles of papers. My memories are vivid. I still see his sparkling eyes and hear his soft voice with a very heavy German accent. I was most impressed by his memory of historical events and people which, it seemed, only a large hard-drive could retain these days. Now, I wish I had asked more questions but instead, we will have to rely largely on primary and secondary literature and box upon box of archival materials. I draw heavily on the comprehensive German and Jewish Intellectual Emigré Collection (http://library.albany.edu/speccoll/findaids/ger003.htm) which consists of nearly 50 cubic feet and another collection of the German Central Institute („Deutsches Zentralinstitut für Soziale Fragen-DZI“) in Berlin (www.dzi.de). Some of the more current archival materials were lost in a flood, and much of Friedländer’s early memorabilia up to 1933 was lost in Germany. There are also internet resources with widely differing information. I hope that I will not have overlooked too much in order to do justice to this remarkable pioneer and colleague. In order to appreciate and pay tribute to Walter Friedländer and his contributions we will have to reconsider the historical and international context of more than the 93 years of his life span: the German Monarchy, the Weimar Republic, Nazi-Fascism, Swiss, French and American exile and numerous visits to other countries.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Éminent naturaliste du XIXe siècle, Charles Darwin publie en 1859 ce qui s'avérera être l’un des textes fondateurs des sciences de la vie : On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life (ou OS). Ce volumineux ouvrage pose les assises conceptuelles de la théorie darwinienne de l'évolution. Cette dernière suscite encore de nos jours la controverse : certains la nient (créationnisme, dessein intelligent, etc.) alors que d'autres la poussent à l'extrême (eugénisme, darwinisme social, etc.). Vu la grande portée de l'OS, le problème de sa traduction en français se présente de lui-même. Ce champ d'étude reste pourtant largement inexploré. Nous avons donc choisi, dans le présent travail, d’étudier les traductions françaises de l’OS. Notre étude s’inscrivant dans un axe de recherche qui s’intéresse aux modes de conceptualisation métaphorique en usage dans les domaines biomédicaux, ainsi qu’aux problèmes de traduction qu’ils soulèvent, nous avons choisi de nous concentrer plus particulièrement sur les modes de conceptualisation métaphorique présents dans le texte de l'OS, et sur la manière dont ils ont été traduits en français. Pour mener à bien ce projet, nous avons élaboré une méthodologie à partir de celle déjà utilisée avec succès dans des études antérieures menées au sein du même axe de recherche que le nôtre. En plus de l’annotation et l’interrogation informatisée de notre corpus, cette méthodologie consiste en la mise en relation, au plan informatique, de plusieurs traductions d’un même texte. De par sa complexité technique, son élaboration constitue l’un des objectifs majeurs de notre étude. Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis de confirmer deux de nos trois hypothèses : 1) la totalité des modes de conceptualisation identifiés dans notre corpus anglais se retrouvent également dans chacune des traductions, et 2) aucun mode de conceptualisation métaphorique ne peut être dégagé des traductions françaises qui n’est pas déjà présent dans l’original anglais. En plus de nous permettre de comparer chaque traduction à l’original anglais, ces résultats nous ont également permis de comparer entre elles les différentes traductions françaises de l’OS. Ce mémoire de maîtrise comporte six chapitres, qui correspondent tour à tour à : notre cadre théorique, l'état de la question, nos hypothèses et nos objectifs, notre méthodologie, nos résultats et la discussion de ces résultats.


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Under Prime Minister John Howard, Australia today appears to have turned away from Asia, returning to a Western oriantation. Has racial invasion fear, once expressed in the 'White Australia' policy, been the determinant of relations with Asia? I argue, in contrast, first, that invasion fear preceded race fear and, second, that Australia was unlucky, in coming to nationhood during the eras of Social Darwinism and New Imperialism, scaling ideas of race citizenship into its national formation. It was unlucky to associate national 'manhood' with Gallipoli and war, making the national tradition expeditionary nationalism, or ANZAC. War is central in national memory and public patriotism, primarily because war has been carried out overseas rather than through fighting on Australian soil, and the devastation of Australian cities. Even after the retreat of Western empires in Asia, and of racial ideology, why has this romantic and foolish view of war as an expression of the nation persisted? Paradoxically, Australians romanticise war even though, after 1788, there has been no other invasion of a continent which is harder to invade than it is to defend.


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It is usually assumed that US policymakers need to generate popular consent in order to undertake regime change against another state. This article explores the ways in which contextual factors such as the joint democracy effect, popular values and public moods influenced efforts by elites in the United States to generate popular consent for regime change in the Philippines and Chile. Against the backdrop of the Vietnam War, the United States undertook covert action in Chile due to public recognition of the target state's democratic credentials and a public mood opposed to further military ventures. In contrast, the absence of a strong joint democracy effect, a national mood infused with romantic nationalism qua militarism and social Darwinism facilitated efforts by US elites to generate consent for the invasion and occupation of the Philippines. Subsequently, this article contributes to understandings of the domestic-level factors that influence foreign policy decisions.


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In 1860 Florence Nightingale conducted a study on the mortality rates of indigenous children attending native colonial schools across the British Empire. Her study was driven by the question: ‘Can we civilise the natives without killing them?’ One colonial school that participated in the survey was New Norcia Benedictine mission in Western Australia. When Rosendo Salvado, the mission’s superintendent, responded, he drew on his daily encounters with the Yuat people, his statistics on the mission residents and his Benedictine philosophy of civilisation and conversion of colonised peoples. The correspondence between Salvado and Nightingale took place in the climate of intense debates about Aboriginal health, colonisation and extinction in Britain and the colonies. While many settlers and colonial observers understood Aboriginal depopulation to be the result of either the vices and diseases of unprincipled Europeans or an unstoppable destiny, whether Divine Providence or natural selection, Nightingale and Salvado shared a belief in practical solutions to what they understood to be a practical problem. Their collaboration is an example of the humanitarian opposition to the racial pessimism of Social Darwinism. They both sought to use the recently influential intellectual discipline of social statistics to support their conviction that Aborigines, if patiently and carefully handled, would survive the admittedly risky process of civilisation.


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O tema geral deste trabalho diz respeito à questão da cooperação e da competição entre as pessoas no trabalho e sua influência na produtividade empresarial. Nesta dissertação, são abordadas as seguintes questões: a gênese do individualismo e da competição nas relações sociais de produção; a influência do darwinismo social nas concepções sobre a administração de recursos humanos; o impacto de algumas variáveis organizacionais - tais como: a divisão do trabalho, a hierarquia, o poder e a autoridade - no estabelecimento de processos competitivos ou cooperativos entre as pessoas no trabalho; algumas relações entre os ambientes de trabalho competitivos e os processos geradores ou desencadeadores de psicopatologias; e, a influência da competição e da cooperação entre as pessoas no trabalho na produtividade empresarial. Além disso, a fim de observar como a ideologia do darwinismo social opera o senso comum, o trabalho contempla a apresentação dos resultados obtidos através de pesquisas de campo e documental, consistindo a primeira de entrevistas realizadas com gerentes e questionários aplicados a gerentes, supervisores e executantes; e, a segunda na leitura e interpretação de documentos utilizados na administração e gestão de recursos humanos, coletados nas empresas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The comparison between linguistic change and biologic evolution is a subject that has caused and still causes much controversy among linguists and other academics that see, in this parallel, problems related to similar attempts in the nineteenth century by Social Darwinism, which approached the biological evolution with social and cultural development of a people. However, this paper aims to show that today this parallel is not built in the same way as was done before. Names like William Labov, Salikoko Mufwene, Jonathan West and Hildo Honorio do Couto in linguistics; Charles Darwin in biology; and Tom Ingold and Clifford Geertz in anthropology, showed that areas of Humanities, such as linguistics and anthropology, and of Biological Sciences, as phylogeny and genetics, are likely to be worked together by the great similarities between processes that compose them. Thus, based on the writings of these authors and some others, this paper presents this theme’s controversy; it shows the similarities between characteristics of languages and species; it seeks through the concepts MA Mental, MA Social and MA Natural of the languages (coined by Couto on Linguística, ecologia e ecolinguística: contato de línguas) to develop ideas of how it is possible to think the language change in the light of Darwin's concept, Natural Selection; and finally, it shows that the parallel theme is rather productive, based on the texts and discussions presented in the whole paper, and that the controversy has been being dissolved with more and more people working on the parallel between language and species


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