879 resultados para Social skills


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar


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The relevance of attentional measures to cognitive and social adaptive behaviour was examined in an adolescent sample. Unlike previous research, the influence of both inhibitory and facilitory aspects of attention were studied. In addition, contributions made by these attentional processes were compared with traditional psychometric measures of cognitive functioning. Data were gathered from 36 grade 10 and 1 1 high school students (20 male and 16 female students) with a variety of learning and attentional difficulties. Data collection was conducted in the course of two testing sessions. In the first session, students completed questionnaires regarding their medical history, and everyday behaviours (the Brock Adaptive Functioning Questionnaire), along with non-verbal problem solving tasks and motor speed tasks. In the second session, students performed working memory measures and computer-administered tasks assessing inhibitory and facilitory aspects of attention. Grades and teacher-rated measures of cognitive and social impulsivity were also gathered. Results indicate that attentional control has both cognitive and social/emotional implications. Performance on negative priming and facilitation trials from the Flanker task predicted grades in core courses, social functioning measures, and cognitive and social impulsivity ratings. However, beneficial effects for academic and social functioning associated with inhibition were less prevalent in those demonstrating a greater ability to respond to facilitory cues. There was also some evidence that high levels of facilitation were less beneficial to academic performance, and female students were more likely to exceed optimal levels of facilitory processing. Furthermore, lower negative priming was ''S'K 'i\':y-: -'*' - r " j«v ; ''*.' iij^y Inhibition, Facilitation and Social Competence 3 associated with classroom-rated distraction and hyperactivity, but the relationship between inhibition and social aspects of impulsivity was stronger for adolescents with learning or reading problems, and the relationship between inhibition and cognitive impulsivity was stronger for male students. In most cases, attentional measures were predictive of performance outcomes independent of traditional psychometric measures of cognitive functioning. >,, These findings provide support for neuropsychological models linking inhibition to control of interference and arousal, and emphasize the fundamental role of attention in everyday adolescent activities. The findings also warrant further investigation into the ways which inhibitory and facilitory attentional processes interact, and the contextdependent nature of attentional control.associated with classroom-rated distraction and hyperactivity, but the relationship between inhibition and social aspects of impulsivity was stronger for adolescents with learning or reading problems, and the relationship between inhibition and cognitive impulsivity was stronger for male students. In most cases, attentional measures were predictive of performance outcomes independent of traditional psychometric measures of cognitive functioning. >,, These findings provide support for neuropsychological models linking inhibition to control of interference and arousal, and emphasize the fundamental role of attention in everyday adolescent activities. The findings also warrant further investigation into the ways which inhibitory and facilitory attentional processes interact, and the contextdependent nature of attentional control.


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Unique in Canada, is a university based movement program offered to children aged 1-12 which is diverse and inclusive in its design to foster healthy physical, cognitive, affective and social development. The purpose of this study is to investigate how children's involvement in a weekly movement education program influences their social development. The primary-aged children involved in this research are participants in the university based Saturday morning program, The Children's Movement Program (CMP), in which creative dance, educational gymnastics and developmental games are employed to enhance optimal development. The 15 participants were systematically observed for 8 weeks as they naturally engaged in the program's activities. Interviews were conducted with both children and their caregivers throughout the duration of the program. Particular attention was paid to the perceptions of caregivers regarding the advantages of a program based upon principles of movement education. Results indicate that participation in the program increases children's opportunity to interact socially and address ways in which program content, pedagogy and context encourage social development. A figure was developed with these components to assist teachers in creating inclusive and meaningful movement experiences. 'Content' is referred to as the material to be learned or the desired outcome for the learner. 'Pedagogy' refers to the process in which the student will engage and 'Context' refers to the environment in which the experience occurs (eg. skating rink with playground balls). It is recommended that each is thoroughly addressed individually for its potential in lesson design.


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Every day we make decisions that have repercussions. Sometimes the effects are immediate and intended; other times the effects might be unintended or might not be apparent for years. As parents or educators, part of our role is to support the development of children’s decision-making skills, helping them to develop patterns of adaptive decision-making that will serve them well in their current lives and into the future. Part of successful decision-making involves self-control, a system served by the brain’s executive functions (EF). This involves the ability to put aside immediate reactions and base decisions on a variety of important considerations. Social-cognitive development, the ongoing improvement of the ability to get along with others and to understand others’ emotions, expressions, motivations, and intents, relies, to a large degree, on the same EF systems. The current paper explores the interaction of these two factors (the role of EF in social-cognitive development), explores the research to determine the most effective approaches to improving both factors, and develops a handbook providing activities for educators to use while supporting the growth of both EF and social-cognitive skills. Results of a needs assessment reveal that the majority (59%) of educators surveyed had never used a social skills improvement program in their classrooms, while a full 95% believed that social skills are important or very important for a student’s academic success.


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Introduction : Les adolescents avec déficiences physiques en transition vers la vie adulte éprouvent des difficultés à établir une participation sociale optimale. Cette étude explore les retombées d'un programme de cirque social sur la participation sociale de ces jeunes selon leur point de vue et celui de leurs parents. Méthode : Étude qualitative exploratoire d’orientation phénoménologique. Neuf personnes avec déficiences physiques, âgées de 18 et 25 ans, ont participé au programme pendant neuf mois. Données recueillies : perceptions de leur qualité de participation sociale à partir d’entrevues semi-structurées en pré, mi-temps et post-intervention avec les participants et un de leurs parents. Le guide d’entrevue validé est ancré sur le Modèle du développement humain- Processus de production du handicap - 2 (HDM-PPH2). L’enregistrement audio des entretiens a été transcrit en verbatim. Le contenu a été analysé avec le logiciel Nvivo 9 à travers une grille de codage préalablement validée (co-codage, codage-inverse). Résultats : Corpus de 54 entrevues. L’âge moyen des jeunes était de 20,0 ± 1,4 années et de 51 ± 3,6 années pour les parents. Selon tous, la participation sociale des jeunes adultes a été optimisée, surtout sur le plan de la communication, des déplacements, des relations interpersonnelles, des responsabilités et de la vie communautaire. La perception de soi et les habiletés sociales, également améliorées, ont favorisé une plus grande auto-efficacité. Conclusion : Cette étude soutient donc le potentiel du cirque social comme approche novatrice et probante en réadaptation physique pour cette population, et appuie la pertinence d’autres études rigoureuses mesurant les diverses retombées possibles et identifiées.


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Desarrollar estrategias para intervenir sistem??ticamente en la conducta interpersonal de los ni??os y ni??as. Desarrollar y adoptar instrumentos de evaluaci??n de la conducta interpersonal enla edad escolar. Evaluar el Programa de Habilidades de Interacci??n Social (PHIS). La muestra est?? compuesta por 48 ni??os de 4 a 12 a??os, de preescolar a quinto de EGB. La poblaci??n de la que se extrae la muestra est?? compuesta por 781 alumnos de 35 aulas de cuatro centros de EGB de la ciudad de Valladolid. Se utiliza un dise??o experimental de grupo de control pretset-postest. Se contemplan tres grupos: dos grupos experimentales (que se diferencian entre s?? por la intensidad del tratamiento) y un grupo control. Las variables que se contemplan son: el Programa de Habilidades de Interacci??n Social (PHIS) y el modelo de intervenci??n asociado (variable independiente), la competencia social y habilidades sociales (variables dependientes referidas a los sujetos). Se aplica una estrategia de evaluaci??n multimodal utilizando un Paquete de Evaluaci??n Comprensiva que contempla distintas fuentes de informaci??n y evaluaci??n (padres, profesores, observadores, los compa??eros y el propio sujeto). El paquete de evaluaci??n consta de un total de once instrumentos de evaluaci??n. La mayor??a de estos han sido elaborados y construidos ad hoc o adaptados y traducidos para la presente investigaci??n: el procedimiento sociom??trico para profesores (PS-P), el procedimiento sociom??trico para ni??os (PS-N), el ACCEPTS (A Curriculum for childrens Effective Peer and Teacher Skills) Placement Test, el Matson Evaluation of Social Skills with Youngsters (MESSY), cuestionario de habilidades de interacci??n social (CHIS), c??digo de observaci??n de la interacci??n social (COIS), bater??a de habilidades interpersonales (BHIP), cuestionario para padres, cuestionario de implementaci??n y satisfacci??n para profesores (CUI-PR), cuestionario de implementaci??n y satisfacci??n para padres (CUI-PA) y cuestionarios de seguimiento. El tratamiento estad??stico de los datos se realiza con el paquete SPSS. Se utilizan las pruebas de contraste: an??lisis de varianza (para datos que permiten un tratamiento param??trico) y las pruebas no param??tricas de Kruskal Wallis y la U de Mann Whitney. Tambi??n se utiliza el an??lisis de varianza de medidas repetidas. Se evidencian diferencias significativas en favor de los grupos experimentales en la mayor??a de las variables dependientes consideradas. Asimismo, el PHIS y el modelo de intervenci??n asociado es efectivo para el tratamiento de profesores y padres ya que incrementa su competencia tanto profesional como parental en el ??rea interpesonal. Adem??s, se demuestra adecuada validez social de la intervenci??n, aceptable mantenimiento y cierto grado de generalizaci??n de los efectos del tratamiento. Los entrenamientos en habilidades sociales son estrategias de intervenci??n y ense??anza del comportamiento interpersonal que se muestran efectivos para la ense??anza de las habilidades de interacci??n social en la infancia. Por ello es necesario incluir programas de ense??anza de las habilidades sociales dentro de los curriculum educativos habituales de los centros de EGB.


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A competência social é um construto multidimensional que abrange um conjunto de comportamentos aprendidos, socialmente aceites e que, deste modo, desempenha um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento humano em geral e, em particular, no funcionamento escolar e profissional, afetando as relações com os professores e pares e o sucesso académico e profissional (Lemos & Menezes, 2002). Por sua vez, o autoconceito, também descrito na literatura como um construto multidimensional que engloba um sistema de representações descritivas e avaliativas acerca do desempenho do self nos diferentes contextos e tarefas em que o sujeito se envolve, diz respeito à imagem que o sujeito tem de si próprio e aquilo que acredita ser (Veiga, 2006). A carreira é um exemplo de um processo sócio relacional (Blustein, 2011). Exige a capacidade do indivíduo para avaliar os conhecimentos de si e do meio, bem como para selecionar e implementar recursos sociais adequados para lidar com tarefas de carreira e desafios específicos. Tendo em consideração a falta de estudos teóricos e empíricos sobre a compreensão das competências sociais e do autoconceito no âmbito da carreira dos jovens adolescentes, este estudo tem como objetivo principal caracterizar as competências sociais em contexto de carreira e o autoconceito em alunos do 8º ano, bem como, analisar possíveis diferenças nos resultados em função de variáveis sociodemográficas. Além disso, pretende-se, ainda, analisar a influência do autoconceito nas competências sociais em contexto de carreira e vice-versa. Para o efeito, participaram neste estudo 306 estudantes de ambos os sexos, 163 raparigas (53,3%) e 143 rapazes (46,7%), com idades compreendidas entre 12 e 16 anos (M=13,28; DP=0,590). Estes jovens encontram-se a frequentar o 8º ano de escolaridade, em três estabelecimentos de ensino público da zona norte do país. Foram administrados dois questionários de auto relato, a Prova de Avaliação de Competência Social em contexto de Carreira (PACS-Car, Candeias, 2005 adaptada por Araújo & Taveira, 2009) para avaliar as competências sociais de carreira e, o Piers-Harris Children’s Self Concept Scale-2 (PHCSCS-2 – Piers & Herzberg, 2002, adaptado por Veiga, 2006), para avaliar o autoconceito. Os resultados indicam que os rapazes apresentam níveis mais elevados de desempenho pobre, ansiedade e popularidade, quando comparados com as raparigas e que os alunos mais novos apresentam níveis de desempenho excelente, aspeto comportamental e ansiedade superiores aos adolescentes mais velhos. Verificou-se, ainda, que as competências sociais em contexto de carreira parecem influenciar positivamente o autoconceito e vice-versa. São retiradas implicações para o processo de intervenção na carreira com jovens.


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O presente relatório caracteriza a ação política e a perspetiva social da Junta de Freguesia de São Domingos de Benfica, categorizando-o em cinco eixos de intervenção, analisando a sua eficácia e abrangência no período entre 2005 e 2011. No primeiro eixo, focado na ação na infância e juventude, inclui-se o Programa de Promoção de Competências Pessoais e Sociais, o Gabinete de Apoio à Criança e ao Jovem, os Encontros para Pais, a Comissão de Proteção de Crianças e Jovens, as Atividades de OTL do Espaço Jovem e os Programas de Férias. Das respostas para os adultos, no segundo eixo, fazem parte dois gabinetes de apoio aos munícipes1 com perturbações de comportamento aditivo e vítimas de violência doméstica, incluindo-se ações de prevenção e sensibilização. Para a população idosa temos o terceiro eixo e salienta-se o Programa de Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável, as Atividades de OTL, nomeadamente o Programa de Férias para a população Sénior e as visitas e passeios histórico-culturais. A família e a qualidade das relações familiares são um aspeto de grande importância, por isso temos o quarto eixo que tem o acompanhamento psicossocial, apoio a famílias carenciadas e o projeto de apoio às famílias junto de bairros isolados da freguesia. Finalmente, o quinto e último eixo refere-se a um movimento de integração das várias entidades da freguesia designado por Comissão Social de Freguesia que pretende desenvolver projetos orientados para o apoio à comunidade. Este relatório terminará com uma reflexão crítica relativamente à evolução do trabalho desenvolvido na ação social desde 2005 até 2011.


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Social interaction and understanding in autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) are key areas of concern to practitioners and researchers alike. However, there is a relative lack of information about the skills and competencies of children and young people with ASD who access ordinary community facilities including mainstream education. In particular, contributions by parents and their children have been under-utilized. Using two structured questionnaires, 19 children with ASD reported difficulties with social skills including social engagement and temper management and also reported difficulties with social competence, affecting both friendships and peer relationships. Parents rated the children's social skill and competence as significantly worse than did the children themselves, but there was considerable agreement about the areas that were problematic. Using an informal measure to highlight their children's difficulties, parents raised issues relating to conversation skills, social emotional reciprocity and peer relationships. The implications for assessment and intervention are discussed.


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The role of state and trait anxiety on observer ratings of social skill and negatively biased self-perception of social skill was examined. Participants were aged between 7 and 13 years (mean=9.65; sd=1.77; N=102), 47 had a current anxiety diagnosis and 55 were non-anxious controls. Participants were randomly allocated to a high or low anxiety condition and asked to complete social tasks. Task instructions were adjusted across conditions to manipulate participants’ state anxiety. Observers rated anxious participants as having poorer social skills than non-anxious controls but there was no evidence that anxious participants exhibited a negative self-perception bias, relative to controls. However, as participants’ ratings of state anxiety increased, their perception of their performance became more negatively biased. The results suggest that anxious children may exhibit real impairments in social skill and that high levels of state anxiety can lead to biased judgements of social skills in anxious and non-anxious children.


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Although there is a large body of evidence attesting to the poor social skills of juvenile offenders, few workers have examined the underlying language skills of this population. This pilot study investigated the language skills of a group of young offenders in comparison to non-offending school students. Data were gathered from 15 community-based young offender males, aged between 13 and 21 years (M = 16.5 years, SD = 2.1) from the Victorian southern region Juvenile Justice Units. The comparison group comprised 15 male students, aged between 15 and 17 years (M = I 6.4 years; SD = 0.5 I) from government high schools in south-eastern metropolitan Melbourne. Each participant completed a narrative discourse task and measures of speed of processing, and abstract language. It was hypothesised that the young offender group would perform more poorly on each of the language tasks than the comparison group. Independent t tests (with a modified alpha level to control for family-wise error rates) showed that there were significant differences in the expected direction, on all language measures. Notwithstanding the pilot nature of the investigation, implications of these findings for both further research and intervention/early intervention are described.


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We examine the nature and predictors of social and romantic functioning in adolescents and adults with ASD. Parental reports were obtained for 25 ASD adolescents and adults (13–36 years), and 38 typical adolescents and adults (13–30 years). The ASD group relied less upon peers and friends for social (OR = 52.16, p < .01) and romantic learning (OR = 38.25, p < .01). Individuals with ASD were more likely to engage in inappropriate courting behaviours (χ2 df = 19 = 3168.74, p < .001) and were more likely to focus their attention upon celebrities, strangers, colleagues, and ex-partners (χ2 df = 5 = 2335.40, p < .001), and to pursue their target longer than controls (t = −2.23, df = 18.79, p < .05). These results show that the diagnosis of ASD is pertinent when individuals are prosecuted under stalking legislation in various jurisdictions.


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Background and aims: The aims of this study were to investigate the relationship between pretend play, social competence and involvement in school-based activities in children aged 5–7 years and to determine whether children's social competence and level of involvement could be inferred from their scores on the Child-Initiated Pretend Play Assessment.
Procedure: The pretend play skills of 41 primary school-aged children aged 5–7 years were assessed on a one-on-one basis. Classroom teachers of the children assessed the children's social competence using the Penn Interactive Peer Play Scale and their involvement in school based activities using the Leuven Involvement Scale for Young Children.
Main findings: Significant positive relationships were found between elaborate pretend play and object substitution scores, involvement scores and peer play interaction scores (P < 0.05, P < 0.01). A significant negative relationship was found between elaborate pretend play scores, and social disconnection and social disruption scores (P < 0.05). Play deficit indicators were significantly negatively related to involvement scores (P < 0.01). This suggests that children with proficient pretend play skills are socially competent with peers and are able to engage in classroom activity. Children who scored poorly on the play assessment were more likely to have difficulty interacting with their peers and engaging in school activities.
Conclusion: Social competence and involvement skills are related to a child's ability to engage in pretend play. A child's social skills and ability to engage in school activities as assessed by teachers can be inferred from their scores on the Child-Initiated Pretend Play Assessment.


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This article presents results from a mixed-method evaluation of a structured cooking and gardening program in Australian primary schools, focusing on program impacts on the social and learning environment of the school. In particular, we address the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program objective of providing a pleasurable experience that has a positive impact on student engagement, social connections, and confidence within and beyond the school gates. Primary evidence for the research question came from qualitative data collected from students, parents, teachers, volunteers, school principals, and specialist staff through interviews, focus groups, and participant observations. This was supported by analyses of quantitative data on child quality of life, cooperative behaviors, teacher perceptions of the school environment, and school-level educational outcome and absenteeism data. Results showed that some of the program attributes valued most highly by study participants included increased student engagement and confidence, opportunities for experiential and integrated learning, teamwork, building social skills, and connections and links between schools and their communities. In this analysis, quantitative findings failed to support findings from the primary analysis. Limitations as well as benefits of a mixed-methods approach to evaluation of complex community interventions are discussed.