16 resultados para Sociabilities


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Analisar a viagem que Rocha Pombo realizou aos estados do norte do Brasil como uma estratégia de legitimação no campo intelectual é o horizonte do presente trabalho. Defende-se que a travessia realizada aos estados do norte do país representou um momento excepcional na trajetória profissional do viajante, influenciando a revisão de sua escrita historiográfica, no movimento de luta por legitimação como autor de livros de História no campo intelectual. Da viagem, o intelectual paranaense trouxe capital simbólico e cultural fundamental para a escrita de seus livros de cunho histórico, consagrando-se como autoridade para falar de temas relacionados à história. A viagem modificou a maneira como o intelectual paranaense passou a escrever seus livros de história, sobretudo no que tange ao lugar dos estados do dito norte do Brasil, bem como, em livros de história regional. A excursão por diferentes estados foi interpretada como uma ação reveladora de redes de sociabilidade, apoio, prestígio, no movimento construído pelo intelectual em busca de projeção, visibilidade e distinção frente aos concorrentes do campo. Se muitos foram os viajantes que percorreram o Brasil, defende-se que uma das singularidades do viajar na experiência de Rocha Pombo foi motivação em relação à ampliação do mercado consumidor e leitor das obras do autor, publicadas por diferentes editores. A excursão de um autor auxilia no entendimento das tensões e competições do mercado editorial no período, com especial atenção ao público escolar. A travessia realizada por Rocha Pombo pelo Brasil afora permite vislumbrar a existência de diferentes experiências de instrução pelo país, evidenciando a circulação de livros didáticos e de práticas e concepções de educação no período, para além da esfera da capital tida como lócus intelectual e vitrine do progresso e da modernidade. A análise do registro e da prática da viagem em Rocha Pombo o circunscreve no movimento coletivo de diferentes sujeitos e debates acerca da necessidade de projetos de educação para o povo, na constituição de um país que se pretendia grande, encontrando na diversidade a constituição enquanto povo e nação.


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L’objectif général de notre projet est d’étudier l’interrelation entre espaces intérieurs, temporalité et sociabilités dans la littérature dite « mémorialiste » de Buenos Aires de la période 1880-1910. Notre recherche privilégie l’analyse des textes d’inspiration mémorialiste parus à Buenos Aires entre 1881 et 1904: Buenos Aires, desde setenta años atrás (José A. Wilde); La Gran Aldea (Lucio V. López); Las beldades de mi tiempo (Santiago Calzadilla); Memorias de un viejo (Víctor Gálvez) et Memorias. Infancia y adolescencia (Lucio V. Mansilla). Plus spécifiquement, nous essayons de définir notre concept de « dimension intérieure », à partir de l’intersection entre espace et temps perceptible chez les auteurs mémorialistes dès le commencement de leurs récits évocateurs. Parallèlement, nous cherchons à prouver que ce concept s’exprime comme la progression graduelle, à partir de la pensée des auteurs (c’est-à-dire, le premier espace intérieur, le plus intime), jusqu’à la conquête des espaces plus vastes, comme la maison de l’enfance, le quartier, la ville, la Nation. En même temps, nous explorons la relation problématique entre mémoire et espace intime, d’un côté, et les complexes relations entre mémoire et histoire nationale, de l’autre côté. Parallèlement, nous analysons la transition historique de la période coloniale à la période moderne -ce qui José Luis Romero appelle les ères « créole » et « alluviale »- depuis la perspective des sociabilités de la « haute société » et des « secteurs populaires ». Pour ce faire, nous analysons, en premier lieu, les espaces domestiques des grandes maisons coloniales de la « haute société » de Buenos Aires, dans Memorias. Infancia y adolescencia (Lucio V. Mansilla), avant de nous consacrer à d’autres sites qui nous permettent d’identifier les variables sociabilités historiques: « tertulias », magasins, « pulperías », cafés et clubs.


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In her book The Reluctant Modernism of Hannah Arendt (2000) Seyla Benhabib uses the concept of an ‘alternative genealogy of modernity’ to help her both to understand Arendt’s political philosophy and to rethink the potential for civil society to become a progressive political force at the beginning of the twenty first century. The idea of an alternative genealogy of modernity refers to a heterogeneity of social and political forms, spaces and acts that might be used to remap and redefine a modernity whose dominant topology has been shaped by the binary division between so-called public and private spheres. Alternative modernities have already been elaborated and explored from a range of different perspectives including feminist and postcolonial ones: for example, in Rita Felski’s Gender of Modernity (1995) and Dipesh Chakrabarty’s Provincialising Europe (2000). In this paper I want to elaborate upon the idea of an alternative genealogy of modernity from my perspective as a dancer. Thinking through the sociality of art and, more specifically, of some historical dance-making practices can make visible alternative spaces and processes of the (potentially) political. In the West, the modes of art-making form part of an as yet not fully explored arena of the social and of social practices. Modernist and Romantic ideologies have tended to preclude attention to the specific sociabilities of art-making. On the one hand Modernist ideology and art discourses have promoted the idea of an art work’s ‘autonomy’: its radical separation from the social relationships, the bodies and the conditions of its making. On the other hand Romantic ideology, still pervasive in popular conceptions of art practices, construes creation as interiority and individualistic expression. Socialist feminist and Marxist discussions of art have emphasized the social conditions of art-making but these have tended to be concerned with the social inequalities instituted within the public/private split rather than seeking to destabilize that division itself by posing questions of differences within the social. In my discussion below I draw on aspects of early modern dance practice and creation in taking up Benhabib’s concern to mobilise an alternative genealogy of modernity towards a renewal and reactivation of civic life. This project involves unsettling clear distinctions between the so-called ‘public’ and ‘private’ but, at the same time, as Benhabib cautions ‘the binarity of public and private spheres must be reconstructed and not merely rejected’. (2000:2006)


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The aim of this paper was to understand women s time as seen through the experiences of the women workers of Sobral-CE, who build free time and leisure time through the subjectivity of their histories as delineated by an everyday life as full of work as it is empty of leisure. The approach used here is an ethnographic one, through participative observation and narratives of working and leisure experiences. These workers everyday life reveals itself in the construction of their leisure time as related to their time of drudgery, in public as well as in private spaces. The responsibility of working away from home, as well as of carrying through domestic chores and of devoting themselves to their husband and their children was imposed upon women in a manipulative manner. This fact deprived women of their possibility of practicing and enjoying leisure activities. With the coming of the so called triple working day, women began organizing new strategies to elaborate, to organize, to create and to turn leisure activities possible. The interpretation of the trajectories of the lives of twenty women workers of a shoe plant in Sobral-CE was realized by the means of an ethnographic study. The thesis consists of the analysis of the construction of social times and of leisure practices, in a context interpenetrated by the cultural conditionings of much work and economic difficulties. The aim of the study was to understand how the women workers of Sobral-CE construct their practices and representations about free time and leisure in the web of sociabilities (possibilities, necessities, dilemmas and dreams). Everyday life is here defined as an ontological dimension of human life. Hence, it does not limit itself to the rituals, the celebrations or the exceptional conditions usually discussed by researchers


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The present work analyses and discusses the sociability in the culture of contemporary cities focusing on the theme of fear and violence in the daily life of squares in the city of João Pessoa-PB. We analyse the relations between places in town and make correlations of history and setting of neighborhoods with the process of urban growth, including recent interventions of public authorities in their public spaces. We observed in this dynamics social attitudes and actions that range from a desired peaceful coexistence to social exclusion. Thus, we discuss, based upon the imaginary vision, that the squares exist as a locus of equality, citizenship and political, and, also, as a space for everyone, despite the existence of symbolic forces working towards segregation and privatization, ruled in fear and violence. We aimed to investigate the different symbolic logics from the issue of fear and violence that allows the exclusion and the inclusion of groups and individuals in the quotidian use of public spaces of contemporary cities. We believe that the social action is demarcated by violence ant its corollary, the social fear, and operates based on the logic of a relational game always confrontational but experienced in different forms according to the social segment or group under study. We used a qualitative and quantitative methodology relating data and statistical analysis with categories created for the understanding of subjective factors. Our analyses combined ethnographic elements, periodics research and images of the city and its spaces, with the contribution of a survey that allowed comparisions of five squares of neighborhood based on the daily life under investigation. Our proposal was to deepen the investigations related to the public space of contemporary cities, expanding the look on João Pessoa and its cultural dynamics with an analysis of discourses, images, the collective imaginary and the social appropriation of the spaces based on fear and violence. The research accomplished in different areas and the analysis of images and speeches published in newspapers reports, books, advertising etc. allowed the approach of differentiated patterns of sociability in the same urban process. The neighborhoods in study are indeed spatially and economically distanced and the process of creation and construction of squares occurred in very different ways in the respective location. We defend the thesis that neighborhood community squares provide reinvigorated spaces and public spheres in the urban process and in the dynamics of sociability in the cities. These squares are also social spaces par excellence for the perception of the logic of individualism and segregation so marked by fear and violence in contemporary cities


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The urban growth of Rio Grande do Norte capital gave his boldest step in the three earlier decades of the twentieth century seeking to catch up with foreign metropolis and also most developed Brazilian cities, for example, Rio de Janeiro. Novelties were such bulky that we can notice the rise of a new city which in many aspects superseded that one considered provincial by local intelligentsia. These urban interferences scratched city ground leaving indelible marks until the present day. The exacerbated growth of the city related to the 1940s, when Natal begins hosting the largest allied military base outside United States in the advent of World War II is important at a time when the city´s population doubled. The emergence of new leisure institutions, amidst already existing ones, continued marking the places as sociabilities and leisure permeated with meanings and representations are revealed. This work sought to know the sociability of Tirol and Petrópolis neighborhoods in Natal, in the period from 1945 to 1960, when the city witnesses the consolidation of a market increasingly focused on leisure and young people start to have a special participation in this process.


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Durante algum tempo acreditou-se que as grandes transformações no meio técnico-científico informacional levariam, necessariamente, à renovação das sociabilidades. Mas, o que dizer quando nenhum acontecimento, nenhum evento é capaz de romper a estabilidade dos padrões éticos normativos dos sistemas de ações hegemônicos de nossas sociedades capitalistas? Este artigo visa compreender tal fenômeno, retomando de maneira sistemática a idéia de psicoesfera e tecnoesfera. Para tanto, procura analisar a indissociabilidade dos sistemas técnicos e dos sistemas de ações; indissociabilidade fundada numa racionalidade técnico-científica capaz de constituir valores e critérios normativos de justificação e estabilização nas sociedades capitalistas, mesmo em um meio geográfico em que é aparente a desagregação e decomposição das sociabilidades, precedida pelo aprofundamento das desigualdades territoriais.


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Este artigo visa apontar a importância historiográfica de interpretar e compreender de maneira ampla e exaustiva as imagens, os discursos e demais vestígios que nos permitam ter acesso às sociabilidades, representações, projetos e práticas vivenciadas pelos habitantes das cidades do Brasil caipira, que apresentaram transformações geradas pela modernidade, no limiar do XX, em decorrência da nova dinâmica capitalista gerada pelos efeitos da expansão da economia cafeeira nessa região.


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Os Pássaros Juninos ou Pássaros Melodrama-Fantasia representam um tipo de teatro musicado próprio do Pará. Eles possuem como referenciais elementos de diversos gêneros teatrais e de manifestações regionais, trazendo à tona fontes das culturas negra, branca e indígena, que desde a colonização da região se miscigenaram, resultando naquilo que hoje entendemos por “cultura amazônica”. Este trabalho pretende discutir o caráter mestiço que engendrou as circunstâncias do surgimento dos Pássaros Juninos e, por conseguinte, explicitar que tal manifestação evoca distintas imagens que convergem na construção de narrativas amazônicas fantásticas expressas sob a forma de sociabilidades singulares ao contexto paraense.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Digital Age, with its new interactive and converging technologies, stimulates original forms of sociability, which are interconnected, intercommunicating and virtualized through hyperscreens. Another kind of interaction arises from the digitization and new speeds of contemporary communicative process. With the new order of knowledge, it is now possible to transgress the limits of physical space and linear time sequence, through the collective development of content through such telematics networks. Youth gives voice to a new type of user, or a social actor, whose thinking is connected to other communication habits, consolidating singular cultural standards, demanding new languages and skills. Here, we address the nature of this Design of new relations, interactions, behaviors and social systems that emerge in the so called Information Society.