835 resultados para Soccer coaches


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This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence and implementation of a training emphasizing the use of autonomy supportive coaching behaviors among youth soccer coaches in game-play situations as well as evaluating its effects on motivational processes among athletes. Participants included youth sport soccer coaches and their intact teams. Coaches received a series of autonomy-supportive coaching training interventions based on successful programs in general and physical education (Reeve, Jang, Carrell, Jeon & Barch, 2004; Cheon, Reeve & Moon, 2012). Athletes completed questionnaires to assess perceived autonomy support, basic need satisfaction, and motivation (Harris & Watson, 2011). Observations indicated coaches were not able to significantly modify their behaviors, yet reflectively reported modest implementation of autonomy supportive behaviors. Coaches believed the training influenced their coaching style/philosophy in regards to the coach-athlete relationship and communication styles, emphasizing choice and rationales. Continued research is needed to enhance use of autonomy supportive behaviors with volunteer coaches in a youth sport environment.


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Statistics published by the German Football Association indicate that women are significantly under-represented amongst soccer coaches, especially in the amateur leagues. In this paper we analyse how gender stereotypes influence the structural conditions surrounding the recruitment of coaches to soccer clubs that contribute to the exclusion of women from coaching positions. A qualitative study of five selected soccer clubs which are members of a German regional soccer association reveals that informal and personal decision-making practices still play a fundamental role in the recruitment of coaches. These practices undermine formal guidelines and give disproportionate weight to stereotyped preferences in the recruitment of soccer coaches. In this context, decision-makers' (functionaries') professed support of women largely serves a symbolic purpose and creates an illusion of equality concerning decisions that have already been taken at an informal level.


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Introduction: In professional soccer, talent selection relies on the subjective judgment of scouts and coaches. To date, little is known about coaches´ “eye for talent” (Christensen, 2009, p. 379) and the nature of the subjective criteria they use to identify those players with the greatest potential to achieve peak performance in adulthood (Williams & Reilly, 2000). Drawing on a constructivist approach (Kelly, 1991), this study explores coaches´ subjective talent criteria. It is assumed that coaches are able to verbalise and specify their talent criteria, and that these are related to their talent selection decisions based on instinct. Methods: Participants and generation of data. Five national youth soccer coaches (Mage = 55.6; SD = 5.03) were investigated at three appointments: (1) talent selection decision based on instinct, (2) semi-structured inductive interview to elicit each coaches´ talent criteria in detail, (3) communicative validation and evaluation of the players by each coach using the repertory grid technique (Fromm, 2004). Data Analysis: Interviews were transcribed and summarized with regard to each specified talent criterion. Each talent criterion was categorized using a bottom-up-approach (meaning categorization, Kvale, 1996). The repertory grid data was analysed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. Results and Discussion: For each coach, six to nine talent criteria were elicited and specified. The subjective talent criteria include aspects of personality, cognitive perceptual skills, motor abilities, development, technique, social environment and physical constitution, which shows that the coaches use a multi-dimensional concept of talent. However, more than half of all criteria describe personality characteristics, in particular achievement motivation, volition and self-confidence. In contrast to Morris (2000), this result shows that coaches have a differentiated view of the personality characteristics required to achieve peak performance. As an indication of criterion validity, moderate to high correlations (.57 ≤ r ≤ .81) are found between the evaluations of the players according to the coaches´ talent criteria and their talent selection decision. The study shows that coaches are able to specify their subject talent criteria and that those criteria are strongly related to their instinctive selection decisions. References: Christensen, M. K. (2009). "An Eye for Talent": Talent Identification and the "Practical Sense" of Top-Level Soccer Coaches. Sociology of Sport Journal, 26, 365–382. Fromm, M. (2004). Introduction to the Repertory Grid Interview. Münster: Waxmann. Kelly, G. A. (1991). The Psychology of Personal Constructs: Volume One: Theory and personality. London: Routledge. Kvale, S. (1996). InterViews: An introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Morris, T. (2000). Psychological characteristics and talent identification in soccer. Journal of Sports Sciences, 18, 715–726. Williams, A. M., & Reilly, T. (2000). Talent identification and development in soccer. Journal of Sports Sciences, 18, 657–667.


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In this study three chronicles from national newspapers (one generalist and two sport press) were analyzed. The chronicles belong to Spain’s soccer final of the King’s Cup in 2014. The aim of the study was to know if there was any influence on the readers’ perception of justice and consequently if this influence could cause a particular predisposition to participate in acts of protest. 462 university students participated. The results showed that different chronicles caused differences in the perception of justice depending on the chronicle read. However, a clear influence on the willingness to participate in acts of protest was not obtained. These results should make us think about the impact of sport press and its influence, and to be aware of the indirect responsibility of every sector on the antisocial behaviors generated by soccer in our country.


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The aim of the present study is to analyse the influence of different large-sided games (LSGs) on the physical and physiological variables in under-12s (U12) and -13s (U13) soccer players. The effects of the combination of different number of players per team, 7, 9, and 11 (P7, P9, and P11, respectively) with three relative pitch areas, 100, 200, and 300 m(2) (A100, A200, and A300, respectively), were analysed in this study. The variables analysed were: 1) global indicator such as total distance (TD); work:rest ratio (W:R); player-load (PL) and maximal speed (V-max); 2) heart rate (HR) mean and time spent in different intensity zones of HR (<75%, 75-84%, 84-90% and >90%), and; 3) five absolute (<8, 8-13, 13-16 and >16 Km h(-1)) and three relative speed categories (<40%, 40-60% and >60% V-max). The results support the theory that a change in format (player number and pitch dimensions) affects no similarly in the two players categories. Although it can seem that U13 players are more demanded in this kind of LSG, when the work load is assessed from a relative point of view, great pitch dimensions and/or high number of player per team are involved in the training task to the U12 players. The results of this study could alert to the coaches to avoid some types of LSGs for the U12 players such as:P11 played in A100, A200 or A300, P9 played in A200 or A300 and P7 played in A300 due to that U13>U12 in several physical and physiological variables (W:R, time spent in 84-90% HRmax, distance in 8-13 and 13-16 Km h(-1) and time spent in 40-60% V-max). These results may help youth soccer coaches to plan the progressive introduction of LSGs so that task demands are adapted to the physiological and physical development of participants.


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O presente trabalho tem como tema central as vivências interculturais dos atores do mundo do futebol que, a cada dia mais, perpassam diversas culturas como caminho ascensional das suas carreiras. O objeto dos Estudos Organizacionais Interculturais dá ênfase às interações entre pessoas de diferentes culturas, e esta é a problemática proposta nesta discussão, que enseja debates, convida à discussões interdisciplinares e evoca uma temática que instiga novos olhares sobres questões transculturais. Embora a literatura do campo aborde em sua maioria a adaptação e vivência de executivos expatriados, o presente trabalho pretende investigar a vivência e adaptação de jogadores e técnicos de futebol que trabalham em diferentes contextos. O referencial teórico é formado por áreas do conhecimento, promovendo uma conversa interdisciplinar, particularmente oriundas da Administração e Sociologia, bem como a literatura sobre futebol, que é o objeto empírico da tese. Metodologicamente a pesquisa adota uma abordagem qualitativa e interpretativista. A coleta de dados foi feita através de entrevistas com profissionais reconhecidos, que exerceram ou ainda estão exercendo suas atividades no exterior. Notadamente, e de forma prática, identificam-se questões de adaptação cultural que podem interferir no sucesso profissional da pessoa que se desloca para territórios estrangeiros, podendo influenciar na sua vida pessoal, dificultando o seu sucesso, por variados fatores, tais como: o idioma em si, a dificuldade de compreensão das figuras de linguagem e expressões inerentes a cada idioma, a mecânica laboral de cada cultura, o contraste no estilo de vida, os códigos culturais, linguagem corporal, hábitos cotidianos, estranhamento ao universo do outro, hábitos alimentares. Pretende-se que este estudo possa contribuir para ampliar e incitar o arcabouço teórico dos estudos de administração intercultural, através das vivências e proposições para uma melhor adaptação e vivência de jogadores e técnicos de futebol no exterior.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Einleitung Im Fußball entscheidet der Trainer, welche Spieler in eine Leistungsmannschaft selektioniert werden. Die Frage, nach welchen Kriterien Trainer die Spieler beurteilen und selektionieren, wurde bislang allerdings unzureichend untersucht (Williams & Reilly, 2000). In der vorliegenden qualitativen Studie wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Talentkriterien aus Trainersicht für den späteren Erfolg im Spitzenfußball ausschlaggebend sind. Methode Interviewpartner waren sechs männliche Fußballtrainer (MAlter = 39.5; SD = 7.18), die hauptberuflich für die Nachwuchsabteilung (Altersklasse 13 – 17 Jahre) eines Schweizer Fußballvereins der höchsten nationalen Spielklasse (Super League) arbeiten und zum Zeitpunkt des Interviews mindestens die UEFA-A-Lizenz besaßen. Die Bestimmung der subjektiven Talentkriterien erfolgte mithilfe eines Interviewleitfadens, der sich an der Konstruktbestimmung der Repertory Grid Technik (vgl. Fromm, 2004) orientierte. Ausge-wertet wurden die Interviews mit einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse (Kvale, 1996). Ergebnisse und Diskussion Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass sich die subjektiven Talentkriterien von Trainern sprachlich differenziert erheben lassen. Die befragten Trainer formulierten jeweils sechs bis acht Talentkriterien, die Aspekte aus den Bereichen Persönlichkeit, kognitiv-perzeptuelle Fertigkeiten, konditionelle Fähigkeiten, Technik, physische Konstitution und Umfeld beinhalten. Dass einige Kriterien Aspekte mehrere dieser Bereiche beinhalten und inhaltlich nicht den Kriterien der anderen Trainer entsprechen, kann als Hinweis auf die Subjektivität und Individualität dieser Talentkriterien gedeutet werden. Beinahe die Hälfte der genannten Kriterien beinhalten Persönlichkeitsaspekte. Facetten der Leistungsmotivation wurden dabei am häufigsten genannt, gefolgt von Lernfähigkeit und Lernbereitschaft sowie anderen Aspekten wie z.B. zur Selbsteinschätzung und Zielorientierung. Die Er-gebnisse zeigen, dass die untersuchten Trainer eine differenzierte Wahrnehmung von entwicklungsförderlichen Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen haben. Die Bedeutung der Persönlichkeit aus Trainersicht für das Erreichen eines Spitzenniveaus ist vergleichbar mit den Ergebnissen vorheriger Untersuchungen (z.B. Christensen, 2009). Literatur Christensen, M. K. (2009). "An Eye for Talent": Talent Identification and the "Practical Sense" of Top-Level Soccer Coaches. Sociology of Sport Journal, 26, 365–382. Fromm, M. (2004). Introduction to the Repertory Grid Interview. Münster: Waxmann. Kvale, S. (1996). InterViews: An introduction to qualitative researching interviewing. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Williams, A. M. & Reilly, T. (2000). Talent identification and development in soccer. Journal of Sports Sciences, 18, 657-667.


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La utilización de un método de enseñanza u otro es un aspecto importante en la formación de jóvenes jugadores de fútbol. El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido identificar y analizar los métodos de enseñanza que utilizan los entrenadores en el fútbol de iniciación. Para ello, se analizaron a 36 entrenadores de fútbol 8 de categorías benjamín y alevín del campeonato de la Comunidad Valenciana (liga 2013-2014), mediante una encuesta diseñada y validada. Los resultados obtenidos, muestran que el método de enseñanza más utilizado es el método global, siendo la combinación de varios métodos de enseñanza la forma más idónea para enseñar el fútbol.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Social e das Organizações.


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Este trabalho consiste no trabalho desenvolvido no estágio profissionalizante, no Sporting Clube de Lourel – equipa sénior – integrado no Mestrado em Treino Desportivo, da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana. O Relatório de Estágio Profissionalizante inicia com o enquadramento geral do contexto de estágio, o trabalho desenvolvido, as características do local de estágio, das condições de trabalho e, por fim, das finalidades e objetivos do estágio realizado. Após a contextualização do Sporting Clube de Lourel, local de estágio, é desenvolvida a Revisão da Literatura, onde são apresentados as temáticas que suportam a prática profissional. A Realização da Prática Profissional teve como foco a descrição do planeamento, programação, condução e avaliação do processo de treino e competição da equipa do Sporting Clube de Lourel. O Sistema de Observação do S.C. Lourel, corresponde ao projeto de investigação ou inovação, teve como foco os métodos de jogo ofensivo, procurando criar uma ferramenta de observação e análise que possa ser utilizado por todas as equipas técnicas dos quadros do clube. A par da criação do sistema de observação pretende-se avaliar os métodos de jogo ofensivo da equipa sénior. A Ação de Formação Contínua para Treinadores de Futebol corresponde á Área de Relação com a Comunidade e, teve como principal responsabilidade a organização em colaboração com o Núcleo de Lisboa da Associação Nacional de Treinadores de Futebol, de um evento dividido em duas ações de formação contínua, promovendo a partilha de conhecimento e a evolução dos conhecimentos dos treinadores de futebol. Após a realização do estágio profissionalizante, podemos concluir que é de extrema importância a constante evolução das ideias de jogo, dos processos de treino e análise de jogo, tal como, do conhecimento das áreas que influenciam o rendimento das equipas e dos jogadores.


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We explored mental toughness in soccer using a triangulation of data capture involving players (n = 6), coaches (n = 4), and parents (n = 5). Semi-structured interviews, based on a personal construct psychology (Kelly, 1955/1991) framework, were conducted to elicit participants' perspectives on the key characteristics and their contrasts, situations demanding mental toughness, and the behaviours displayed and cognitions employed by mentally tough soccer players. The results from the research provided further evidence that mental toughness is conceptually distinct from other psychological constructs such as hardiness. The findings also supported Gucciardi, Gordon, and Dimmock's (2009) process model of mental toughness. A winning mentality and desire was identified as a key attribute of mentally tough soccer players in addition to other previously reported qualities such as self-belief, physical toughness, work ethic/motivation, and resilience. Key cognitions reported by mentally tough soccer players enabled them to remain focused and competitive during training and matches and highlighted the adoption of several forms of self-talk in dealing with challenging situations. Minor revisions to Gucciardi and colleagues' definition of mental toughness are proposed.