997 resultados para Snow, C. P
Complex chemical reactions in the gas phase can be decomposed into a network of elementary (e.g., unimolecular and bimolecular) steps which may involve multiple reactant channels, multiple intermediates, and multiple products. The modeling of such reactions involves describing the molecular species and their transformation by reaction at a detailed level. Here we focus on a detailed modeling of the C(P-3)+allene (C3H4) reaction, for which molecular beam experiments and theoretical calculations have previously been performed. In our previous calculations, product branching ratios for a nonrotating isomerizing unimolecular system were predicted. We extend the previous calculations to predict absolute unimolecular rate coefficients and branching ratios using microcanonical variational transition state theory (mu-VTST) with full energy and angular momentum resolution. Our calculation of the initial capture rate is facilitated by systematic ab initio potential energy surface calculations that describe the interaction potential between carbon and allene as a function of the angle of attack. Furthermore, the chemical kinetic scheme is enhanced to explicitly treat the entrance channels in terms of a predicted overall input flux and also to allow for the possibility of redissociation via the entrance channels. Thus, the computation of total bimolecular reaction rates and partial capture rates is now possible. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.
Na literatura médica existem actualmente vários trabalhos confirmando o valor da Colangiopancreatografla Retrógada Endoscpica (C.P.R.E.) e da Esflncterotomia Endoscpica (E.T.E.) na terapêutica da Pancreatite Aguda Litiásica (P.A.L.). E uma técnica endoscpica de primeira linha na actuação terapêutica na P.A.L. que ao permitir desobstruir as vias biliares de clculos elimina o factor etiológico desencadeante da doença. E a experiência do grupo de C.P.R.E./E.T.E. do Hospital dos Capuchos que iremos dar a conhecer no presente trabalho.
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és millorar la rendibilitat de l’explotació ramadera d’oví decarn de Cal Alzina s.c.p a través de la comercialització del seu producte.Es vol complementar l’activitat ramadera de producció de xais que es duu a termeactualment amb el servei de venda del producte al consumidor final, per aconseguireliminar els intermediaris i poder obtenir el màxim benefici. L’explotació de Cal Alzina s.c.p es troba al terme municipal de la Roca del Vallès, està formada per dos socis, els dos propietaris i únics treballadors de l’explotació. Disposa d’un ramat de 922 ovelles de raça Ripollesa amb un sistema semi-extensiu. La venda actual dels xais es fa a través de carnissers que paguen un preu per kg de canal establert pel mercat
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57955
Focal dermal hypoplasia (FDH; Goltz-Gorlin syndrome; OMIM 305600) is a disorder that features involvement of the skin, skeletal system, and eyes. It is caused by loss-of-function mutations in the PORCN gene. We report a young girl with FDH, microphthalmos associated with colobomatous orbital cyst, dural ectasia and cystic malformation of the spinal cord, and a de novo variant in PORCN. This association has not been previously reported, and based on these observations the phenotypic spectrum of FDH might be broader than previously appreciated. It would be prudent to alter the suggested surveillance for this rare disorder. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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[Traditions. Asie. Inde. Madhya Pradesh. Damoh]
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