983 resultados para Smith-Lemli-Opitz
A síndrome de Smith-Lemli-Opitz (SLOS) é uma síndrome polimalformativa de transmissão autossómica recessiva causada por um défice metabólico da biossíntese do colesterol, que se caracteriza por dismorfias craniofaciais, anomalias congénitas de vários órgãos (salientando-se as do esqueleto e do aparelho urogenital), restrição de crescimento intra-uterino (RCIU), alterações comportamentais e atraso mental. É causada por mutações no gene DHCR7, que codifica para a enzima 7-dehidrocolesterol reductase, responsável pelo último passo da via metabólica da síntese do colesterol. A SLOS caracteriza-se por níveis diminuídos de colesterol e concentrações altas do seu precursor, 7-dehidrocolesterol, no sangue e tecidos. Procedeu-se a uma análise comparativa dos fenótipo e genótipo de quinze casos de SLOS de origem portuguesa, e são tecidas considerações quanto às dificuldades e limitações inerentes ao diagnóstico, e ao facto de esta doença hereditária do metabolismo dever ser considerada no diagnóstico diferencial das situações de (i) hipocolesterolémia, (ii) RCIU e (iii) síndromes polimalformativas,(especialmente quando crianças com atraso de crescimento apresentam simultaneamente sindactilia do segundo e terceiro dedos do pé e microcefalia e/ou narinas antevertidas entre outras anomalias).
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is an autosomal recessive disorder due to an inborn error of cholesterol metabolism, characterized by congenital malformations, dysmorphism of multiple organs, mental retardation and delayed neuropsychomotor development resulting from cholesterol biosynthesis deficiency. A defect in 3ß-hydroxysteroid-delta7-reductase (delta7-sterol-reductase), responsible for the conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) to cholesterol, causes an increase in 7-DHC and frequently reduces plasma cholesterol levels. The clinical diagnosis of SLOS cannot always be conclusive because of the remarkable variability of clinical expression of the disorder. Thus, confirmation by the measurement of plasma 7-DHC levels is needed. In the present study, we used a simple, fast, and selective method based on ultraviolet spectrophotometry to measure 7-DHC in order to diagnose SLOS. 7-DHC was extracted serially from 200 µl plasma with ethanol and n-hexane and the absorbance at 234 and 282 nm was determined. The method was applied to negative control plasma samples from 23 normal individuals and from 6 cases of suspected SLOS. The method was adequate and reliable and 2 SLOS cases were diagnosed.
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is an autosomal recessive disorder due to an inborn error of cholesterol metabolism, characterized by congenital malformations, dysmorphism of multiple organs, mental retardation and delayed neuropsychomotor development resulting from cholesterol biosynthesis deficiency. A defect in 3ß-hydroxysteroid-delta7-reductase (delta7-sterol-reductase), responsible for the conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) to cholesterol, causes an increase in 7-DHC and frequently reduces plasma cholesterol levels. The clinical diagnosis of SLOS cannot always be conclusive because of the remarkable variability of clinical expression of the disorder. Thus, confirmation by the measurement of plasma 7-DHC levels is needed. In the present study, we used a simple, fast, and selective method based on ultraviolet spectrophotometry to measure 7-DHC in order to diagnose SLOS. 7-DHC was extracted serially from 200 µl plasma with ethanol and n-hexane and the absorbance at 234 and 282 nm was determined. The method was applied to negative control plasma samples from 23 normal individuals and from 6 cases of suspected SLOS. The method was adequate and reliable and 2 SLOS cases were diagnosed.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Disorders of androgen production can occur in all steps of testosterone biosynthesis and secretion carried out by the foetal Leydig cells as well as in the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The differentiation of Leydig cells from mesenchymal cells is the first walk for testosterone production. In 46,XY disorders of sex development (DSDs) due to Leydig cell hypoplasia, there is a failure in intrauterine and postnatal virilisation due to the paucity of interstitial Leydig cells to secrete testosterone. Enzymatic defects which impair the normal synthesis of testosterone from cholesterol and the conversion of testosterone to its active metabolite DHT are other causes of DSD due to impaired androgen production. Mutations in the genes that codify the enzymes acting in the steps from cholesterol to DHT have been identified in affected patients. Patients with 46,XY DSD secondary to defects in androgen production show a variable phenotype, strongly depending of the specific mutated gene. Often, these conditions are detected at birth due to the ambiguity of external genitalia but, in several patients, the extremely undervirilised genitalia postpone the diagnosis until late childhood or even adulthood. These patients should receive long-term care provided by multidisciplinary teams with experience in this clinical management. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The term disorders of sex development (DSD) includes congenital conditions in which development of chromosomal, gonadal or anatomical sex is atypical. Mutations in genes present in X, Y or autosomal chromosomes can cause abnormalities of testis determination or disorders of sex differentiation leading to 46,XY DSD. Detailed clinical phenotypes allow the identification of new factors that can alter the expression or function of mutated proteins helping to understand new undisclosed biochemical pathways. In this review we present an update on 46,XY DSD aetiology, diagnosis and treatment based on extensive review of the literature and our three decades of experience with these patients.
Esta pesquisa caracteriza os estádios de desenvolvimento dos testículos e canais deferentes da lagosta Panulirus echinatus Smith, 1869 a partir da relação entre seus aspectos macroscópicos, microscópicos e a relação gonadossomática (RGS). Através de amostragem mensal (novembro de 1999 a outubro de 2000) foram capturados 1716 machos, empregando-se redes de espera de fundo. Retirou-se a região dorsal da carapaça para avaliação dos órgãos reprodutivos. Os testículos e canais deferentes foram dissecados, pesados, fixados em solução de Bouin e submetidos aos procedimentos histológicos. A análise microscópica dos órgãos reprodutivos foi avaliada pela presença ou ausência de espermatozóides nos testículos e canais deferentes. Esta, quando associada a macroscopia (mudança de cor, tamanho, diâmetro e desenvolvimento de espermatóforo) e a relação gonadossomática (RGS), possibilitou a caracterização de três estádios de desenvolvimento: imaturo, intermediário e maturo. Ficou evidenciada que a maturidade dos testículos precedeu a maturidade dos canais deferentes. Para avaliar se a RGS é um bom indicador quantitativo dos estádios de maturidade, um teste t (alfa = 0,05) foi usado e constatou diferença significativa nas médias da RGS. A RGS pode ser utilizada como indicadora dos estádios de maturidade para P. echinatus.
This work investigated the influence of different concentrations of calcium on the growth of plantlets of the bromeliad Aechmea blanchetiana cultured in vitro. Seedlings of A. blanchetiana were axenically cultured in liquid Murashige and Skoog basal medium supplemented with different concentrations of calcium (Ca; 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6, or 12 mM) without growth regulators. The resulting plantlets were cultured under 93 mol m-2 s-1 illumination, 12 hour photoperiod regime and 25C 1 for 120 days with subculture to fresh identical media every 30 days. The addition of calcium at 9.38 mM to MS modified medium increased the production of fresh and dry mass of plantlets, whilst chlorine from calcium chloride dehydrate (CaCl2 2 H2O) in excess (3.35 mM) decreased both the fresh and dry mass of plantlets.
This study aimed at characterizing the potential for natural regeneration of native vegetation in the under-story of an earlier Eucalyptus saligna Smith production stand. The study was carried out at the Parque das Neblinas, Bertioga municipality, SP, in a 45 ha third rotation stand; which had been abandoned 15 years ago for natural regeneration to occur. The sampling was done in 24 plots of 20 x 40 m. The sampled area was of 19,200 m(2), with inventory made of 100% of the eucalyptus trees. All regeneration trees with a height >= 1.30 m and DBH >= 5.0 cm were measured, as well as adult individuals with DBH >= 5.0 cm; surveyed in two size classes. 1,417 individuals of E. saligna were measured, with a density of 738,02 individuals/ha and a basal area of 22.69 m(2)/ha. Among 2,763 natural regeneration individuals, 111 species belonged to 66 genera and 34 botanical families. The species represented 43.7% of the tree richness of neighboring native forest fragments. The total estimated density and the basal area were respectively 1,052.6 individuals/ha and 6.4 m(2)/ha of autochthonous trees with DBH >= 5.0 cm (Class 1); while for regeneration there were 3,864.58 individuals/ha, and 2.76 m(2)/ha of individuals with a height >= 1.30 m and DBH <5.0 cm (Class 2). Shannon diversity (H`) was 2.83 and 3.68, respectively, for Classes 1 and 2, and the corrected species richness for a 1000-individual sample (R(1000)) were 75.6 and 87.29 (Fisher`s a index) for the same classes. The majority of the species (34.84%) was typical from the understory of wet tropical forest and had zoochoric fruit dispersal (67.57%). The results indicate that, under these conditions, a eucalyptus forest is able to provide adequate regeneration niches for native vegetation, and may represent a sink habitat for local populations.
The political capital invested in Australia's engagement with Asia over the past decade has sparked a lively discussion in the Australian academic community. The back cover of the book under review suggests that there are 'few bigger contemporary issues facing Australia than its relationship with Asia'. If the volume of scholarly material being produced on this issue is any indication, they are right. Like a number of similar works covering the shift in Australian foreign, defence, and trade policies towards Asia over the last decade, this book acknowledges a particular debt of gratitude to the Keating government for establishing regional engagement at the forefront of our national consciousness. Unlike some others however, this book seeks to place Australia's more recent 'discovery' of Asia into a broader historical framework.
Ectatomma parasiticum Feitosa & Fresneau, a new ant species socially parasitic on Ectatomma tuberculatum (Olivier), is described from gynes discovered in Apazapan, state of Veracruz, Mexico, and reared in the laboratory. Ectatomma parasiticum is the first social parasite described in the Ectatomminae. This species can be distinguished from its host by morphological and behavioral features characteristic of the inquilines known in other ant subfamilies including reduced size, thickened petiole, and agonistic interactions with host species.