974 resultados para Smart city


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This study aims to redefine spaces of learning to places of learning through the direct engagement of local communities as a way to examine and learn from real world issues in the city. This paper exemplifies Smart City Learning, where the key goal is to promote the generation and exchange of urban design ideas for the future development of South Bank, in Brisbane, Australia, informing the creation of new design policies responding to the needs of local citizens. Specific to this project was the implementation of urban informatics techniques and approaches to promote innovative engagement strategies. Architecture and Urban Design students were encouraged to review and appropriate real-time, ubiquitous technology, social media, and mobile devices that were used by urban residents to augment and mediate the physical and digital layers of urban infrastructures. Our study’s experience found that urban informatics provide an innovative opportunity to enrich students’ place of learning within the city.


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Firms and other organizations use Technology Roadmapping (TRM) extensively as a framework for supporting research and development of future technologies and products that could sustain a competitive advantage. While the importance of technology strategy has received more attention in recent years, few research studies have examined how roadmapping processes are used to explore the potential convergence of products and services that may be developed in the future. The aim of this paper is to introduce an integrated roadmapping process for services, devices and technologies capable of implementing a smart city development R&D project in Korea. The paper applies a QFD (Quality Function Deployment) method to establish interconnections between services and devices, and between devices and technologies. The method is illustrated by a detailed case study, which shows how different types of roadmap can be coordinated with each other to produce a clear representation of the technological changes and uncertainties associated with the strategic planning of complex innovations. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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This paper presents a new methodology for characterising the energy performance of buildings suitable for city-scale, top-down energy modelling. Building properties that have the greatest impact on simulated energy performance were identified via a review of sensitivity analysis studies. The methodology greatly simplifies the description of a building to decrease labour and simulation processing overheads. The methodology will be used in the EU FP7 INDICATE project which aims to create a master-planning tool that uses dynamic simulation to facilitate the design of sustainable, energy efficient smart cities.


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This paper introduces the concept of ‘dual transition’ in relation to the notion of ‘smartness’ in city-regional governance. This consists of two intersecting dimensions, a broader change in political-economic and societal circumstances which surround city-regions, and a more detailed, local change towards ‘smartness’ in policy practices. Although ‘smart’ seems to have become a somewhat ubiquitous adjective in urban policy, it seeks to project policies that seek to go beyond a one-dimensional ‘growth agenda’ by addressing also the multifaceted quest for social, economic and environmental sustainability. The underlying shift in discourse, rationality and suggested policy responses in both dimensions may be captured by the concept of ‘transition’ in relation to policies and governance. Originally developed in conjunction with broad political-economic regime change, such as post-authoritarian democratisation, the idea of ‘transition’ has also been applied to the more specific concept of sustainability as ‘sustainability transition’.


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Existing urban meteorological networks have an important role to play as test beds for inexpensive and more sustainable measurement techniques that are now becoming possible in our increasingly smart cities. The Birmingham Urban Climate Laboratory (BUCL) is a near-real-time, high-resolution urban meteorological network (UMN) of automatic weather stations and inexpensive, nonstandard air temperature sensors. The network has recently been implemented with an initial focus on monitoring urban heat, infrastructure, and health applications. A number of UMNs exist worldwide; however, BUCL is novel in its density, the low-cost nature of the sensors, and the use of proprietary Wi-Fi networks. This paper provides an overview of the logistical aspects of implementing a UMN test bed at such a density, including selecting appropriate urban sites; testing and calibrating low-cost, nonstandard equipment; implementing strict quality-assurance/quality-control mechanisms (including metadata); and utilizing preexisting Wi-Fi networks to transmit data. Also included are visualizations of data collected by the network, including data from the July 2013 U.K. heatwave as well as highlighting potential applications. The paper is an open invitation to use the facility as a test bed for evaluating models and/or other nonstandard observation techniques such as those generated via crowdsourcing techniques.


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In piattaforme di Stream Processing è spesso necessario eseguire elaborazioni differenziate degli stream di input. Questa tesi ha l'obiettivo di realizzare uno scheduler in grado di attribuire priorità di esecuzione differenti agli operatori deputati all'elaborazione degli stream.


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A Smart City is a high-performance urban context, where citizens live independently and are more aware of the surrounding opportunities, thanks to forward-looking development of economy politics, governance, mobility and environment. ICT infrastructures play a key-role in this new research field being also a mean for society to allow new ideas to prosper and new, more efficient approaches to be developed. The aim of this work is to research and develop novel solutions, here called smart services, in order to solve several upcoming problems and known issues in urban areas and more in general in the modern society context. A specific focus is posed on smart governance and on privacy issues which have been arisen in the cellular age.


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La presente tesi ha lo scopo di censire e classificare le principali attività di Cesena come Smart City, con particolare riguardo a quelle che hanno una componente tecnologica predominante. La tesi presenta le definizioni concetto di Smart City e le diverse articolazioni in ambiti che questo prevede. Scelta come chiave di lettura la classificazione più utilizzata in ambito internazionale, sono stati approfonditi i sei ambiti di azione in cui questa si articola: Smart Economy, Smart People, Smart Governance, Smart Mobility, Smart Enviroment, Smart Living. Inoltre, la tesi presenta le principali metodologie di valutazione utilizzate per comparare la smartness delle città, in contesto italiano ed europeo, nonché i criteri con cui queste valutazioni sono state applicate. Nel testo viene dato rilievo agli aspetti più legati alle nuove tecnologie ICT, viste come sostegno ed accelerante nei progetti attuati verso la smartness.


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I dispositivi mobili, dagli smartphone ai tablet, sono entrati a far parte della nostra quotidianità. Controllando l’infrastruttura delle comunicazioni, rispetto a qualsiasi altro settore, si ha un maggiore accesso a informazioni relative alla geo-localizzazione degli utenti e alle loro interazioni. Questa grande mole di informazioni può aiutare a costruire città intelligenti e sostenibili, che significa modernizzare ed innovare le infrastrutture, migliorare la qualità della vita e soddisfare le esigenze di cittadini, imprese e istituzioni. Vodafone offre soluzioni concrete nel campo dell’info-mobilità consentendo la trasformazione delle nostre città in Smart City. Obiettivo della tesi e del progetto Proactive è cercare di sviluppare strumenti che, a partire da dati provenienti dalla rete mobile Vodafone, consentano di ricavare e di rappresentare su cartografia dati indicanti la presenza dei cittadini in determinati punti d’interesse, il profilo di traffico di determinati segmenti viari e le matrici origine/destinazione. Per fare questo verranno prima raccolti e filtrati i dati della città di Milano e della regione Lombardia provenienti dalla rete mobile Vodafone per poi, in un secondo momento, sviluppare degli algoritmi e delle procedure in PL/SQL che siano in grado di ricevere questo tipo di dato, di analizzarlo ed elaborarlo restituendo i risultati prestabiliti. Questi risultati saranno poi rappresentati su cartografia grazie a QGis e grazie ad una Dashboard aziendale interna di Vodafone. Lo sviluppo delle procedure e la rappresentazione cartografica dei risultati verranno eseguite in ambiente di Test e se i risultati soddisferanno i requisiti di progetto verrà effettuato il porting in ambiente di produzione. Grazie a questo tipo di soluzioni, che forniscono dati in modalità anonima e aggregata in ottemperanza alle normative di privacy, le aziende di trasporto pubblico, ad esempio, potranno essere in grado di gestire il traffico in modo più efficiente.


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Der Begriff Smart City oder Ubiquitous City bezeichnet die Nutzung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in Städten und Agglomerationen, um den sozialen und ökologischen Lebensraum nachhaltig zu entwickeln. Dazu zählen z.B. Projekte zur Verbesserung der Mobilität, Nutzung intelligenter Systeme für Wasser- und Energieversorgung, Förderung sozialer Netzwerke, Erweiterung politischer Partizipation, Ausbau von Entrepreneurship, Schutz der Umwelt sowie Erhöhung von Sicherheit und Lebensqualität. Das Themenheft widmet sich der Vielfalt dieser webbasierten Entwicklungen und berichtet über erste Erfahrungen von Pionierprojekten aus den folgenden Anwendungsfeldern: Smart Mobility, Smart Energy, Smart Economy, Smart Environment, Smart Governance, Smart Participation und Smart Living. Das Heft soll dazu dienen, den State of the Art der intelligenten Nutzung von Webtechnologien für den urbanen Raum aufzuzeigen, um damit Chancen und Risiken aufzudecken.