986 resultados para Small ferromagnetic particles


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An approach is presented that can also account for the description of small ferromagnetic particle magnetization tunneling. An estimate of the saturation value of an external applied magnetic field along the easy axis is obtained. An analytic expression for the tunneling factor in the absence of an external magnetic field is deduced from the present approach that also allows one to obtain the crossover temperature characterizing the regime where tunneling is dominated by quantum effects. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Microstructures and mechanical properties have been studied in aluminium containing a fine dispersion of alumina particles, deformed by cold-rolling to strains between 1.4 and 3.5. The microstructure was characterised by TEM. The deformation structures evolved very rapidly, forming a nanostructured material, with fine subgrains about 0.2 μm in diameter and a fraction of high-angle boundaries which was already high at a strain of 1.4, but continued to increase with rolling strain. The yield stress and ductility of the rolled materials were measured in tension, and properties were similar for all materials. Yield stress measurements were correlated with estimates made using microstructural models. The role of small particles in forming and stabilising the deformation structure is discussed. This nanostructured cold-deformed alloy has mechanical properties which are usefully enhanced at comparatively low cost. This gives it, and similar particle-strengthened alloys, good potential for commercial exploitation. © 2002 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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It is shown that the Mel'nikov-Meshkov formalism for bridging the very low damping (VLD) and intermediate-to-high damping (IHD) Kramers escape rates as a function of the dissipation parameter for mechanical particles may be extended to the rotational Brownian motion of magnetic dipole moments of single-domain ferromagnetic particles in nonaxially symmetric potentials of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy so that both regimes of damping, occur. The procedure is illustrated by considering the particular nonaxially symmetric problem of superparamagnetic particles possessing uniaxial anisotropy subject to an external uniform field applied at an angle to the easy axis of magnetization. Here the Mel'nikov-Meshkov treatment is found to be in good agreement with an exact calculation of the smallest eigenvalue of Brown's Fokker-Planck equation, provided the external field is large enough to ensure significant departure from axial symmetry, so that the VLD and IHD formulas for escape rates of magnetic dipoles for nonaxially symmetric potentials are valid.


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We present an imaginary-time path-integral study of the problem of quantum decay of a metastable state of a uniaxial magnetic particle placed in the magnetic field at an arbitrary angle. Our findings agree with earlier results of Zaslavskii obtained by mapping the spin Hamiltonian onto a particle Hamiltonian. In the limit of low barrier, weak dependence of the decay rate on the angle is found, except for the field which is almost normal to the anisotropy axis, where the rate is sharply peaked, and for the field approaching the parallel orientation, where the rate rapidly goes to zero. This distinct angular dependence, together with the dependence of the rate on the field strength, provides an independent test for macroscopic spin tunneling.


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The paper reports a detailed experimental study on magnetic relaxation of natural horse-spleen ferritin. ac susceptibility measurements performed on three samples of different concentration show that dipole-dipole interactions between uncompensated moments play no significant role. Furthermore, the distribution of relaxation times in these samples has been obtained from a scaling of experimental X" data, obtained at different frequencies. The average uncompensated magnetic moment per protein is compatible with a disordered arrangement of atomic spins throughout the core, rather than with surface disorder. The observed field dependence of the blocking temperature suggests that magnetic relaxation is faster at zero field than at intermediate field values. This is confirmed by the fact that the magnetic viscosity peaks at zero field, too. Using the distribution of relaxation times obtained independently, we show that these results cannot be explained in terms of classical relaxation theory. The most plausible explanation of these results is the existence, near zero field, of resonant magnetic tunneling between magnetic states of opposite orientation, which are thermally populated.


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To observe detailed changes in neurosensory retinal structure after anti-VEGF upload in age-related macular degeneration (AMD), by using spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT).


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We consider the question of optimal shapes, e.g., those causing minimal extinction among all shapes of equal volume. Guided by the isoperimetric property of a sphere, relevant in the geometrical optics limit of scattering by large particles, we examine an analogous question in the low frequency (electrostatics) approximation, seeking to disentangle electric and geometric contributions. To that end, we survey the literature on shape functionals and focus on ellipsoids, giving a simple proof of spherical optimality for the coated ellipsoidal particle. Monotonic increase with asphericity in the low frequency regime for orientation-averaged induced dipole moments and scattering cross-sections is also shown. Additional physical insight is obtained from the Rayleigh-Gans (transparent) limit and eccentricity expansions. We propose connecting low and high frequency regime in a single minimum principle valid for all size parameters, provided that reasonable size distributions of randomly oriented aspherical particles wash out the resonances for intermediate size parameters. This proposal is further supported by the sum rule for integrated extinction.


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We introduce a new mechanism for the propulsion and separation by chirality of small ferromagnetic particles suspended in a liquid. Under the action of a uniform dc magnetic field H and an ac electric field E isomers with opposite chirality move in opposite directions. Such a mechanism could have a significant impact on a wide range of emerging technologies. The component of the chiral velocity that is odd in H is found to be proportional to the intrinsic orbital and spin angular momentum of the magnetized electrons. This effect arises because a ferromagnetic particle responds to the applied torque as a small gyroscope. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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The effect of finite size on the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic particles systems is a recurrent subject. One of the aspects wide investigated is the superparamagnetic limit where the temperature destroys the magnetic order of ferromagnetic small particles. Above the block temperature the thermal value of the magnetic moment of the particle vanishes, due to thermal fluctuations. The value of the blocking temperature diminishes when the size of the particle is reduced, reflecting the reduction of the anisotropy energy barrier between the uniform states along the uniaxial axis. The increasing demand for high density magnetic media has recently attracted great research interest in periodic arrangements of nanometric ferromagnetics particles, approach in the superparamagnetic limit. An interesting conjecture is the possibility of stabilization of the magnetic order of small ferromagnetic particles (F) by interface coupling with antiferromagnetic (AF) substrate. These F/AF systems may also help to elucidate some details of the effect of exchange bias, because the effect of interface roughness and the paper of domain walls, either in the substrate or the particle, are significantly reduced. We investigate the magnetic phases of small ferromagnetic particles on a antiferromagnetic substrate. We use a self-consistent local field method, incorporating the interface field and the dipole interaction between the spins of the ferromagnetic particle. Our results indicate that increasing the area of the interface favors the formation of the uniform state. Howere above a critical height value appears a state non-uniform is formed where the spins of in the particle s free surface are rotated with respect to the interface spins direction. We discuss the impact of the competition between the dipolar and interface field on the magnetic charge, that controls the field of flux leakage of the particle, and on the format of the hysteresis curves. Our results indicate that the liquid magnetic charge is not a monotonically increasing function of the height of the particle. The exchange bias may display anomalous features, induced for the dipolar field of the spins near the F/AF interface