977 resultados para Small G-proteins


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The Rho subfamily of the Rho small G protein family (Rho) regulates formation of stress fibers and focal adhesions in many types of cultured cells. In moving cells, dynamic and coordinate disassembly and reassembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions are observed, but the precise mechanisms in the regulation of these processes are poorly understood. We previously showed that 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) first induced disassembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions followed by their reassembly in MDCK cells. The reassembled stress fibers showed radial-like morphology that was apparently different from the original. We analyzed here the mechanisms of these TPA-induced processes. Rho inactivation and activation were necessary for the TPA-induced disassembly and reassembly, respectively, of stress fibers and focal adhesions. Both inactivation and activation of the Rac subfamily of the Rho family (Rac) inhibited the TPA-induced reassembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions but not their TPA-induced disassembly. Moreover, microinjection or transient expression of Rab GDI, a regulator of all the Rab small G protein family members, inhibited the TPA-induced reassembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions but not their TPA-induced disassembly, indicating that, furthermore, activation of some Rab family members is necessary for their TPA-induced reassembly. Of the Rab family members, at least Rab5 activation was necessary for the TPA-induced reassembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions. The TPA-induced, small G protein-mediated reorganization of stress fibers and focal adhesions was closely related to the TPA-induced cell motility. These results indicate that the Rho and Rab family members coordinately regulate the TPA-induced reorganization of stress fibers and focal adhesions that may cause cell motility.


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Small guanine nucleotide-binding proteins of the Ras and Rho (Rac, Cdc42, and Rho) families have been implicated in cardiac myocyte hypertrophy, and this may involve the extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), and/or p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades. In other systems, Rac and Cdc42 have been particularly implicated in the activation of JNKs and p38-MAPKs. We examined the activation of Rho family small G proteins and the regulation of MAPKs through Rac1 in cardiac myocytes. Endothelin 1 and phenylephrine (both hypertrophic agonists) induced rapid activation of endogenous Rac1, and endothelin 1 also promoted significant activation of RhoA. Toxin B (which inactivates Rho family proteins) attenuated the activation of JNKs by hyperosmotic shock or endothelin 1 but had no effect on p38-MAPK activation. Toxin B also inhibited the activation of the ERK cascade by these stimuli. In transfection experiments, dominant-negative N17Rac1 inhibited activation of ERK by endothelin 1, whereas activated V12Rac1 cooperated with c-Raf to activate ERK. Rac1 may stimulate the ERK cascade either by promoting the phosphorylation of c-Raf or by increasing MEK1 and/or -2 association with c-Raf to facilitate MEK1 and/or -2 activation. In cardiac myocytes, toxin B attenuated c-Raf(Ser-338) phosphorylation (50 to 70% inhibition), but this had no effect on c-Raf activity. However, toxin B decreased both the association of MEK1 and/or -2 with c-Raf and c-Raf-associated ERK-activating activity. V12Rac1 cooperated with c-Raf to increase expression of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), whereas N17Rac1 inhibited endothelin 1-stimulated ANF expression, indicating that the synergy between Rac1 and c-Raf is potentially physiologically important. We conclude that activation of Rac1 by hypertrophic stimuli contributes to the hypertrophic response by modulating the ERK and/or possibly the JNK (but not the p38-MAPK) cascades.


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The small (21 kDa) guanine nucleotide-binding protein (small G protein) superfamily comprises 5 subfamilies (Ras, Rho, ADP ribosylation factors [ARFs], Rab, and Ran) that act as molecular switches to regulate numerous cellular responses. Cardiac myocyte hypertrophy is associated with cell growth and changes in the cytoskeleton and myofibrillar apparatus. In other cells, the Ras subfamily regulates cell growth whereas the Rho subfamily (RhoA, Rac1, and Cdc42) regulates cell morphology. Thus, the involvement of small G proteins in hypertrophy has become an area of significant interest. Hearts from transgenic mice expressing activated Ras develop features consistent with hypertrophy, whereas mice overexpressing RhoA develop lethal heart failure. In isolated neonatal rat cardiac myocytes, transfection or infection with activated Ras, RhoA, or Rac1 induces many of the features of hypertrophy. We discuss the mechanisms of activation of the small G proteins and the downstream signaling pathways involved. The latter may include protein kinases, particularly the mitogen-activated or Rho-activated protein kinases. We conclude that although there is significant evidence implicating Ras, RhoA, and Rac1 in hypertrophy, the mechanisms are not fully understood.


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It has been widely reported that the small GTP-binding protein Rap1 has an anti-Ras and anti-mitogenic activity. Thus, it is generally accepted that a normal physiological role of Rap1 proteins is to antagonize Ras mitogenic signals, presumably by forming nonproductive complexes with proteins that are typically effectors or modulators of Ras. Rap1 is activated by signals that raise intracellular levels of cAMP, a molecule that has long been known to exert both inhibitory and stimulatory effects on cell growth. We have now tested the intriguing hypothesis that Rap1 could have mitogenic effects in systems in which cAMP stimulates cell proliferation. The result of experiments addressing this possibility revealed that Rap1 has full oncogenic potential. Expression of Rap1 in these cells results in a decreased doubling time, an increased saturation density, and an unusual anchorage-dependent morphological transformation. Most significantly, however, Rap1-expressing cells formed tumors when injected into nude mice. Thus, we propose that the view that holds Rap1 as an antimitogenic protein should be restricted and conclude that Rap1 is a conditional oncoprotein.


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A live, cold-passaged (cp) candidate vaccine virus, designated respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) B1 cp-52/2B5 (cp-52), replicated efficiently in Vero cells, but was found to be overattenuated for RSV-seronegative infants and children. Sequence analysis of reverse-transcription–PCR-amplified fragments of this mutant revealed a large deletion spanning most of the coding sequences for the small hydrophobic (SH) and attachment (G) proteins. Northern blot analysis of cp-52 detected multiple unique read-through mRNAs containing SH and G sequences, consistent with a deletion mutation spanning the SH:G gene junction. Immunological studies confirmed that an intact G glycoprotein was not produced by the cp-52 virus. Nonetheless, cp-52 was infectious and replicated to high titer in tissue culture despite the absence of the viral surface SH and G glycoproteins. Thus, our characterization of this negative-strand RNA virus identified a novel replication-competent deletion mutant lacking two of its three surface glycoproteins. The requirement of SH and G for efficient replication in vivo suggests that selective deletion of one or both of these RSV genes may provide an alternative or additive strategy for developing an optimally attenuated vaccine candidate.


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In plasma membranes derived from bovine mesenteric lymphatic smooth muscle cells, guanine nucleotide and forskolin stimulated adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity in a concentration-dependent manner, indicative of the presence of the stimulatory G-protein G(s) linked to AC. There was no significant enzyme inhibition by low concentrations of guanine nucleotide and no effect on basal or guanine nucleotide-stimulated activity following pertussis toxin treatment of cells, suggesting the absence of G(1) linked to inhibition of AC. Furthermore, there was no effect of adrenaline, isoprenaline or clonidine on basal or forskolin-stimulated activities, nor was there any specific binding of the beta-adrenoceptor ligand [I-125]cyanopindolol to membranes, suggesting that cate-cholamine receptors do not modulate AC activity in these membranes. Pertussis toxin-mediated ADP ribosylation of membrane proteins and Western immunoblotting analysis revealed the presence of G-protein subunits G(alpha l2), G(alpha q), G(alpha 11) and G(beta 1). In experiments designed to identify a possible effector enzyme for these G-proteins, membranes were screened with a range of antibodies raised against phospholipase C (PLC) beta, gamma and delta isozymes. Though no evidence was obtained by Western blotting for any of these proteins, PLC activity was concentration-dependently stimulated by Ca2+, but not by AlF4-, GTP[S], or purified G(beta gamma) subunits. Finally, no specific binding to membranes of the alpha(1)-adrenoceptor ligand [H-3]prazosin or the alpha(2)-adrenoceptor ligand [H-3]yohimbine was obtained. In conclusion, this study provides evidence for a G(s)-dependent stimulation of AC, and for the presence of G(2) and G(q11), which do not appear to regulate a PLC activity also identified in lymphatic smooth muscle cell membranes. Furthermore, neither AC nor PLC appear to be associated with catecholamine receptors. Copyright(C) 1996 Elsevier Science Inc.


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1 The human dopamine D-2long (D-2L) receptor was expressed with four different G proteins in Sf9 cells using the baculovirus expression system. When co-expressed with G(i)/G(o) G proteins (G(i1)alpha, G(i2)alpha, G(i3)alpha, or G(o)alpha, plus Gbeta(1) and Ggamma(2)) the receptor displayed a high-affinity binding site for the agonists (dopamine and NPA), which was sensitive to GTP (100 mum), demonstrating interaction between the receptor and the different G proteins. 2 The receptor to G protein ratio (R: G ratio) was evaluated using [H-3]-spiperone saturation binding (R) and [S-35]-GTPgammaS saturation binding (G). R: G ratios of 1: 12, 1: 3, 1: 14 and 1: 5 were found for G(i1), G(i2), G(i3), and Go preparations, respectively. However, when R:G ratios of 1:2 and 1: 12 were compared for G(i2) and G(o), no difference was found for the stimulation of [S-35]-GTPgammaS binding. 3 Several agonists were tested for their ability to stimulate [S-35]-GTPgammaS binding to membranes co-expressing the receptor and various G proteins. All the compounds tested showed agonist activity in preparations expressing G(i3) and G(o). However, for G(i2) and G(i1) preparations, compounds such as S-(-)-3-PPP and p-tyramine were unable to stimulate [S-35]-GTPyS binding. 4 Most of the compounds showed higher relative efficacies (compared to dopamine) and higher potencies in the preparation expressing G(o). Comparison of the effects of different agonists in the different preparations showed that each agonist differentially activates the four G proteins. 5 We conclude that the degree of selectivity of G protein activation by the D-2L receptor can depend on the conformation of the receptor stabilised by an agonist.


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The human D-2short (D-2S) dopamine receptor has been expressed together with the G proteins Gi2 and Go in insect cells using the baculovirus system. Levels of receptor were determined using [H-3]spiperone binding. Levels of G protein heterotrimer were determined using quantitative Western blot and using [S-35]GTPgammaS saturation binding experiments. Levels of the receptor and G protein and the receptor/G protein ratio were similar in the two preparations. Stimulation of [S-35]GTPgammaS binding by a range of agonists occurred with higher relative efficacy and in some cases higher potency in the preparation expressing Go, indicating that interaction of the D-2S receptor is more efficient with this G protein. The effects of various G protein-selective agents on 10,11-dihydroxy-N-n-propylnorapomorphine ([H-3]NPA) binding were used to examine the receptor/G protein complex in the two preparations. Suramin inhibited [H-3]NPA binding with slightly higher potency in the Gi2 preparation, whereas GppNHp inhibited [H-3]NPA binding with greater potency (similar to6-fold) in the Go preparation. This may imply that the G protein is more readily activated in the D-2S/Go preparation. [H-3]Spiperone binding occurred with an increased B-max in the presence of suramin in the Go preparation but not in the Gi2 preparation, suggesting a higher affinity interaction between the free receptor and this G protein. It is concluded that the higher efficiency activation of Go by the D-2S receptor may be a function of higher affinity receptor/G protein interaction as well as a greater ability to activate the G protein. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) has been shown to have a central role in physiological adaptation to stress. It is recognized for stimulating the release of adrenocorticotropin from the anterior pituitary gland, and has more recently been implicated as a regulator of autonomic and immunological responses to stress. Much confusion has surrounded the characterization of CRF receptors, with proteins of varying molecular weights having been identified but never purified and characterized. Recently, two CRF receptors have been cloned from brain and pituitary gland, but evidence from in-situ hybridization studies suggests that further CRF receptor types exist. We therefore developed two techniques which enable the isolation of CRF receptors from whole rat brain. The use of a solid-phase CRF analogue affinity column and elution using a competing ligand resulted in the purification of a single protein of 61 kDa. A second technique was devised which allowed the co-isolation of associated signalling proteins and the identification of CRF bound species following purification. CRF was covalently cross-linked to receptors and the complex purified using antibodies specific for the ligand. This enabled the purification of a CRF receptor of approximately 65 kDa and associated alpha and beta gamma G protein subunits. This study demonstrates the successful isolation of CRF receptors which are of different molecular weights to those previously observed from affinity cross-linking studies or predicted from cloned genes. In addition, we confirm the involvement of G proteins in CRF stimulated cell signalling by demonstrating their association with purified CRF receptor.