994 resultados para Slow moving vehicles.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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A new technique named as model predictive spread acceleration guidance (MPSAG) is proposed in this paper. It combines nonlinear model predictive control and spread acceleration guidance philosophies. This technique is then used to design a nonlinear suboptimal guidance law for a constant speed missile against stationary target with impact angle constraint. MPSAG technique can be applied to a class of nonlinear problems, which leads to a closed form solution of the lateral acceleration (latax) history update. Guidance command assumed is the lateral acceleration (latax), applied normal to the velocity vector. The new guidance law is validated by considering the nonlinear kinematics with both lag-free as well as first order autopilot delay. The simulation results show that the proposed technique is quite promising to come up with a nonlinear guidance law that leads to both very small miss distance as well as the desired impact angle.


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Using a recently developed method named as model predictive static programming (MPSP), a nonlinear suboptimal guidance law for a constant speed missile against a slow moving target with impact angle constraint is proposed. In this paper MPSP technique leads to a closed form solution of the latax history update for the given problem. Guidance command is the latax,which is normal to the missile velocity and the terminal constraints are miss distance and impact angle. The new guidance law is validated by considering the nonlinear kinematics with both lag-free and first order autopilot delay.


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Many particles proposed by theories, such as GUT monopoles, nuclearites and 1/5 charge superstring particles, can be categorized as Slow-moving, Ionizing, Massive Particles (SIMPs).

Detailed calculations of the signal-to-noise ratios in vanous acoustic and mechanical methods for detecting such SIMPs are presented. It is shown that the previous belief that such methods are intrinsically prohibited by the thermal noise is incorrect, and that ways to solve the thermal noise problem are already within the reach of today's technology. In fact, many running and finished gravitational wave detection ( GWD) experiments are already sensitive to certain SIMPs. As an example, a published GWD result is used to obtain a flux limit for nuclearites.

The result of a search using a scintillator array on Earth's surface is reported. A flux limit of 4.7 x 10^(-12) cm^(-2)sr^(-1)s^(-1) (90% c.l.) is set for any SIMP with 2.7 x 10^(-4) less than β less than 5 x 10^(-3) and ionization greater than 1/3 of minimum ionizing muons. Although this limit is above the limits from underground experiments for typical supermassive particles (10^(16)GeV), it is a new limit in certain β and ionization regions for less massive ones (~10^9 GeV) not able to penetrate deep underground, and implies a stringent limit on the fraction of the dark matter that can be composed of massive electrically and/ or magnetically charged particles.

The prospect of the future SIMP search in the MACRO detector is discussed. The special problem of SIMP trigger is examined and a circuit proposed, which may solve most of the problems of the previous ones proposed or used by others and may even enable MACRO to detect certain SIMP species with β as low as the orbital velocity around the earth.


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An overview is given of a vision system for locating, recognising and tracking multiple vehicles, using an image sequence taken by a single camera mounted on a moving vehicle. The camera motion is estimated by matching features on the ground plane from one image to the next. Vehicle detection and hypothesis generation are performed using template correlation and a 3D wire frame model of the vehicle is fitted to the image. Once detected and identified, vehicles are tracked using dynamic filtering. A separate batch mode filter obtains the 3D trajectories of nearby vehicles over an extended time. Results are shown for a motorway image sequence.


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An overview is given of a novel vision system for locating, recognising and tracking multiple vehicles.


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ABSTRACT In passato valeva il motto “grande è meglio”. Le aziende avevano enormi magazzini che riempivano fino a che questi riuscivano a contenere merce. Ciò avveniva nella convinzione che gli alti costi della gestione delle scorte sarebbero stati superati dalle vendite. Negli ultimi anni le aziende hanno però radicalmente cambiato il loro approccio alla gestione delle rimanenze: queste, vengono considerate un eccesso e i magazzini con elevate scorte vengono visti come un‟opportunità mancata e capitale sprecato. I produttori sono sempre più consapevoli della necessità di minimizzare l‟inventario e massimizzare la rotazione dei prodotti. In questo contesto si inseriscono le problematiche connesse alla gestione delle scorte, con particolare riferimento al fenomeno dello slow moving, espressione che indica tutti i materiali a lenta movimentazione stoccati a magazzino. Questi spesso rappresentano un importante onere finanziario per le aziende: si sostengono costi di immobilizzo del capitale, di stoccaggio del materiale oltre a quelli connessi al rischio di obsolescenza. Molto spesso si tende a trascurare il problema, fino a quando le dimensioni di quest‟ultimo si ingrandiscono al punto di diventare una priorità aziendale da cui si cerca una rapida soluzione. L‟elaborato presenta un preliminare studio di caso che ha costituito il punto di partenza per la progettazione di un action plan per la riduzione e lo smaltimento degli item obsoleti e a bassa movimentazione di una realtà aziendale italiana del settore metalmeccanico di cui si presentano anche i primi risultati dell‟implementazione. Dopo aver fornito una panoramica teorica sul ruolo e la gestione delle scorte, si passa ad analizzare il problema dello slow moving in una particolare realtà aziendale, la Biffi s.r.l. di Fiorenzuola d‟Arda (Piacenza), un‟ impresa che dal 1955 produce attuatori per valvole. Esaminato il mercato di riferimento, il tipo di prodotto e il processo di fabbricazione, si passa all‟as-is del magazzino. Attraverso tale analisi, vengono poste in risalto le problematiche legate all‟identificazione, classificazione e gestione dei codici slow moving. E‟ stato proprio lo studio di questi dati che ha posto le basi per lo sviluppo dell‟action plan per la razionalizzazione delle giacenze a magazzino. Nell‟ultima parte dell‟elaborato ho quindi descritto le azioni intraprese e presentato i risultati ottenuti, che hanno consentito risparmi significativi senza effettuare investimenti , ma semplicemente utilizzando al meglio le risorse già disponibili.


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Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Moving objects database systems are the most challenging sub-category among Spatio-Temporal database systems. A database system that updates in real-time the location information of GPS-equipped moving vehicles has to meet even stricter requirements. Currently existing data storage models and indexing mechanisms work well only when the number of moving objects in the system is relatively small. This dissertation research aimed at the real-time tracking and history retrieval of massive numbers of vehicles moving on road networks. A total solution has been provided for the real-time update of the vehicles' location and motion information, range queries on current and history data, and prediction of vehicles' movement in the near future. ^ To achieve these goals, a new approach called Segmented Time Associated to Partitioned Space (STAPS) was first proposed in this dissertation for building and manipulating the indexing structures for moving objects databases. ^ Applying the STAPS approach, an indexing structure of associating a time interval tree to each road segment was developed for real-time database systems of vehicles moving on road networks. The indexing structure uses affordable storage to support real-time data updates and efficient query processing. The data update and query processing performance it provides is consistent without restrictions such as a time window or assuming linear moving trajectories. ^ An application system design based on distributed system architecture with centralized organization was developed to maximally support the proposed data and indexing structures. The suggested system architecture is highly scalable and flexible. Finally, based on a real-world application model of vehicles moving in region-wide, main issues on the implementation of such a system were addressed. ^


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Moving objects database systems are the most challenging sub-category among Spatio-Temporal database systems. A database system that updates in real-time the location information of GPS-equipped moving vehicles has to meet even stricter requirements. Currently existing data storage models and indexing mechanisms work well only when the number of moving objects in the system is relatively small. This dissertation research aimed at the real-time tracking and history retrieval of massive numbers of vehicles moving on road networks. A total solution has been provided for the real-time update of the vehicles location and motion information, range queries on current and history data, and prediction of vehicles movement in the near future. To achieve these goals, a new approach called Segmented Time Associated to Partitioned Space (STAPS) was first proposed in this dissertation for building and manipulating the indexing structures for moving objects databases. Applying the STAPS approach, an indexing structure of associating a time interval tree to each road segment was developed for real-time database systems of vehicles moving on road networks. The indexing structure uses affordable storage to support real-time data updates and efficient query processing. The data update and query processing performance it provides is consistent without restrictions such as a time window or assuming linear moving trajectories. An application system design based on distributed system architecture with centralized organization was developed to maximally support the proposed data and indexing structures. The suggested system architecture is highly scalable and flexible. Finally, based on a real-world application model of vehicles moving in region-wide, main issues on the implementation of such a system were addressed.


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Ocean processes are complex and have high variability in both time and space. Thus, ocean scientists must collect data over long time periods to obtain a synoptic view of ocean processes and resolve their spatiotemporal variability. One way to perform these persistent observations is to utilise an autonomous vehicle that can remain on deployment for long time periods. However, such vehicles are generally underactuated and slow moving. A challenge for persistent monitoring with these vehicles is dealing with currents while executing a prescribed path or mission. Here we present a path planning method for persistent monitoring that exploits ocean currents to increase navigational accuracy and reduce energy consumption.


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Slow speed run-overs represent a major cause of injury and death among Australian children, with higher rates of incidents being reported in Queensland than in the remaining Australian states. Yet, little attention has been given to how caregivers develop their safety behaviour in and around the driveway setting. To address this gap, the current study aimed to develop a conceptual model of driveway child safety behaviours among caregivers of children aged five years or younger. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 26 caregivers (25 females/1 male, mean age, 33.24 year) from rural and metropolitan Queensland. To enable a comparison and validation of findings from the driveway, the study analysed both driveway and domestic safety behaviours. Domestic safety behaviours were categorised and validated against driveway safety behaviours, uncovering a process of risk appraisal and safety behaviour that was applicable in both settings (the Safety System Model). However, noteworthy differences between the domestic and driveway setting were uncovered. Unlike in the domestic setting, driveway risks were perceived as shifting according the presence of moving vehicles, which resulted in inconsistent safety behaviours. While the findings require further validation, they have implications for the design and implementation of driveway run-over interventions.


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Moving shadow detection and removal from the extracted foreground regions of video frames, aim to limit the risk of misconsideration of moving shadows as a part of moving objects. This operation thus enhances the rate of accuracy in detection and classification of moving objects. With a similar reasoning, the present paper proposes an efficient method for the discrimination of moving object and moving shadow regions in a video sequence, with no human intervention. Also, it requires less computational burden and works effectively under dynamic traffic road conditions on highways (with and without marking lines), street ways (with and without marking lines). Further, we have used scale-invariant feature transform-based features for the classification of moving vehicles (with and without shadow regions), which enhances the effectiveness of the proposed method. The potentiality of the method is tested with various data sets collected from different road traffic scenarios, and its superiority is compared with the existing methods. (C) 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.