877 resultados para Slow oscillations
Different types of network oscillations occur in different behavioral, cognitive, or vigilance states. The rodent hippocampus expresses prominentoscillations atfrequencies between 4 and 12Hz,which are superimposed by phase-coupledoscillations (30 –100Hz).These patterns entrain multineuronal activity over large distances and have been implicated in sensory information processing and memory formation. Here we report a new type of oscillation at near- frequencies (2– 4 Hz) in the hippocampus of urethane-anesthetized mice. The rhythm is highly coherent with nasal respiration and with rhythmic field potentials in the olfactory bulb: hence, we called it hippocampal respiration-induced oscillations. Despite the similarity in frequency range, several features distinguish this pattern from locally generatedoscillations: hippocampal respiration-induced oscillations have a unique laminar amplitude profile, are resistant to atropine, couple differentlytooscillations, and are abolished when nasal airflow is bypassed bytracheotomy. Hippocampal neurons are entrained by both the respiration-induced rhythm and concurrent oscillations, suggesting a direct interaction between endogenous activity in the hippocampus and nasal respiratory inputs. Our results demonstrate that nasal respiration strongly modulates hippocampal network activity in mice, providing a long-range synchronizing signal between olfactory and hippocampal networks.
Different types of network oscillations occur in different behavioral, cognitive, or vigilance states. The rodent hippocampus expresses prominentoscillations atfrequencies between 4 and 12Hz,which are superimposed by phase-coupledoscillations (30 –100Hz).These patterns entrain multineuronal activity over large distances and have been implicated in sensory information processing and memory formation. Here we report a new type of oscillation at near- frequencies (2– 4 Hz) in the hippocampus of urethane-anesthetized mice. The rhythm is highly coherent with nasal respiration and with rhythmic field potentials in the olfactory bulb: hence, we called it hippocampal respiration-induced oscillations. Despite the similarity in frequency range, several features distinguish this pattern from locally generatedoscillations: hippocampal respiration-induced oscillations have a unique laminar amplitude profile, are resistant to atropine, couple differentlytooscillations, and are abolished when nasal airflow is bypassed bytracheotomy. Hippocampal neurons are entrained by both the respiration-induced rhythm and concurrent oscillations, suggesting a direct interaction between endogenous activity in the hippocampus and nasal respiratory inputs. Our results demonstrate that nasal respiration strongly modulates hippocampal network activity in mice, providing a long-range synchronizing signal between olfactory and hippocampal networks.
Different types of network oscillations occur in different behavioral, cognitive, or vigilance states. The rodent hippocampus expresses prominentoscillations atfrequencies between 4 and 12Hz,which are superimposed by phase-coupledoscillations (30 –100Hz).These patterns entrain multineuronal activity over large distances and have been implicated in sensory information processing and memory formation. Here we report a new type of oscillation at near- frequencies (2– 4 Hz) in the hippocampus of urethane-anesthetized mice. The rhythm is highly coherent with nasal respiration and with rhythmic field potentials in the olfactory bulb: hence, we called it hippocampal respiration-induced oscillations. Despite the similarity in frequency range, several features distinguish this pattern from locally generatedoscillations: hippocampal respiration-induced oscillations have a unique laminar amplitude profile, are resistant to atropine, couple differentlytooscillations, and are abolished when nasal airflow is bypassed bytracheotomy. Hippocampal neurons are entrained by both the respiration-induced rhythm and concurrent oscillations, suggesting a direct interaction between endogenous activity in the hippocampus and nasal respiratory inputs. Our results demonstrate that nasal respiration strongly modulates hippocampal network activity in mice, providing a long-range synchronizing signal between olfactory and hippocampal networks.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Le somnambulisme est une parasomnie commune, caractérisée par des éveils incomplets lors des stades de sommeil lent, au cours desquels les individus atteints présentent des comportements moteurs d’une complexité variable accompagnés de confusion et d’un jugement altéré. La littérature actuelle suggère que ce trouble serait associé à des particularités de l’activité en ondes lentes et des oscillations lentes, deux indices de l’intégrité du processus homéostatique et de la profondeur du sommeil. Toutefois, en raison de certaines lacunes méthodologiques dans les études existantes, le rôle de ces marqueurs électroencéphalographiques dans la pathophysiologie du somnambulisme reste à éclaircir. Notre premier article a donc investigué d’éventuelles anomalies de l’activité en ondes lentes et des oscillations lentes chez les somnambules, en comparant leur sommeil au cours de la nuit entière à celui de participants contrôles. De plus, comme les somnambules semblent réagir différemment (en termes de fragmentation du sommeil notamment) des dormeurs normaux à une pression homéostatique accrue, nous avons comparé l’activité en ondes lentes et les oscillations lentes en nuit de base et suite à une privation de sommeil de 38 heures. Les résultats de nos enregistrements électroencéphalographiques chez 10 somnambules adultes et neuf participants contrôles montrent une élévation de la puissance spectrale de l’activité en ondes lentes et de la densité des oscillations lentes en nuit de récupération par rapport à la nuit de base pour nos deux groupes. Toutefois, contrairement à plusieurs études précédentes, nous ne n’observons pas de différence entre somnambules et dormeurs normaux quant à l’activité en ondes lentes et aux oscillations lentes pour aucune des deux nuits. Au-delà ce certaines considérations méthodologiques ayant pu contribuer à ce résultat inattendu, nous croyons qu’il justifie un questionnement sur l’hétérogénéité des somnambules comme population. Notre deuxième article s’est penché sur les facteurs électroencéphalographiques transitoires susceptibles d’être associés au déclenchement des épisodes de somnambulisme. Nous avons comparé les fluctuations d’activité en ondes lentes et des oscillations lentes dans les minutes avant des épisodes de somnambulisme spontanés (c.a.d.: non associés à un stimulus identifiable) à celles survenant avant des éveils normaux comparables chez 12 somnambules adultes. Nous montrons que, comparativement aux éveils normaux, les épisodes de somnambulisme sont précédés d’un sommeil plus profond, tel qu’indiqué par une plus grande densité spectrale de l’activité en ondes lentes et une plus grande densité des oscillations lentes. Cet approfondissement du sommeil, spécifique aux épisodes de somnambulisme, semble survenir sur un laps de temps relativement long (>3 minutes), et non abruptement au cours des secondes précédant l’épisode. Ces données ouvrent un questionnement quant aux mécanismes en jeu dans la survenue des épisodes de somnambulisme spontanés. Globalement, cette thèse suggère que des phénomènes liés à l’activité en ondes lentes et aux oscillations lentes seraient liés au déclenchement des épisodes de somnambulisme, mais que des études supplémentaires devront être menées afin de délimiter le rôle précis que ces marqueurs jouent dans la pathophysiologie du somnambulisme.
TORT, A. B. L. ; SCHEFFER-TEIXEIRA, R ; Souza, B.C. ; DRAGUHN, A. ; BRANKACK, J. . Theta-associated high-frequency oscillations (110-160 Hz) in the hippocampus and neocortex. Progress in Neurobiology , v. 100, p. 1-14, 2013.
The rhythmogenesis of 10-Hz sleep spindles is studied in a large-scale thalamic network model with two cell populations: the excitatory thalamocortical (TC) relay neurons and the inhibitory nucleus reticularis thalami (RE) neurons. Spindle-like bursting oscillations emerge naturally from reciprocal interactions between TC and RE neurons. We find that the network oscillations can be synchronized coherently, even though the RE-TC connections are random and sparse, and even though individual neurons fire rebound bursts intermittently in time. When the fast gamma-aminobutyrate type A synaptic inhibition is blocked, synchronous slow oscillations resembling absence seizures are observed. Near-maximal network synchrony is established with even modest convergence in the RE-to-TC projection (as few as 5-10 RE inputs per TC cell suffice). The hyperpolarization-activated cation current (Ih) is found to provide a cellular basis for the intermittency of rebound bursting that is commonly observed in TC neurons during spindles. Such synchronous oscillations with intermittency can be maintained only with a significant degree of convergence for the TC-to-RE projection.
TORT, A. B. L. ; SCHEFFER-TEIXEIRA, R ; Souza, B.C. ; DRAGUHN, A. ; BRANKACK, J. . Theta-associated high-frequency oscillations (110-160 Hz) in the hippocampus and neocortex. Progress in Neurobiology , v. 100, p. 1-14, 2013.
TORT, A. B. L. ; SCHEFFER-TEIXEIRA, R ; Souza, B.C. ; DRAGUHN, A. ; BRANKACK, J. . Theta-associated high-frequency oscillations (110-160 Hz) in the hippocampus and neocortex. Progress in Neurobiology , v. 100, p. 1-14, 2013.
The flood flow in urbanised areas constitutes a major hazard to the population and infrastructure as seen during the summer 2010-2011 floods in Queensland (Australia). Flood flows in urban environments have been studied relatively recently, although no study considered the impact of turbulence in the flow. During the 12-13 January 2011 flood of the Brisbane River, some turbulence measurements were conducted in an inundated urban environment in Gardens Point Road next to Brisbane's central business district (CBD) at relatively high frequency (50 Hz). The properties of the sediment flood deposits were characterised and the acoustic Doppler velocimeter unit was calibrated to obtain both instantaneous velocity components and suspended sediment concentration in the same sampling volume with the same temporal resolution. While the flow motion in Gardens Point Road was subcritical, the water elevations and velocities fluctuated with a distinctive period between 50 and 80 s. The low frequency fluctuations were linked with some local topographic effects: i.e, some local choke induced by an upstream constriction between stairwells caused some slow oscillations with a period close to the natural sloshing period of the car park. The instantaneous velocity data were analysed using a triple decomposition, and the same triple decomposition was applied to the water depth, velocity flux, suspended sediment concentration and suspended sediment flux data. The velocity fluctuation data showed a large energy component in the slow fluctuation range. For the first two tests at z = 0.35 m, the turbulence data suggested some isotropy. At z = 0.083 m, on the other hand, the findings indicated some flow anisotropy. The suspended sediment concentration (SSC) data presented a general trend with increasing SSC for decreasing water depth. During a test (T4), some long -period oscillations were observed with a period about 18 minutes. The cause of these oscillations remains unknown to the authors. The last test (T5) took place in very shallow waters and high suspended sediment concentrations. It is suggested that the flow in the car park was disconnected from the main channel. Overall the flow conditions at the sampling sites corresponded to a specific momentum between 0.2 to 0.4 m2 which would be near the upper end of the scale for safe evacuation of individuals in flooded areas. But the authors do not believe the evacuation of individuals in Gardens Point Road would have been safe because of the intense water surges and flow turbulence. More generally any criterion for safe evacuation solely based upon the flow velocity, water depth or specific momentum cannot account for the hazards caused by the flow turbulence, water depth fluctuations and water surges.
We consider the dynamics of an array of mutually interacting cavities, each containing an ensemble of N two-level atoms. By exploring the possibilities offered by ensembles of various dimensions and a range of atom-light and photon-hopping values, we investigate the generation of multisite entanglement, as well as the performance of excitation transfer across the array, resulting from the competition between on-site nonlinearities of the matter-light interaction and intersite photon hopping. In particular, for a three-cavity interacting system it is observed that the initial excitation in the first cavity completely transfers to the ensemble in the third cavity through the hopping of photons between the adjacent cavities. Probabilities of the transfer of excitation of the cavity modes and ensembles exhibit characteristics of fast and slow oscillations governed by coupling and hopping parameters, respectively. In the large-hopping case, by seeding an initial excitation in the cavity at the center of the array, a tripartite W state, as well as a bipartite maximally entangled state, is obtained, depending on the interaction time. Population of the ensemble in a cavity has a positive impact on the rate of excitation transfer between the ensembles and their local cavity modes. In particular, for ensembles of five to seven atoms, tripartite W states can be produced even when the hopping rate is comparable to the cavity-atom coupling rate. A similar behavior of the transfer of excitation is observed for a four-coupled-cavity system with two initial excitations.
Various studies suggest that non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, especially slow-wave sleep (SWS), is vital to the consolidation of declarative memories. However, sleep stage 2 (S2), which is the other NREM sleep stage besides SWS, has gained only little attention. The current study investigated whether S2 during an afternoon nap contributes to the consolidation of declarative memories. Participants learned associations between faces and cities prior to a brief nap. A cued recall test was administered before and following the nap. Spindle, delta and slow oscillation activity was recorded during S2 in the nap following learning and in a control nap. Increases in spindle activity, delta activity, and slow oscillation activity in S2 in the nap following learning compared to the control nap were associated with enhanced retention of face-city associations. Furthermore, spindles tended to occur more frequently during up-states than down-states within slow oscillations during S2 following learning versus S2 of the control nap. These findings suggest that spindles, delta waves, and slow oscillations might promote memory consolidation not only during SWS, as shown earlier, but also during S2.
A theory is provided for a common experimental set up that is used to measure surface properties in surfactant monolayers. The set up consists of a surfactant monolayer (over a shallow liquid layer) that is compressed/expanded in a periodic fashion by moving in counter-phase two parallel, slightly immersed solid barriers, which vary the free surface area and thus the surfactant concentration. The simplest theory ignores the fluid dynamics in the bulk fluid, assuming spatially uniform surfactant concentration, which requires quite small forcing frequencies and provides reversible dynamics in the compression/expansion cycles. In this paper, we present a long-wave theory for not so slow oscillations that assumes local equilibrium but takes the fluid dynamics into account. This simple theory uncovers the physical mechanisms involved in the surfactant behavior and allows for extracting more information from each experimental run. The conclusion is that the fluid dynamics cannot be ignored, and that some irreversible dynamics could well have a fluid dynamic origin
Congenital nystagmus is an ocular-motor disorder that develops in the first few months of life; its pathogenesis is still unknown. Patients affected by congenital nystagmus show continuous, involuntary, rhythmical oscillations of the eyes. Monitoring eye movements, nystagmus main features such as shape, amplitude and frequency, can be extracted and analysed. Previous studies highlighted, in some cases, a much slower and smaller oscillation, which appears added up to the ordinary nystagmus waveform. This sort of baseline oscillation, or slow nystagmus, hinder precise cycle-to-cycle image placement onto the fovea. Such variability of the position may reduce patient visual acuity. This study aims to analyse more extensively eye movements recording including the baseline oscillation and investigate possible relationships between these slow oscillations and nystagmus. Almost 100 eye movement recordings (either infrared-oculographic or electrooculographic), relative to different gaze positions, belonging to 32 congenital nystagmus patients were analysed. The baseline oscillation was assumed sinusoidal; its amplitude and frequency were computed and compared with those of the nystagmus by means of a linear regression analysis. The results showed that baseline oscillations were characterised by an average frequency of 0.36 Hz (SD 0.11 Hz) and an average amplitude of 2.1° (SD 1.6°). It also resulted in a considerable correlation (R2 scored 0.78) between nystagmus amplitude and baseline oscillation amplitude; the latter, on average, resulted to be about one-half of the correspondent nystagmus amplitude. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper we identify the origins of stop-and-go (or slow-and-go) driving and measure microscopic features of their propagations by analyzing vehicle trajectories via Wavelet Transform. Based on 53 oscillation cases analyzed, we find that oscillations can be originated by either lane-changing maneuvers (LCMs) or car-following behavior (CF). LCMs were predominantly responsible for oscillation formations in the absence of considerable horizontal or vertical curves, whereas oscillations formed spontaneously near roadside work on an uphill segment. Regardless of the trigger, the features of oscillation propagations were similar in terms of propagation speed, oscillation duration, and amplitude. All observed cases initially exhibited a precursor phase, in which slow-and-go motions were localized. Some of them eventually transitioned into a well developed phase, in which oscillations propagated upstream in queue. LCMs were primarily responsible for the transition, although some transitions occurred without LCMs. Our findings also suggest that an oscillation has a regressive effect on car following behavior: a deceleration wave of an oscillation affects a timid driver (with larger response time and minimum spacing) to become less timid and an aggressive driver less aggressive, although this change may be short-lived. An extended framework of Newell’s CF is able to describe the regressive effects with two additional parameters with reasonable accuracy, as verified using vehicle trajectory data.