891 resultados para Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders


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Abstract Background: Sleep deprivation (SD) is strongly associated with elevated risk for cardiovascular disease. Objective: To determine the effect of SD on basal hemodynamic functions and tolerance to myocardial ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury in male rats. Method: SD was induced by using the flowerpot method for 4 days. Isolated hearts were perfused with Langendorff setup, and the following parameters were measured at baseline and after IR: left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP); heart rate (HR); and the maximum rate of increase and decrease of left ventricular pressure (±dp/dt). Heart NOx level, infarct size and coronary flow CK-MB and LDH were measured after IR. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was measured at start and end of study. Results: In the SD group, the baseline levels of LVDP (19%), +dp/dt (18%), and -dp/dt (21%) were significantly (p < 0.05) lower, and HR (32%) was significantly higher compared to the controls. After ischemia, hearts from SD group displayed a significant increase in HR together with a low hemodynamic function recovery compared to the controls. In the SD group, NOx level in heart, coronary flow CK-MB and LDH and infarct size significantly increased after IR; also SD rats had higher SBP after 4 days. Conclusion: Hearts from SD rats had lower basal cardiac function and less tolerance to IR injury, which may be linked to an increase in NO production following IR.


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The practice of physical activities contributes to reducing the risk of chronic diseases and improves sleep patterns in the elderly. This research aimed to investigate the association between insomnia symptoms and daytime nap and the participation in physical leisure activities in elderly community residents. Data from the Studies Network of the Fragility in Brazilian Elderly (Campinas site), were used. Information from 689 elderly was analyzed, regarding sociodemographic characterization, physical leisure activity, occurrence of daytime napping and its duration, symptoms of insomnia and use of sleep medication. A significant association was found between the practice of walking and the daytime nap of short duration. Studies indicate that a short nap can benefit the quality of sleep and health of the elderly. Therefore, promoting the practice of walking can be a nursing intervention that favors the sleep patterns of the elderly.


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The aim of this study was to verify the association between sleep bruxism (SB) and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in a sample of 14 TMD patients and 12 healthy control subjects. All participants were evaluated using a clinical questionnaire, visual analog scale (VAS) for TMJ/muscle palpation, and by functional examination. The experimental group was divided into three TMD subgroups: joint sounds and pain, muscular tenderness, and mixed diagnosis. All participants underwent polysomnographic recording (PSG). A second clinical examination was then carried out to verify the relationship between rhythmic masticatory muscle activity and pain/tenderness on the following morning. e experimental and control groups presented VAS mean scores of 36.85 +/- 23.73 mm and 0 mm, respectively. The presence of SB was neither associated with TMD (p>0.05) nor with pain on palpation (p>0.05). Further research with a more representative sample of each TMD subgroup is necessary to elucidate its interaction with SB.


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Objectives: Previous studies using subjective assessments have reported associations between sleep quantity and quality and cardiometabolic disorders, but little is known regarding the associ-ations with objective sleep characteristics. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between objective sleep measure sand metabolic syndrome (MS), hypertension, diabetes and obesity. Methods: 2162 subjects (51.2% women, mean age 58,11.1) from the general population were evaluated for hypertension,diabetes, overweight/obesity and MS, and underwent a full polysom-nography (PSG). PSG measured variables included: Total sleep time(TST), percentage and time spent in slow wave sleep (SWS) and in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, sleep efficiency and arousal index(ArI) Results: In univariate analyses, MS was associated with decreased TST, SWS, REM sleep, sleep efficiency and increased ArI. After adjustment for age, gender, smoking, alcohol, physical activity, drugsthat affect sleep and depression, the ArI remained significantly higher, but the difference disappeared in subjects without significant sleep disordered breathing (SDB). Differences in sleep structure were also found according to the presence or absence of hypertension, diabetes and overweight/obesity in univariate analysis. However, these differences were attenuated after multivariate adjustment and after excluding subjects with significant SDB. Conclusions: In this population-based sample we found significant associations between sleep structure and MS, hypertension, diabetes and obesity. However, these associations were cancelled after multivariate adjustment. We conclude that normal variations in sleep contribute little if any to MS and associated disorders.


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The 24-hour rest-activity pattern and the amount of motor activity was studied in a patient with fatal familial insomnia (FFI) by means of wrist actigraphy. During the study, the patient underwent indirect calorimetry. The 52-day recording showed severe disruption of the 24-hour rest-activity pattern with increased motor activity up to 80%. The 24-hour energy expenditure, assayed in a respiration chamber, was strikingly elevated by 60%. Chronic motor overactivity and loss of circadian rest-activity rhythm may play a role in the progressive metabolic exhaustion leading to death in FFI patients.


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A low arousal threshold is believed to predispose to breathing instability during sleep. The present authors hypothesised that trazodone, a nonmyorelaxant sleep-promoting agent, would increase the effort-related arousal threshold in obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients. In total, nine OSA patients, mean+/-sd age 49+/-9 yrs, apnoea/hypopnoea index 52+/-32 events.h(-1), were studied on 2 nights, one with trazodone at 100 mg and one with a placebo, in a double blind randomised fashion. While receiving continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), repeated arousals were induced: 1) by increasing inspired CO(2) and 2) by stepwise decreases in CPAP level. Respiratory effort was measured with an oesophageal balloon. End-tidal CO(2 )tension (P(ET,CO(2))) was monitored with a nasal catheter. During trazodone nights, compared with placebo nights, the arousals occurred at a higher P(ET,CO(2)) level (mean+/-sd 7.30+/-0.57 versus 6.62+/-0.64 kPa (54.9+/-4.3 versus 49.8+/-4.8 mmHg), respectively). When arousals were triggered by increasing inspired CO(2) level, the maximal oesophageal pressure swing was greater (19.4+/-4.0 versus 13.1+/-4.9 cm H(2)O) and the oesophageal pressure nadir before the arousals was lower (-5.1+/-4.7 versus -0.38+/-4.2 cm H(2)O) with trazodone. When arousals were induced by stepwise CPAP drops, the maximal oesophageal pressure swings before the arousals did not differ. Trazodone at 100 mg increased the effort-related arousal threshold in response to hypercapnia in obstructive sleep apnoea patients and allowed them to tolerate higher CO(2) levels.


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BACKGROUND: Efavirenz (EFV) causes neuropsychiatric side-effects and an unfavourable blood lipid profile. We investigated the effect of replacing EFV with etravirine (ETR) on patient preference, sleep, anxiety and lipid levels. METHOD: Study participants did not complain of side-effects, had tolerated EFV for at least 3 months, with less than 50 copies/ml HIV-RNA. After randomization, the ETR-first group started with ETR (400 mg daily) [DOSAGE ERROR CORRECTED] with EFV-placebo and the EFV-first group with EFV with ETR-placebo. After 6 weeks, both groups switched to the alternate regimen. Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors were continued without any change. The primary end point was patient preference for the first or the second regimen, assessed after 12 weeks. RESULTS: Fifty-eight patients were enrolled with a median CD4 cell count of 589 cells/μl and the duration of previous EFV therapy was 3.9 years. Fifty-five patients completed the study. When asked about treatment preference after 12 weeks, 16 preferred EFV and 22 preferred ETR, whereas 17 did not express a preference (P = NS). Patients who continued EFV during the first phase of the trial preferred EFV (15/21, 71%), whereas patients who started with ETR were more likely to prefer ETR (n = 16/17, 94%). This order effect was strongly significant (P < 0.0001). Quality of sleep, depression, anxiety and stress scores did not differ significantly between groups. Median plasma cholesterol levels decreased by 0.7 mmol (29 mg/100 ml) after replacing EFV with ETR (P < 0.002). CONCLUSION: After substitution of EFV by ETR, patients did not express a significant preference for ETR. There was no measurable effect on neuropsychiatric symptoms and sleep. Cholesterol decreased.


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The severity of insomnia and the relationships between social fear, anxiety, depression and insomnia were examined in 179 patients with social phobia. Two-thirds of our sample had insomnia. Depression, anxiety, social anxiety, and insomnia were positively correlated. General and social anxiety contributed to insomnia when accounting for depression.


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Introduction : Plusieurs études épidémiologiques et de laboratoire basées sur des estimations subjectives de la durée et de la qualité du sommeil suggèrent que celles-ci pourraient être associées à une augmentation du risque de troubles métaboliques ou cardiovasculaires. Objectif : Dans cette étude nous avons examiné les associations entre les caractéristiques du sommeil évaluées objectivement par Polysomnographie (PSG) et le syndrome métabolique ainsi que ses composants (hypertension, diabète, obésité). Matériel et méthodes : Nous avons analysé les données de 2162 sujets de la population générale (dont le 51.2% étaient des femmes, âge moyen : 58.4±11.1 ans, fourchette d'âge: 40.5-84.4) qui ont participé à l'étude Hypnolaus. Tous les sujets ont eu une évaluation clinique et biologique et ils ont bénéficié d'une PSG complète à domicile. Résultats : Les analyses univariées ont montré que les sujets présentant un syndrome métabolique avaient une diminution du temps total de sommeil, du sommeil lent profond, du sommeil paradoxal et de l'efficacité du sommeil, ainsi qu'une augmentation de l'index de microéveils par rapport aux sujets qui n'avaient pas un syndrome métabolique. Nous avons aussi trouvé des différences significatives de la structure du sommeil en fonction de la présence ou de l'absence d'hypertension, de diabètes et de surpoids/obésité. Cependant, ces différences s'atténuent après ajustement pour des facteurs confondants (âge, genre, tabagisme, prise d'alcool, activité physique, médicaments qui affectent le sommeil, dépression, santé globale et indice de masse corporelle). Seules des différences marginales, non statistiquement significatives, persistaient dans le modèle multiajusté et après stratification en fonction de la présence de troubles respiratoires au cours du sommeil. Conclusions: Dans cet échantillon de la population générale nous avons mis en évidence des associations significatives entre la structure du sommeil et le syndrome métabolique ainsi que ses composants. Cependant, ces associations ne sont pas indépendantes des autres facteurs de risque cardiométabolique connus. Nous en concluons que les variations normales de la durée et de la structure du sommeil contribuent peu ou pas au syndrome métabolique et ses troubles associés.


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OBJECTIVE: To examine the association of socioeconomic status (SES) with subjective and objective sleep disturbances and the role of socio-demographic, behavioural and psychological factors in explaining this association. METHODS: Analyses are based on 3391 participants (53% female, aged 40-81 years) of the follow-up of the CoLaus study (2009-2012), a population-based sample of the city of Lausanne, Switzerland. All participants completed a sleep questionnaire and a sub-sample (N = 1569) underwent polysomnography. RESULTS: Compared with men with a high SES, men with a low SES were more likely to suffer from poor sleep quality [prevalence ratio (PR) for occupational position = 1.68, 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.30-2.17], and to have long sleep latency (PR = 4.90, 95%CI: 2.14-11.17), insomnia (PR = 1.47, 95% CI: 1.12-1.93) and short sleep duration (PR = 3.03, 95% CI: 1.78-5.18). The same pattern was observed among women (PR = 1.29 for sleep quality, 2.34 for sleep latency, 2.01 for daytime sleepiness, 3.16 for sleep duration, 95%CIs ranging from 1.00 to 7.51). Use of sleep medications was not patterned by SES. SES differences in sleep disturbances were only marginally attenuated by adjustment for other socio-demographic, behavioural and psychological factors. Results from polysomnography confirmed poorer sleep patterns among participants with low SES (p <0.05 for sleep efficiency/stage shifts), but no SES differences were found for sleep duration. CONCLUSIONS: In this population-based sample, low SES was strongly associated with sleep disturbances, independently of socio-demographic, behavioural, and psychological factors. Further research should establish the extent to which social differences in sleep contribute to socioeconomic differences in health outcomes.


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Benzodiazepines and hypnotic Z-drugs are indicated for the short-term treatment of insomnia and anxiety (4 weeks maximum) at the lowest dose possible. Despite the recommendations for short-term use and its unfavourable effects, the level of consumption of benzodiazepines in our context is high and it is continually rising. Prolonged medication usage is associated with adverse effects and significant risks, particularly in the elderly, and should, therefore, be avoided when approaching new treatment. If a previous treatment assessed is found to be inappropriate, its possible withdrawal must be considered. Benzodiazepines withdrawal is based on a gradual dose reduction and should be managed by establishing a doctor-patient relationship of trust to encourage and accomplish discontinuation.


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Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness and attacks of muscle atonia triggered by strong emotions (cataplexy). Narcolepsy is caused by hypocretin (orexin) deficiency, paralleled by a dramatic loss in hypothalamic hypocretin-producing neurons. It is believed that narcolepsy is an autoimmune disorder, although definitive proof of this, such as the presence of autoantibodies, is still lacking. We engineered a transgenic mouse model to identify peptides enriched within hypocretin-producing neurons that could serve as potential autoimmune targets. Initial analysis indicated that the transcript encoding Tribbles homolog 2 (Trib2), previously identified as an autoantigen in autoimmune uveitis, was enriched in hypocretin neurons in these mice. ELISA analysis showed that sera from narcolepsy patients with cataplexy had higher Trib2-specific antibody titers compared with either normal controls or patients with idiopathic hypersomnia, multiple sclerosis, or other inflammatory neurological disorders. Trib2-specific antibody titers were highest early after narcolepsy onset, sharply decreased within 2-3 years, and then stabilized at levels substantially higher than that of controls for up to 30 years. High Trib2-specific antibody titers correlated with the severity of cataplexy. Serum of a patient showed specific immunoreactivity with over 86% of hypocretin neurons in the mouse hypothalamus. Thus, we have identified reactive autoantibodies in human narcolepsy, providing evidence that narcolepsy is an autoimmune disorder.


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During the year 2005, the chief residents of the University Medical Outpatient Clinic of Lausanne have done a database of useful articles for daily practice, scientifically validated and with excellent didactic quality, from 10 electronic journals. They have used those selected articles in personal meetings between the chief residents on a regular basis and the possibility to access the database by the junior physicians. Six of these articles concerning different topics (depression, tuberculosis detection, anticoagulation at home, cholinesterase inhibitors, insomnia and therapies, transdermal nitroglycerin and tendinopathies) are presented.