12 resultados para Slaking


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Soil structure is generally defined as the arrangement, orientation, and organization of the primary particles of sand, silt, and clay into compound aggregates, which exhibit properties that are unequal to the properties of a mass of nonaggregated material with a similar texture.6 Therefore the nature of soil structure is that it conveys specific properties to the soil and any alteration, i.e., breakdown or structural development, to the soil structural units will affect the physical properties of the soil. The aggregation and organization of the soil particles tend to form a hierarchical order4, 5 where the lower orders tend to have higher densities and greater internal strength than the higher orders. A schematic diagram of the hierarchical nature of soil structural elements in a clay soil is given in Fig. 1.4 Clay particles tend to form domains (packets of parallel clay sheets, generally consisting of 5-7 sheets), in turn several domains form clusters, followed by several orders of clusters, micro- and macroaggregates. The hierarchical nature implies that the destruction of a lower order will result in the destruction of all higher hierarchical orders. An example is the dispersion of sodic clay domains which results in the destruction of all higher orders, resulting in a dense soil with low hydraulic conductivity. Hence the clay domains are the fundamental building blocks of the soil and its integrity may determine the soil's physical properties and behavior.


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Exponential and sigmoidal functions have been suggested to describe the bulk density profiles of crusts. The present work aims to evaluate these conceptual models using high resolution X-radiography. Repacked seedbeds from two soil materials, air-dried or prewetted by capillary rise, were subjected to simulated rain, which resulted in three types of structural crusts, namely, slaking, infilling, and coalescing. Bulk density distributions with depth were generated using high-resolution (70 mum), calibrated X-ray images of slices from the resin-impregnated crusted seedbeds. The bulk density decreased progressively with depth, which supports the suggestion that a crust should be considered as a nonuniform layer. For the slaking and the coalescing crusts, the exponential function underestimated the strong change in bulk density across the morphologically defined transition between the crust and the underlying material; the sigmoidal function provided a better description. Neither of these crust models effectively described the shape of the bulk density profiles through the whole seedbed. Below the infilling and slaking crusts, bulk density increased linearly with depth as a result of slumping. In the coalescing crusted seedbed, the whole seedbed uniformly collapsed and most of the bulk density change within the crust could be ascribed to slumping (0.33 g cm(-3)) rather than to crusting (0.12 g cm(-3)). Finally, (i) X-radiography appears as a unique tool to generate high resolution bulk density profiles and (ii) in structural crusts, bulk density profiles could be modeled using the existing exponential and sigmoidal crusting models, provided a slumping model would be coupled.


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Journal of Cultural Heritage 9 (2008) 338-346


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This research project was directed at laboratory and field evaluation of sodium montmorillonite clay (bentonite) as a dust palliative for limestone surfaced secondary roads. It had been postulated that the electrically charged surfaces of the clay particles could interact with the charged surfaces of the limestone and act as a bonding agent to agglomerate fine (-#200) particulates and also to band the fine particulates to larger (+#200) limestone particles. Laboratory testing using soda ash dispersed bentonite treatment of limestone fines indicated significant improvement of compressive strength and slaking characteristics. It was recommended that the project proceed to field trials and test roads were constructed in Dallas and Adair counties in Iowa. Soda ash dispersed bentonite solutions can be field mixed and applied with conventional spray distribution equipment. A maximum of 1.5% bentonite(by weight of aggregate)can be applied at one time. Higher applications would have to be staged allowing the excess moisture to evaporate between applications. Construction of higher application treatments can be accomplished by adding dry bentonite to the surfacing material and then by dry road mixing. The soda ash water solution can then be spray applied and the treated surfacing material wet mixed by motor graders to a consistency of 3 to 4 inch slump concrete. Two motor graders working in tandem can provide rapid mixing for both methods of construction. Calcium and magnesium chloride treatments are 2 to 3 times more effective in dust reduction in the short term (3-4 months) but are prone to washboarding and potholing due to maintenance restrictions. Bentonite treatment at the 2-3% level is estimated to provide a 30-40% dust reduction over the long term(18-24 months). Normal maintenance blading operations can be used on bentonite treated areas. Vehicle braking characteristics are not adversely affected up to the 3.0% treatment level. The bentonite appears to be functioning as a banding agent to bind small particulates to larger particles and is acting to agglomerate fine particles of limestone. This bonding capability appears recoverable from environmental effects of winter, and from alternating wet and dry periods. The bentonite appears to be able to interact with new applications of limestone maintenance material and maintains a dust reduction capability. Soda ash dispersed bentonite treatment is approximately 10 times more cost effective per percent dust reduction than conventional chloride treatments with respect to time. However,the disadvantage is that there is not the initial dramatic reduction in dust generation as with the chloride treatment. Although dust is reduced 30-40% after treatment there is still dust being generated and the traveling public or residents may not perceive the reduction.


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Soil treated with self-cementing fly ash is increasingly being used in Iowa to stabilize fine-grained pavement subgrades, but without a complete understanding of the short- and long-term behavior. To develop a broader understanding of fly ash engineering properties, mixtures of five different soil types, ranging from ML to CH, and several different fly ash sources (including hydrated and conditioned fly ashes) were evaluated. Results show that soil compaction characteristics, compressive strength, wet/dry durability, freeze/thaw durability, hydration characteristics, rate of strength gain, and plasticity characteristics are all affected by the addition of fly ash. Specifically, Iowa selfcementing fly ashes are effective at stabilizing fine-grained Iowa soils for earthwork and paving operations; fly ash increases compacted dry density and reduces the optimum moisture content; strength gain in soil-fly ash mixtures depends on cure time and temperature, compaction energy, and compaction delay; sulfur contents can form expansive minerals in soil–fly ash mixtures, which severely reduces the long-term strength and durability; fly ash increases the California bearing ratio of fine-grained soil–fly ash effectively dries wet soils and provides an initial rapid strength gain; fly ash decreases swell potential of expansive soils; soil-fly ash mixtures cured below freezing temperatures and then soaked in water are highly susceptible to slaking and strength loss; soil stabilized with fly ash exhibits increased freeze-thaw durability; soil strength can be increased with the addition of hydrated fly ash and conditioned fly ash, but at higher rates and not as effectively as self-cementing fly ash. Based on the results of this study, three proposed specifications were developed for the use of self-cementing fly ash, hydrated fly ash, and conditioned fly ash. The specifications describe laboratory evaluation, field placement, moisture conditioning, compaction, quality control testing procedures, and basis of payment.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the aggregate stability of tropical soils under eucalyptus plantation and native vegetation, and assess the relationships between aggregate stability and some soil chemical and physical properties. Argisols, Cambisol, Latosols and Plinthosol within three eucalyptus-cultivated regions, in the states of Espírito Santo, Rio Grande do Sul and Minas Gerais, Brazil, were studied. For each region, soils under native vegetation were compared to those under minimum tillage with eucalyptus cultivation. The aggregate stability was measured using the high-energy moisture characteristic (HEMC) technique, i.e., the moisture release curve at very low suctions. This method compares the resistance of aggregates to slaking on a relative scale from zero to one. Thus, the aggregate stability from different soils and management practices can be directly compared. The aggregate stability ratio was greater than 50% for all soils, which shows that the aggregate stability index is high, both in eucalyptus and native vegetation areas. This suggests that soil management adopted for eucalyptus cultivation does not substantially modify this property. In these soils, the aggregate stability ratio does not show a good relationship with clay or soil organic matter contents. However, soil organic matter shows a positive relationship with clay content and cation exchange capacity.


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In the search for new soil stabilizing agents the effects of six organic cations on plastic limit, liquid limit, shrinkage limit, air-dry strength and rate of slaking of a highly plastic clay subsoil were studied. In all cases the plasticity index and shrinkage were reduced by the treatments. The air-dry strength was lowered in varying degree, which was the only undesirable effect noted. With one exception resistance to slaking was improved. It is concluded that large organic cations show promise as possible stabilizing agents for highly plastic fine-grained soils.


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Tässä työssä tutkittiin sammutetun kalkin vaikutusta kalsiumkarbonaatin saostamiseen ja saostetun kalsiumkarbonaatin ominaisuuksiin. Työn kirjallisuusosa käsittelee mm. kalkin sammutusta yleisesti, sammutuslaitteita, sammutetun kalkin ominaisuuksiin ja agglomeroitumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä partikkelikoon analyysimenetelmiä. Kirjallisuusosan mukaan sammutusolosuhteilla sekä sammutuslaitteilla on vaikutusta sammutetun kalkin ominaisuuksiin. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin kalkin sammutuksen vaikutusta kalsiumkarbonaatin saostamiseen sekä saostetun kalsiumkarbonaatin ominaisuuksiin. Sammutuskokeet tehtiin neljällä eri sammutuslaitteella ja sammutettavina kalkkeina käytettiin neljää ominaisuuksiltaan erilaista poltettua kalkkia. Karbonoinnit suoritettiin sekä laboratorio- että pilot-laitteilla. Lisäksi tutkittiin neljän lisäaineen; natriumdodekyylisulfaatin, trietanoliamiinin, lignosulfonaatin sekä sakkaroosin vaikutusta kalkin sammuttamiseen sekä miten lisäaineen käyttäminen sammutuksessa vaikuttaa kalsiumkarbonaatin saostamiseen. Tulosten perusteella kalkin sammutuksella on vaikutusta kalsiumkarbonaatin saostamiseen ja saostetun kalsiumkarbonaatin ominaisuuksiin. Eri sammutusmenetelmillä sammutetuilla kalkeilla on mm. erilainen vaikutus karbonointiaikaan. Myös lisäaineet vaikuttavat mm. sammutetun kalkin ominaispinta-alaan ja partikkelin muotoon. Lisäaineet lisäksi pidentävät karbonointiaikaa ja vaikuttavat saostettujen kalsiumkarbonaattipartikkeleiden agglomeroitumiseen.


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Este trabajo de investigación, centrado en el Flysch carbonatado de Alicante, tiene como objetivos principales caracterizar los mecanismos de inestabilidad que afectan a los taludes de estas formaciones carbonatas heterogéneas, evaluar las medidas correctivas implementadas, y por último, caracterizar comportamiento diferencial frente a la degradación ambiental de las diferentes litologías aflorantes. Para ello, se ha realizado un extenso inventario de 194 taludes, permitiendo generar una base de datos que incluye las litologías, su competencia y la posición relativa entre ellas, las relaciones geométricas entre talud y estratificación y los mecanismos de inestabilidad asociados. También se han inventariado las medidas correctivas observadas y la valoración de su efectividad, ligadas al tipo de afloramiento y sus inestabilidades asociadas. Asimismo, se ha caracterizado el comportamiento frente al slaking de la roca matriz a través de cinco ciclos de slake, basado en los índices Id1, Id5, y en el Index of Weathering propuesto (IW5). Estos parámetros, junto con la identificación litológica y las propiedades mecánicas de las litologías representativas de la zona de estudio han permitido caracterizar su comportamiento frente a la degradación ambiental, que además ha sido relacionado con los patrones, longitudes y tasas de degradación observados in situ. Como resultado de lo anteriormente expuesto, este trabajo proporciona unas nuevas herramientas básicas, que pueden utilizarse fácilmente en fases de anteproyecto, para conocer los mecanismos de inestabilidad, el comportamiento frente a la degradación ambiental, así como recomendar las medidas correctivas adecuadas en estos taludes, u otros de características similares.


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Various studies indicate that most of the slope instabilities affecting Flysch heterogeneous rock masses are related to differential weathering of the lithologies that make up the slope. Therefore, the weathering characteristics of the intact rock are of great importance for the study of these types of slopes and their associated instability processes. The main aim of this study is to characterise the weathering properties of the different lithologies outcropping in the carbonatic Flysch of Alicante (Spain), in order to understand the effects of environmental weathering on them, following slope excavation. To this end, 151 strata samples obtained from 11 different slopes, 5–40 years old, were studied. The lithologies were identified and their mechanical characteristics obtained using field and laboratory tests. Additionally, the slaking properties of intact rocks were determined, and a classification system proposed based on the first and fifth slake cycles (Id1 and Id5 respectively) and an Index of Weathering (IW5), defined in the study. Information obtained from the laboratory and the field was used to characterise the weathering behaviour of the rocks. Furthermore, the slaking properties determined from laboratory tests were related to the in-situ weathering properties of rocks (i.e., the weathering profile, patterns and length, and weathering rate). The proposed relationship between laboratory test results, field data, and in-situ observations provides a useful tool for predicting the response of slopes to weathering after excavation during the preliminary stages of design.


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The susceptibility of clay bearing rocks to weathering (erosion and/or differential degradation) is known to influence the stability of heterogeneous slopes. However, not all of these rocks show the same behaviour, as there are considerable differences in the speed and type of weathering observed. As such, it is very important to establish relationships between behaviour quantified in a laboratory environment with that observed in the field. The slake durability test is the laboratory test most commonly used to evaluate the relationship between slaking behaviour and rock durability. However, it has a number of disadvantages; it does not account for changes in shape and size in fragments retained in the 2 mm sieve, nor does its most commonly used index (Id2) accurately reflect weathering behaviour observed in the field. The main aim of this paper is to propose a simple methodology for characterizing the weathering behaviour of carbonate lithologies that outcrop in heterogeneous rock masses (such as Flysch slopes), for use by practitioners. To this end, the Potential Degradation Index (PDI) is proposed. This is calculated using the fragment size distribution curves taken from material retained in the drum after each cycle of the slake durability test. The number of slaking cycles has also been increased to five. Through laboratory testing of 117 samples of carbonate rocks, extracted from strata in selected slopes, 6 different rock types were established based on their slaking behaviour, and corresponding to the different weathering behaviours observed in the field.


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Britain's sea and flood defences are becoming increasingly aged and as a consequence, more fragile and vulnerable. As the government's philosophy on resources shifts against the use of prime quarried and dredged geo-materials, the need to find alternative bulk materials to bolster Britain's prone defences becomes more pressing. One conceivable source for such a material is colliery waste or minestone. Although a plethora of erosion-abrasion studies have been carried out on soils and soil-cements, very little research has been undertaken to determine the resistance of minestone and its cement stabilized form to the effects of water erosion. The thesis reviews the current extent to which soil-cements, minestone and cement stabilized minestone (CSM) have been employed for hydraulic construction projects. A synopsis is also given on the effects of immersion on shales, mudstones and minestone, especially with regard to the phenomena of slaking. A laboratory study was undertaken featuring a selection of minestones from several British coalfields. The stability of minestone and CSM in sea water and distilled water was assessed using slaking tests and immersion monitoring and the bearing on the use of these materials for hydraulic construction is discussed. Following a review of current erosion apparatus, the erosion/abrasion test and rotating cylinder device were chosen and employed to assess the erosion resistance of minestone and CSM. Comparison was made with a sand mix designed to represent a dredged sand, the more traditional, bulk hydraulic construction material. The results of the erosion study suggest that both minestone and CSM were more resistant to erosion and abrasion than equivalently treated sand mixes. The greater resistance of minestone to the agents of erosion and abrasion is attributed to several factors including the size of the particles, a greater degree of cement bonding and the ability of the minestone aggregate to absorb, rather than transmit shock waves produced by impacting abrasive particles. Although minestone is shown to be highly unstable when subjected to cyclic changes in its moisture content, the study suggests that even in an intertidal regime where cyclic immersion does takes place, minestone will retain sufficient moisture within its fabric to prevent slaking from taking place. The slaking study reveals a close relationship between slaking susceptibility and total pore surface area as revealed by porosimetry. The immersion study shows that although the fabric of CSM is rapidly attacked in sea water, a high degree of the disruption is associated with the edges and corners of samples (ie. free surface) while the integrity of the internal fabric remains relatively intact. CSM samples were shown to be resilient when subjected to immersion in distilled water. An overall assessment of minestone and CSM would suggest that with the implementation of judicious selection and appropriate quality control they could be used as alternative materials for flood and sea defences. It is believed, that even in the harsh regime of a marine environment, CSM could be employed for temporary and sacrificial schemes.