935 resultados para Skin Permeability
This study provides an investigation of the availability of octyl salicylate (OS), a common sunscreen agent, from liquid paraffin and the effect of OS on skin permeability. A model membrane system to isolate the vehicle effect from membrane permeability has been developed. Partitioning of OS between liquid paraffin and aqueous receptor phases was conducted. Partition coefficients increased with increase in OS concentration. A range of OS concentrations in liquid paraffin was diffused across human epidermis and synthetic membranes into 4% bovine serum albumin in phosphate-buffered saline and 50% ethanol. Absorption profiles of OS obtained from silicone and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) membranes were similar to each other but higher than for the high-density polyethylene [HDPE (3 times)] membrane and human epidermis (15 times). The steady state fluxes and apparent permeability coefficients (K-p') obtained from the diffusion studies showed the same trends with all membranes, except for the HDPE membrane which showed greater increase in flux and K-p' at concentrations above 30%. IR spectra showed that several bands of OS were shifted with concentrations, and the molecular models further suggested that the main contribution to the self-association is from non-1,4 van der Waals interactions.
1. Drug delivery through the skin has been used to target the epidermis, dermis and deeper tissues and for systemic delivery, The major barrier for the transport of drugs through the skin is the stratum corneum, with most transport occurring through the intercellular region, The polarity of the intercellular region appears to be similar to butanol, with the diffusion of solutes being hindered by saturable hydrogen bonding to the polar head groups of the ceramides, fatty acids and other intercellular lipids, Accordingly, the permeability of the more lipophilic solutes is greatest from aqueous solutions, whereas polar solute permeability is favoured by hydrocarbon-based vehicles. 2. The skin is capable of metabolizing many substances and, through its microvasculature, limits the transport of most substances into regions below the dermis. 3. Although the flux of solutes through the skin should be identical for different vehicles when the solute exists as a saturated solution, the fluxes vary in accordance with the skin penetration enhancement properties of the vehicle. It is therefore desirable that the regulatory standards required for the bioequivalence of topical products include skin studies. 4. Deep tissue penetration can be related to solute protein binding, solute molecular size and dermal blood flow. 5. Iontophoresis is a promising area of skin drug delivery, especially for ionized solutes and when a rapid effect is required. 6. In general, psoriasis and other skin diseases facilitate drug delivery through the skin. 7. It is concluded that the variability in skin permeability remains an obstacle in optimizing drug delivery by this route.
A range of topical products are used in veterinary medicine. The efficacy of many of these products has been enhanced by the addition of penetration enhancers. Evolution has led to not only a highly specialized skin in animals and humans, but also one whose anatomical structure and skin permeability differ between the various species. The skin provides an excellent barrier against the ingress of environmental contaminants, toxins, and microorganisms while performing a homeostatic role to permit terrestrial life. Over the past few years, major advances have been made in the field of transdermal drug delivery. An increasing number of drugs are being added to the list of therapeutic agents that can be delivered via the skin to the systemic circulation where clinically effective concentrations are reached. The therapeutic benefits of topically applied veterinary products is achieved in spite of the inherent protective functions of the stratum corneum (SQ, one of which is to exclude foreign substances from entering the body. Much of the recent success in this field is attributable to the rapidly expanding knowledge of the SC barrier structure and function. The bilayer domains of the intercellular lipid matrices within the SC form an excellent penetration barrier, which must be breached if poorly penetrating drugs are to be administered at an appropriate rate. One generalized approach to overcoming the barrier properties of the skin for drugs and biomolecules is the incorporation of suitable vehicles or other chemical compounds into a transdermal delivery system. Indeed, the incorporation of such compounds has become more prevalent and is a growing trend in transdermal drug delivery. Substances that help promote drug diffusion through the SC and epidermis are referred to as penetration enhancers, accelerants, adjuvants, or sorption promoters. It is interesting to note that many pour-on and spot-on formulations used in veterinary medicine contain inert ingredients (e.g., alcohols, amides, ethers, glycols, and hydrocarbon oils) that will act as penetration enhancers. These substances have the potential to reduce the capacity for drug binding and interact with some components of the skin, thereby improving drug transport. However, their inclusion in veterinary products with a high-absorbed dose may result in adverse dermatological reactions (e.g., toxicological irritations) and concerns about tissue residues. These a-re important considerations when formulating a veterinary transdermal product when such compounds ate added, either intentionally or otherwise, for their penetration enhancement ability. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective To investigate the effect of lipophilicity on the percutaneous penetration of a homologous series of alcohols through canine skin Design Skin harvested from Greyhound thorax was placed in Franz-type diffusion cells and the in vitro passage of radio-labelled (C-14) alcohols (ethanol, butanol, hexanol and octanol (Log P 0.19 - 3.0)) through separate skin sections was measured in replicates of five. Permeability coefficient (k(P), cm/h), maximum flux (J(max), mol/cm(2)/h) and residue remaining within the skin were determined. Results The k(P) increased with increasing lipophilicity (6.2 x 10(-4) +/- 1.6 x 10(-4) cm/h for ethanol to 1.8 x 10(-2) 3.6 x 10(-3) cm/h for octanol). Alcohol residues remaining within each skin sample followed a similar pattern. An exponential decrease in Jmax with increasing lipophilicity was observed. Conclusion Changes in canine skin permeability occur with increasing alcohol lipophilicity. This finding has practical consequences for the design of topical formulations and optimisation of drug delivery through animal skin.
Purpose. In the present study we examined the relationship between solvent uptake into a model membrane (silicone) with the physical properties of the solvents (e.g., solubility parameter, melting point, molecular weight) and its potential predictability. We then assessed the subsequent topical penetration and retention kinetics of hydrocortisone from various solvents to define whether modifications to either solute diffusivity or partitioning were dominant in increasing permeability through solvent-modified membranes. Methods. Membrane sorption of solvents was determined from weight differences following immersion in individual solvents, corrected for differences in density. Permeability and retention kinetics of H-3-hydrocortisone, applied as saturated solutions in the various solvents, were determined over 48 h in horizontal Franz-type glass diffusion cells. Results. Solvent sorption into the membrane could be related to differences in solubility parameters, MW and hydrogen bonding (r(2) = 0.76). The actual and predicted volume of solvent sorbed into the membrane was also found to be linearly related to Log hydrocortisone flux, with changes in both diffusivity and partitioning of hydrocortisone observed for the different solvent vehicles. Conclusions. A simple structure-based predictive model can be applied to the sorption of solvents into silicone membranes. Changes in solute diffusivity and partitioning appeared to contribute to the increased hydrocortisone flux observed with the various solvent vehicles. The application of this predictive model to the more complex skin membrane remains to be determined.
Purpose. The flux of a topically applied drug depends on the activity in the skin and the interaction between the vehicle and skin. Permeation of vehicle into the skin can alter the activity of drug and the properties of the skin barrier. The aim of this in vitro study was to separate and quantify these effects. Methods. The flux of four radiolabeled permeants (water, phenol, diflunisal, and diazepam) with log K-oct/water values from 1.4 to 4.3 was measured over 4 h through heat-separated human epidermis pretreated for 30 min with vehicles having Hildebrand solubility parameters from 7.9 to 23.4 (cal/cm(3))(1/2). Results. Enhancement was greatest after pretreatment with the more lipophilic vehicles. A synergistic enhancement was observed using binary mixtures. The flux of diazepam was not enhanced to the same extent as the other permeants, possibly because its partitioning into the epidermis is close to optimal (log K-oct 2.96). Conclusion. An analysis of the permeant remaining in the epidermis revealed that the enhancement can be the result of either increased partitioning of permeant into the epidermis or an increasing diffusivity of permeants through the epidermis.
Professional cleaning is a basic service occupation with a wide variety of tasks carried out in all kind of different sectors and workplaces by a large workforce. One important risk for cleaning workers is the exposure to chemical substances that are present in cleaning products.Monoethanolamine was found to be often present in cleaning products such as general purpose cleaners, bathroom cleaners, floor cleaners and kitchen cleaners. Monoethanolamine can injure the skin, and exposure to monoethanolamine was associated to asthma even when the air concentrations were low. It is a strong irritant and known to be involved in sensitizing mechanisms. It is very likely that the use of cleaning products containing monoethanolamine gives rise to respiratory and dermal exposures. Therefore there is a need to further investigate the exposures to monoethanolamine for both, respiratory and dermal exposure.The determination of monoethanolamine has traditionally been difficult and analytical methods available are little adapted for occupational exposure assessments. For monoethanolamine air concentrations, a sampling and analytical method was already available and could be used. However, a method to analyses samples for skin exposure assessments as well as samples of skin permeation experiments was missing. Therefore one main objective of this master thesis was to search an already developed and described analytical method for the measurement of monoethanolamine in water solutions, and to set it up in the laboratory. Monoethanolamine was analyzed after a derivatisation reaction with o-pthtaldialdehyde. The derivated fluorescing monoethanolamine was then separated with high performance liquid chromatography and detection took place with a fluorescent detector. The method was found to be suitable for qualitative and quantitative analysis of monoethanolamine. An exposure assessment was conducted in the cleaning sector to measure the respiratory and dermal exposures to monoethanolamine during floor cleaning. Stationary air samples (n=36) were collected in 8 companies and samples for dermal exposures (n=12) were collected in two companies. Air concentrations (Mean = 0.18 mg/m3, Standard Deviation = 0.23 mg/m3, geometric Mean = 0.09 mg/m3, Geometric Standard Deviation = 3.50) detected were mostly below 1/10 of the Swiss 8h time weighted average occupational exposure limit. Factors that influenced the measured monoethanolamine air concentrations were room size, ventilation system and the concentration of monoethanolamine in the cleaning product and amount of monoethanolamine used. Measured skin exposures ranged from 0.6 to 128.4 mg/sample. Some cleaning workers that participated in the skin exposure assessment did not use gloves and had direct contact with the solutions containing the cleaning product and monoethanolamine. During the entire sampling campaign, cleaning workers mostly did not use gloves. Cleaning workers are at risk to be regularly exposed to low air concentrations of monoethanolamine. This exposure may be problematic if a worker suffers from allergic reactions (e.g. Asthma). In that case a substitution of the cleaning product may be a good prevention measure as several different cleaning products are available for similar cleaning tasks. Currently there are no occupational exposure limits to compare the skin exposures that were found. To prevent skin exposures, adaptations of the cleaning techniques and the use of gloves should be considered. The simultaneous skin and airborne exposures might accelerate adverse health effects. Overall the risks caused by exposures to monoethanolamine are considered as low to moderate when the cleaning products are used correctly. Whenever possible, skin exposures should be avoided. Further research should consider especially the dermal exposure routes, as very high exposures might occur by skin contact with cleaning products. Dermatitis but also sensitization might be caused by skin exposures. In addition, new biomedical insights are needed to better understand the risks of the dermal exposure. Therefore skin permeability experiments should be considered.
A nanotecnologia foi introduzida nas áreas farmacêutica e cosmética, com o propósito de possibilitar o desenvolvimento de sistemas de veiculação de substâncias e para a optimização das formulações já existentes. As preparações de aplicação tópica têm elevada importância nas perspectivas terapêutica e cosmética, uma vez que a pele apresenta uma área de aplicação extensa e acessível, os efeitos sistémicos das substâncias a administrar por via tópica encontram-se geralmente reduzidos, exercendo na maioria das vezes um efeito local. Mais, a esta via estão normalmente associadas menos reacções adversas. Todavia, a pele é um órgão, dotado de um efeito barreira notável, que pode comprometer a administração de moléculas farmacológica/cosmetologicamente activas no alvo. Assim, é evidente a necessidade de conhecer a constituição da pele, pois a permeabilidade cutânea de substâncias é um desafio que só pode ser conseguido através da preparação de formulações capazes de ultrapassar essa mesma barreira. O trabalho exposto aborda sucintamente a nanocosmética, pois esta tem revelado elevados impactos económico, social e científico. A inexistência de informação sobre quais os produtos actualmente comercializados, cuja produção tenha por base a nanotecnologia, suscitaram o interesse em desenvolver uma revisão sobre esses mesmos produtos, assim como esclarecer alguns aspectos relacionados com as características da pele, que justificam o investimento e estudo exaustivo deste tipo de preparações.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The species belonging to the subfamily Phyllomedusinae presents physiological and behavioral adaptations to economise water such as secretion of lipids coupled with its spreading onto the skin surface through a complex behavior, adoption of diurnal torpor and secretion of uric acid. Here we describe other adaptation probably involved with water economy, registered in Phyllomedusa distincta, P. tarsius, P. tetraploidea and natural hybrids of P. distincta and P. tetraploidea - at dusk, these amphibians perform an elaborate moulting behavior that encompasses the cleaning of the body with the limbs plus gaping and body contractions. Our data show the daily moulting in P. distincta and suggest that the same mechanism occurs for the other species studied. We suppose that daily moulting improves the skin permeability to water being a characteristic of the phyllomedusines which spread lipids onto the skin surface.
In order to establish the relationship between solute lipophilicity and skin penetration (including flux and concentration behavior), we examined the in vitro penetration and membrane concentration of a series of homologous alcohols (C2-C10) applied topically in aqueous solutions to human epidermal, full-thickness, and dermal membranes. The partitioning/distribution of each alcohol between the donor solution, stratum corneum, viable epidermis, dermis, and receptor phase compartments was determined during the penetration process and separately to isolated samples of each tissue type. Maximum flux and permeability coefficients are compared for each membrane and estimates of alcohol diffusivity are made based on flux/concentration data and also the related tissue resistance (the reciprocal of permeability coefficient) for each membrane type. The permeability coefficient increased with increasing lipophilicity to alcohol C8 (octanol) with no further increase for C10 (decanol). Log vehicle:stratum corneum partition coefficients were related to logP , and the concentration of alcohols in each of the tissue layers appeared to increase with lipophilicity. No difference was measured in the diffusivity of smaller more polar alcohols in the three membranes; however, the larger more lipophilic solutes showed slower diffusivity values. The study showed that the dermis may be a much more lipophilic environment than originally believed and that distribution of smaller nonionized solutes into local tissues below a site of topical application may be estimated based on knowledge of their lipophilicity alone.