860 resultados para Skilled migration
Migration-related issues have, since approximately 2000, been the object of increased attention at the international level. This has led, among other things, to the production of international narratives, which aim both at understanding migration and at proposing policy recommendations on how to address it, with the objective of improving the governance of migration at the global level. But this implies overcoming dilemmas stemming from the diverging interests of states and other actors (like NGOs and the private sector). This article examines the way in which international migration narratives address skilled migration, which is characterised by some of the clearest political trade-offs between stakeholders. It argues that these narratives attempt to speak to all parties and conciliate contradictory arguments about what should be done, in order to discursively overcome policy dilemmas and create a consensus. While this is line with the mandate of international organizations, it depoliticises migration issues.
The remarkable increase in trade flows and in migratory flows of highly educated people are two important features of globalization of the last decades. This paper extends a two-country model of inter- and intraindustry trade to a rich environment featuring technological differences, skill differences and the possibility of international labor mobility. The model is used to explain the patterns of trade and migration as countries remove barriers to trade and to labor mobility. We parameterize the model to match the features of the Western and Eastern European members of the EU and analyze first the effects of the trade liberalization which occured between 1989 and 2004, and then the gains and losses from migration which are expected to occur if legal barriers to labor mobility are substantially reduced. The lower barriers to migration would result in significant migration of skilled workers from Eastern European countries. Interestingly, this would not only benefit the migrants and most Western European workers but, via trade, it would also benefit the workers remaining in Eastern Europe. Key Words: Skilled Migration, Gains from Variety, Real Wages, Eastern-Western Europe. JEL Codes: F12, F22, J61.
The purpose of this article is to explain the importance and necessity of satisfying labour demands through the migration of less-skilled workers. It will also argue that more work is needed to anticipate labour and skill shortages and will examine ways of better identifying the role of mid- and low-skilled migration in filling such shortages.
Devido às alterações demográficas na UE, o recrutamento de profissionais de saúde torna-se para muitos países uma estratégia para enfrentar situações emergentes de escassez neste sector. A experiência da falta de enfermeiros no serviço de saúde alemão e o crescente desemprego de jovens enfermeiros em Portugal deu início ao recrutamento por parte da Alemanha de enfermeiros portugueses. Esta investigação qualitativa pretendeu examinar os motivos individuais das enfermeiras que levaram a esta emigração e mostrar os processos de integração, ao nível social e profissional na Alemanha. O fio condutor da análise deste processo migratório, é o foco no papel das redes sociais e no recrutamento pelos empregadores alemães. Através da análise qualitativa de conteúdo das entrevistas realizadas com as enfermeiras portuguesas na Alemanha, confirmou-se que, ao lado de considerações económicas e profissionais, é especialmente o momento no ciclo de vida e o apoio da família no país de origem, os responsáveis pelo surgimento desta emigração. Em relação à escolha do país de destino, foram as relações sociais dos migrantes, nomeadamente a emigração dentro de um grupo de enfermeiros e a confiança transmitida pelo recrutamento directo dos empregadores que influenciaram fortemente a decisão. O contacto social no país de destino é determinado pela inserção em redes sociais com colegas compatriotas, disponibilizando capital social em forma de apoio emocional, mas ao mesmo tempo dificultando com a concentração na língua materna a criação de ligações fortes com a sociedade alemã. Face à integração profissional observaram-se certas práticas institucionais de recrutamento nomeadamente o investimento na aquisição da língua, como fundamentas pela satisfação profissional dos migrantes no país de destino.
A pesar del interés que despierta el fenómeno de las migraciones cualificadas, es difícil encontrar datos que permitan realizar un análisis detallado de los factores que condicionan la movilidad. El caso español constituye un ejemplo de la modificación cualitativa en la composición de las migraciones de sur a norte en Europa tras el ingreso en la Comunidad Económica Europea. No se produjeron migraciones masivas de trabajadores sin cualificación; sin embargo, sí se alteró drásticamente su composición: la migración no cualificada fue sustituida por migración cualificada de España a Alemania y Francia. Esta migración queda ocultada por la llegada masiva de inmigrantes a España. Empleando los datos de la encuesta EIMSS, se analizan las diferencias de las condiciones de egreso y movilidad entre los dos tipos de migrantes, cualificados y no cualificados.
The purpose of this research is to find out whether higher levels of education cause the exodus of Quebec’s Chinese skilled worker immigrants to other provinces. I first examine the history of Chinese immigration in Canada; the federal and Quebec’s immigration policies and selection criteria, as well as statistics regarding Chinese migration to Quebec and their out- migration from the province. My study’s ethnographic findings suggest that higher levels of education are not the main cause of the exodus, nor is the lack of French language competence. Rather, kin ties, age, and marital status play an influential role on interprovincial-migration of Quebec’s Chinese skilled immigrants. While based on a small number of respondents, my study indicates that having personal networks in Quebec before immigration tends to retain immigrants in the province.
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The Republic of Haiti is the prime international remittances recipient country in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region relative to its gross domestic product (GDP). The downside of this observation may be that this country is also the first exporter of skilled workers in the world by population size. The present research uses a zero-altered negative binomial (with logit inflation) to model households' international migration decision process, and endogenous regressors' Amemiya Generalized Least Squares method (instrumental variable Tobit, IV-Tobit) to account for selectivity and endogeneity issues in assessing the impact of remittances on labor market outcomes. Results are in line with what has been found so far in this literature in terms of a decline of labor supply in the presence of remittances. However, the impact of international remittances does not seem to be important in determining recipient households' labor participation behavior, particularly for women.
This paper evaluates the global welfare impact of observed levels of migration using a quantitativemulti-sector model of the world economy calibrated to aggregate and firm-level data.Our framework features cross-country labor productivity differences, international trade, remittances,and a heterogeneous workforce. We compare welfare under the observed levels ofmigration to a no-migration counterfactual. In the long run, natives in countries that receiveda lot of migration -such as Canada or Australia- are better o due to greater product varietyavailable in consumption and as intermediate inputs. In the short run the impact of migrationon average welfare in these countries is close to zero, while the skilled and unskilled nativestend to experience welfare changes of opposite signs. The remaining natives in countries withlarge emigration flows -such as Jamaica or El Salvador- are also better off due to migration,but for a different reason: remittances. The welfare impact of observed levels of migration issubstantial, at about 5 to 10% for the main receiving countries and about 10% in countries withlarge incoming remittances. Our results are robust to accounting for imperfect transferabilityof skills, selection into migration, and imperfect substitution between natives and immigrants.
The scholarship on migration in Europe heavily focuses on the integration of economically vulnerable migrants. In the age of commercialization of education, however, the European Union attracts a rising number of highly skilled non-EU migrants that take up studies across the continent. Despite economic downturn, the EU universities experience a rapid growth in the number of Chinese students, many of whom settle in Europe upon graduation. Surprisingly, although the number of Chinese students in the EU increases, scholars largely ignore the labor paths that these highly skilled migrants take upon graduating from European universities. This study aims to fill this gap by exploring the variation in the Chinese graduates’ labor incorporation patterns and in their spatial mobility. In this project, I also examine macro-level hypotheses predicting that the EU and host states’ labor market institutions, changes in the EU policies on the highly skilled and the outburst of economic crisis matter for the Chinese highly skilled social and spatial mobility. Seizing on surveys, interviews and on the bodies of literature on stratification and social mobility, economic incorporation, social capital and human capital, I look at the Chinese students that graduated from universities in Great Britain and Spain. These states differ in the university tuition fees, migration policies towards the highly skilled workers and in the period of the Chinese students’ influx, thus providing an economically and socially diverse sample. My research will contribute to the literature on the relations between migrants’ social mobility, class and status background and spatial mobility, at the same time adding a transnational level perspective to the study of highly skilled Asian migration.
Au Canada et au Québec, au cours des années 2000, la migration des travailleurs qualifiés originaires d’Amérique du Sud a connu une croissance très rapide. Pourtant, ce flux migratoire et sa composante féminine ne semblent pas avoir fait l’objet d’une lecture sociologique. Ce travail vise à combler quelques lacunes dans ce domaine des connaissances, en examinant le processus d’intégration économique d’immigrantes d’origine sud-américaine arrivées durant cette décennie. L’étude comprend l’analyse de 16 cas de femmes originaires de divers pays d’Amérique du Sud qui ont un diplôme universitaire ou l’équivalent, qui avaient déjà une expérience de travail dans leur pays d’origine et qui possèdent une bonne maîtrise de la langue française. Les questions qui guident cette recherche dépassent l’aspect statistique ou sociodémographique d’un groupe non étudié dans le contexte canadien. Le but principal de ce mémoire consiste à examiner l’importance d’une variété de ressources culturelles et symboliques qui sont déployées tout au long du processus d’intégration socioéconomique par des immigrantes sud-américaines de la catégorie des « travailleurs qualifiés » dans le contexte montréalais. Dans ce but, l’étude analyse comment les ressources acquises dans la société d’origine ont des impacts sur le parcours professionnel de ces femmes, en leur permettant de définir des stratégies d’intégration sur le marché du travail dans la société réceptrice. L’analyse se déploie à partir de la problématisation des facteurs construits socioculturellement comme catégories de structuration et de hiérarchisation qui, selon le contexte, définissent la position sociale et qui, à travers l’expérience, expliquent la position situationnelle des immigrantes sud-américaines. L’accès, l’utilisation et la mobilisation des ressources pour définir des stratégies d’intégration socioprofessionnelle sont analysés à partir de quatre axes : l’expérience, la dimension intersubjective, le contexte institutionnel et organisationnel, et finalement, la dimension représentationnelle.
Différentes réalités et contextes actuels mondiaux font en sorte que de plus en plus de gens envisagent la migration comme projet de vie. La présente recherche s’intéresse à l’imaginaire migratoire comme facteur de mobilité, mais également comme facteur de modulation des réactions et du regard qu’entretiendra le migrant en rapport avec son vécu migratoire. Ainsi, la réflexion s’amorce en Afrique de l’Ouest, tandis que de jeunes Africains instruits et qualifiés élaborent un projet de migration volontaire vers le Canada, plus précisément dans la région du Québec. C’est investi de leur désir de l’Ailleurs, des représentations de l’Occident, de leur besoin de se réaliser et de l’impossibilité qu’ils rencontrent à accéder à la vie professionnelle souhaitée en Afrique qu’ils migrent vers le Canada. Quoiqu’ils soient dotés d’une détermination et d’un optimisme considérable, la rencontre entre l’imaginé et le quotidien de la vie au Québec comme immigrant et comme émigrant n’est pas toujours facile. Elle viendra révéler la profondeur du rêve, des mythes et des ambitions; les failles intérieures individuelles, les valeurs et les ambivalences de chacun, mais surtout la capacité qu’aura l’individu à revoir son imaginaire, à effectuer la réappropriation de son expérience migratoire et à élaborer de nouveaux projets. L’écart vécu par le sujet entre l’imaginé et le rencontré nous questionnera sur ce que véhiculent les messages et les images en circulation sur le Canada et l’Occident. Aussi, il témoignera de la prédominance de la préparation factuelle et psychologique de l’individu pour anticiper et mieux accueillir les réalités du parcours migratoire.
Includes bibliography