26 resultados para Skidding
Despite use of the best in current design practices, high-speed shaft (HSS) bearings, in a wind-turbine gearbox, continue to exhibit a high rate of premature failure. As HSS bearings operate under low loads and high speeds, these bearings are prone to skidding. However, most of the existing methods for analyzing skidding are quasi-static in nature and cannot be used to study dynamic operating conditions. This paper proposes a dynamic model, which includes gyroscopic and centrifugal effects, to study the skidding characteristics of angular-contact ball-bearings. Traction forces between rolling-elements and raceways are obtained using elastohydrodynamic (EHD) lubrication theory. Underlying gross-sliding mechanisms for pure axial loads, and combined radial and axial loads are also studied. The proposed model will enable engineers to improve bearing reliability at the design stage, by estimating the amount of skidding. © 2011 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D.C.
As semeadoras-adubadoras, responsáveis pela correta adição de semente e adubo ao solo, possuem mecanismos dosadores acionados por suas rodas motrizes, que giram em função do contato com a superfície do solo. Esse contato é influenciado, entre outros fatores, pela pressão de inflação dos pneus. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar o desempenho de uma semeadora-adubadora de precisão em função do preparo do solo (preparo convencional e plantio direto), das velocidades de deslocamento e da pressão de inflação do seu pneu. O trabalho foi realizado na UNESP de Jaboticabal (SP) no ano de 2006. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: força de tração e potência na barra, consumo de combustível (horário, ponderal, operacional e específico), capacidade de campo operacional, patinagem dos rodados do trator e da semeadora-adubadora, estande inicial e distribuição longitudinal de sementes. O sistema plantio direto demandou maior força (35 %), potência e consumo horário de combustível; o mesmo aconteceu na maior velocidade. A pressão de inflação das rodas da semeadora proporcionou menor patinagem e maior estande inicial de plântulas.
The activities and management operations of wood harvesting do not have good computational tools available to help the forest technicians with the task of cost reduction. In many cases, machines of high investment are used in wood harvesting without adequate operation planning; consequently, the cost per hour of these machines, which is high, could be reduced. Using technological resources such as the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) integrated with the Global Positioning System (GPS), which are the basis of precision harvesting. In this research, a technological tool capable of calculating and optimizing the average skidding distance of the forwarder was developed. It was used in stands of different sizes and formats through mathematical techniques and available functionalities in the Geographic Information System GRASS. The developed tool, called optimized model, divides the stand in small parts in relation to shorter skidding distances. The main variable considered was the alignment of plantation. The model was tested in eucalypt stands located in the State of São Paulo. Sixteen stands were randomly selected: eight with a rectangular polygon form, and eight with irregular polygon form. The main variables were collected in these stands. Results showed that the optimized model developed, is efficient and flexible. It was possible to divide the stands in small parts resulting in smaller skidding medium distances. The stands with irregular form had shorter skidding medium distances than the rectangular stands.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
En este proyecto de final de carrera se detalla el proceso de diseño, fabricación, montaje y ajuste de un dispositivo electrónico que sirva como sistema de control de tracción de un vehículo y que acoplaremos sobre un monoplaza de carreras que participa en la competición Formula SAE. La Formula SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers - Sociedad de Ingenieros de Automoción), es una competición de coches de carreras monoplaza a nivel universitario que promueve el desarrollo de la ingeniera aplicada a la automoción. Se pretende que este libro sirva de guía para el correcto manejo y desempeño del sistema fabricado. Además se ha pretendido que su lectura resulte fácil y comprensible para que la persona que lea este libro sea capaz de entender el sistema realizado para así poderlo mejorar. Gracias a la colaboración entre la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación (ETSIST) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), la Escuela de Ingenieros Industriales de esta misma Universidad (ETSII) y el Instituto Universitario de Investigación del Automóvil (INSIA), se sientan las bases de una plataforma docente en la cual se posibilita la formación y desarrollo de un vehículo tipo formula que participa en la ya mencionada competición Formula SAE. Para ello, se formo en el 2003 el equipo UPMRacing, primer representante español en el evento. El equipo se compone de más de 50 alumnos de la UPM y del Máster de Ingeniería en Automoción del INSIA. Es por tanto, en el vehículo fabricado por el equipo UPMRacing, en el que se pretende instalar este sistema de control de tracción. El control de tracción es un sistema de seguridad del automóvil diseñado para prevenir la perdida de adherencia cuando alguna rueda presenta deslizamiento, bien porque el conductor se excede en la aceleración o bien porque el firme este resbaladizo. La unidad de procesamiento del sistema de control de tracción fabricado lee la velocidad de cada rueda del vehículo mediante unos sensores y determina si existe deslizamiento, en tal caso, manda una señal a la centralita para disminuir la potencia hasta que el deslizamiento disminuya a unos valores controlados. El sistema cuenta con un control remoto que sirve como interfaz para que el piloto pueda manejarlo. Por ultimo, el dispositivo es capaz de conectarse a un bus de comunicaciones CAN para configurar ciertos parámetros. El objetivo del sistema es, básicamente, hacer que el coche no derrape en aceleraciones fuertes; concretamente en las salidas desde parado y al tomar una curva, aumentando así la velocidad en circuito y la seguridad del piloto. ABSTRACT. The purpose of this project is to describe the design, manufacture, assembly and adjustment processes of an electronic device acting as the traction control system (TCS) of a vehicle, that we will attach to a single-seater competition formula SAE car. The Formula SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) is a graduate-level singleseater racing car competition promoting the development of automotive applied engineering. We also intend this work to serve as a technical user guide of the manufactured system. It is drafted clearly and concisely so that it will be easy for all those to whom it is addressed to understand and subject to further improvements. The close partnership among the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación (ETSIST), Escuela de Ingenieros Industriales (ETSII) of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), and the Instituto Universitario de Investigación del Automóvil (INSIA), lays the foundation of a teaching platform enabling the training and development of a single-seater racing car taking part in the already mentioned Formula SAE competition. In this respect, UPMRacing team was created back in 2003, first spanish representative in this event. The team consists of more than 50 students of the UPM and of INSIA Master in Automotive Engineering. It is precisely the vehicle manufactured by UPMRacing team where we intend to install our TCS. TCS is an automotive safety system designed to prevent loss of traction when one wheel has slip, either because the driver exceeds the acceleration or because the firm is slippery. The device’s central processing unit is able to detect the speed of each wheel of the vehicle via special sensors and to determine wheel slip. If this is the case, the system sends a signal to the ECU of the vehicle to reduce the power until the slip is also diminished to controlled values. The device has a remote control that serves as an interface for the pilot to handle it. Lastly, the device is able to connect to a communication bus system CAN to set up certain parameters. The system objective is to prevent skidding under strong acceleration conditions: standing-start from the starting grid or driving into a curve, increasing the speed in circuit and pilot’s safety.
Federal Highway Administration, Structures and Applied Mechanics Division, Washington, D.C.
Federal Highway Administration, Structures and Applied Mechanics Division, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, Austin
Tentative pavement and geometric design criteria for minimizing hydroplaning. Phase I. Final report.
Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.
Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation, Richmond
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.