167 resultados para Skandia navigator
A contabilidade financeira tradicional está perdendo relevância frente a nova economia. O valor contábil das empresas se distanciam cada vez mais do seu valor de mercado, principalmente nas organizações de alta tecnologia e serviços. Perante essa conjuntura, surge a polêmica, defendida por alguns pesquisadores, de que as demonstrações contábeis não estão mais retratando o verdadeiro valor da empresa, uma vez que o valor dos livros das empresas estão muito aquém do seu corresponente valor de mercado (Lev, 2003, p. 21-24). Esta diferença vem sendo explicada, por uma infinidade de autores como: Capital Intelectual o Ativo Intangível. Diante do que foi exposto, inegavelmente os intangíveis, nos últimos anos, ganharam mais importância para as organizações. O desafio, portanto, consiste em identificar, medir, gerir e informar o capital intelectual. Este artigo tem a finalidade de verificar, através do estudo empírico, qual a relação existente entre os modelos de capital intelectual propostos na literatura, e analisados neste trabalho, com os informes divulgados pelos bancos espanhóis. Para isto, em primeiro lugar tratamos de definir o termo Capital Intelectual (CI); em seguida apresentaremos algumas agrupações existentes de modelos de CI, para assim podermos selecionar os mais apropriados para a informação externa (reporting). Em um terceiro momento analisamos a divulgação de informes das Contas Anuais destas instituições. Por fim evidenciamos as conclusões a que chegamos, onde podemos observar que há um distanciamento entre os modelos utilizados na prática pelos bancos e os modelos teóricos.
A presente pesquisa resultou na definição de um modelo de mensuração do Capital Intelectual, a partir do método proposto pelo Skandia Navigator (Edvinsson e Malone, 1998), da empresa sueca homônima do ramo de seguros e serviços financeiros, que de forma pioneira publicou seu Relatório de Capital Intelectual em 1995. Apresentado sob a forma de estudo de caso, o trabalho foi efetuado a partir dos dados da Converge - Tecnologias de Gestão, empresa de prestação de serviços de consultoria e treinamento. As informações utilizadas no modelo estudado foram estrategicamente selecionadas do Balanced Scorecard implementado na empresa, sendo consideradas como os elementos e fatores geradores de seu Capital Intelectual. No caso estudado, a equação de mensuração do Capital Intelectual foi adaptada com a introdução de pesos para os indicadores de desempenho, evidenciando a importância de cada um deles para a consecução das estratégias do negócio, segundo a prioridade definida pela alta direção, na busca de satisfazer as expectativas e necessidades de todas as partes interessadas.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Recent developments of MR imaging equipment enabled high-quality steady state-free-precession (Balanced FFE, True-FISP) MR-imaging with a substantial 'T2 like' contrast, resulting in a high signal intensity of the blood-pool without the application of exogenous contrast agents. It is hypothesized that Balanced-FFE may be valuable for contrast enhancement in 3D free-breathing coronary MRA. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Navigator-gated free-breathing cardiac triggered coronary MRA was performed in 10 healthy adult subjects and three patients with radiograph defined coronary artery disease using a segmented k-space 3D Balanced FFE imaging sequence. RESULTS: High contrast-to-noise ratio between the blood-pool and the myocardium (29 +/- 8) and long segment visualization of both coronary arteries could be obtained in about 5 minutes during free breathing using the present navigator-gated Balanced-FFE coronary MRA approach. First patient results demonstrated successful display of coronary artery stenoses. CONCLUSION: Balanced FFE offers a potential alternative for endogenous contrast enhancement in navigator-gated free-breathing 3D coronary MRA. The obtained results together with the relatively short scanning time warrant further studies in larger patient collectives.
PURPOSE: To investigate the feasibility of high-resolution selective three-dimensional (3D) magnetic resonance coronary angiography (MRCA) in the evaluation of coronary artery stenoses. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 12 patients with coronary artery stenoses, MRCA of the coronary artery groups, including the coronary segments with stenoses of 50% or greater based on conventional x-ray coronary angiography (CAG), was performed with double-oblique imaging planes by orienting the 3D slab along the major axis of each right coronary artery-left circumflex artery (RCA-LCX) group and each left main trunk-left anterior descending artery (LMT-LAD) group. Ten RCA-LCX and five LMT-LAD MR angiograms were obtained, and the results were compared with those of conventional x-ray angiography. RESULTS: Among 70 coronary artery segments expected to be covered, a total of 49 (70%) segments were fully demonstrated in diagnostic quality. The identification of segmental location of stenoses showed as high an accuracy as 96%. The retrospective analysis for stenosis of 50% or greater yielded the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 80%, 85%, and 84%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Selective 3D MRCA has the potential for segment-by-segment evaluation of major portions of the right and left coronary arteries with high accuracy.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Recent developments of magnetic resonance imaging enabled free-breathing coronary MRA (cMRA) using steady-state-free-precession (SSFP) for endogenous contrast. The purpose of this study was a systematic comparison of SSFP cMRA with standard T2-prepared gradient-echo and spiral cMRA. METHODS: Navigator-gated free-breathing T2-prepared SSFP-, T2-prepared gradient-echo- and T2-prepared spiral cMRA was performed in 18 healthy swine (45-68 kg body-weight). Image quality was investigated subjectively and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and vessel sharpness were compared. RESULTS: SSFP cMRA allowed for high quality cMRA during free breathing with substantial improvements in SNR, CNR and vessel sharpness when compared with standard T2-prepared gradient-echo imaging. Spiral imaging demonstrated the highest SNR while image quality score and vessel definition was best for SSFP imaging. CONCLUSION: Navigator-gated free-breathing T2-prepared SSFP cMRA is a promising new imaging approach for high signal and high contrast imaging of the coronary arteries with improved vessel border definition.
The acquisition duration of most three-dimensional (3D) coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) techniques is considerably prolonged, thereby precluding breathholding as a mechanism to suppress respiratory motion artifacts. Splitting the acquired 3D volume into multiple subvolumes or slabs serves to shorten individual breathhold duration. Still, problems associated with misregistration due to inconsistent depths of expiration and diaphragmatic drift during sustained respiration remain to be resolved. We propose the combination of an ultrafast 3D coronary MRA imaging sequence with prospective real-time navigator technology, which allows correction of the measured volume position. 3D volume splitting using prospective real-time navigator technology, was successfully applied for 3D coronary MRA in five healthy individuals. An ultrafast 3D interleaved hybrid gradient-echoplanar imaging sequence, including T2Prep for contrast enhancement, was used with the navigator localized at the basal anterior wall of the left ventricle. A 9-cm-thick volume, with in-plane spatial resolution of 1.1 x 2.2 mm, was acquired during five breathholds of 15-sec duration each. Consistently, no evidence of misregistration was observed in the images. Extensive contiguous segments of the left anterior descending coronary artery (48 +/- 18 mm) and the right coronary artery (75 +/- 5 mm) could be visualized. This technique has the potential for screening for anomalous coronary arteries, making it well suited as part of a larger clinical MR examination. In addition, this technique may also be applied as a scout scan, which allows an accurate definition of imaging planes for subsequent high-resolution coronary MRA.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of navigator timing on image quality in navigator-gated and real-time motion-corrected, free-breathing, three-dimensional (3D) coronary MR angiography (MRA) with submillimeter spatial image resolution. Both phantom and in vivo investigations were performed. 3D coronary MRA with real-time navigator technology was applied using variable navigator time delays (time delay between the navigator and imaging sequences) and varying spatial resolutions. Quantitative objective and subjective image quality parameters were assessed. For high-resolution imaging, reduced image quality was found as a function of increasing navigator time delay. Lower spatial resolution coronary MRA showed only minor sensitivity to navigator timing. These findings were consistent among volunteers and phantom experiments. In conclusion, for submillimeter navigator-gated and real-time motion-corrected 3D coronary MRA, shortening the time delay between the navigator and the imaging portion of the sequence becomes increasingly important for improved spatial resolution.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate a free-breathing three-dimensional (3D) dual inversion-recovery (DIR) segmented k-space gradient-echo (turbo field echo [TFE]) imaging sequence at 3T for the quantification of aortic vessel wall dimensions. The effect of respiratory motion suppression on image quality was tested. Furthermore, the reproducibility of the aortic vessel wall measurements was investigated. Seven healthy subjects underwent 3D DIR TFE imaging of the aortic vessel wall with and without respiratory navigator. Subsequently, this sequence with respiratory navigator was performed twice in 10 healthy subjects to test its reproducibility. The signal-to-noise (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), vessel wall sharpness, and vessel wall volume (VWV) were assessed. Data were compared using the paired t-test, and the reproducibility of VWV measurements was evaluated using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). SNR, CNR, and vessel wall sharpness were superior in scans performed with respiratory navigator compared to scans performed without. The ICCs concerning intraobserver, interobserver, and interscan reproducibility were excellent (0.99, 0.94, and 0.95, respectively). In conclusion, respiratory motion suppression substantially improves image quality of 3D DIR TFE imaging of the aortic vessel wall at 3T. Furthermore, this optimized technique with respiratory motion suppression enables assessment of aortic vessel wall dimensions with high reproducibility.
Three-dimensional free-breathing coronary magnetic resonance angiography was performed in eight healthy volunteers with use of real-time navigator technology. Images acquired with the navigator localized at the right hemidiaphragm and at the left ventricle were objectively compared. The diaphragmatic navigator was found to be superior for vessel delineation of middle to distal portions of the coronary arteries.
The impact of navigator spatial resolution and navigator evaluation time on image quality in free-breathing navigator-gated 3D coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), including real-time motion correction, was investigated in a moving phantom. Objective image quality parameters signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and vessel sharpness were compared. It was found that for improved mage quality a short navigator evaluation time is of crucial importance. Navigator spatial resolution showed minimal influence on image quality.
A cardiac-triggered free-breathing three-dimensional balanced fast field-echo projection magnetic resonance (MR) angiographic sequence with a two-dimensional pencil-beam aortic labeling pulse was developed for the renal arteries. For data acquisition during free breathing in eight healthy adults and seven consecutive patients with renal artery disease, real-time navigator technology was implemented. This technique allows high-spatial-resolution and high-contrast renal MR angiography and visualization of renal artery stenosis without exogenous contrast agent or breath hold. Initial promising results warrant larger clinical studies.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was the investigation of the impact of real-time adaptive motion correction on image quality in navigator-gated, free-breathing, double-oblique three-dimensional (3D) submillimeter right coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Free-breathing 3D right coronary MRA with real-time navigator technology was performed in 10 healthy adult subjects with an in-plane spatial resolution of 700 x 700 microm. Identical double-oblique coronary MR-angiograms were performed with navigator gating alone and combined navigator gating and real-time adaptive motion correction. Quantitative objective parameters of contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and vessel sharpness and subjective image quality scores were compared. RESULTS: Superior vessel sharpness, increased CNR, and superior image quality scores were found with combined navigator gating and real-time adaptive motion correction (vs. navigator gating alone; P < 0.01 for all comparisons). CONCLUSION: Real-time adaptive motion correction objectively and subjectively improves image quality in 3D navigator-gated free-breathing double-oblique submillimeter right coronary MRA.
A cardiac-triggered, free-breathing, 3D balanced FFE projection renal MR angiography (MRA) technique with a 2D pencil beam aortic labeling pulse for selective aortic spin tagging was developed. For respiratory motion artifact suppression during free breathing, a prospective real-time navigator was implemented for renal MRA. Images obtained with the new approach were compared with standard contrast-enhanced (CE) 3D breath-hold MRA in seven swine. Signal properties and vessel visualization were analyzed. With the presented technique, high-resolution, high-contrast renal projection MRA with superior vessel length visualization (including a greater visible number of distal branches of the renal arteries) compared to standard breath-hold CE-MRA was obtained. The present results warrant clinical studies in patients with renal artery disease.
PURPOSE: A new magnetic resonance imaging approach for detection of myocardial late enhancement during free-breathing was developed. METHODS AND RESULTS: For suppression of respiratory motion artifacts, a prospective navigator technology including real-time motion correction and a local navigator restore was implemented. Subject specific inversion times were defined from images with incrementally increased inversion times acquired during a single dynamic scout navigator-gated and real-time motion corrected free-breathing scan. Subsequently, MR-imaging of myocardial late enhancement was performed with navigator-gated and real-time motion corrected adjacent short axis and long axis (two, three and four chamber) views. This alternative approach was investigated in 7 patients with history of myocardial infarction 12 min after i. v. administration of 0.2 mmol/kg body weight gadolinium-DTPA. CONCLUSION: With the presented navigator-gated and real-time motion corrected sequence for MR-imaging of myocardial late enhancement data can be completely acquired during free-breathing. Time constraints of a breath-hold technique are abolished and optimized patient specific inversion time is ensured.