974 resultados para Six Nations Indian Reserve No. 40 (Ont.) -- Education.


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This study examines the current educational and community realities faced by a large First Nations community in Canada. First, the research explores the voices of youth and parents to determine the current issues and trends of an Aboriginal community. Second, the work discusses the transformation of Six Nations youth and parents and its impacts on student educational and community life. Third, I relate my personal experiences as a First Nation student, parent, and community agency representative.


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A plan of part of the lands of the Six Nations Indians, dated January 26, 1833. A note on the plan reads “Part of the lands of the Six Nations Indians as surveyed by order of their Superintendent, John Brant, Esq. Dated at the Mohawk Village, the 29th day of April, 1831. Part of which was returned to the office of the Honourable, the Commissior of Crown Lands, on the 31st Oct. 1831, and now rendered more complete by a continuation of the survey under the same order in 1832, and by information obtained from private practice not connected with my official instructions all of which is most respectfully submitted to the inspection and for the information of His Majesty’s Government by Lewis Burwell, Surveyor”. The map shows the early loyalist land holdings in the Brantford area.


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Explanation of the Land Surrendered to the Crown by the Six Nations Indians for Mr. Dickson: 1 handwritten page explaining the Six Nations surrender of land to the Crown in order to allow the Crown to transfer the land to Mr. Dickson to compensate him for legal fees. [This is not an older document. It was possibly written by the Niagara Historical Society], n.d.


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"Ga-nio-di-euh, or, The Cornplanter": p. [421]-456.


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Sabin, 14273, Sabin notes: "The English editor also shows an antipathy to Indian names, suppressing them habitually, striking out important passages, and, instead of the speeches which Colden gives at length, substitutes meagre abridgments. In fact, the whole work is so cut up and altered, that the reader of the English edition cannot be sure he is quoting Colden at all"


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It is at long last becoming part of the public discourse that improving living conditions and opportunities for First Nations communities in Canada is a national imperative. It is also widely recognized that the education is critical to fostering a better future for First Nations people. Yet, for many First Nations youth, particularly those on reserve, completing even high school is well beyond reach. The graduation rate of First Nations people living on reserve was 35.3 per cent as recently as 2011 compared with 78 per cent for the population as a whole. At the same time, the First Nations population is young and growing fast - in First Nations communities 49 per cent of the population is under 24 years of age compared to 30 per cent of the general population. Despite some incremental improvements in education success rates for First Nations students in recent years, the education gap between First Nations and the rest of the country is increasing. The concerns expressed in the 2011 Auditor General report continue to hold weight: "In 2004, we noted that at existing rates, it would take 28 years for First Nations communities to reach the national average. More recent trends suggest that the time needed may still be longer.


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Les taux d’insécurité alimentaire (IA) chez les Premières Nations au Canada sont plus élevés que chez les Canadiens de la population générale. L’IA est généralement associée à des apports nutritionnels moins avantageux, toutefois peu d’études se sont penchées sur cette question pour les Premières Nations vivant sur-réserve. Le but de cette recherche est de déterminer, à partir de 550 observations, s’il existe une association entre le niveau de sécurité alimentaire et les apports nutritionnels chez des adultes (> 18 ans) des Premières Nations sur-réserve du Manitoba et d’identifier les types d’aliments qui pourraient expliquer les différences statistiquement significatives. Chez les hommes, aucune des différences statistiquement significatives entre les niveaux de sécurité alimentaire pourraient avoir un effet notable sur la santé nutritionnelle puisque les nutriments en question ne sont pas « à risque » dans la population. Chez les femmes, les apports sont significativement différents entre les niveaux de sécurité alimentaire pour quelques nutriments qui sont « à risque » dans la population. Pour les femmes de 19-30 ans en IA, les apports sont supérieurs en vitamine A, en folate et en calcium. En contraste, les apports sont inférieurs en vitamines A et B6 et en potassium pour les femmes de 31-50 ans en IA, et inférieurs en vitamine B6 pour les femmes de 51-70 ans en IA. Lorsque les apports sont ajustés pour les apports énergétiques, les différences demeurent seulement statistiquement significatives pour la vitamine B6 chez les femmes de 31-50 ans et 51-70 ans. Les groupes d’aliments potentiellement responsables des différences sont identifiés. En conclusion, chez les Premières Nations du Manitoba, peu d’associations statistiquement significatives ont été identifiées entre le niveau de sécurité alimentaire et les apports en nutriments considérés « à risque » dans la population. Ceci est particulièrement le cas après ajustement pour la multiplicité des tests statistiques effectués.


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New Australian curriculum documents and government initiatives advocate the inclusion of Asian perspectives, which is highly relevant to the STEM fields. For Australia and other countries, STEM education is an opportunity to develop competencies towards employment in high-demand areas, yet the world’s knowledge of STEM is changing rapidly, requiring continuous analysis to meet market demands. This paper presents the need for “collaborations between nations” through research to advance each country’s STEM agenda towards further globalisation of education with the sharing of knowledge. Research is needed on views of what constitutes cultural capital for STEM, which also involves understanding past and current STEM endeavours occurring within various countries. Most importantly for STEM education is uncovering instructional innovations aligned with countries’ cultures and STEM endeavours. Research questions are provided in this paper to stimulate ideas for investigating in these fields. Economically, and as demonstrated recently by Greece and Spain, countries throughout the world can no longer operate independently for advancing standards of living. The world needs to recognise interdependence not only in trade and resources but also through the knowledge base that exists within countries. Learning together globally means transitioning from independence to interdependence in STEM education that will help each country meet global demands.


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Currently completing its fifth year, the Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium (CWSEC) helps northeastern South Carolina communities meet National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II permit requirements for Minimum Control Measure 1 - Public Education and Outreach - and Minimum Control Measure 2 - Public Involvement. Coordinated by Coastal Carolina University, six regional organizations serve as core education providers to eight coastal localities including six towns and cities and two large counties. CWSEC recently finished a needs assessment to begin the process of strategizing for the second NPDES Phase II 5-year permit cycle in order to continue to develop and implement effective, results-oriented stormwater education and outreach programs to meet federal requirements and satisfy local environmental and economic needs. From its conception in May 2004, CWSEC set out to fulfill new federal Clean Water Act requirements associated with the NPDES Phase II Stormwater Program. Six small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) located within the Myrtle Beach Urbanized Area endorsed a coordinated approach to regional stormwater education, and participated in a needs assessment resulting in a Regional Stormwater Education Strategy and a Phased Education Work Plan. In 2005, CWSEC was formally established and the CWSEC’s Coordinator was hired. The Coordinator, who is also the Environmental Educator at Coastal Carolina University’s Waccamaw Watershed Academy, organizes six regional agencies who serve as core education providers for eight coastal communities. The six regional agencies working as core education providers to the member MS4s include Clemson Public Service and Carolina Clear Program, Coastal Carolina University’s Waccamaw Watershed Academy, Murrells Inlet 2020, North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve’s Coastal Training and Public Education Programs, South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium, and Winyah Rivers Foundation’s Waccamaw Riverkeeper®. CWSEC’s organizational structure results in a synergy among the education providers, achieving greater productivity than if each provider worked separately. The member small MS4s include City of Conway, City of North Myrtle Beach, City of Myrtle Beach, Georgetown County, Horry County, Town of Atlantic Beach, Town of Briarcliffe Acres, and Town of Surfside Beach. Each MS4 contributes a modest annual fee toward the salary of the Coordinator and operational costs. (PDF contains 3 pages)


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Empresariais


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Knowledge of how water is perceived, used and managed in a community is critical to the endeavour of water governance. Surveys of individuals residing in a community offer a valuable avenue to gain information about several of these aspects of water. This paper draws upon experiences in three First Nation communities to explore the values of surveys to illuminate water issues and inform water decision-making. Findings from experiences with surveys in Six Nations of the Grand River, Mississaugas of the New Credit, and Oneida First Nation of the Thames reveal rich information about how surveys can provide insights about: the connection of individuals to the land, water and their community; reasons for valuing water; perceptions of water quality and issues surrounding water-related advisories; and, degree of satisfaction with water management and governance at different scales. Community partners reflected upon the findings of the survey for their community. Dialogue was then broadened across the cases as the partners offer benefits and challenges associated with the survey. Community surveys offer an important tool in the resource managers’ toolbox to understand social perceptions of water and provide valuable insights that may assist in improving its governance.


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Des études adultes sur l’œdème pulmonaire lésionnel et le Syndrome de Détresse Respiratoire Aiguë ont mené à l’établissement de recommandations sur les stratégies de ventilation mécanique à employer chez ces patients. Cependant, il n’est pas clair si les recommandations adultes sont également bénéfiques pour l’enfant. Objectif Décrire les stratégies de ventilation mécanique employées chez les enfants atteints d’un œdème pulmonaire lésionnel. Méthodes Étude épidémiologique transversale tenue dans 59 unités de Soins Intensifs Pédiatriques de 12 pays en Amérique du Nord et en Europe. Six jours d’étude ont eu lieu entre juin et novembre 2007. Les enfants atteints d’un œdème pulmonaire lésionnel étaient inclus et des données sur la sévérité de leur maladie, les paramètres de ventilation mécanique et les thérapies adjuvantes employées ont été recueillies. Résultats Des 3823 enfants dépistés, 414 (10.8%) avaient un œdème pulmonaire lésionnel et 165 (40%) ont été inclus dans l’étude (124 étaient sous ventilation mécanique conventionnelle, 27 sous ventilation à haute fréquence par oscillation et 14 sous ventilation non invasive). Dans le groupe sous ventilation conventionnelle, 43.5% étaient ventilés avec un mode contrôlé à pression, le volume courant moyen était de 8.3±3.3 ml/kg et l’utilisation de la PEP et FiO2 était hétérogène. Conclusions Cette étude démontre une hétérogénéité dans les stratégies de ventilation mécanique employées chez les enfants souffrant d’un œdème pulmonaire lésionnel. Celle-ci pourrait être en partie reliée à la robustesse des critères diagnostiques actuellement utilisés pour définir l’ALI/SDRA. Une évaluation rigoureuse de ces stratégies est nécessaire pour guider la standardisation des soins et optimiser l’issue de ces patients.