491 resultados para Situs inversus
Relatamos o caso de um paciente com situs inversus totalis associado a coronariopatia obstrutiva em artérias descendente anterior e posterior, coronária direita, primeiro ramo diagonal e ramo marginal esquerdo, quadro condizente com a intervenção de revascularização do miocárdio. Esse procedimento não é freqüente na literatura médica, sendo encontrado apenas um relato na literatura brasileira. A revascularização do miocárdio foi realizada com a artéria mamária interna direita para a artéria descendente anterior, e uma ponte de safena para coronária direita, marginal esquerda, primeiro ramo diagonal e descendente posterior. A cirurgia foi realizada com o auxílio de circulação extracorpórea.
We present the case studies of two adult patients with tetralogy of Fallot who were scheduled for surgery. After addressing the right ventricular outflow tract obstruction, the aorta was opened and the ventricular septal defect was approached in a straightforward manner as it was located just under the overriding aortic valve. The second patient presented with was a situs inversus, dextroapex Fallot. In this setting, the aortic approach simplified the repair expeditiously. After 2 years, both patients are in New York Heart Association class I, with no residual ventricular septal defect, no aortic regurgitation, and complete relief of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction.
The gastric bypass is a good option in the therapy of morbid obesity. Nevertheless, it must be considered the rare condition as occurred in a patient with previous abdominal surgery with Situs Inversus Totalis. A 24 year-old male patient with body mass index of 40 Kg/ m², multiple dietary failures, and arterial hypertension as co-morbidities, with a anterior paramedial right incision due to a previous appendicectomy (8 years ago).With a indication for bariatric surgery, was performed Roux-en-Y gastric bypass by laparoscopic procedure, with previous planning of Situs Inversus Totalis.
We present a case of hepatectomy in a patient with liver's lymphangioma associated with Situs Inversus Totalis. The first case of medical literature.
BACKGROUND: Situs inversus (SI) is a relatively rare occurrence in patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Pancreatic resection in these patients has rarely been described. CT scan imaging is a principle modality for detecting pancreatic cancer and its use in SI patients is seldom reported. CASE PRESENTATION: We report a 48 year old woman with SI who, despite normal CT scan 8 months earlier, presented with obstructive jaundice and a pancreatic head mass requiring a pancreaticoduodenectomy. The surgical pathology report demonstrated pancreatic adenocarcinoma. CONCLUSION: SI is a rare condition with concurrent pancreatic cancer being even rarer. Despite the rarity, pancreaticoduodenectomy in these patients for resectable lesions is safe as long as special consideration to the anatomy is taken. Additionally, radiographic imaging has significantly improved detection of early pancreatic cancer; however, there continues to be a need for improved detection of small neoplasms.
Cavopulmonary connections have been extensively used in the palliation of complex forms of congenital heart disease requiring some form of right heart bypass. We examine the mid term outcomes of pulmonary ventricle bypass operations in a single institution and performed by the same surgical team. POPULATION: Between March 1999 and April 2006, 62 patients underwent pulmonary ventricle bypass operations: bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis (Glenn procedure), total cavopulmonary connections (Fontan procedure) and one and a half ventricle correction in two cases. Age at operation averaged three years (range: 0.42-25 years) for the Glenn procedure and seven years (range: 3-14 years) for the Fontan procedure. There were 36 male patients (58%) and 26 female patients (42%). The most common indication for surgery was the single ventricle defect, present in 66% of patients. Associated lesions included: transposition of the great arteries in 16 patients (35.6%), bilateral superior vena cava in four patients (8.9%), situs ambigus in five patients (11%), situs inversus in another patient (2.2%), Ebstein disease in one patient (2.2) and coronary fistula in another patient (2.2%). Sub-aortic stenosis was present in one patient (2.2%). Palliative surgery was performed in all, but three patients (5%), before the Fontan procedure. RESULTS: Thirty two patients underwent bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis and thirty patients underwent cavopulmonary connections, total or 2nd stage. Mean cardiopulmonary bypass times were 50.6+/-21.9 minutes for the Glenn procedure and 88.5+/-26.3 minutes for the Fontan procedure. There was no intra-operative mortality, but two patients (3.2% (died in the first month after surgery; one due to failure of the Glenn circuit and sepsis and the other due to a low cardiac output syndrome and multi-organ dysfunction. Mean ventilation time was 5.2+/-1.7 hours for the Glenn operation and 6.2+/-3.2 hours for the Fontan operation. The mean length of stay in ICU was 3.4+/-2.8 days for patients undergoing the Glenn operation and 4.6+/-3.1 days for patients undergoing the Fontan operation and the mean length of hospital stay was 10.6+/-5.8 days for the Glenn operation and 19.1+/-12.6 days for the Fontan operation respectively. The mean follow up time was 4+/-2.1 years (minimum 0 years and maximum seven years), most patients being in NYHA class I. Epicardiac pacemakers were implanted in three patients due to arrhythmias. Two re-operations (6.7%) were needed, both in the same patient, after the Fontan procedure, this patient eventually died a few years after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: The immediate and mid term outcomes of pulmonary ventricle bypass operations can have excellent results. From our point of view there has been an improvement, namely in the use of the extracardiac conduit technique in the 2nd stage of the Fontan operation.
We report 1 female patient with situs inversus, dextrocardia, a complex heart malformation, hydrocephalus due to aqueductal stenosis, and abnormal ultrastructure of the respiratory epithelium cilia. Several animal models of this disorder implicate abnormal ciliary function in the genesis of hydrocephalus, and 11 patients were previously reported with hydrocephalus and the syndrome of primary ciliary dyskinesia. primary ciliary dyskinesia–associated aqueductal stenosis should be considered as a possible cause for fetal or neonatal hydrocephalus if heterotaxy, heart malformations, and/or a probable genetic etiology are present.
A discinesia ciliar primária (DCP) resulta de disfunção ciliar no ser humano, estando associada a um conjunto de sintomas muito diversificados. É uma doença respiratória rara caracterizada por infecções respiratórias, situs inversus, infertilidade e hidrocefalia. Em Portugal não existe nenhum centro de diagnóstico da doença. Mas a inten-ção de criar um surgiu, seguindo o método de centros de diagnóstico para DCP utilizado noutros países. Este diagnóstico consiste em recolher amostras dos cílios do nariz, através do método de escovagem nasal e obter a gravação do batimento das células ciliadas por uma câmara de alta velocidade acoplada a um microscópio com objectivas de alta resolução. É possível estudar a DCP através da análise do comportamento físico dos cílios, e, para uma melhor abordagem, foi desenvolvido um programa executável, em C#, para análise destas amostras. Este, após a escolha de uma zona de interesse da sequência de imagens pelo utilizador (ROI), detecta as frequências do bati-mento ciliar, indicando uma lista com as percentagens das frequências obtidas e cria um mapa de frequências do ROI. A ferramenta permite ainda calcular o comprimento do cílio e realizar um estudo do movimento do mesmo, algo que ainda não foi abordado por outros programas. O código desenvolvido permitirá, assim, obter um diagnóstico de DCP em Por-tugal, rápido e nalguns casos com um melhor desempenho do que a inspecção visual seguida noutros centros de diagnóstico.
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an autosomal recessive disease with an incidence estimated between 1:2,000 and 1:40,000. Ciliated epithelia line the airways, nasal and sinus cavities, Eustachian tube and fallopian tubes. Congenital abnormalities of ciliary structure and function impair mucociliary clearance. As a consequence, patients present with chronic sinopulmonary infections, recurrent glue ear and female subfertility. Similarities in the ultrastructure of respiratory cilia, nodal cilia and sperm result in patients with PCD also presenting with male infertility, abnormalities of left-right asymmetry (most commonly situs inversus totalis) and congenital heart disease. Early diagnosis is essential to ensure specialist management of the respiratory and otological complications of PCD. Diagnostic tests focus on analysis of ciliary function and electron microscopy structure. Analysis is technically difficult and labour intensive. It requires expertise for interpretation, restricting diagnosis to specialist centres. Management is currently based on the consensus of experts, and there is a pressing need for randomised clinical trials to inform treatment.
We report a newborn with respiratory distress and situs inversus totalis. The diagnosis of primary ciliary dyskinesia was confirmed by both ultrastructural and functional investigations. The immotile cilia syndrome was suspected because of respiratory distress, situs inversus, abnormal nasal discharge and hyperinflated chest X-ray. We suggest that ultrastructural and functional investigations of the respiratory mucosa should be done in any newborn with respiratory distress without explanation for the respiratory problems. Establishment of the correct diagnosis at an early stage may allow to improve the prognosis provided prophylactic physiotherapy, vaccinations, and aggressive antibiotic treatment of intercurrent respiratory infections are instituted. CONCLUSION Despite its rarity, primary ciliary dyskinesia should be considered in unexplained cases of neonatal distress.
BACKGROUND: This study describes seasonality of congenital anomalies in Europe to provide a baseline against which to assess the impact of specific time varying exposures such as the H1N1 pandemic influenza, and to provide a comprehensive and recent picture of seasonality and its possible relation to etiologic factors. METHODS: Data on births conceived in 2000 to 2008 were extracted from 20 European Surveillance for Congenital Anomalies population-based congenital anomaly registries in 14 European countries. We performed Poisson regression analysis encompassing sine and cosine terms to investigate seasonality of 65,764 nonchromosomal and 12,682 chromosomal congenital anomalies covering 3.3 million births. Analysis was performed by estimated month of conception. Analyses were performed for 86 congenital anomaly subgroups, including a combined subgroup of congenital anomalies previously associated with influenza. RESULTS: We detected statistically significant seasonality in prevalence of anomalies previously associated with influenza, but the conception peak was in June (2.4% excess). We also detected seasonality in congenital cataract (April conceptions, 27%), hip dislocation and/or dysplasia (April, 12%), congenital hydronephrosis (July, 12%), urinary defects (July, 5%), and situs inversus (December, 36%), but not for nonchromosomal anomalies combined, chromosomal anomalies combined, or other anomalies analyzed. CONCLUSION: We have confirmed previously described seasonality for congenital cataract and hip dislocation and/or dysplasia, and found seasonality for congenital hydronephrosis and situs inversus which have not previously been studied. We did not find evidence of seasonality for several anomalies which had previously been found to be seasonal. Influenza does not appear to be an important factor in the seasonality of congenital anomalies.
The present report describes the findings at chest computed tomography angiography of a 28-year-old female patient with heterotaxy syndrome. This syndrome consists of a variety of anomalies of position and morphology of thoracoabdominal organs which do not follow the situs solitus or situs inversus arrangement. Imaging studies play a fundamental role in the individualization of the approach to the patient.
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a hereditary disorder of mucociliary clearance causing chronic upper and lower airways disease. We determined the number of patients with diagnosed PCD across Europe, described age at diagnosis and determined risk factors for late diagnosis. Centres treating children with PCD in Europe answered questionnaires and provided anonymous patient lists. In total, 223 centres from 26 countries reported 1,009 patients aged < 20 yrs. Reported cases per million children (for 5-14 yr olds) were highest in Cyprus (111), Switzerland (47) and Denmark (46). Overall, 57% were males and 48% had situs inversus. Median age at diagnosis was 5.3 yrs, lower in children with situs inversus (3.5 versus 5.8 yrs; p < 0.001) and in children treated in large centres (4.1 versus 4.8 yrs; p = 0.002). Adjusted age at diagnosis was 5.0 yrs in Western Europe, 4.8 yrs in the British Isles, 5.5 yrs in Northern Europe, 6.8 yrs in Eastern Europe and 6.5 yrs in Southern Europe (p < 0.001). This strongly correlated with general government expenditures on health (p < 0.001). This European survey suggests that PCD in children is under-diagnosed and diagnosed late, particularly in countries with low health expenditures. Prospective studies should assess the impact this delay might have on patient prognosis and on health economic costs across Europe.
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an autosomal recessive disease with an incidence estimated between 1:2,000 and 1:40,000. Ciliated epithelia line the airways, nasal and sinus cavities, Eustachian tube and fallopian tubes. Congenital abnormalities of ciliary structure and function impair mucociliary clearance. As a consequence, patients present with chronic sinopulmonary infections, recurrent glue ear and female subfertility. Similarities in the ultrastructure of respiratory cilia, nodal cilia and sperm result in patients with PCD also presenting with male infertility, abnormalities of left-right asymmetry (most commonly situs inversus totalis) and congenital heart disease. Early diagnosis is essential to ensure specialist management of the respiratory and otological complications of PCD. Diagnostic tests focus on analysis of ciliary function and electron microscopy structure. Analysis is technically difficult and labour intensive. It requires expertise for interpretation, restricting diagnosis to specialist centres. Management is currently based on the consensus of experts, and there is a pressing need for randomised clinical trials to inform treatment.