854 resultados para Sitting posture
Introduction: Studies on education in health are important for the concretion of action of promotion of the health. Objective: To verify the changes of theoretical knowledge on sitting posture, evaluated at two moments (initial and final,) considering two programs of education (expositive lesson and operative groups). Methods: 75 pupils had been citizens, of both the sexes, three 4as series of a public school, evaluated previously (A1) on seated position; group 1 was submitted to a procedure of expositive education, the 2 educative games in the 2 and, the 3 to no intervention. After one week they had been reevaluated (A2). For the moments the test of Wilcoxon was applied and between the Kruskal groups Wallis. Results: In the comparison inside of the groups, of 2 and 3 they had presented increase in the number of rightness on position seated in the after-test, with statistical significant difference, whereas in the group has controlled, such fact did not occur. In the comparison between groups, at the first moment (A1), 2 groups e 3 had not presented significant difference statistical (p > 0,05), however, in as moment notices that it had difference statistics between the three groups (p < 0,01), being that the G3 presented minor frequency of errors (md = 5) in relation to the g2 (md = 8) and g1 (md = 10). Conclusions: It can be affirmed that educative techniques that supply information and promote debates and exchanges of experiences between the participants increase the possibilities of incorporation of the contents related to the sitting posture.
Study design: Cross-sectional study. Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of the Postural Assessment Software PAS/SAPO in the posture analysis of individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) during sitting position and to analyze if the use of different types of seat cushions-gel and foam, with no cushion-can interfere in the individual's posture during sitting position. Setting: Centre of Rehabilitation at the University Hospital (FMRP-USP), Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. Methods: Eight individuals, four paraplegics and four tetraplegics with SCI and 20 healthy individuals participated in the study. Photos were taken of individuals in the sitting position using foam, gel cushions and with no cushion. They were analyzed using the PAS/SAPO. The alignment of the anterior-superior iliac spine (ASIS) and the posterior pelvic tilt were evaluated from the angle formed between the ASIS and the greater trochanter of the femur. Results: The group of healthy individuals presented the best postural alignment when compared with the group with SCI, both for the ASIS alignment (P < 0.05) and for the degree of posterior pelvic tilt (P < 0.05). No significant differences were found in the variables analyzed when the seat cushions were compared. Conclusion: The different types of cushions did not alter the sitting posture; however, individuals with SCI showed worse postural alignment than the healthy individuals. PAS/SAPO was demonstrated to be useful for postural assessment. Spinal Cord (2012) 50, 627-631; doi:10.1038/sc.2012.7; published online 21 February 2012
Question Do different sitting postures require different levels of pelvic floor and abdominal muscle activity in healthy women? Design Observational study. Participants Eight parous women with no pelvic floor dysfunction. Outcome measures Bilateral activity of pelvic floor muscles (assessed vaginally) and two abdominal muscles, obliquus internus abdominis and obliquus externus abdominis, during three sitting postures. Results There was a significant increase in pelvic floor muscle activity from slump supported sitting (mean 7.2% maximal voluntary contraction, SD 4.8) to both upright unsupported sifting (mean 12.6% maximal voluntary contraction, SD 7.8) (p = 0.01) and very tall unsupported sitting (mean 24.3% maximal voluntary contraction, SD 14.2) (p = 0.004). Activity in both abdominal muscles also increased but did not reach statistical significance. Conclusion Both unsupported sitting postures require greater pelvic floor muscle activity than the supported sitting posture.
Current Ambient Intelligence and Intelligent Environment research focuses on the interpretation of a subject’s behaviour at the activity level by logging the Activity of Daily Living (ADL) such as eating, cooking, etc. In general, the sensors employed (e.g. PIR sensors, contact sensors) provide low resolution information. Meanwhile, the expansion of ubiquitous computing allows researchers to gather additional information from different types of sensor which is possible to improve activity analysis. Based on the previous research about sitting posture detection, this research attempts to further analyses human sitting activity. The aim of this research is to use non-intrusive low cost pressure sensor embedded chair system to recognize a subject’s activity by using their detected postures. There are three steps for this research, the first step is to find a hardware solution for low cost sitting posture detection, second step is to find a suitable strategy of sitting posture detection and the last step is to correlate the time-ordered sitting posture sequences with sitting activity. The author initiated a prototype type of sensing system called IntelliChair for sitting posture detection. Two experiments are proceeded in order to determine the hardware architecture of IntelliChair system. The prototype looks at the sensor selection and integration of various sensor and indicates the best for a low cost, non-intrusive system. Subsequently, this research implements signal process theory to explore the frequency feature of sitting posture, for the purpose of determining a suitable sampling rate for IntelliChair system. For second and third step, ten subjects are recruited for the sitting posture data and sitting activity data collection. The former dataset is collected byasking subjects to perform certain pre-defined sitting postures on IntelliChair and it is used for posture recognition experiment. The latter dataset is collected by asking the subjects to perform their normal sitting activity routine on IntelliChair for four hours, and the dataset is used for activity modelling and recognition experiment. For the posture recognition experiment, two Support Vector Machine (SVM) based classifiers are trained (one for spine postures and the other one for leg postures), and their performance evaluated. Hidden Markov Model is utilized for sitting activity modelling and recognition in order to establish the selected sitting activities from sitting posture sequences.2. After experimenting with possible sensors, Force Sensing Resistor (FSR) is selected as the pressure sensing unit for IntelliChair. Eight FSRs are mounted on the seat and back of a chair to gather haptic (i.e., touch-based) posture information. Furthermore, the research explores the possibility of using alternative non-intrusive sensing technology (i.e. vision based Kinect Sensor from Microsoft) and find out the Kinect sensor is not reliable for sitting posture detection due to the joint drifting problem. A suitable sampling rate for IntelliChair is determined according to the experiment result which is 6 Hz. The posture classification performance shows that the SVM based classifier is robust to “familiar” subject data (accuracy is 99.8% with spine postures and 99.9% with leg postures). When dealing with “unfamiliar” subject data, the accuracy is 80.7% for spine posture classification and 42.3% for leg posture classification. The result of activity recognition achieves 41.27% accuracy among four selected activities (i.e. relax, play game, working with PC and watching video). The result of this thesis shows that different individual body characteristics and sitting habits influence both sitting posture and sitting activity recognition. In this case, it suggests that IntelliChair is suitable for individual usage but a training stage is required.
La scoliose idiopathique (SI) est une déformation tridimensionnelle (3D) de la colonne vertébrale et de la cage thoracique à potentiel évolutif pendant la croissance. Cette déformation 3D entraîne des asymétries de la posture. La correction de la posture est un des objectifs du traitement en physiothérapie chez les jeunes atteints d’une SI afin d’éviter la progression de la scoliose, de réduire les déformations morphologiques et leurs impacts sur la qualité de vie. Les outils cliniques actuels ne permettent pas de quantifier globalement les changements de la posture attribuables à la progression de la scoliose ou à l’efficacité des interventions thérapeutiques. L’objectif de cette thèse consiste donc au développement et à la validation d’un nouvel outil clinique permettant l’analyse quantitative de la posture auprès de personnes atteintes d’une SI. Ce projet vise plus spécifiquement à déterminer la fidélité et la validité des indices de posture (IP) de ce nouvel outil clinique et à vérifier leur capacité à détecter des changements entre les positions debout et assise. Suite à une recension de la littérature, 34 IP représentant l’alignement frontal et sagittal des différents segments corporels ont été sélectionnés. L’outil quantitatif clinique d’évaluation de la posture (outil 2D) construit dans ce projet consiste en un logiciel qui permet de calculer les différents IP (mesures angulaires et linéaires). L’interface graphique de cet outil est conviviale et permet de sélectionner interactivement des marqueurs sur les photographies digitales. Afin de vérifier la fidélité et la validité des IP de cet outil, la posture debout de 70 participants âgés entre 10 et 20 ans atteints d'une SI (angle de Cobb: 15º à 60º) a été évaluée à deux occasions par deux physiothérapeutes. Des marqueurs placés sur plusieurs repères anatomiques, ainsi que des points de référence anatomique (yeux, lobes des oreilles, etc.), ont permis de mesurer les IP 2D en utilisant des photographies. Ces mêmes marqueurs et points de référence ont également servi au calcul d’IP 3D obtenus par des reconstructions du tronc avec un système de topographie de surface. Les angles de Cobb frontaux et sagittaux et le déjettement C7-S1 ont été mesurés sur des radiographies. La théorie de la généralisabilité a été utilisée pour déterminer la fidélité et l’erreur standard de la mesure (ESM) des IP de l’outil 2D. Des coefficients de Pearson ont servi à déterminer la validité concomitante des IP du tronc de l’outil 2D avec les IP 3D et les mesures radiographiques correspondantes. Cinquante participants ont été également évalués en position assise « membres inférieurs allongés » pour l’étude comparative de la posture debout et assise. Des tests de t pour échantillons appariés ont été utilisés pour détecter les différences entre les positions debout et assise. Nos résultats indiquent un bon niveau de fidélité pour la majorité des IP de l’outil 2D. La corrélation entre les IP 2D et 3D est bonne pour les épaules, les omoplates, le déjettement C7-S1, les angles de taille, la scoliose thoracique et le bassin. Elle est faible à modérée pour la cyphose thoracique, la lordose lombaire et la scoliose thoraco-lombaire ou lombaire. La corrélation entre les IP 2D et les mesures radiographiques est bonne pour le déjettement C7-S1, la scoliose et la cyphose thoracique. L’outil est suffisamment discriminant pour détecter des différences entre la posture debout et assise pour dix des treize IP. Certaines recommandations spécifiques résultents de ce projet : la hauteur de la caméra devrait être ajustée en fonction de la taille des personnes; la formation des juges est importante pour maximiser la précision de la pose des marqueurs; et des marqueurs montés sur des tiges devraient faciliter l’évaluation des courbures vertébrales sagittales. En conclusion, l’outil développé dans le cadre de cette thèse possède de bonnes propriétés psychométriques et permet une évaluation globale de la posture. Cet outil devrait contribuer à l’amélioration de la pratique clinique en facilitant l’analyse de la posture debout et assise. Cet outil s’avère une alternative clinique pour suivre l’évolution de la scoliose thoracique et diminuer la fréquence des radiographies au cours du suivi de jeunes atteints d’une SI thoracique. Cet outil pourrait aussi être utile pour vérifier l’efficacité des interventions thérapeutiques sur la posture.
The objective of this study was to explore whether differences in standing and sitting postures of youth with idiopathic scoliosis could be detected from quantitative analysis of digital photographs. Standing and sitting postures of 50 participants aged 10–20-years-old with idiopathic scoliosis (Cobb angle: 15° to 60°) were assessed from digital photographs using a posture evaluation software program. Based on the XY coordinates of markers, 13 angular and linear posture indices were calculated in both positions. Paired t-tests were used to compare values of standing and sitting posture indices. Significant differences between standing and sitting positions (p < 0.05) were found for head protraction, shoulder elevation, scapula asymmetry, trunk list, scoliosis angle, waist angles, and frontal and sagittal plane pelvic tilt. Quantitative analysis of digital photographs is a clinically feasible method to measure standing and sitting postures among youth with scoliosis and to assist in decisions on therapeutic interventions.
In this paper, we explore the application of cooperative communications in ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless body area networks (BANs), where a group of on-body devices may collaborate together to communicate with other groups of on-body equipment. Firstly, time-domain UWB channel measurements are presented to characterize the body-centric multipath channel and to facilitate the diversity analysis in a cooperative BAN (CoBAN). We focus on the system deployment scenario when the human subject is in the sitting posture. Important channel parameters such as the pathloss, power variation, power delay profile (PDP), and effective received power (ERP) crosscorrelation are investigated and statistically analyzed. Provided with the model preliminaries, a detailed analysis on the diversity level in a CoBAN is provided. Specifically, an intuitive measure is proposed to quantify the diversity gains in a single-hop cooperative network, which is defined as the number of independent multipaths that can be averaged over to detect symbols. As this measure provides the largest number of redundant copies of transmitted information through the body-centric channel, it can be used as a benchmark to access the performance bound of various diversity-based cooperative schemes in futuristic body sensor systems.
Objectives. Theoretic modeling and experimental studies suggest that functional electrical stimulation (FES) can improve trunk balance in spinal cord injured subjects. This can have a positive impact on daily life, increasing the volume of bimanual workspace, improving sitting posture, and wheelchair propulsion. A closed loop controller for the stimulation is desirable, as it can potentially decrease muscle fatigue and offer better rejection to disturbances. This paper proposes a biomechanical model of the human trunk, and a procedure for its identification, to be used for the future development of FES controllers. The advantage over previous models resides in the simplicity of the solution proposed, which makes it possible to identify the model just before a stimulation session ( taking into account the variability of the muscle response to the FES). Materials and Methods. The structure of the model is based on previous research on FES and muscle physiology. Some details could not be inferred from previous studies, and were determined from experimental data. Experiments with a paraplegic volunteer were conducted in order to measure the moments exerted by the trunk-passive tissues and artificially stimulated muscles. Data for model identification and validation also were collected. Results. Using the proposed structure and identification procedure, the model could adequately reproduce the moments exerted during the experiments. The study reveals that the stimulated trunk extensors can exert maximal moment when the trunk is in the upright position. In contrast, previous studies show that able-bodied subjects can exert maximal trunk extension when flexed forward. Conclusions. The proposed model and identification procedure are a successful first step toward the development of a model-based controller for trunk FES. The model also gives information on the trunk in unique conditions, normally not observable in able-bodied subjects (ie, subject only to extensor muscles contraction).
This study aimed to assess the student-furniture interface from anthropometric parameters of the sitting posture. The sample was composed of 887 students from two public schools in the State of Parana - Brazil, which attended children from 7 to 17 years of age. The data collection used anthropometric measures of the sitting position, a questionnaire containing a human body diagram for indication of discomfort areas and photographic records to verify postural and ergonomic inadequacies in classroom. The following anthropometric variables were measured: popliteal height, sacro-popliteal length, hip width, lumbar support height, and elbow and thigh height. Percentiles 5 and 95 of anthropometric variables showed differences statistically significant, with variation coefficient greater than 30%. In relation to body discomfort, the highest occurrences were recorded for ankle, knees and shoulder joints as well as for spine and buttocks. It was concluded that children use school furniture that does not meet their anthropometric standards, which favored the adoption of incorrect postures and contributed to the emergence of musculoskeletal problems that can interfere with their educational process.
A posição sentada é a mais adotada nos ambientes de trabalho, na escola e nas atividades de lazer. Porém, a manutenção prolongada dessa posição ocasiona a adoção de posturas inadequadas e sobrecarrega as estruturas do sistema musculoesquelético, o que pode acarretar dor e lesão na coluna lombar. A presente revisão teve como objetivo identificar os fatores biomecânicos, ergonômicos e clínicos envolvidos na sustentação da postura sentada. Para isso, foram consultadas as bases de dados ISI Web of Knowledge, Medline, Pubmed e EBSCO Host, sendo selecionados 72 artigos publicados entre 1965 e 2010. Foi possível identificar que na posição sentada não existe uma postura ideal a ser sustentada, mas algumas posturas são mais recomendadas do que outras, tal como a postura sentada ereta e a postura lordótica. As cadeiras influenciam o padrão da posição sentada: conforme seu design, pode permitir maior variedade de posturas. Modificações na cadeira e a utilização de exercícios para o aumento da resistência muscular e da propriocepção, bem como a reeducação postural, são intervenções úteis para reduzir o impacto causado pela posição sentada prolongada no sistema musculoesquelético.
INTRODUÇÃO: O movimento de alcance é muito estudado na literatura, no entanto, poucos estudos realizam análise cinemática e eletromiográfica desse movimento em sujeitos hemiparéticos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o alcance de indivíduos hemiparéticos pós-acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) em seus aspectos cinemáticos e eletromiográficos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados quatro indivíduos, idade média de 54,5 ± 10,7 anos, com diagnóstico de AVE associado à hemiparesia. Realizou-se a avaliação cinemática e eletromiográfica concomitantemente do movimento de alcance na postura sentada, tanto do lado parético quanto do não parético. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença significativa entre os sujeitos com relação ao deslocamento (F(3,63) = 3.081, p = 0.03), porém, não ocorreu diferença significativa entre os lados (F(1,63) = 1.441, p = 0.23). Com relação às articulações (ombro, cotovelo e punho), houve diferença significativa entre os deslocamentos de cada uma (F(2,63) = 27.496, p = 0.00), assim como entre as coordenadas x, y e z (F(2,63) = 36.702, p = 0.00). Na análise dos dados eletromiográficos, não houve diferença significativa entre os sujeitos (F(3,31) = 2.437, p = 0.08), entre os lados (F(1,31) = 3.384, p = 0.07) e entre os músculos (F(4,31) = 0.942, p = 0.45). Existiu diferença no tempo de execução dos movimentos quando comparado o lado não acometido com o acometido. CONCLUSÃO: As análises cinemática e eletromiográfica, de um modo geral, mostraram resultados semelhantes aos encontrados na literatura. No entanto, este estudo acrescenta uma visão mais sistematizada do movimento de alcance, considerando seus aspectos funcionais, diferindo de outros estudos por apresentar, concomitantemente, análises cinemática e eletromiográfica e por investigar ambos os membros superiores.
This study aimed to analyze the electromyographic (EMG) activity of iliocostalis lumborum (IL), internal oblique (IO) and multifidus (MU) and the antagonist cocontraction (IO/MU and IO/IL) during the performance of Centering Principle of Pilates Method. Participating in this study were eighteen young and physically fit volunteers, without experience in Pilates Method, divided in two groups: low back pain group (LBPG, n = 8) and control group (CG, n = 10). Two isometric contractions of IO muscles (Centering Principle) were performed in upright sitting posture. EMG signal amplitude was calculated by Root Mean Square (RMS), which was normalized by RMS maximum value. The common area method to calculate the antagonist cocontraction index was used. MU and IO activation and IO/MU cocontraction (. p < 0.05) were higher in CG. The CG therefore showed a higher stabilizer muscles recruitment than LBPG during the performance of Centering Principle of Pilates Method. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)