967 resultados para Sit-stand


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High levels of sitting have been linked with poor health outcomes. Previously a pragmatic MTI accelerometer data cut-point (100 count/min-1) has been used to estimate sitting. Data on the accuracy of this cut-point is unavailable. PURPOSE: To ascertain whether the 100 count/min-1 cut-point accurately isolates sitting from standing activities. METHODS: Participants fitted with an MTI accelerometer were observed performing a range of sitting, standing, light & moderate activities. 1-min epoch MTI data were matched to observed activities, then re-categorized as either sitting or not using the 100 count/min-1 cut-point. Self-report demographics and current physical activity were collected. Generalized estimating equation for repeated measures with a binary logistic model analyses (GEE), corrected for age, gender and BMI, were conducted to ascertain the odds of the MTI data being misclassified. RESULTS: Data were from 26 healthy subjects (8 men; 50% aged <25 years; mean BMI (SD) 22.7(3.8)m/kg2). MTI sitting and standing data mode was 0 count/min-1, with 46% of sitting activities and 21% of standing activities recording 0 count/min-1. The GEE was unable to accurately isolate sitting from standing activities using the 100 count/min-1 cut-point, since all sitting activities were incorrectly predicted as standing (p=0.05). To further explore the sensitivity of MTI data to delineate sitting from standing, the upper 95% confidence interval of the mean for the sitting activities (46 count/min-1) was used to re-categorise the data; this resulted in the GEE correctly classifying 49% of sitting, and 69% of standing activities. Using the 100 count/min-1 cut-point the data were re-categorised into a combined ‘sit/stand’ category and tested against other light activities: 88% of sit/stand and 87% of light activities were accurately predicted. Using Freedson’s moderate cut-point of 1952 count/min-1 the GEE accurately predicted 97% of light vs. 90% of moderate activities. CONCLUSION: The distributions of MTI recorded sitting and standing data overlap considerably, as such the 100 count/min -1 cut-point did not accurately isolate sitting from other static standing activities. The 100 count/min -1 cut-point more accurately predicted sit/stand vs. other movement orientated activities.


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Sitting, particularly in prolonged, unbroken bouts, is widespread within the office workplace, yet few interventions have addressed this newly-identified health risk behaviour. This paper describes the iterative development process and resulting intervention procedures for the Stand Up Australia research program focusing on a multi-component workplace intervention to reduce sitting time. The development of Stand Up Australia followed three phases. 1) Conceptualisation: Stand Up Australia was based on social cognitive theory and social ecological model components. These were operationalised via a taxonomy of intervention strategies and designed to target multiple levels of influence including: organisational structures (e.g. via management consultation), the physical work environment (via provision of height-adjustable workstations), and individual employees (e.g. via face-to-face coaching). 2) Formative research: Intervention components were separately tested for their feasibility and acceptability. 3) Pilot studies: Stand Up Comcare tested the integrated intervention elements in a controlled pilot study examining efficacy, feasibility and acceptability. Stand Up UQ examined the additional value of the organisational- and individual-level components over height-adjustable workstations only in a three-arm controlled trial. In both pilot studies, office workers’ sitting time was measured objectively using activPAL3 devices and the intervention was refined based on qualitative feedback from managers and employees. Results and feedback from participants and managers involved in the intervention development phases suggest high efficacy, acceptance, and feasibility of all intervention components. The final version of the Stand Up Australia intervention includes strategies at the organisational (senior management consultation, representatives consultation workshop, team champions, staff information and brainstorming session with information booklet, and supportive emails from managers to staff), environmental (height-adjustable workstations), and individual level (face-to-face coaching session and telephone support). Stand Up Australia is currently being evaluated in the context of a cluster-randomised controlled trial at the Department of Human Services (DHS) in Melbourne, Australia. Stand Up Australia is an evidence-guided and systematically developed workplace intervention targeting reductions in office workers’ sitting time.


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Introdução: O declínio do equilíbrio, da força dos membros inferiores e o medo de cair são fatores de risco de queda associados ao envelhecimento e a sua avaliação pode ser realizada pelo teste One Leg Standing (OLS), Sit to Stand (STS) e pela Falls Eficacy Scale (FES), respetivamente. As aplicações para smartphone constituem uma alternativa para a avaliação dos fatores de risco de queda no envelhecimento. Objetivo: Analisar a capacidade de uma aplicação para smartphone na avaliação dos testes STS, OLS e FES. Metodologia: Realizou-se um estudo analítico numa amostra de 27 voluntários com idade ≥ 60 anos. Realizaram-se os testes STS, OLS e a FES (versão iconográfica, apresentada no smartphone). Os dados foram recolhidos simultaneamente por um smartphone e pelo Qualisys Motion Capture Systems associado a uma plataforma de forças. Foi utilizado o r de Pearson ou Spearman para analisar as possíveis correlações. Resultados: No STS obteve-se uma correlação muito forte (rp=0.97) no número de repetições de ciclos Sit Stand Sit (SLS) e forte na duração média do SLS (rp=0.85) e das subfases Sit to Stand (rp=0.69) e Stand to Sit (rp=0.778), com p<0.001. As medidas de inclinação do tronco apresentaram correlações fortes, com exceção do ângulo inicial (p≥0.05). No OLS, verificou-se uma correlação moderada entre o deslocamento do centro de pressão peak to peak médio-lateral (rs=0.45; p=0.017) e antero-posterior (rs=0.39; p=0.046), root mean square médio-lateral (rs=0.39; p=0.046) e antero-posterior (rs=0.46; p=0.017) e área do estatocinesiograma (rs=0.45; p=0.018). Na FES obteve-se uma correlação moderada em três categorias: ‘tomar banho/duche’ (rs=0.49; p=0.010), ‘deitar/levantar da cama (rs=0.43; p=0.024) e ‘chegar aos armários’ (rs=0.38; p=0.050). Conclusão: A aplicação para smartphone parece avaliar corretamente os ciclos e a variação da inclinação do tronco no STS, porém parece necessitar de ser reajustada na FES e na velocidade do deslocamento do centro de pressão, no OLS.


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It is recognized that sedentary behavior (SB) has deleterious effects on numerous health outcomes and it appears that physiological mechanisms underlying these harms are distinct from the ones explaining moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) benefits. Sedentary behavior represents a large portion of human’s life and is increasing with technological development. A new current of opinion supports the idea that the manner SB is accumulated plays an important role. This dissertation presents six research studies conducted under the scope of SB. In the methodological area, the first study highlighted the magnitude of potential errors in estimating SB and its patterns from common alternative methods (accelerometer and heart rate monitor) compared to ActivPAL. This study presented the accelerometer as a valid method at a group level. Two studies (2 and 5) were performed in older adults (the most sedentary group in the population) to test the associations for SB patterns with abdominal obesity using accelerometry. The findings showed positive graded associations for prolonged sedentary bouts with abdominal obesity and showed that those who interrupted SB more frequently were less likely to present abdominal obesity. Therefore, public health recommendations regarding breaking up SB more often are expected to be relevant. The associations between sedentary patterns and abdominal obesity were independent of MVPA in older adults. However, the low MVPA in this group makes it unclear whether this independent relationship still exists if highly active persons are analysed. Study 3 inovates by examining the association of SB with body fatness in highly trained athletes and found SB to predict total fat mass and trunk fat mass, independently of age and weekly training time. Study 4 also brings novelty to this research field by quantifying the metabolic and energetic cost of the transition from sitting to standing and then sitting back down (a break), informing about the modest energetic costs (0.32 kcal·min−1). Finally, from a successful multicomponent pilot intervention to reduce and break up SB (study 6), an important behavioral resistance to make more sit/stand transitions despite successfully reducing sitting time (~ 1.85 hours·day-1) was found, which may be relevant to inform future behavioral modification programs. The present work provides observational and experimental evidence on the relation for SB patterns with body composition outcomes and energy regulation that may be relevant for public health interventions.


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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. With atherosclerosis as the underlying cause for many CVD events, prevention or reduction of subclinical atherosclerotic plaque burden (SAPB) through a healthier lifestyle may have substantial public health benefits. The objective was to describe the protocol of a randomized controlled trial investigating the effectiveness of a 30-month worksite-based lifestyle program aimed to promote cardiovascular health in participants having a high or a low degree of SAPB compared with standard care. We will conduct a randomized controlled trial including middle-aged bank employees from the Progression of Early Subclinical Atherosclerosis cohort, stratified by SAPB (high SAPB n = 260, low SAPB n = 590). Within each stratum, participants will be randomized 1:1 to receive a lifestyle program or standard care. The program consists of 3 elements: (a) 12 personalized lifestyle counseling sessions using Motivational Interviewing over a 30-month period, (b) a wrist-worn physical activity tracker, and (c) a sit-stand workstation. Primary outcome measure is a composite score of blood pressure, physical activity, sedentary time, body weight, diet, and smoking (ie, adapted Fuster-BEWAT score) measured at baseline and at 1-, 2-, and 3-year follow-up. The study will provide insights into the effectiveness of a 30-month worksite-based lifestyle program to promote cardiovascular health compared with standard care in participants with a high or low degree of SAPB.


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Introducción: Los Desórdenes Musculo-Esqueléticos (DME) tienen origen multifactorial. En Colombia corresponden al principal grupo diagnóstico en procesos relacionados con la determinación de origen y pérdida de capacidad laboral. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre síntomas musculo-esqueléticos y factores relacionados con la carga física en trabajadores de una empresa dedicada a la venta y distribución de medicamentos y equipos médicos, Bogotá (Colombia), en el año 2015. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en 235 trabajadores. Se incluyeron variables sociodemográficas, ocupacionales y las relacionadas con los síntomas musculoesqueléticos y carga física. Se utilizó en cuestionario ERGOPAR. Para el análisis se utilizó la Prueba Exacta de Fisher, el Odds Ratio (OR) con el Intervalo de Confianza (IC) del 95%. Se realizó el análisis Multivariado con Regresión Logística Binaria. Resultados: La prevalencia de síntomas relacionados con DME fue de 79,2%, siendo más prevalente en cuello, hombros y columna dorsal (48,1%), seguido por columna lumbar (35,3%). Se encontró una asociación entre síntomas en cuello, hombros y/o columna dorsal con el sexo femenino (p=0,005, OR=2,33, 95%IC: 1,2-4,2); adoptar postura bípeda menos de 30 minutos (p=0,004, OR=3,34, 95%IC: 1,4-7,6); adoptar postura cabeza/cuello inclinado hacia delante entre 30 minutos y 2 horas (p=0,007, OR=3,25, 95%IC :1,3-7,7) y en columna lumbar con adoptar postura espalda/tronco hacia delante entre 30 minutos y 2 horas (p=0,001, OR=4,27, 95%IC: 1,7-10,3); y la antigüedad en el cargo entre 1 y 5 años (p=0,009, OR=3,47, 95%IC: 1,3-8,8). Conclusión: Las posturas bípedas con y sin desplazamiento, inclinaciones de tronco y cabeza, transporte manual de cargas, sexo femenino, antigüedad en el cargo y edad están asociadas conjuntamente al riesgo para presentar DME.


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Sit-to-stand (STS) tests measure the ability to get up from a chair, reproducing an important component of daily living activity. As this functional task is essential for human independence, STS performance has been studied in the past decades using several methods, including electromyography. The aim of this study was to measure muscular activity and fatigue during different repetitions and speeds of STS tasks using surface electromyography in lower-limb and trunk muscles. This cross-sectional study recruited 30 healthy young adults. Average muscle activation, percentage of maximum voluntary contraction, muscle involvement in motion and fatigue were measured using surface electrodes placed on the medial gastrocnemius (MG), biceps femoris (BF), vastus medialis of the quadriceps (QM), the abdominal rectus (AR), erector spinae (ES), rectus femoris (RF), soleus (SO) and the tibialis anterior (TA). Five-repetition STS, 10-repetition STS and 30-second STS variants were performed. MG, BF, QM, ES and RF muscles showed differences in muscle activation, while QM, AR and ES muscles showed significant differences in MVC percentage. Also, significant differences in fatigue were found in QM muscle between different STS tests. There was no statistically significant fatigue in the BF, MG and SO muscles of the leg although there appeared to be a trend of increasing fatigue. These results could be useful in describing the functional movements of the STS test used in rehabilitation programs, notwithstanding that they were measured in healthy young subjects.


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Introdução: Os ajustes posturais antecipatórios (APAs) são essenciais para o movimento típico, estando alterados nas doenças neuro degenerativas como a doença de Parkinson (DP) Objectivo(s): Estudar os early postural adjustments e os APAs em indivíduos com DP durante o sentar para levantar (STS), com e sem dupla tarefa. Métodos: Foi recolhida a atividade eletromiográfica (EMG) dos músculos tibial anterior, solear e gastrocnémio medial, em indivíduos com e sem DP (9 em cada grupo), durante o STS. Este foi determinado pelo deslocamento antero posterior do centro de pressão através da plataforma de forças, sendo a tarefa cognitiva dada pelo stroop colour word interference test. Os ajustes posturais foram avaliados pelo tempo de ativação e pela atividade EMG relativa, bem como pela análise da co ativação agonista/antagonista. Resultados: Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre o grupo de controlo e o grupo com DP em nenhuma das variáveis analisadas Há uma tendência para o grupo com DP apresentar APAs mais cedo na tarefa simples, mantendo atividade muscular durante mais tempo e com maior atividade EMG relativa que o grupo controlo. Na dupla tarefa mantém-se essa tendência, exceto o tempo de ativação ser mais próximo do levante. Conclusão: Os défices posturais decorrentes da doença de Parkinson parecem não ser evidenciados na primeira fase do sit-to-stand.


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Introdução: O controlo postural (CP) constitui um dos requisitos indispensáveis para a execução de muitas tarefas funcionais, tendo sido demonstrado que após um acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) este esteja severamente alterado. Os mecanismos de neuroplasticidade evidenciam capacidade de mudança no CP através de uma intervenção em Fisioterapia. Objetivo: Avaliar a influência da modificação de componentes do membro inferior/tronco inferior (TI) na modificação de componentes da cintura escapular/tronco superior (TS), e a sua influência em variáveis representativas do CP no Sit-to-Stand (STS). Metodologia: O estudo apresenta três casos após AVE, que realizaram intervenção em fisioterapia baseada no conceito de Bobath, durante 11 semanas. Antes e após a intervenção, foi avaliado o alinhamento do tronco e o postural setting da escápula; variáveis associadas ao deslocamento e velocidade do Centro de Pressão (CoP); força, área de contacto e pressão média, durante a sequência do STS, recorrendo ao software SAPo e à plataforma de pressões EMED . Avaliou-se ainda os itens da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade (CIF). Resultados: Após a intervenção, os indivíduos em estudo apresentaram um melhor alinhamento do tronco, associado a um melhor postural setting da escápula, no conjunto postural sentado; bem como uma diminuição do deslocamento e velocidade máxima do CoP, no período estável (posição de sentado) e um aumento global da velocidade do CoP, no seat-off, o que parece refletir uma melhoria do CP. Quanto à CIF também se verificou uma diminuição da restrição na participação e limitação na atividade. Conclusão: A modificação de componentes neuro-motores através de uma intervenção baseada no conceito de Bobath teve efeitos positivos do ponto de vista do CP, relacionado com uma melhor relação entre membro inferior/TI e cintura escapular/TS, evidenciando uma melhor relação entre TS/TI nos três indivíduos após AVE.


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Postural control deficits are the most disabling aspects of Parkinson's disease (PD), resulting in decreased mobility and functional independence. The aim of this study was to assess the postural control stability, revealed by variables based on the centre of pressure (CoP), in individuals with PD while performing a sit-to-stand-to-sit sequence under single- and dual-task conditions. An observational, analytical and cross-sectional study was performed. The sample consisted of 9 individuals with PD and 9 healthy controls. A force platform was used to measure the CoP displacement and velocity during the sit-to-stand-to-sit sequence. The results were statistically analysed. Individuals with PD required greater durations for the sit-to-stand-to-sit sequence than the controls (p < 0.05). The anteroposterior and mediolateral CoP displacement were higher in the individuals with PD (p < 0.05). However, only the anteroposterior CoP velocity in the stand-to-sit phase (p = 0.006) was lower in the same individuals. Comparing the single- and dual-task conditions in both groups, the duration, the anteroposterior CoP displacement and velocity were higher in the dual-task condition (p < 0.05). The individuals with PD presented reduced postural control stability during the sit-to-stand-to-sit sequence, especially when under the dual-task condition. These individuals have deficits not only in motor performance, but also in cognitive performance when performing the sit-to-stand-to-sit sequence in their daily life tasks. Moreover, both deficits tend to be intensified when two tasks are performed simultaneously.


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BACKGROUND: This research examined the influence of sit-to-stand desks on classroom sitting time in primary school children. METHODS: Pilot controlled trials with similar intervention strategies were conducted in primary schools in Melbourne, Australia, and Bradford, UK. Sit-to-stand desks replaced all standard desks in the Australian intervention classroom. Six sit-to-stand desks replaced a bank of standard desks in the UK intervention classroom. Children were exposed to the sit-to-stand desks for 9-10 weeks. Control classrooms retained their normal seated desks. Classroom sitting time was measured at baseline and follow-up using the activPAL3 inclinometer. RESULTS: Thirty UK and 44 Australian children provided valid activPAL data at baseline and follow-up. The proportion of time spent sitting in class decreased significantly at follow-up in both intervention groups (UK: -9.8 ± 16.5% [-52.4 ± 66.6 min/day]; Australian: -9.4 ± 10% [-43.7 ± 29.9 min/day]). No significant changes in classroom sitting time were observed in the UK control group, while a significant reduction was observed in the Australian control group (-5.9 ± 11.7% [-28.2 ± 28.3 min/day]). CONCLUSIONS: Irrespective of implementation, incorporating sit-to-stand desks into classrooms appears to be an effective way of reducing classroom sitting in this diverse sample of children. Longer term efficacy trials are needed to determine effects on children's health and learning.


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This study addresses three important issues in tree bucking optimization in the context of cut-to-length harvesting. (1) Would the fit between the log demand and log output distributions be better if the price and/or demand matrices controlling the bucking decisions on modern cut-to-length harvesters were adjusted to the unique conditions of each individual stand? (2) In what ways can we generate stand and product specific price and demand matrices? (3) What alternatives do we have to measure the fit between the log demand and log output distributions, and what would be an ideal goodness-of-fit measure? Three iterative search systems were developed for seeking stand-specific price and demand matrix sets: (1) A fuzzy logic control system for calibrating the price matrix of one log product for one stand at a time (the stand-level one-product approach); (2) a genetic algorithm system for adjusting the price matrices of one log product in parallel for several stands (the forest-level one-product approach); and (3) a genetic algorithm system for dividing the overall demand matrix of each of the several log products into stand-specific sub-demands simultaneously for several stands and products (the forest-level multi-product approach). The stem material used for testing the performance of the stand-specific price and demand matrices against that of the reference matrices was comprised of 9 155 Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) sawlog stems gathered by harvesters from 15 mature spruce-dominated stands in southern Finland. The reference price and demand matrices were either direct copies or slightly modified versions of those used by two Finnish sawmilling companies. Two types of stand-specific bucking matrices were compiled for each log product. One was from the harvester-collected stem profiles and the other was from the pre-harvest inventory data. Four goodness-of-fit measures were analyzed for their appropriateness in determining the similarity between the log demand and log output distributions: (1) the apportionment degree (index), (2) the chi-square statistic, (3) Laspeyres quantity index, and (4) the price-weighted apportionment degree. The study confirmed that any improvement in the fit between the log demand and log output distributions can only be realized at the expense of log volumes produced. Stand-level pre-control of price matrices was found to be advantageous, provided the control is done with perfect stem data. Forest-level pre-control of price matrices resulted in no improvement in the cumulative apportionment degree. Cutting stands under the control of stand-specific demand matrices yielded a better total fit between the demand and output matrices at the forest level than was obtained by cutting each stand with non-stand-specific reference matrices. The theoretical and experimental analyses suggest that none of the three alternative goodness-of-fit measures clearly outperforms the traditional apportionment degree measure. Keywords: harvesting, tree bucking optimization, simulation, fuzzy control, genetic algorithms, goodness-of-fit