812 resultados para Sirthenea ssp.


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Com o intuito de acrescentar parâmetros à taxonomia do gênero Sirthenea Spinola, 1837, realizamos uma análise morfológica comparativa da genitália externa dos machos de quatro espécies: S. carinata (Fabricius, 1798), S. stria (Fabricius, 1794), S. flavipes (Stal, 1855) e S. amazona Stal, 1866. Foram evidenciadas 10 estruturas (8º esternito, processo do pigóforo, parâmeros, falosoma e seus quatro processos e os dois processos do endosoma) que permitem diferenciar as quatro espécies. Uma descrição resumida da morfologia geral de cada espécie é adicionada.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia Vegetal, 17 de Março de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.


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From January, 1984 to March, 1999, 31 children under 15 y old (ages 1-14 y, median 8 y) were admitted after being bitten by rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus ssp). One patient was classified as "dry-bite", 3 as mild envenoming, 9 as moderate envenoming and 18 as severe envenoming. Most patients had neuromuscular manifestations, such as palpebral ptosis (27/31), myalgia (23/31) and weakness (20/31). Laboratory tests suggesting rhabdomyolysis included an increase in total blood creatine kinase (CK, 28/29) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, 25/25) levels and myoglobinuria (14/15). The main local signs and symptoms were slight edema (20/31) and erythema (19/31). Before antivenom (AV) administration, blood coagulation disorders were observed in 20/25 children that received AV only at our hospital (incoagulable blood in 17/25). AV early reactions were observed in 20 of these 25 cases (9/9 patients not pretreated and 11/16 patients pretreated with hydrocortisone and histamine H1 and H2 antagonists). There were no significant differences in the frequency of patients with AV early reactions between the groups that were and were not pretreated (Fisher's exact test, p = 0.12). Patients admitted less than and more than 6 h after the bite showed the same risk of developing severe envenoming (Fisher's exact test, p = 1). No children of the first group (< 6 h) showed severe complications whereas 3/6 children admitted more than 6 h post-bite developed acute renal failure. Patients bitten in the legs had a higher risk of developing severe envenoming (Fisher's exact test, p = 0.04). There was a significant association between both total CK and LDH blood enzyme levels and severity (p < 0.001 for CK and p < 0.001 for LDH; Mann-Whitney U test). No deaths were recorded.


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Foram analisadas 163 amostras de fezes de crianças com idade abaixo de 5 anos no período de 1995 a 1996, sendo 91 de fezes diarréicas e 72 de fezes não diarréicas. O material foi coletado em meio para transporte e submetido ao processo de enriquecimento a 4oC por 7 dias. Para o isolamento primário foi utilizado ágar amido ampicilina e incubado a 35oC por 18 a 24 horas. Foram isoladas 20 (21,9%) das seguintes espécies: Aeromonas A. caviae (7,7%), A. salmonicida salmonicida (6,6%), A. sobria (4,3%), A. hydrophila (2,2%) e Salmonicida achromogenes (1,1%). Nenhuma Aeromonas spp foi isolada dos 72 pacientes-controles. A susceptibilidade das amostras de Aeromonas spp aos antimicrobianos foi maior com a ciprofloxacina, diminuindo gradativamente com cloranfenicol, gentamicina, ampicilina e eritromicina.


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Campylobacter was isolated in 178 out of 622 stool samples (200 porcine, 220 bovine, and 202 canine). From these 178 samples, the microorganism was identified in 64 samples (36%) isolated only in Butzler selective medium (BSM), 34 samples (19%) using filtration technique (FT), and in 80 samples (45%) using both BSM and FT. Comparison of the proportion of positivity using both techniques showed a significant value (c2 = 9,184; p > 0.001); BSM (36%) being more efficient than FT (19%). The use of both techniques yielded the highest isolation positivity (45%).


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O araçá-boi (Eugenia stipitata ssp. sororia McVaugh - Myrtaceae) é uma frutífera amazônica com potencial agroindustrial. O presente trabalho verificou os efeitos da desidratação sobre a viabilidade de sementes e avaliou métodos de escarificação mecânica (por descascamento e lixamento) na superação da dormência de sementes dessa espécie. A qualidade fisiológica das sementes é afetada pela redução do teor de água. As sementes apresentam comportamento recalcitrante, sendo que o nível crítico de umidade pode estar situado entre 58,8 e 47,1%. A desidratação a níveis iguais ou inferiores a 25,76% de água provocou a morte em 100% das sementes. As sementes devem ser semeadas, preferencialmente, logo após a extração e limpeza. O tegumento das sementes apresenta resistência mecânica à expansão do embrião. A remoção total do tegumento foi o método mais eficiente na superação da dormência, pois elimina a resistência na região onde ocorrerá a ruptura pelo embrião, com tempo médio de emergência de 66 dias e percentagem final de emergência de 96%. Os lixamentos provocaram injúrias mecânicas nas sementes, tendo consequências diretas na emergência e vigor.


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O araçá-boi (Eugenia stipitata ssp. sororia McVaugh - Myrtaceae) é uma espécie frutífera originária da Amazônia Ocidental que apresenta grande potencial para a indústria de sucos e sorvetes. A morfologia das sementes é complexa e sua fisiologia pouco compreendida. Sabe-se que elas são resistentes a injúrias mecânicas e sensíveis ao dessecamento. Objetivou-se caracterizar a morfologia das sementes através da biometria, determinar o grau de umidade das sementes e descrever os eventos do processo germinativo, visando dar subsídios para o manejo das sementes e a produção de mudas. As médias de comprimento, peso fresco e peso seco das sementes foram de 1,06 cm, 0,49 g c 0,17 g, respectivamente. O teor de água encontrado nas sementes foi de 62%. A germinação das sementes é hipógea c criptocotiledonar, mostrando-se lenta e desuniforme. A germinação iniciou-se por volta de 50 dias e estendeu-se até mais de 280 dias. A plântula, com 60 dias, apresentou altura média de 13 cm e 18 folhas. As sementes apresentam alto poder de regeneração pois, mesmo quando cortadas ao meio ou na zona meristemática, foram capazes de formar plântulas.


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A new subspecies of planorbid snail, biomphalaria tenagophila guaibensis, is described. It has been found along the coastal belt of the Brazilian state of rio grande do Sul and the middle part of Uruguay, from Porto Alegre to Mercedes. It differs from the nominate subspecies, Biomphalaria tenagophila tenagophila, in the appearance of the penial complex (prepuce longer and proportionally slenderer in B. t. guaibensis, shorter and proportionally stouter in b. t. tenagophila), in the ratio between the lengths of the penial sheath and the prepuce, in the ratio between the lengths of the uterine complex and the penial complex, and in a coefficient of difference of 2.44 for the ratio between the penis sheath and prepuce and of 2.02 for the ratio between the uterine complex and penial complex. The shell and the other organs of the genital system are similar in both subspecies. B. t. guaibensis is very similar to Biomphalaria occidentalis Paraense, 1981, but is readily separated from it by the presence of a vaginal pouch, which is lacking in the latter, besides showing highly significant difference in the penis sheath: prepuce and uterine complex: penial complex ratios. Crossbreeding experiments which lend additional support to the recognition of B. t. guaibensis as a subspecies will be reported elsewhere.


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Dos flebótomos atraídos pelo Proechimys iheringi numa área onde esse roedor foi achado naturalmente infectado por Leishmania mexicana ssp., 98,1% foram Lutzomyia gasparviannai, o que sugere que essa espécie não antropofílica seja o transmissor entre os roedores mas não habitualmente ao homem.


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Two lots of 20 young male guinea pigs were inoculated subcutaneously in the tarsi with 10 (elevated to fourth potency) amastigotes of Leishmania braziliensis or L. b. guyanensis to study the susceptibility of this Neotropical hystricomorph rodent the autochthonous parasites. Almost 50% of the animals showed lesions in the inoculation site and had parazitations that were infective to hamsters, as shown by inoculating homogenates of the dermal lesion, of the spleen, of the liver, and of the nasal mucosa into hamsters at 20, 40, 60 and 120 days after inoculation of the guinea pig. Smears of the above organs showed the presence of amastigotes. Parasites inoculated into the tarsi were detected early in the skin, spleen, and liver of the guinea pig host. Blood cultures made by cardiopuncture on sacrifice of the guinea pigs were uniformly negative. The nasal mucosa of nearly all animals positive in the skin or viscera was invaded early by the parasites, although with grater frequency between 60 and 120 days post-inoculation. The use of this model for the study of mucocutaneous parasitism by L. brasiliensis is discussed, together with the phenomena of parasitism at a distance from the inoculation site, the temperature of the body regions affected, and the possible genetic influence on susceptibility of the guinea pig to L. brasiliensis.


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Knowledge of the genetic structure of plant populations is necessary for the understanding of the dynamics of major ecological processes. It also has applications in conservation biology and risk assessment for genetically modified crops. This paper reports the genetic structure of a linear population of sea beet, Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima (the wild relative of sugar beet), on Furzey Island, Poole Harbour. The relative spatial positions of the plants were accurately mapped and the plants were scored for variation at isozyme and RFLP loci. Structure was analysed by repeated subdivision of the population to find the average size of a randomly mating group. Estimates of F-ST between randomly mating units were then made, and gave patterns consistent with the structure of the population being determined largely by founder effects. The implications of these results for the monitoring of transgene spread in wild sea beet populations are discussed.


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RESUMO O conhecimento sobre a aplicação de herbicidas em palmeiras frutíferas é quase inexistente. Assim, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento inicial de mudas de Euterpe oleraceae e Euterpe edulis após a aplicação de herbicidas.Foram conduzidos estudos em duas épocas (fevereiro de 2013 e janeiro de 2014) para cada espécie, no delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos testados foram: fluazifop-p-butyl (93,8 g ha-1); sethoxydim (184 g ha-1); quizalofop-p-ethyl (75 g ha-1), (clethodim + fenoxaprop-p-ethyl) (50 + 50 g ha-1); fomesafen (225 g ha-1); lactofen (168 g ha-1); nicosulfuron (50 g ha-1); MSMA (1.422 g ha), al-1ém de uma testemunha sem aplicação de herbicida. A pulverização foi realizada sobre as mudas que apresentavam altura entre 45 e 50 cm. Foram realizadas avaliações visuais de fitotoxidade, altura das plantas aos 7; 14; 21; 28; 35; 42 e 49 dias após a aplicação (DAA)e ao final a massa seca da parte aérea.Visualmente, todos os herbicidas testados foram seletivos às duas espécies de palmeiras estudadas e quando ocorreram sintomas de injúrias(máximo 14%), estes dissiparam-se aos 49 DAA. Ao analisar-se a altura e o acúmulo de massa seca das plantas, observou-se que a palmeira E. oleracea foi mais tolerante aos herbicidas que a E. edulis. Todos os herbicidas testados podem ser recomendados para E. oleracea. Quanto à E. edulis, apenas os herbicidas sethoxydim, nicosulfuron e a mistura de clethodim + fenoxaprop-p-ethyl não afetaram o desenvolvimento inicial das mudas nos dois anos de estudos.


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The essential oil isolated by hydrodistillation from flowers and root bark of Gochnatia polymorpha (Less) Cabr. ssp floccosa Cabr. (Asteraceae) was analyzed by capillary GC/MS. Thirty components were identified in oil of flowers. The composition depends on the stage of flowering. At the beginning of flowering, the main components were (E)-nerolidol (20,4%) and eugenol (17,9%) whereas at the end they were phenylacetaldehyde (14,6%) and tricosane (12,0%). In the essential oil of root bark ten sesquiterpenes were identified. The major components were beta-bisabolene (31,0%) and beta-bisabolol (21,5%). This paper describes for the first time the composition of essential oil in the genus Gochnatia.


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Characterizing Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS and Lactobacillus rhamnosus LC705 as a new probiotic combination: basic properties of JS and pilot in vivo assessment of the combination Each candidate probiotic strain has to have the documentation for the proper identification with current molecular tools, for the biological properties, for the safety aspects and for the health benefits in human trials if the intention is to apply the strain as health promoting culture in the commercial applications. No generalization based on species properties of an existing probiotic are valid for any novel strain, as strain specific differences appear e.g. in the resistance to GI tract conditions and in health promoting benefits (Madsen, 2006). The strain evaluation based on individual strain specific probiotic characteristics is therefore the first key action for the selection of the new probiotic candidate. The ultimate goal in the selection of the probiotic strain is to provide adequate amounts of active, living cells for the application and to guarantee that the cells are physiologically strong enough to survive and be biologically active in the adverse environmental conditions in the product and in GI tract of the host. The in vivo intervention studies are expensive and time consuming; therefore it is not rational to test all the possible candidates in vivo. Thus, the proper in vitro studies are helping to eliminate strains which are unlikely to perform well in vivo. The aims of this study were to characterize the strains of Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS and Lactobacillus rhamnosus LC705, both used for decades as cheese starter cultures, for their technological and possible probiotic functionality applied in a combined culture. The in vitro studies of Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS focused on the monitoring of the viability rates during the acid and bile treatments and on the safety aspects such as antibiotic susceptibility and adhesion. The studies with the combination of the strains JS and LC705 administered in fruit juices monitored the survival of the strains JS and LC705 during the GI transit and their effect on gut wellbeing properties measured as relief of constipation. In addition, safety parameters such as side effects and some peripheral immune parameters were assessed. Separately, the combination of P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS and Lactobacillus rhamnosus LC705 was evaluated from the technological point of view as a bioprotective culture in fermented foods and wheat bread applications. In this study, the role ofP. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS as a candidate probiotic culture alone and in a combination with L. rhamnosus LC705 was demonstrated. Both strains were transiently recovered in high numbers in fecal samples of healthy adults during the consumption period. The good survival through the GI transit was proven for both strains with a recovery rate from 70 to 80% for the JS strain and from 40 to 60% for the LC705 strain from the daily dose of 10 log10 CFU. The good survival was shown from the consumption of fruit juices which do not provide similar matrix protection for the cells as milk based products. The strain JS did not pose


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The antimicrobial properties of the hexane, hexane/EtOAc and methanol fractions of the fresh petioles of Sagittaria montevidensis ssp montevidensis (Alismataceae) were evaluated against fungi and Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. A new abietatriene-type diterpenoid, 3β,7α-dihydroxi-abieta-8,11,13-triene and the known 3β-hydroxy-abieta-8,11,13-trien-7-one were isolated from the most active fraction tested and the structures of these compounds were elucidated by data including IR, EIMS, and 1D and 2D NMR spectra.