967 resultados para Single commodity inventory problems


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This thesis is devoted to the study of some stochastic models in inventories. An inventory system is a facility at which items of materials are stocked. In order to promote smooth and efficient running of business, and to provide adequate service to the customers, an inventory materials is essential for any enterprise. When uncertainty is present, inventories are used as a protection against risk of stock out. It is advantageous to procure the item before it is needed at a lower marginal cost. Again, by bulk purchasing, the advantage of price discounts can be availed. All these contribute to the formation of inventory. Maintaining inventories is a major expenditure for any organization. For each inventory, the fundamental question is how much new stock should be ordered and when should the orders are replaced. In the present study, considered several models for single and two commodity stochastic inventory problems. The thesis discusses two models. In the first model, examined the case in which the time elapsed between two consecutive demand points are independent and identically distributed with common distribution function F(.) with mean  (assumed finite) and in which demand magnitude depends only on the time elapsed since the previous demand epoch. The time between disasters has an exponential distribution with parameter . In Model II, the inter arrival time of disasters have general distribution (F.) with mean  ( ) and the quantity destructed depends on the time elapsed between disasters. Demands form compound poison processes with inter arrival times of demands having mean 1/. It deals with linearly correlated bulk demand two Commodity inventory problem, where each arrival demands a random number of items of each commodity C1 and C2, the maximum quantity demanded being a (< S1) and b(


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This thesis analyses certain problems in Inventories and Queues. There are many situations in real-life where we encounter models as described in this thesis. It analyses in depth various models which can be applied to production, storag¢, telephone traffic, road traffic, economics, business administration, serving of customers, operations of particle counters and others. Certain models described here is not a complete representation of the true situation in all its complexity, but a simplified version amenable to analysis. While discussing the models, we show how a dependence structure can be suitably introduced in some problems of Inventories and Queues. Continuous review, single commodity inventory systems with Markov dependence structure introduced in the demand quantities, replenishment quantities and reordering levels are considered separately. Lead time is assumed to be zero in these models. An inventory model involving random lead time is also considered (Chapter-4). Further finite capacity single server queueing systems with single/bulk arrival, single/bulk services are also discussed. In some models the server is assumed to go on vacation (Chapters 7 and 8). In chapters 5 and 6 a sort of dependence is introduced in the service pattern in some queuing models.


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The paper introduces an approach to solve the problem of generating a sequence of jobs that minimizes the total weighted tardiness for a set of jobs to be processed in a single machine. An Ant Colony System based algorithm is validated with benchmark problems available in the OR library. The obtained results were compared with the best available results and were found to be nearer to the optimal. The obtained computational results allowed concluding on their efficiency and effectiveness.


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The aim of this paper is to analyse the main agreements on the EU’s External Action agreed within the European Convention and the IGC taking into account why, how and who reached the consensus on them. In other words, this paper will explore the principles followed in order to improve the instruments of the EU’s External Action such as authority, coherence, visibility, efficiency and credibility.


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Decomposition based approaches are recalled from primal and dual point of view. The possibility of building partially disaggregated reduced master problems is investigated. This extends the idea of aggregated-versus-disaggregated formulation to a gradual choice of alternative level of aggregation. Partial aggregation is applied to the linear multicommodity minimum cost flow problem. The possibility of having only partially aggregated bundles opens a wide range of alternatives with different trade-offs between the number of iterations and the required computation for solving it. This trade-off is explored for several sets of instances and the results are compared with the ones obtained by directly solving the natural node-arc formulation. An iterative solution process to the route assignment problem is proposed, based on the well-known Frank Wolfe algorithm. In order to provide a first feasible solution to the Frank Wolfe algorithm, a linear multicommodity min-cost flow problem is solved to optimality by using the decomposition techniques mentioned above. Solutions of this problem are useful for network orientation and design, especially in relation with public transportation systems as the Personal Rapid Transit. A single-commodity robust network design problem is addressed. In this, an undirected graph with edge costs is given together with a discrete set of balance matrices, representing different supply/demand scenarios. The goal is to determine the minimum cost installation of capacities on the edges such that the flow exchange is feasible for every scenario. A set of new instances that are computationally hard for the natural flow formulation are solved by means of a new heuristic algorithm. Finally, an efficient decomposition-based heuristic approach for a large scale stochastic unit commitment problem is presented. The addressed real-world stochastic problem employs at its core a deterministic unit commitment planning model developed by the California Independent System Operator (ISO).


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We study markets where the characteristics or decisions of certain agents are relevant but not known to their trading partners. Assuming exclusive transactions, the environment is described as a continuum economy with indivisible commodities. We characterize incentive efficient allocations as solutions to linear programming problems and appeal to duality theory to demonstrate the generic existence of external effects in these markets. Because under certain conditions such effects may generate non-convexities, randomization emerges as a theoretic possibility. In characterizing market equilibria we show that, consistently with the personalized nature of transactions, prices are generally non-linear in the underlying consumption. On the other hand, external effects may have critical implications for market efficiency. With adverse selection, in fact, cross-subsidization across agents with different private information may be necessary for optimality, and so, the market need not even achieve an incentive efficient allocation. In contrast, for the case of a single commodity, we find that when informational asymmetries arise after the trading period (e.g. moral hazard; ex post hidden types) external effects are fully internalized at a market equilibrium.


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Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää tehtaan sisäisiä materiaalivirtoja layoutia muuttamalla ja materiaalinkäsittelyä parantamalla. Kehityksen seurauksena tulisi materiaalinkäsittelyn henkilökuntaa pystyä siirtämään tuotannon tehtäviin. Aluksi selvitettiin tehtaan toiminta, tuotteet ja prosessit, jonka jälkeen tehtiin layoutsuunnitteluun liittyvien teorioiden avulla kvantitatiivisia ja kvalitatiivisia arviointeja materiaalivirroista. Arvioinneissa havaittiin layoutsuunnittelun kannalta tärkeät asiat sekä yhteydet osastojen/työpisteiden välillä, mikä oli lähtökohtana uudelle layoutsuunnitelmalle. Työ oli kaksivaiheinen. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa kehitettiin tehtaan nykyisiä materiaalivirtoja muuttamalla nykyistä layoutia ja parantamalla materiaalinkäsittelyä. Muutos pyrittiin pitämään hyvin kevyenä ja nykyiseen layoutiin tehtiin kaksi perusratkaisua. Kummassakin perusratkaisussa saadaan koneiden siirroilla materiaalivirtojen kannalta tärkeät koneet etusijalle sekä lisää tarvittavaa varastotilaa. Lisätilan saaminen varastoille vähentää myös tarpeetonta materiaalinkäsittelyä. Toisessa vaiheessa suunniteltiin layout laajennettuun tehdastilaan. Ensisijaisena tavoitteena oli logistinen toimivuus. Laajennuksen layoutsuunnitelmassa määritettiin kvantitatiivisten ja kvalitatiivisten arviointien avulla osastojen paikat ja koot sekä mietittiin kunkin osaston yksityiskohtaisessa suunnittelussa huomioon otettavia asioita. Suunnitelma on lähtökohtana yksityiskohtaisille suunnitelmille. Tärkeää layoutin suunnittelussa ja toteuttamisessa on huomioida layoutin käyttäjien eli työntekijöiden mielipiteet.


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In this thesis, certain continuous time inventory problems with positive service time under local purchase guided by N/T-policy are analysed. In most of the cases analysed, we arrive at stochastic decomposition of system states, that is, the joint distribution of the system states is obtained as the product of marginal distributions of the components. The thesis is divided into ve chapters


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García et al. present a class of column generation (CG) algorithms for nonlinear programs. Its main motivation from a theoretical viewpoint is that under some circumstances, finite convergence can be achieved, in much the same way as for the classic simplicial decomposition method; the main practical motivation is that within the class there are certain nonlinear column generation problems that can accelerate the convergence of a solution approach which generates a sequence of feasible points. This algorithm can, for example, accelerate simplicial decomposition schemes by making the subproblems nonlinear. This paper complements the theoretical study on the asymptotic and finite convergence of these methods given in [1] with an experimental study focused on their computational efficiency. Three types of numerical experiments are conducted. The first group of test problems has been designed to study the parameters involved in these methods. The second group has been designed to investigate the role and the computation of the prolongation of the generated columns to the relative boundary. The last one has been designed to carry out a more complete investigation of the difference in computational efficiency between linear and nonlinear column generation approaches. In order to carry out this investigation, we consider two types of test problems: the first one is the nonlinear, capacitated single-commodity network flow problem of which several large-scale instances with varied degrees of nonlinearity and total capacity are constructed and investigated, and the second one is a combined traffic assignment model


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De nombreux problèmes liés aux domaines du transport, des télécommunications et de la logistique peuvent être modélisés comme des problèmes de conception de réseaux. Le problème classique consiste à transporter un flot (données, personnes, produits, etc.) sur un réseau sous un certain nombre de contraintes dans le but de satisfaire la demande, tout en minimisant les coûts. Dans ce mémoire, on se propose d'étudier le problème de conception de réseaux avec coûts fixes, capacités et un seul produit, qu'on transforme en un problème équivalent à plusieurs produits de façon à améliorer la valeur de la borne inférieure provenant de la relaxation continue du modèle. La méthode que nous présentons pour la résolution de ce problème est une méthode exacte de branch-and-price-and-cut avec une condition d'arrêt, dans laquelle nous exploitons à la fois la méthode de génération de colonnes, la méthode de génération de coupes et l'algorithme de branch-and-bound. Ces méthodes figurent parmi les techniques les plus utilisées en programmation linéaire en nombres entiers. Nous testons notre méthode sur deux groupes d'instances de tailles différentes (gran-des et très grandes), et nous la comparons avec les résultats donnés par CPLEX, un des meilleurs logiciels permettant de résoudre des problèmes d'optimisation mathématique, ainsi qu’avec une méthode de branch-and-cut. Il s'est avéré que notre méthode est prometteuse et peut donner de bons résultats, en particulier pour les instances de très grandes tailles.


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De nombreux problèmes liés aux domaines du transport, des télécommunications et de la logistique peuvent être modélisés comme des problèmes de conception de réseaux. Le problème classique consiste à transporter un flot (données, personnes, produits, etc.) sur un réseau sous un certain nombre de contraintes dans le but de satisfaire la demande, tout en minimisant les coûts. Dans ce mémoire, on se propose d'étudier le problème de conception de réseaux avec coûts fixes, capacités et un seul produit, qu'on transforme en un problème équivalent à plusieurs produits de façon à améliorer la valeur de la borne inférieure provenant de la relaxation continue du modèle. La méthode que nous présentons pour la résolution de ce problème est une méthode exacte de branch-and-price-and-cut avec une condition d'arrêt, dans laquelle nous exploitons à la fois la méthode de génération de colonnes, la méthode de génération de coupes et l'algorithme de branch-and-bound. Ces méthodes figurent parmi les techniques les plus utilisées en programmation linéaire en nombres entiers. Nous testons notre méthode sur deux groupes d'instances de tailles différentes (gran-des et très grandes), et nous la comparons avec les résultats donnés par CPLEX, un des meilleurs logiciels permettant de résoudre des problèmes d'optimisation mathématique, ainsi qu’avec une méthode de branch-and-cut. Il s'est avéré que notre méthode est prometteuse et peut donner de bons résultats, en particulier pour les instances de très grandes tailles.


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The notion of commodification is a fascinating one. It entails many facets, ranging from subjective debates on desirability of commodification to in depth economic analyses of objects of value and their corresponding markets. Commodity theory is therefore not just defined by a single debate, but spans a plethora of different discussions. This thesis maps and situates those theories and debates and selects one specific strain to investigate further. This thesis argues that commodity theory in its optima forma deals with the investigation into what sets commodities apart from non-commodities. It proceeds to examine the many given answers to this question by scholars ranging from the mid 1800’s to the late 2000’s. Ultimately, commodification is defined as a process in which an object becomes an element of the total wealth of societies in which the capitalist mode of production prevails. In doing so, objects must meet observables, or indicia, of commodification provided by commodity theories. Problems arise when objects are clearly part of the total wealth in societies without meeting established commodity indicia. In such cases, objects are part of the total wealth of a society without counting as a commodity. This thesis examines this phenomenon in relation to the novel commodities of audiences and data. It explains how these non-commodities (according to classical theories) are still essential elements of industry. The thesis then takes a deep dive into commodity theory using the theory on the construction of social reality by John Searle.


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Computerized scheduling methods and computerized scheduling systems according to exemplary embodiments. A computerized scheduling method may be stored in a memory and executed on one or more processors. The method may include defining a main multi-machine scheduling problem as a plurality of single machine scheduling problems; independently solving the plurality of single machine scheduling problems thereby calculating a plurality of near optimal single machine scheduling problem solutions; integrating the plurality of near optimal single machine scheduling problem solutions into a main multi-machine scheduling problem solution; and outputting the main multi-machine scheduling problem solution.


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The following work is a case study of overstock and stock-out problems at Volkswagen Autoeuropa (VWAE). It introduces the supply chain of Autoeuropa and specializes then on failures connected to inventory problems. Having a successful supply chain is important in a world where products become more and more similar as it can give to companies an edge over their competitors. The case shows three practices that VWAE uses to prevent and to overcome stock problems. Information was gathered by doing interviews with different managers, by analyzing the company’s key processes and by literature research related to the topics of supply chain management and flexibility in the supply chain. Three practices were further investigated: the use of alternative parts, support of the supplier and a rating system of suppliers. In the question section of this work the importance of flexibility and Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) when connected to supply chain management are explained. The described different practices are numerically analyzed and it is concluded that each practice brings both cost savings and the possibility of achieving target numbers to the company, showing the company’s flexibility to react to supply chain disturbances. Because of confidentiality reasons, persons in the case are fictionalized and numbers are wherever possible equalized to 100 in order to display true proportions.