639 resultados para Simuliidae--Cytology.


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The sequential banding patterns of the larval salivary gland polytene chromosomes of seven species of Inseliellum (Diptera: Simuliidae) were mapped. This was completed through the comparison with the standard maps of an eighth species of Inseliellum, Simulium cataractarum. During chromosomal analysis, both fixed and floating inversions were identified. A floating inversion (IIL-l ex,2ex) revealed a cytotype within Simulium exasperans that is distributed between two islands, Moorea and Tahiti. Inversion data revealed three shared fixed inversions that could be used as phylogenetic characters. In addition, the placement of a chromosomal landmark (the nucleolar organizer, or NO) was used as a phylogenetic character. The result of a cytophylogenetic (transformational) analysis showed two groups: the NO-IL group, and the NO-IS group. A combined phylogeny was created using the published morphological data and the cytological data of the eight species. The combined tree did not differ from the morphological data only tree. Possible routes of dispersal are hypothesized using geological, chromosomal, and phylogenetic data. These data showed a general pattern of dispersal and colonization from older islands to younger islands, with one possible instance of dispersal from younger to older islands. It is postulated that inter-island speciation has allowed this dispersal and colonization, but intra-island speciation has created the diversity seen in Inseliellum.


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Objectives To determine: (1) the accuracy of cytology scientists at assessing specimen adequacy by rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) at fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology collections; and (2) whether thyroid FNA with ROSE has lower inadequacy rates than non-attended FNAs. Methods The ROSE of adequacy for 3032 specimens from 17 anatomical sites collected over a 20-month period was compared with the final report assessment of adequacy. ROSE was performed by 19 cytology scientists. The report profile for 1545 thyroid nodules with ROSE was compared with that for 1536 consecutive non-ROSE thyroid FNAs reported by the same cytopathologists during the study period. Results ROSE was adequate in 75% (2276/3032), inadequate in 12% (366/3032) and in 13% (390/3032) no opinion was rendered. Of the 2276 cases assessed as adequate by ROSE, 2268 (99.6%) were finally reported as adequate for assessment; eight specimens had adequacy downgraded on the final report. Fifty eight per cent of cases with a ROSE assessment of inadequate were reported as adequate (212/366), whereas 93% (363/390) with no opinion rendered were reported as adequate. The overall final report adequacy rate for the 3032 specimens was 94% (2843/3032). Confirmation of a ROSE of adequacy at reporting was uniformly high amongst the 19 scientists, ranging from 98% to 100%. The inadequacy rate for thyroid FNAs with ROSE (6%) was significantly (P < 0.0001) lower than for non-ROSE thyroid FNAs (17%). A significantly (P = 0.02) higher proportion of adequate ROSE thyroid specimens was reported with abnormalities, compared with non-ROSE thyroid collections. Conclusions Cytology scientists are highly accurate at determining specimen adequacy at ROSE for a wide range of body sites. ROSE of thyroid FNAs can significantly reduce inadequate reports.


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Aim Performance measures for Australian laboratories reporting cervical cytology are a set of quantifiable measures relating to the profile and accuracy of reporting. This study reviews aggregate data collected over the ten years in which participation in the performance measures has been mandatory. Methods Laboratories submit annual data on performance measures relating to the profile of reporting, including reporting rates for technically unsatisfactory specimens, high grade or possible high grade abnormalities and abnormal reports. Cytology-histology correlation data and review findings of negative smears reported from women with histological high grade disease are also collected. Suggested acceptable standards are set for each measure. This study reviews the aggregate data submitted by all laboratories for the years 1998-2008 and examines trends in reporting and the performance of laboratories against the suggested standards. Results The performance of Australian laboratories has shown continued improvement over the study period. There has been a fall in the proportion of laboratories with data outside the acceptable standard range in all performance measures. Laboratories are reporting a greater proportion of specimens as definite or possible high grade abnormality. This is partly attributable to an increase in the proportion of abnormal results classified as high grade or possible high grade abnormality. Despite this, the positive predictive value for high grade and possible high grade abnormalities has continued to rise. Conclusion Performance measures for cervical cytology have provided a valuable addition to external quality assurance procedures in Australia. They have documented continued improvements in the aggregate performance, as well as providing benchmarking data and goals for acceptable performance for individual laboratories.


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Background This study reviewed the clinical presentation, cytologic findings and the immunophenotype of 69 Merkel Cell Carcinoma (MCC) cases sampled by FNA. Methods Demographic and clinical data, the cytology findings and results of ancillary testing were reviewed. Results Median patient age was 78 years (37 – 104) with a 1:1.8 female to male ratio. The most common FNA sites sampled included lymph nodes in the neck, the axillary region, the inguinal region and the parotid gland. Most patients had a history of MCC (68%) &/or non-MCC malignancy (70%). The common cytologic pattern was a cellular smear with malignant cells arranged in a dispersed pattern with variable numbers of disorganised groups of cells. Cytoplasm was scant or absent and nuclei showed mild to moderate anisokaryosis, stippled chromatin, inconspicuous nucleoli and nuclear molding. Numerous apoptotic bodies were often present. Cell block samples (28 cases) were usually positive for cytokeratins in a perinuclear dot pattern, including 88% of cases with CK20 positivity. CD56 was the most sensitive (95%) neuroendocrine marker on cell blocks and was also positive with flow cytometry in 9 cases tested. Conclusions MCC is most commonly seen in FNA specimens from the head and neck of elderly patients, often with a history of previous skin lesions. Occasional cases present in younger patients and some may be mistaken for other round blue cell tumors, such as lymphoma. CD 56 may be a useful marker in cell block preparations and in flow cytometric analysis of MCC.


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Objective To identify cytomorphological patterns of metastatic melanoma (MM) in breast fine needle aspiration (FNA) specimens and highlight the differential diagnoses and features most useful in identifying MM. Methods The clinical, radiological and FNA findings of 16 cases were reviewed. Cytological features evaluated related to cell arrangement, size and shape of cells, nuclear and cytoplasmic features, and the presence or absence of necrosis. Results The series consisted of 14 females and two males, ranging in age from 24 to 83 years (mean = 50 years). A previous history of melanoma was available in 12/16 (75%) cases at the time of FNA reporting; however the clinical/radiological impression in 4/16 cases was of a breast cyst. The cases were classified into six morphological variants: classical (8/16), pseudopapillary (3/16), spindle-cell (1/16), melanin-rich (1/16), pleomorphic (2/16) and lymphoma-like (1/16). The varying patterns raised a wide range of differential diagnoses; however, discohesion, binucleation and granular cytoplasm were the major features seen in 94% of all cases. In 14/16 cases (88%), plasmacytoid cells, prominent nucleoli and cytoplasmic vacuolation were identified. Melanin and multinucleation were detected in 44% of cases and intranuclear cytoplasmic invaginations in 63%. Necrosis was present in more than half of the cases (56%). Conclusion MM should be considered in the differential diagnosis of breast FNA specimens when atypical cells are seen that present as plasmacytoid cells in a dispersed or pseudopapillary pattern, or as spindle, pleomorphic or pigmented cells. These features, combined with clinical history and immunocytochemistry, may assist in correctly identifying MM and directing optimal treatment.


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Peritoneal washing cytology (PWC) is a useful indicator of ovarian surface involvement and peritoneal dissemination by ovarian tumours. It may identify subclinical peritoneal spread and thus provide valuable staging and prognostic information, particularly for non-serous ovarian tumours. The role of PWC as a prognostic indicator for endometrial carcinoma is less clear, due in part to the questionable significance of identifying endometrial tumour cells in the peritoneum. Detection of metastatic carcinoma in PWC is based on recognition of non-mesothelial cell characteristics, however a number of conditions such as reactive mesothelial cells, endometriosis and endosalpingiosis may mimic this appearance. Cells from these conditions may have a similar presentation in PWC to that of serous borderline tumours and low grade serous carcinoma. The presence of cilia, lack of single atypical cells, prominent cytoplasmic vacuolation, marked nuclear atypia or two distinct cell populations are features favouring a benign process. Attention to these features along with close correlation with clinical history and the results of surgical pathology should help avoid errors. Additional assistance may be provided by the use of cell blocks and special stains.


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Purpose To determine the association between conjunctival goblet cell density (GCD) assessed using in vivo laser scanning confocal microscopy and conjunctival impression cytology in a healthy population. Methods Ninety (90) healthy participants undertook a validated 5-item dry eye questionnaire, non-invasive tear film break-up time measurement, ocular surface fluorescein staining and phenol red thread test. These tests where undertaken to diagnose and exclude participants with dry eye. The nasal bulbar conjunctiva was imaged using laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM). Conjunctival impression cytology (CIC) was performed in the same region a few minutes later. Conjunctival goblet cell density was calculated as cells/mm2. Results There was a strong positive correlation of conjunctival GCD between LSCM and CIC (ρ = 0.66). Conjunctival goblet cell density was 475 ± 41 cells/mm2 and 466 ± 51 cells/mm2 measured by LSCM and CIC, respectively. Conclusions The strong association between in vivo and in vitro cellular analysis for measuring conjunctival GCD suggests that the more invasive CIC can be replaced by the less invasive LSCM in research and clinical practice.


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O objetivo desta Tese é realizar o levantamento taxonômico e avaliar a dinâmica populacional de Simuliidae em localidades sob influência do Aproveitamento Hidrelétrico de Peixe Angical, TO. Os simulídeos possuem abrangente distribuição geográfica, e os estágios imaturos utilizam ambientes lóticos como sítios de criação. Algumas espécies podem atuar como vetores de vírus, protozoários e helmintos, o que confere ao grupo importância médica e veterinária. O hábito hematofágico das fêmeas de simulídeos pode acarretar sérios prejuízos ao turismo; ocasiona baixa no rendimento escolar; e na agropecuária dificulta a execução do trabalho o que reduz a produtividade. Durante a construção de grandes empreendimentos ocorre em pouco tempo à introdução de contingente populacional com drástica transformação do meio. A intervenção do homem sobre os ecossistemas e o crescimento desordenado pode provocar desequilíbrio ecológico que propicia a proliferação de espécimes vetores com consequentes problemas médico sanitários. A maior parte dos trabalhos realizados com insetos vetores em áreas sob influência da construção de hidrelétricas se refere aos culicídeos. O estudo dos aspectos taxonômicos permitirá o levantamento da biodiversidade e o diferencial deste projeto está no estabelecimento da sazonalidade e dinâmica das populações de imaturos e adultos de simulídeos. As amostras foram obtidas em áreas de influência direta e indireta da UHE Peixe no rio Tocantins, em 12 pontos diferentes de coleta, nos municípios deJaú do Tocantins, Peixe, Palmeirópolis, Paranã e São Salvador do Tocantins. Foram realizadas bimestralmente de 2004 a 2007, um total de 24 campanhas para coleta em criadouros pré-selecionados, que acompanharam todas as fases de construção início das obras, formação do lago, funcionamento da Usina. OS dados abióticos foram aferidos, e os imaturos removidos do substrato manualmente por 10 minutos e posteriormente preparados para eclosão dos adultos. Parte do material foi identificado no Laboratório de Simulídeos e Oncocercose do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, onde foram verificados novos registros específicos para a ocorrência de Simuliidae em Tocantins, além do assinalamento de espécies antropofílicas e/ou vetores de Onchocerca volvulus. Nas áreas usadas para a formação do lago houve desaparecimento de criadouros. O desmatamento ocorrido aliado ao vigor dos simulídeos que conseguem realizar voos de longas distâncias na procura de alimento ou locais adequados a oviposição devem ter contribuído para a dispersão de espécimes. Há relatos sobre a da ocorrência de oncocercose na área estudada, um foco foi demarcado na divisa de Goiás com Tocantins, municípios Paranã e Minaçu investigado a partir de um caso autóctone de oncocercose. Este estudo é relevante uma vez que o Brasil possui potencial hidroenergético e prevê a construção de inúmeras hidrelétricas nos próximos anos. É importante estudas as áreas impactadas, conhecer a sua biodiversidade e os aspectos bioecológicos de Simuliidae no país.


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Hemocytes of Mytilus edulis were examined cytologically and cytochemically. On the basis of structure, staining reactions, and phagocytic behavior, they were divided into two main groups: basophilic hemocytes and eosinophilic granular hemocytes (granulocytes). The basophilic cells were further divided into small lymphocytes and larger phagocytic macrophages reactive for lysosomal hydrolases. Mitosis was observed in granulocytes and in small lymphoid cells, believed to be the stem cells for the basophilic cell line. A few cells appeared to be intermediate between lymphocytes and small granulocytes. Macrophages were the main cell type involved in the clearance of injected carbon particles. However, granulocytes did show some phagocytic activity. Brown cells displaying apparent amoebocytic behavior were found to contain Fe3+ and Pb2+ in cytoplasmic inclusions, some of which were also reactive for β-glucuronidase and glucosaminidase. These cells appear to have a separate origin from the hemocytes.