902 resultados para Simulation with multiple Consumers Profiles


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A presente dissertação insere-se no âmbito da unidade curricular “ Dissertação” do 2º ano do mestrado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica – Sistemas Elétricos de Energia. Com o aumento crescente do número de consumidores de energia, é cada vez mais imperioso a adoção de medidas de racionalização e gestão dos consumos da energia elétrica. Existem diferentes tipos de dificuldades no planeamento e implementação de novas centrais produtoras de energia renovável, pelo que também por este motivo é cada vez mais importante adoção de medidas de gestão de consumos, quer ao nível dos clientes alimentados em média tensão como de baixa tensão. Desta forma será mais acessível a criação de padrões de eficiência energética elevados em toda a rede de distribuição de energia elétrica. Também a economia é afetada por uma fraca gestão dos consumos por parte dos clientes. Elevados desperdícios energéticos levam a que mais energia tenha que ser produzida, energia essa que contribui ainda mais para a elevada taxa de dependência energética em Portugal, e para o degradar da economia nacional. Coloca-se assim a necessidade de implementar planos e métodos que promovam a eficiência energética e a gestão racional de consumos de energia elétrica. Apresenta-se nesta dissertação várias propostas, algumas na forma de projetos já em execução, que visam sensibilizar o consumidor para a importância da utilização eficiente de energia e, ao mesmo tempo, disponibilizam as ferramentas tecnológicas adequadas para auxiliar a implementação dos métodos propostos. Embora os planos apresentados, sobejamente conhecidos, tenham imensa importância, a implementação nos vários consumidores de sistemas capazes de efetivamente reduzir consumos tem um papel fundamental. Equipamentos de gestão de consumos, que são apresentados nesta dissertação, permitem ao consumidor aceder diretamente ao seu consumo. Podem aceder não apenas ao consumo global da instalação mas também ao consumo específico por equipamento, permitindo perceber onde se verifica a situação mais desfavorável. Funcionalidades de programação de perfis tipo, com limitações de potência em vários períodos horários, bem como possibilidades de controlo remoto com recurso a aplicações para Smartphones permitem a redução de consumos ao nível da rede de distribuição e, desta forma, contribuir para a redução dos desperdícios e da dependência energética em Portugal. No âmbito do trabalho de dissertação é desenvolvida uma metodologia de comercialização de potência, que é apresentada nesta tese. Esta metodologia propõem que o consumidor, em função dos seus consumos, pague apenas a quantidade de potência que efetivamente necessita num certo período de tempo. Assim, o consumidor deixa de pagar uma tarifa mensal fixa associada á sua potência contratada, e passará a pagar um valor correspondente apenas à potência que efetivamente solicitou em todas as horas durante o mês. Nesta metodologia que é apresentada, o consumidor poderá também fazer uma análise do seu diagrama de cargas e simular uma alteração da sua tarifa, tarifa esta que varia entre tarifa simples, bi-horária semanal, bi-horária diária, tri-horária semanal ou tri-horária diária, de forma a perceber em qual destas pagará um menor valor pela mesma energia. De forma a que o consumidor possa perceber se haverá vantagem de uma alteração para uma potência contratada flexível, ou para uma outra tarifa associada á energia, tem ao seu dispor uma ferramenta, que em função dos seus consumos, permite retirar conclusões sobre o preço final a pagar na fatura, após cada tipo de alteração. Esta ferramenta foi validada com recurso a várias simulações, para diferentes perfis de consumidores. Desta forma, o utilizador fica a perceber que realmente pode poupar com uma potência contratada flexível, ao mesmo tempo que pode identificar-se com um perfil de simulação e, mais facilmente, perceber para que alteração tarifária pode usufruir de uma maior poupança.


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Coccidiosis of the domestic fowl is a worldwide disease caused by seven species of protozoan parasites of the genus Eimeria. The genome of the model species, Eimeria tenella, presents a complexity of 55-60 MB distributed in 14 chromosomes. Relatively few studies have been undertaken to unravel the complexity of the transcriptome of Eimeria parasites. We report here the generation of more than 45,000 open reading frame expressed sequence tag (ORESTES) cDNA reads of E. tenella, Eimeria maxima and Eimeria acervulina, covering several developmental stages: unsporulated oocysts, sporoblastic oocysts, sporulated oocysts, sporozoites and second generation merozoites. All reads were assembled to constitute gene indices and submitted to a comprehensive functional annotation pipeline. In the case of E. tenella, we also incorporated publicly available ESTs to generate an integrated body of information. Orthology analyses have identified genes conserved across different apicomplexan parasites, as well as genes restricted to the genus Eimeria. Digital expression profiles obtained from ORESTES/EST countings, submitted to clustering analyses, revealed a high conservation pattern across the three Eimeria spp. Distance trees showed that unsporulated and sporoblastic oocysts constitute a distinct clade in all species, with sporulated oocysts forming a more external branch. This latter stage also shows a close relationship with sporozoites, whereas first and second generation merozoites are more closely related to each other than to sporozoites. The profiles were unambiguously associated with the distinct developmental stages and strongly correlated with the order of the stages in the parasite life cycle. Finally, we present The Eimeria Transcript Database (http://www.coccidia.icb.usp.br/eimeriatdb), a website that provides open access to all sequencing data, annotation and comparative analysis. We expect this repository to represent a useful resource to the Eimeria scientific community, helping to define potential candidates for the development of new strategies to control coccidiosis of the domestic fowl. (C) 2011 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A key aspect of decision-making in a disaster response scenario is the capability to evaluate multiple and simultaneously perceived goals. Current competing approaches to build decision-making agents are either mental-state based as BDI, or founded on decision-theoretic models as MDP. The BDI chooses heuristically among several goals and the MDP searches for a policy to achieve a specific goal. In this paper we develop a preferences model to decide among multiple simultaneous goals. We propose a pattern, which follows a decision-theoretic approach, to evaluate the expected causal effects of the observable and non-observable aspects that inform each decision. We focus on yes-or-no (i.e., pursue or ignore a goal) decisions and illustrate the proposal using the RoboCupRescue simulation environment.


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Whereas numerical modeling using finite-element methods (FEM) can provide transient temperature distribution in the component with enough accuracy, it is of the most importance the development of compact dynamic thermal models that can be used for electrothermal simulation. While in most cases single power sources are considered, here we focus on the simultaneous presence of multiple sources. The thermal model will be in the form of a thermal impedance matrix containing the thermal impedance transfer functions between two arbitrary ports. Eachindividual transfer function element ( ) is obtained from the analysis of the thermal temperature transient at node ¿ ¿ after a power step at node ¿ .¿ Different options for multiexponential transient analysis are detailed and compared. Among the options explored, small thermal models can be obtained by constrained nonlinear least squares (NLSQ) methods if the order is selected properly using validation signals. The methods are applied to the extraction of dynamic compact thermal models for a new ultrathin chip stack technology (UTCS).


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Dans les services de première ligne, la majorité des personnes atteintes de dépression souffrent également d’autres maladies chroniques comorbides. Offrir des soins de haute qualité à ces patients représente un défi important pour les intervenants en première ligne ainsi que pour le système de santé. Il y a des raisons de croire que les contextes organisationnels dans lesquels les intervenants pratiquent ont une influence importante sur les soins. Cependant, peu d’études ont examiné directement la façon dont les caractéristiques des cliniques facilitent ou entravent les soins offerts aux patients atteints de dépression et de différents types de maladies chroniques comorbides. L’objectif général de ce projet de recherche était donc de mieux comprendre comment différentes caractéristiques des cliniques de première ligne influencent la qualité des soins pour la dépression chez des patients ayant différents profils de comorbidité. La thèse comporte deux études. Tout d'abord, nous avons effectué une revue systématique examinant les relations entre la comorbidité physique chronique et la qualité des soins pour la dépression dans les services de première ligne afin de clarifier la nature de ces relations et d’identifier les facteurs qui pourraient influer sur ces relations. Ensuite, nous avons effectué une étude aux méthodes mixtes ayant deux volets : (a) un volet quantitatif examinant les relations entre la qualité des soins pour la dépression, les profils de comorbidité des patients, et les caractéristiques des cliniques de première ligne par le biais d’analyses de régression multiniveaux de données issues de deux enquêtes, et (b) un volet qualitatif basé sur une étude de cas explorant les perceptions des professionnels des services de première ligne sur les facteurs organisationnels pouvant influencer la qualité des soins offerts aux patients souffrant de dépression et d’autres maladies chroniques comorbides. Les résultats de ces études ont montré que, bien que la qualité des soins de la dépression en soins primaires soit sous-optimale, certains sous-groupes de patients dépressifs sont plus à risque que d’autres de recevoir des soins pour la dépression inadéquats, notamment des patients ayant uniquement des comorbidités chroniques physiques. Cependant, plusieurs caractéristiques des cliniques de première ligne semblent faciliter l’offre de soins de qualité aux patients atteints de dépression et de maladies chroniques comorbides : les normes et les valeurs liées au travail d'équipe et le soutien mutuel, l'accès au soutien des professionnels ayant une expertise en santé mentale, l’utilisation des algorithmes de traitement et d’autres outils d’aide à la décision pour la dépression, et l’absence d’obstacles liés aux modèles de rémunération inadéquats. Une des façons dont ces caractéristiques favorisent la qualité est en facilitant la circulation des connaissances dans les cliniques de première ligne. Nos résultats suggèrent que des interventions organisationnelles ciblées sont nécessaires pour améliorer la qualité des soins pour la dépression que reçoivent les patients ayant des maladies chroniques comorbides. Ces interventions peuvent viser différents domaines organisationnels (ex : caractéristiques structurelles/stratégiques, sociales, technologies et épistémiques) mais doivent aussi prendre en compte comment les éléments de chaque domaine interagissent et comment ils pourraient influencer les soins pour des patients ayant des profils de comorbidité différents.


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This thesis Entitled “modelling and analysis of recurrent event data with multiple causes.Survival data is a term used for describing data that measures the time to occurrence of an event.In survival studies, the time to occurrence of an event is generally referred to as lifetime.Recurrent event data are commonly encountered in longitudinal studies when individuals are followed to observe the repeated occurrences of certain events. In many practical situations, individuals under study are exposed to the failure due to more than one causes and the eventual failure can be attributed to exactly one of these causes.The proposed model was useful in real life situations to study the effect of covariates on recurrences of certain events due to different causes.In Chapter 3, an additive hazards model for gap time distributions of recurrent event data with multiple causes was introduced. The parameter estimation and asymptotic properties were discussed .In Chapter 4, a shared frailty model for the analysis of bivariate competing risks data was presented and the estimation procedures for shared gamma frailty model, without covariates and with covariates, using EM algorithm were discussed. In Chapter 6, two nonparametric estimators for bivariate survivor function of paired recurrent event data were developed. The asymptotic properties of the estimators were studied. The proposed estimators were applied to a real life data set. Simulation studies were carried out to find the efficiency of the proposed estimators.


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Pheochromocytomas are rare neoplasias of neural crest origin arising from chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla and sympathetic ganglia (extra-adrenal pheochromocytoma). Pheochromocytoma that develop in rats homozygous for a loss-of-function mutation in p27Kip1 (MENX syndrome) show a clear progression from hyperplasia to tumor, offering the possibility to gain insight into tumor pathobiology. We compared the gene-expression signatures of both adrenomedullary hyperplasia and pheochromocytoma with normal rat adrenal medulla. Hyperplasia and tumor show very similar transcriptome profiles, indicating early determination of the tumorigenic signature. Overrepresentation of developmentally regulated neural genes was a feature of the rat lesions. Quantitative RT-PCR validated the up-regulation of 11 genes, including some involved in neural development: Cdkn2a, Cdkn2c, Neurod1, Gal, Bmp7, and Phox2a. Overexpression of these genes precedes histological changes in affected adrenal glands. Their presence at early stages of tumorigenesis indicates they are not acquired during progression and may be a result of the lack of functional p27Kip1. Adrenal and extra-adrenal pheochromocytoma development clearly follows diverged molecular pathways in MENX rats. To correlate these findings to human pheochromocytoma, we studied nine genes overexpressed in the rat lesions in 46 sporadic and familial human pheochromocytomas. The expression of GAL, DGKH, BMP7, PHOX2A, L1CAM, TCTE1, EBF3, SOX4, and HASH1 was up-regulated, although with different frequencies. Immunohistochemical staining detected high L1CAM expression selectively in 27 human pheochromocytomas but not in 140 nonchromaffin neuroendocrine tumors. These studies reveal clues to the molecular pathways involved in rat and human pheochromocytoma and identify previously unexplored biomarkers for clinical use.


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The multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technique can be used to improve the performance of ad hoc networks. Various medium access control (MAC) protocols with multiple contention slots have been proposed to exploit spatial multiplexing for increasing the transport throughput of MIMO ad hoc networks. However, the existence of multiple request-to-send/clear-to-send (RTS/CTS) contention slots represents a severe overhead that limits the improvement on transport throughput achieved by spatial multiplexing. In addition, when the number of contention slots is fixed, the efficiency of RTS/CTS contention is affected by the transmitting power of network nodes. In this study, a joint optimisation scheme on both transmitting power and contention slots number for maximising the transport throughput is presented. This includes the establishment of an analytical model of a simplified MAC protocol with multiple contention slots, the derivation of transport throughput as a function of both transmitting power and the number of contention slots, and the optimisation process based on the transport throughput formula derived. The analytical results obtained, verified by simulation, show that much higher transport throughput can be achieved using the joint optimisation scheme proposed, compared with the non-optimised cases and the results previously reported.


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Bedforms such as dunes and ripples are ubiquitous in rivers and coastal seas, and commonly described as triangular shapes from which height and length are calculated to estimate hydrodynamic and sediment dynamic parameters. Natural bedforms, however, present a far more complicated morphology; the difference between natural bedform shape and the often assumed triangular shape is usually neglected, and how this may affect the flow is unknown. This study investigates the shapes of natural bedforms and how they influence flow and shear stress, based on four datasets extracted from earlier studies on two rivers (the Rio Paraná in Argentina, and the Lower Rhine in The Netherlands). The most commonly occurring morphological elements are a sinusoidal stoss side made of one segment and a lee side made of two segments, a gently sloping upper lee side and a relatively steep (6 to 21°) slip face. A non-hydrostatic numerical model, set up using Delft3D, served to simulate the flow over fixed bedforms with various morphologies derived from the identified morphological elements. Both shear stress and turbulence increase with increasing slip face angle and are only marginally affected by the dimensions and positions of the upper and lower lee side. The average slip face angle determined from the bed profiles is 14°, over which there is no permanent flow separation. Shear stress and turbulence above natural bedforms are higher than above a flat bed but much lower than over the often assumed 30° lee side angle.


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A decision-maker, when faced with a limited and fixed budget to collect data in support of a multiple attribute selection decision, must decide how many samples to observe from each alternative and attribute. This allocation decision is of particular importance when the information gained leads to uncertain estimates of the attribute values as with sample data collected from observations such as measurements, experimental evaluations, or simulation runs. For example, when the U.S. Department of Homeland Security must decide upon a radiation detection system to acquire, a number of performance attributes are of interest and must be measured in order to characterize each of the considered systems. We identified and evaluated several approaches to incorporate the uncertainty in the attribute value estimates into a normative model for a multiple attribute selection decision. Assuming an additive multiple attribute value model, we demonstrated the idea of propagating the attribute value uncertainty and describing the decision values for each alternative as probability distributions. These distributions were used to select an alternative. With the goal of maximizing the probability of correct selection we developed and evaluated, under several different sets of assumptions, procedures to allocate the fixed experimental budget across the multiple attributes and alternatives. Through a series of simulation studies, we compared the performance of these allocation procedures to the simple, but common, allocation procedure that distributed the sample budget equally across the alternatives and attributes. We found the allocation procedures that were developed based on the inclusion of decision-maker knowledge, such as knowledge of the decision model, outperformed those that neglected such information. Beginning with general knowledge of the attribute values provided by Bayesian prior distributions, and updating this knowledge with each observed sample, the sequential allocation procedure performed particularly well. These observations demonstrate that managing projects focused on a selection decision so that the decision modeling and the experimental planning are done jointly, rather than in isolation, can improve the overall selection results.


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Sexual dysfunction (SD) affects up to 80% of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and pelvic floor muscles (PFMs) play an important role in the sexual function of these patients. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the impact of a rehabilitation program to treat lower urinary tract symptoms on SD of women with MS. Thirty MS women were randomly allocated to one of three groups: pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) with electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback and sham neuromuscular electrostimulation (NMES) (Group I), PFMT with EMG biofeedback and intravaginal NMES (Group II), and PFMT with EMG biofeedback and transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (TTNS) (Group III). Assessments, before and after the treatment, included: PFM function, PFM tone, flexibility of the vaginal opening and ability to relax the PFMs, and the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire. After treatment, all groups showed improvements in all domains of the PERFECT scheme. PFM tone and flexibility of the vaginal opening was lower after the intervention only for Group II. All groups improved in arousal, lubrication, satisfaction and total score domains of the FSFI questionnaire. This study indicates that PFMT alone or in combination with intravaginal NMES or TTNS contributes to the improvement of SD.


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Palpable mass is a common complaint presented to the breast surgeon. It is very uncommon for patients to report breast mass associated with palpable masses in other superficial structures. When these masses are related to systemic granulomatous diseases, the diagnosis and initiation of specific therapy can be challenging. The purpose of this paper is to report a case initially assessed by the breast surgeon and ultimately diagnosed as granulomatous variant of T-cell lymphoma, and discuss the main systemic granulomatous diseases associated with palpable masses involving the breast.


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The motivation for this research is to make a comparison between dynamic results of a free railway wheelset derailment and safety limits. For this purpose, a numerical simulation of a wheelset derailment submitted to increasing lateral force is used to compare with the safety limit, using different criteria. A simplified wheelset model is used to simulate derailments with different adhesion conditions. The contact force components, including the longitudinal and spin effects, are identified in a steady-state condition on the verge of a derailment. The contact force ratios are used in a three-dimensional (3D) analytical formula to calculate the safety limits. Simulation results obtained with two contact methods were compared with the published results and the safety limit was identified with the two criteria. Results confirm Nadal`s conservative aspect and show that safety 3D analytical formula presents slightly higher safety limits for lower friction coefficients and smaller limits for high friction, in comparison with the simulation results with Fastsim.


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OctVCE is a cartesian cell CFD code produced especially for numerical simulations of shock and blast wave interactions with complex geometries. Virtual Cell Embedding (VCE) was chosen as its cartesian cell kernel as it is simple to code and sufficient for practical engineering design problems. This also makes the code much more ‘user-friendly’ than structured grid approaches as the gridding process is done automatically. The CFD methodology relies on a finite-volume formulation of the unsteady Euler equations and is solved using a standard explicit Godonov (MUSCL) scheme. Both octree-based adaptive mesh refinement and shared-memory parallel processing capability have also been incorporated. For further details on the theory behind the code, see the companion report 2007/12.