1000 resultados para Sim1 gene
L’obésité provient d’un déséquilibre de l’homéostasie énergétique, c’est-à-dire une augmentation des apports caloriques et/ou une diminution des dépenses énergétiques. Plusieurs données, autant anatomiques que physiologiques, démontrent que l’hypothalamus est un régulateur critique de l’appétit et des dépenses énergétiques. En particulier, le noyau paraventriculaire (noyau PV) de l’hypothalamus intègre plusieurs signaux provenant du système nerveux central (SNC) et/ou de la périphérie, afin de contrôler l’homéostasie énergétique via des projections axonales sur les neurones pré-ganglionnaires du système autonome situé dans le troc cérébral et la moelle épinière. Plusieurs facteurs de transcription, impliqués dans le développement du noyau PV, ont été identifiés. Le facteur de transcription SIM1, qui est produit par virtuellement tous les neurones du noyau PV, est requis pour le développement du noyau PV. En effet, lors d’une étude antérieure, nous avons montré que le noyau PV ne se développe pas chez les souris homozygotes pour un allèle nul de Sim1. Ces souris meurent à la naissance, probablement à cause des anomalies du noyau PV. Par contre, les souris hétérozygotes survivent, mais développent une obésité précoce. De façon intéressante, le noyau PV des souris Sim1+/- est hypodéveloppé, contenant 24% moins de cellules. Ces données suggèrent fortement que ces anomalies du développement pourraient perturber le fonctionnement du noyau PV et contribuer au développement du phénotype d’obésité. Dans ce contexte, nous avons entrepris des travaux expérimentaux ayant pour but d’étudier l’impact de l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 sur : 1) le développement du noyau PV et de ses projections neuronales efférentes; 2) l’homéostasie énergétique; et 3) les voies neuronales physiologiques contrôlant l’homéostasie énergétique chez les souris Sim1+/-. A cette fin, nous avons utilisé : 1) des injections stéréotaxiques combinées à des techniques d’immunohistochimie afin de déterminer l’impact de l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 sur le développement du noyau PV et de ses projections neuronales efférentes; 2) le paradigme des apports caloriques pairés, afin de déterminer l’impact de l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 sur l’homéostasie énergétique; et 3) une approche pharmacologique, c’est-à-dire l’administration intra- cérébroventriculaire (i.c.v.) et/ou intra-péritonéale (i.p.) de peptides anorexigènes, la mélanotane II (MTII), la leptine et la cholécystokinine (CCK), afin de déterminer l’impact de l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 sur les voies neuronales contrôlant l’homéostasie énergétique. Dans un premier temps, nous avons constaté une diminution de 61% et de 65% de l’expression de l’ARN messager (ARNm) de l’ocytocine (Ot) et de l’arginine-vasopressine (Vp), respectivement, chez les embryons Sim1+/- de 18.5 jours (E18.5). De plus, le nombre de cellules produisant l’OT et la VP est apparu diminué de 84% et 41%, respectivement, chez les souris Sim1+/- adultes. L’analyse du marquage axonal rétrograde des efférences du noyau PV vers le tronc cérébral, en particulier ses projections sur le noyau tractus solitaire (NTS) aussi que le noyau dorsal moteur du nerf vague (X) (DMV), a permis de démontrer une diminution de 74% de ces efférences. Cependant, la composition moléculaire de ces projections neuronales reste inconnue. Nos résultats indiquent que l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 : i) perturbe spécifiquement le développement des cellules produisant l’OT et la VP; et ii) abolit le développement d’une portion importante des projections du noyau PV sur le tronc cérébral, et notamment ses projections sur le NTS et le DMV. Ces observations soulèvent donc la possibilité que ces anomalies du développement du noyau PV contribuent au phénotype d’hyperphagie des souris Sim1+/-. En second lieu, nous avons observé que la croissance pondérale des souris Sim1+/- et des souris Sim1+/+ n’était pas significativement différente lorsque la quantité de calories présentée aux souris Sim1+/- était la même que celle consommée par les souris Sim1+/+. De plus, l’analyse qualitative et quantitative des tissus adipeux blancs et des tissus adipeux bruns n’a démontré aucune différence significative en ce qui a trait à la taille et à la masse de ces tissus chez les deux groupes. Finalement, au terme de ces expériences, les souris Sim1+/--pairées n’étaient pas différentes des souris Sim1+/+ en ce qui a trait à leur insulinémie et leur contenu en triglycérides du foie et des masses adipeuses, alors que tous ces paramètres étaient augmentés chez les souris Sim1+/- nourries ad libitum. Ces résultats laissent croire que l’hyperphagie, et non une diminution des dépenses énergétiques, est la cause principale de l’obésité des souris Sim1+/-. Par conséquent, ces résultats suggèrent que : i) l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 est associée à une augmentation de l’apport calorique sans toutefois moduler les dépenses énergétiques; ii) l’existence d’au moins deux voies neuronales issues du noyau PV : l’une qui régule la prise alimentaire et l’autre la thermogénèse; et iii) l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 affecte spécifiquement la voie neuronale qui régule la prise alimentaire. En dernier lieu, nous avons montré que l’injection de MTII, de leptine ainsi que de CCK induit une diminution significative de la consommation calorique des souris des deux génotypes, Sim1+/+ et Sim1+/-. De fait, la consommation calorique cumulative des souris Sim1+/- et Sim1+/+ est diminuée de 37% et de 51%, respectivement, durant les 4 heures suivant l’administration i.p. de MTII comparativement à l’administration d’une solution saline. Lors de l’administration i.c.v. de la leptine, la consommation calorique cumulative des souris Sim1+/- et Sim1+/+ est diminuée de 47% et de 32%, respectivement. Finalement, l’injection i.p. de CCK diminue la consommation calorique des souris Sim1+/- et Sim1+/+ de 52% et de 36%, respectivement. L’ensemble des résultats suggère ici que l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 diminue l’activité de certaines voies neuronales régulant l’homéostasie énergétique, et particulièrement de celles qui contrôlent la prise alimentaire. En résumé, ces travaux ont montré que l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 affecte plusieurs processus du développement au sein du noyau PV. Ces anomalies du développement peuvent conduire à des dysfonctions de certains processus physiologiques distincts régulés par le noyau PV, et notamment de la prise alimentaire, et contribuer ainsi au phénotype d’obésité. Les souris hétérozygotes pour le gène Sim1 représentent donc un modèle animal unique, où l’hyperphagie, et non les dépenses énergétiques, est la principale cause de l’obésité. En conséquence, ces souris pourraient représenter un modèle expérimental intéressant pour l’étude des mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires en contrôle de la prise alimentaire.
Une cascade de facteurs de transcription composée de SIM1, ARNT2, OTP, BRN2 et SIM2 est requise pour la différenciation des cinq types cellulaires qui peuplent le noyau paraventriculaire (PVN) de l’hypothalamus, un régulateur critique de plusieurs processus physiologiques essentiels à la survie. De plus, l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 est aussi une cause d’hyperphagie isolée chez la souris et chez l’homme. Nous désirons disséquer le programme développemental du PVN, via une approche intégrative, afin d’identifier de nouveaux gènes qui ont le potentiel de réguler l’homéostasie chez l’individu adulte. Premièrement, nous avons utilisé une approche incluant l’analyse du transcriptome du PVN à différents stades du développement de la souris pour identifier de tels gènes. Nous avons comparé les transcriptomes de l’hypothalamus antérieur chez des embryons de souris Sim1+/+ et Sim1-/- à E12.5 issus de la même portée. De cette manière, nous avons identifié 56 gènes agissant en aval de Sim1 dont 5 facteurs de transcription - Irx3, Sax1, Rxrg, Ror et Neurod6. Nous avons également proposé un modèle de développement à deux couches de l’hypothalamus antérieur. Selon ce modèle, les gènes qui occupent un domaine médial dans la zone du manteau caractérisent des cellules qui peupleront le PVN alors que les gènes qui ont une expression latérale identifient des cellules qui donneront plus tard naissance aux structures ventrolatérales de l’hypothalamus. Nous avons aussi démontré que Sim1 est impliqué à la fois dans la différenciation, la migration et la prolifération des neurones qui peuplent le PVN tout comme Otp. Nous avons également isolé par microdissection au laser le PVN et l’hypothalamus médiobasal chez des souris de type sauvage à E14.5 pour en comparer les transcriptomes. Ceci nous a permis d’identifier 34 facteurs de transcription spécifiques au PVN et 76 facteurs spécifiques à l’hypothalamus médiobasal. Ces gènes représentent des régulateurs potentiels du développement hypothalamique. Deuxièmement, nous avons identifié 3 blocs de séquences au sein de la région 5’ d’Otp qui sont conservés chez l’homme, la souris et le poisson. Nous avons construit un transgène qui est composé d’un fragment de 7 kb contenant ces blocs de séquences et d’un gène rapporteur. L’analyse de 4 lignées de souris a montré que ce transgène est uniquement exprimé dans le PVN en développement. Nous avons généré un deuxième transgène dans lequel le fragment de 7 kb est inséré en amont de l’ADNc de Brn2 ou Sim1 et de Gfp. Nous avons obtenu quatre lignées de souris dans lesquels le profil d’expression de Brn2 et de Gfp reproduit celui d’Otp. Nous étudierons le développement du PVN et la prise alimentaire chez ces souris. En parallèle, nous croisons ces lignées avec les souris déficientes en Sim1 pour déterminer si l’expression de Brn2 permet le développement des cellules du PVN en absence de Sim1. En résumé, nous avons généré le premier transgène qui est exprimé spécifiquement dans le PVN. Ce transgène constitue un outil critique pour la dissection du programme développemental de l’hypothalamus. Troisièmement, nous avons caractérisé le développement de l’hypothalamus antérieur chez l’embryon de poulet qui représente un modèle intéressant pour réaliser des études de perte et de gain de fonction au cours du développement de cette structure. Il faut souligner que le modèle de développement à deux couches de l’hypothalamus antérieur semble être conservé chez l’embryon de poulet où il est aussi possible de classer les gènes selon leur profil d’expression médio-latéral et le devenir des régions qu’ils définissent. Finalement, nous croyons que cette approche intégrative nous permettra d’identifier et de caractériser des régulateurs du développement du PVN qui pourront potentiellement être associés à des pathologies chez l’adulte telles que l’obésité ou l’hypertension.
The ubiquitously expressed basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH)-PAS protein ARNT (arylhydrocarbon receptor nuclear transporter) forms transcriptionally active heterodimers with a variety of other bHLH-PAS proteins, including HIF-1α (hypoxia-inducible factor-1α) and AHR (arylhydrocarbon receptor). These complexes regulate gene expression in response to hypoxia and xenobiotics, respectively, and mutation of the murine Arnt locus results in embryonic death by day 10.5 associated with placental, vascular, and hematopoietic defects. The closely related protein ARNT2 is highly expressed in the central nervous system and kidney and also forms complexes with HIF-1α and AHR. To assess unique roles for ARNT2 in development, and reveal potential functional overlap with ARNT, we generated a targeted null mutation of the murine Arnt2 locus. Arnt2−/− embryos die perinatally and exhibit impaired hypothalamic development, phenotypes previously observed for a targeted mutation in the murine bHLH-PAS gene Sim1 (Single-minded 1), and consistent with the recent proposal that ARNT2 and SIM1 form an essential heterodimer in vivo [Michaud, J. L., DeRossi, C., May, N. R., Holdener, B. C. & Fan, C. (2000) Mech. Dev. 90, 253–261]. In addition, cultured Arnt2−/− neurons display decreased hypoxic induction of HIF-1 target genes, demonstrating formally that ARNT2/HIF-1α complexes regulate oxygen-responsive genes. Finally, a strong genetic interaction between Arnt and Arnt2 mutations was observed, indicating that either gene can fulfill essential functions in a dose-dependent manner before embryonic day 8.5. These results demonstrate that Arnt and Arnt2 have both unique and overlapping essential functions in embryonic development.
Graphene and carbon nanotube nanocomposite (GCN) was synthesised and applied in gene transfection of pIRES plasmid conjugated with green fluorescent protein (GFP) in NIH-3T3 and NG97 cell lines. The tips of the multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were exfoliated by oxygen plasma etching, which is also known to attach oxygen content groups on the MWCNT surfaces, changing their hydrophobicity. The nanocomposite was characterised by high resolution scanning electron microscopy; energy-dispersive X-ray, Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectroscopies, as well as zeta potential and particle size analyses using dynamic light scattering. BET adsorption isotherms showed the GCN to have an effective surface area of 38.5m(2)/g. The GCN and pIRES plasmid conjugated with the GFP gene, forming π-stacking when dispersed in water by magnetic stirring, resulting in a helical wrap. The measured zeta potential confirmed that the plasmid was connected to the nanocomposite. The NIH-3T3 and NG97 cell lines could phagocytize this wrap. The gene transfection was characterised by fluorescent protein produced in the cells and pictured by fluorescent microscopy. Before application, we studied GCN cell viability in NIH-3T3 and NG97 line cells using both MTT and Neutral Red uptake assays. Our results suggest that GCN has moderate stability behaviour as colloid solution and has great potential as a gene carrier agent in non-viral based therapy, with low cytotoxicity and good transfection efficiency.
For the first time, oxygen terminated cellulose carbon nanoparticles (CCN) was synthesised and applied in gene transfection of pIRES plasmid. The CCN was prepared from catalytic of polyaniline by chemical vapour deposition techniques. This plasmid contains one gene that encodes the green fluorescent protein (GFP) in eukaryotic cells, making them fluorescent. This new nanomaterial and pIRES plasmid formed π-stacking when dispersed in water by magnetic stirring. The frequencies shift in zeta potential confirmed the plasmid strongly connects to the nanomaterial. In vitro tests found that this conjugation was phagocytised by NG97, NIH-3T3 and A549 cell lines making them fluorescent, which was visualised by fluorescent microscopy. Before the transfection test, we studied CCN in cell viability. Both MTT and Neutral Red uptake tests were carried out using NG97, NIH-3T3 and A549 cell lines. Further, we use metabolomics to verify if small amounts of nanomaterial would be enough to cause some cellular damage in NG97 cells. We showed two mechanisms of action by CCN-DNA complex, producing an exogenous protein by the transfected cell and metabolomic changes that contributed by better understanding of glioblastoma, being the major finding of this work. Our results suggested that this nanomaterial has great potential as a gene carrier agent in non-viral based therapy, with low cytotoxicity, good transfection efficiency, and low cell damage in small amounts of nanomaterials in metabolomic tests.
Differential gene expression analysis by suppression subtractive hybridization with correlation to the metabolic pathways involved in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) may provide a new insight into the pathogenesis of CML. Among the overexpressed genes found in CML at diagnosis are SEPT5, RUNX1, MIER1, KPNA6 and FLT3, while PAN3, TOB1 and ITCH were decreased when compared to healthy volunteers. Some genes were identified and involved in CML for the first time, including TOB1, which showed a low expression in patients with CML during tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment with no complete cytogenetic response. In agreement, reduced expression of TOB1 was also observed in resistant patients with CML compared to responsive patients. This might be related to the deregulation of apoptosis and the signaling pathway leading to resistance. Most of the identified genes were related to the regulation of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), AKT, interferon and interleukin-4 (IL-4) in healthy cells. The results of this study combined with literature data show specific gene pathways that might be explored as markers to assess the evolution and prognosis of CML as well as identify new therapeutic targets.
High-throughput screening of physical, genetic and chemical-genetic interactions brings important perspectives in the Systems Biology field, as the analysis of these interactions provides new insights into protein/gene function, cellular metabolic variations and the validation of therapeutic targets and drug design. However, such analysis depends on a pipeline connecting different tools that can automatically integrate data from diverse sources and result in a more comprehensive dataset that can be properly interpreted. We describe here the Integrated Interactome System (IIS), an integrative platform with a web-based interface for the annotation, analysis and visualization of the interaction profiles of proteins/genes, metabolites and drugs of interest. IIS works in four connected modules: (i) Submission module, which receives raw data derived from Sanger sequencing (e.g. two-hybrid system); (ii) Search module, which enables the user to search for the processed reads to be assembled into contigs/singlets, or for lists of proteins/genes, metabolites and drugs of interest, and add them to the project; (iii) Annotation module, which assigns annotations from several databases for the contigs/singlets or lists of proteins/genes, generating tables with automatic annotation that can be manually curated; and (iv) Interactome module, which maps the contigs/singlets or the uploaded lists to entries in our integrated database, building networks that gather novel identified interactions, protein and metabolite expression/concentration levels, subcellular localization and computed topological metrics, GO biological processes and KEGG pathways enrichment. This module generates a XGMML file that can be imported into Cytoscape or be visualized directly on the web. We have developed IIS by the integration of diverse databases following the need of appropriate tools for a systematic analysis of physical, genetic and chemical-genetic interactions. IIS was validated with yeast two-hybrid, proteomics and metabolomics datasets, but it is also extendable to other datasets. IIS is freely available online at: http://www.lge.ibi.unicamp.br/lnbio/IIS/.
Bisphenol-A (BPA) is one of the most widespread EDCs used as a base compound in the manufacture of polycarbonate plastics. The aim of our research has been to study how the exposure to BPA during pregnancy affects weight, glucose homeostasis, pancreatic β-cell function and gene expression in the major peripheral organs that control energy flux: white adipose tissue (WAT), the liver and skeletal muscle, in male offspring 17 and 28 weeks old. Pregnant mice were treated with a subcutaneous injection of 10 µg/kg/day of BPA or a vehicle from day 9 to 16 of pregnancy. One month old offspring were divided into four different groups: vehicle treated mice that ate a normal chow diet (Control group); BPA treated mice that also ate a normal chow diet (BPA); vehicle treated animals that had a high fat diet (HFD) and BPA treated animals that were fed HFD (HFD-BPA). The BPA group started to gain weight at 18 weeks old and caught up to the HFD group before week 28. The BPA group as well as the HFD and HFD-BPA ones presented fasting hyperglycemia, glucose intolerance and high levels of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) in plasma compared with the Control one. Glucose stimulated insulin release was disrupted, particularly in the HFD-BPA group. In WAT, the mRNA expression of the genes involved in fatty acid metabolism, Srebpc1, Pparα and Cpt1β was decreased by BPA to the same extent as with the HFD treatment. BPA treatment upregulated Pparγ and Prkaa1 genes in the liver; yet it diminished the expression of Cd36. Hepatic triglyceride levels were increased in all groups compared to control. In conclusion, male offspring from BPA-treated mothers presented symptoms of diabesity. This term refers to a form of diabetes which typically develops in later life and is associated with obesity.
Pyrimidine-5'-nucleotidase type I (P5'NI) deficiency is an autosomal recessive condition that causes nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia, characterized by marked basophilic stippling and pyrimidine nucleotide accumulation in erythrocytes. We herein present two African descendant patients, father and daughter, with P5'N deficiency, both born from first cousins. Investigation of the promoter polymorphism of the uridine diphospho glucuronosyl transferase 1A (UGT1A) gene revealed that the father was homozygous for the allele (TA7) and the daughter heterozygous (TA6/TA7). P5'NI gene (NT5C3) gene sequencing revealed a further change in homozygosity at amino acid position 56 (p.R56G), located in a highly conserved region. Both patients developed gallstones; however the father, who had undergone surgery for the removal of stones, had extremely severe intrahepatic cholestasis and, liver biopsy revealed fibrosis and siderosis grade III, leading us to believe that the homozygosity of the UGT1A polymorphism was responsible for the more severe clinical features in the father. Moreover, our results show how the clinical expression of hemolytic anemia is influenced by epistatic factors and we describe a new mutation in the P5'N gene associated with enzyme deficiency, iron overload, and severe gallstone formation. To our knowledge, this is the first description of P5'N deficiency in South Americans.
Hevea brasiliensis is a native species of the Amazon Basin of South America and the primary source of natural rubber worldwide. Due to the occurrence of South American Leaf Blight disease in this area, rubber plantations have been extended to suboptimal regions. Rubber tree breeding is time-consuming and expensive, but molecular markers can serve as a tool for early evaluation, thus reducing time and costs. In this work, we constructed six different cDNA libraries with the aim of developing gene-targeted molecular markers for the rubber tree. A total of 8,263 reads were assembled, generating 5,025 unigenes that were analyzed; 912 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) represented new transcripts, and two sequences were highly up-regulated by cold stress. These unigenes were scanned for microsatellite (SSR) regions and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In total, 169 novel EST-SSR markers were developed; 138 loci were polymorphic in the rubber tree, and 98 % presented transferability to six other Hevea species. Locus duplication was observed in H. brasiliensis and other species. Additionally, 43 SNP markers in 13 sequences that showed similarity to proteins involved in stress response, latex biosynthesis and developmental processes were characterized. cDNA libraries are a rich source of SSR and SNP markers and enable the identification of new transcripts. The new markers developed here will be a valuable resource for linkage mapping, QTL identification and other studies in the rubber tree and can also be used to evaluate the genetic variability of other Hevea species, which are valuable assets in rubber tree breeding.
The aim of the present work was to produce a cationic solid lipid nanoparticle (SLN) as non-viral vector for protein delivery. Cationic SLN were produced by double emulsion method, composed of softisan(®) 100, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), Tween(®) 80, Span(®) 80, glycerol and lipoid(®) S75 loading insulin as model protein. The formulation was characterized in terms of mean hydrodynamic diameter (z-ave), polydispersity index (PI), zeta potential (ZP), stability during storage time, stability after lyophilization, effect of toxicity and transfection ability in HeLa cells, in vitro release profile and morphology. SLN were stable for 30days and showed minimal changes in their physicochemical properties after lyophilization. The particles exhibited a relatively slow release, spherical morphology and were able to transfect HeLa cells, but toxicity remained an obstacle. Results suggest that SLN are nevertheless promising for delivery of proteins or nucleic acids for gene therapy.
Mutations in the FGFR3 gene cause the phenotypic spectrum of FGFR3 chondrodysplasias ranging from lethal forms to the milder phenotype seen in hypochondroplasia (Hch). The p.N540K mutation in the FGFR3 gene occurs in ∼70% of individuals with Hch, and nearly 30% of individuals with the Hch phenotype have no mutations in the FGFR3, which suggests genetic heterogeneity. The identification of a severe case of Hch associated with the typical mutation c.1620C > A and the occurrence of a c.1150T > C change that resulted in a p.F384L in exon 10, together with the suspicion that this second change could be a modulator of the phenotype, prompted us to investigate this hypothesis in a cohort of patients. An analysis of 48 patients with FGFR3 chondrodysplasia phenotypes and 330 healthy (control) individuals revealed no significant difference in the frequency of the C allele at the c.1150 position (p = 0.34). One patient carrying the combination `pathogenic mutation plus the allelic variant c.1150T > C' had a typical achondroplasia (Ach) phenotype. In addition, three other patients with atypical phenotypes showed no association with the allelic variant. Together, these results do not support the hypothesis of a modulatory role for the c.1150T > C change in the FGFR3 gene.
The phytopathogenic fungus Moniliophthora perniciosa (Stahel) Aime & Philips-Mora, causal agent of witches' broom disease of cocoa, causes countless damage to cocoa production in Brazil. Molecular studies have attempted to identify genes that play important roles in fungal survival and virulence. In this study, sequences deposited in the M. perniciosa Genome Sequencing Project database were analyzed to identify potential biological targets. For the first time, the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway in M. perniciosa was studied and the lanosterol 14α-demethylase gene (ERG11) that encodes the main enzyme of this pathway and is a target for fungicides was cloned, characterized molecularly and its phylogeny analyzed. ERG11 genomic DNA and cDNA were characterized and sequence analysis of the ERG11 protein identified highly conserved domains typical of this enzyme, such as SRS1, SRS4, EXXR and the heme-binding region (HBR). Comparison of the protein sequences and phylogenetic analysis revealed that the M. perniciosa enzyme was most closely related to that of Coprinopsis cinerea.
To characterize cumulative joint damage (CJD) patterns in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and determine their associations with demographic/clinical features and HLA-DRB1 gene polymorphism. Hand and foot radiographs were obtained from 404 patients with RA. CJD patterns were determined by 3 derivations from Sharp/van der Heijde scores, obtained by the mathematical division of scores for hands/feet (Sharp-h/f score), fingers/wrists (Sharp-f/w score), and erosion/space narrowing (Sharp-e/sn score), respectively. DNA and serum were obtained for determination of HLA-DRB1 polymorphism, rheumatoid factor (RF), and anticitrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA). Patients with wrist-dominant CJD pattern were more likely to have severe RA than those with finger-dominant pattern (68.4% vs 46.0%; p = 0.036) as were those with foot-dominant vs hand-dominant CJD pattern (76.5% vs 56.4%; p = 0.044). HLA-DRB1 shared epitope (SE) alleles were associated with erosion-dominant CJD pattern (p = 0.021). Patients with erosion-dominant CJD pattern had higher levels of RF and ACPA than those with space-narrowing-dominant CJD pattern (median RF 71.35 U/ml vs 22.05 U/ml, respectively; p = 0.003; median ACPA 187.9 U/ml vs 143.2 U/ml, respectively; p < 0.001). The majority of triple-positive patients (SE+, RF+, ACPA+) had erosion-dominant CJD pattern (62.3%) while the majority of triple-negative patients (SE-, FR-, ACPA-) had space narrowing-dominant CJD pattern (75%; p = 0.017). ACPA was associated with HLA-DRB1 SE alleles (p < 0.05). Patients with foot-dominant CJD pattern were taller than those with hand-dominant CJD pattern (p = 0.002); those with erosion-dominant CJD pattern had higher weight and body mass index than those with space narrowing-dominant CJD pattern (p = 0.014, p = 0.001). CJD patterns were associated with disease severity, HLA-DRB1 SE status, presence and titer of ACPA and RF, and morphometric features.
Mesangial cells subject to high extracellular glucose concentrations, as occur in hyperglycaemic states, are unable to down regulate glucose influx, resulting in intracellular activation of deleterious biochemical pathways. A high expression of GLUT1 participates in the development of diabetic glomerulopathy. Variants in the gene encoding GLUT1 (SLC2A1) have been associated to this diabetic complication. The aim of this study was to test whether polymorphisms in SLC2A1 confer susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy (DN) in Brazilian type 1 diabetes patients. Four polymorphisms (rs3820589, rs1385129, rs841847 and rs841848) were genotyped in a Brazilian cohort comprised of 452 patients. A prospective analysis was performed in 155 patients. Mean duration of follow-up was 5.6±2.4years and the incidence of renal events was 18.0%. The rs3820589 presented an inverse association with the prevalence of incipient DN (OR: 0.36, 95% CI: 0.16 - 0.80, p=0.01) and with progression to renal events (HR: 0.20; 95% CI: 0.03 - 0.70; p=0.009). AGGT and AGAC haplotypes were associated with the prevalence of incipient DN and the AGAC haplotype was also associated with the prevalence of established/advanced DN. In conclusion, rs3820589 in the SLC2A1 gene modulates the risk to DN in Brazilian patients with inadequate type 1 diabetes control.