907 resultados para Signal detection Mathematical models


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Two-dimensional magnetic recording (2-D TDMR) is an emerging technology that aims to achieve areal densities as high as 10 Tb/in(2) using sophisticated 2-D signal-processing algorithms. High areal densities are achieved by reducing the size of a bit to the order of the size of magnetic grains, resulting in severe 2-D intersymbol interference (ISI). Jitter noise due to irregular grain positions on the magnetic medium is more pronounced at these areal densities. Therefore, a viable read-channel architecture for TDMR requires 2-D signal-detection algorithms that can mitigate 2-D ISI and combat noise comprising jitter and electronic components. Partial response maximum likelihood (PRML) detection scheme allows controlled ISI as seen by the detector. With the controlled and reduced span of 2-D ISI, the PRML scheme overcomes practical difficulties such as Nyquist rate signaling required for full response 2-D equalization. As in the case of 1-D magnetic recording, jitter noise can be handled using a data-dependent noise-prediction (DDNP) filter bank within a 2-D signal-detection engine. The contributions of this paper are threefold: 1) we empirically study the jitter noise characteristics in TDMR as a function of grain density using a Voronoi-based granular media model; 2) we develop a 2-D DDNP algorithm to handle the media noise seen in TDMR; and 3) we also develop techniques to design 2-D separable and nonseparable targets for generalized partial response equalization for TDMR. This can be used along with a 2-D signal-detection algorithm. The DDNP algorithm is observed to give a 2.5 dB gain in SNR over uncoded data compared with the noise predictive maximum likelihood detection for the same choice of channel model parameters to achieve a channel bit density of 1.3 Tb/in(2) with media grain center-to-center distance of 10 nm. The DDNP algorithm is observed to give similar to 10% gain in areal density near 5 grains/bit. The proposed signal-processing framework can broadly scale to various TDMR realizations and areal density points.


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In cardiac myocytes (heart muscle cells), coupling of electric signal known as the action potential to contraction of the heart depends crucially on calcium-induced calcium release (CICR) in a microdomain known as the dyad. During CICR, the peak number of free calcium ions (Ca) present in the dyad is small, typically estimated to be within range 1-100. Since the free Ca ions mediate CICR, noise in Ca signaling due to the small number of free calcium ions influences Excitation-Contraction (EC) coupling gain. Noise in Ca signaling is only one noise type influencing cardiac myocytes, e.g., ion channels playing a central role in action potential propagation are stochastic machines, each of which gates more or less randomly, which produces gating noise present in membrane currents. How various noise sources influence macroscopic properties of a myocyte, how noise is attenuated and taken advantage of are largely open questions. In this thesis, the impact of noise on CICR, EC coupling and, more generally, macroscopic properties of a cardiac myocyte is investigated at multiple levels of detail using mathematical models. Complementarily to the investigation of the impact of noise on CICR, computationally-efficient yet spatially-detailed models of CICR are developed. The results of this thesis show that (1) gating noise due to the high-activity mode of L-type calcium channels playing a major role in CICR may induce early after-depolarizations associated with polymorphic tachycardia, which is a frequent precursor to sudden cardiac death in heart failure patients; (2) an increased level of voltage noise typically increases action potential duration and it skews distribution of action potential durations toward long durations in cardiac myocytes; and that (3) while a small number of Ca ions mediate CICR, Excitation-Contraction coupling is robust against this noise source, partly due to the shape of ryanodine receptor protein structures present in the cardiac dyad.


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The abundance of many commercially important fish stocks are declining and this has led to widespread concern on the performance of traditional approach in fisheries management. Quantitative models are used for obtaining estimates of population abundance and the management advice is based on annual harvest levels (TAC), where only a certain amount of catch is allowed from specific fish stocks. However, these models are data intensive and less useful when stocks have limited historical information. This study examined whether empirical stock indicators can be used to manage fisheries. The relationship between indicators and the underlying stock abundance is not direct and hence can be affected by disturbances that may account for both transient and persistent effects. Methods from Statistical Process Control (SPC) theory such as the Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) control charts are useful in classifying these effects and hence they can be used to trigger management response only when a significant impact occurs to the stock biomass. This thesis explores how empirical indicators along with CUSUM can be used for monitoring, assessment and management of fish stocks. I begin my thesis by exploring various age based catch indicators, to identify those which are potentially useful in tracking the state of fish stocks. The sensitivity and response of these indicators towards changes in Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) showed that indicators based on age groups that are fully selected to the fishing gear or Large Fish Indicators (LFIs) are most useful and robust across the range of scenarios considered. The Decision-Interval (DI-CUSUM) and Self-Starting (SS-CUSUM) forms are the two types of control charts used in this study. In contrast to the DI-CUSUM, the SS-CUSUM can be initiated without specifying a target reference point (‘control mean’) to detect out-of-control (significant impact) situations. The sensitivity and specificity of SS-CUSUM showed that the performances are robust when LFIs are used. Once an out-of-control situation is detected, the next step is to determine how much shift has occurred in the underlying stock biomass. If an estimate of this shift is available, they can be used to update TAC by incorporation into Harvest Control Rules (HCRs). Various methods from Engineering Process Control (EPC) theory were tested to determine which method can measure the shift size in stock biomass with the highest accuracy. Results showed that methods based on Grubb’s harmonic rule gave reliable shift size estimates. The accuracy of these estimates can be improved by monitoring a combined indicator metric of stock-recruitment and LFI because this may account for impacts independent of fishing. The procedure of integrating both SPC and EPC is known as Statistical Process Adjustment (SPA). A HCR based on SPA was designed for DI-CUSUM and the scheme was successful in bringing out-of-control fish stocks back to its in-control state. The HCR was also tested using SS-CUSUM in the context of data poor fish stocks. Results showed that the scheme will be useful for sustaining the initial in-control state of the fish stock until more observations become available for quantitative assessments.


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Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is a major threat, not only to countries whose economies rely on agricultural exports, but also to industrialised countries that maintain a healthy domestic livestock industry by eliminating major infectious diseases from their livestock populations. Traditional methods of controlling diseases such as FMD require the rapid detection and slaughter of infected animals, and any susceptible animals with which they may have been in contact, either directly or indirectly. During the 2001 epidemic of FMD in the United Kingdom (UK), this approach was supplemented by a culling policy driven by unvalidated predictive models. The epidemic and its control resulted in the death of approximately ten million animals, public disgust with the magnitude of the slaughter, and political resolve to adopt alternative options, notably including vaccination, to control any future epidemics. The UK experience provides a salutary warning of how models can be abused in the interests of scientific opportunism.


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Introduction and motivation: A wide variety of organisms have developed in-ternal biomolecular clocks in order to adapt to cyclic changes of the environment. Clock operation involves genetic networks. These genetic networks have to be mod¬eled in order to understand the underlying mechanism of oscillations and to design new synthetic cellular clocks. This doctoral thesis has resulted in two contributions to the fields of genetic clocks and systems and synthetic biology, generally. The first contribution is a new genetic circuit model that exhibits an oscillatory behav¬ior through catalytic RNA molecules. The second and major contribution is a new genetic circuit model demonstrating that a repressor molecule acting on the positive feedback of a self-activating gene produces reliable oscillations. First contribution: A new model of a synthetic genetic oscillator based on a typical two-gene motif with one positive and one negative feedback loop is pre¬sented. The originality is that the repressor is a catalytic RNA molecule rather than a protein or a non-catalytic RNA molecule. This catalytic RNA is a ribozyme that acts post-transcriptionally by binding to and cleaving target mRNA molecules. This genetic clock involves just two genes, a mRNA and an activator protein, apart from the ribozyme. Parameter values that produce a circadian period in both determin¬istic and stochastic simulations have been chosen as an example of clock operation. The effects of the stochastic fluctuations are quantified by a period histogram and autocorrelation function. The conclusion is that catalytic RNA molecules can act as repressor proteins and simplify the design of genetic oscillators. Second and major contribution: It is demonstrated that a self-activating gene in conjunction with a simple negative interaction can easily produce robust matically validated. This model is comprised of two clearly distinct parts. The first is a positive feedback created by a protein that binds to the promoter of its own gene and activates the transcription. The second is a negative interaction in which a repressor molecule prevents this protein from binding to its promoter. A stochastic study shows that the system is robust to noise. A deterministic study identifies that the oscillator dynamics are mainly driven by two types of biomolecules: the protein, and the complex formed by the repressor and this protein. The main conclusion of this study is that a simple and usual negative interaction, such as degradation, se¬questration or inhibition, acting on the positive transcriptional feedback of a single gene is a sufficient condition to produce reliable oscillations. One gene is enough and the positive transcriptional feedback signal does not need to activate a second repressor gene. At the genetic level, this means that an explicit negative feedback loop is not necessary. Unlike many genetic oscillators, this model needs neither cooperative binding reactions nor the formation of protein multimers. Applications and future research directions: Recently, RNA molecules have been found to play many new catalytic roles. The first oscillatory genetic model proposed in this thesis uses ribozymes as repressor molecules. This could provide new synthetic biology design principles and a better understanding of cel¬lular clocks regulated by RNA molecules. The second genetic model proposed here involves only a repression acting on a self-activating gene and produces robust oscil¬lations. Unlike current two-gene oscillators, this model surprisingly does not require a second repressor gene. This result could help to clarify the design principles of cellular clocks and constitute a new efficient tool for engineering synthetic genetic oscillators. Possible follow-on research directions are: validate models in vivo and in vitro, research the potential of second model as a genetic memory, investigate new genetic oscillators regulated by non-coding RNAs and design a biosensor of positive feedbacks in genetic networks based on the operation of the second model Resumen Introduccion y motivacion: Una amplia variedad de organismos han desarro-llado relojes biomoleculares internos con el fin de adaptarse a los cambios ciclicos del entorno. El funcionamiento de estos relojes involucra redes geneticas. El mo delado de estas redes geneticas es esencial tanto para entender los mecanismos que producen las oscilaciones como para diseiiar nuevos circuitos sinteticos en celulas. Esta tesis doctoral ha dado lugar a dos contribuciones dentro de los campos de los circuitos geneticos en particular, y biologia de sistemas y sintetica en general. La primera contribucion es un nuevo modelo de circuito genetico que muestra un comportamiento oscilatorio usando moleculas de ARN cataliticas. La segunda y principal contribucion es un nuevo modelo de circuito genetico que demuestra que una molecula represora actuando sobre el lazo de un gen auto-activado produce oscilaciones robustas. Primera contribucion: Es un nuevo modelo de oscilador genetico sintetico basado en una tipica red genetica compuesta por dos genes con dos lazos de retroa-limentacion, uno positivo y otro negativo. La novedad de este modelo es que el represor es una molecula de ARN catalftica, en lugar de una protefna o una molecula de ARN no-catalitica. Este ARN catalitico es una ribozima que actua despues de la transcription genetica uniendose y cortando moleculas de ARN mensajero (ARNm). Este reloj genetico involucra solo dos genes, un ARNm y una proteina activadora, aparte de la ribozima. Como ejemplo de funcionamiento, se han escogido valores de los parametros que producen oscilaciones con periodo circadiano (24 horas) tanto en simulaciones deterministas como estocasticas. El efecto de las fluctuaciones es-tocasticas ha sido cuantificado mediante un histograma del periodo y la función de auto-correlacion. La conclusion es que las moleculas de ARN con propiedades cataliticas pueden jugar el misnio papel que las protemas represoras, y por lo tanto, simplificar el diseno de los osciladores geneticos. Segunda y principal contribucion: Es un nuevo modelo de oscilador genetico que demuestra que un gen auto-activado junto con una simple interaction negativa puede producir oscilaciones robustas. Este modelo ha sido estudiado y validado matematicamente. El modelo esta compuesto de dos partes bien diferenciadas. La primera parte es un lazo de retroalimentacion positiva creado por una proteina que se une al promotor de su propio gen activando la transcription. La segunda parte es una interaction negativa en la que una molecula represora evita la union de la proteina con el promotor. Un estudio estocastico muestra que el sistema es robusto al ruido. Un estudio determinista muestra que la dinamica del sistema es debida principalmente a dos tipos de biomoleculas: la proteina, y el complejo formado por el represor y esta proteina. La conclusion principal de este estudio es que una simple y usual interaction negativa, tal como una degradation, un secuestro o una inhibition, actuando sobre el lazo de retroalimentacion positiva de un solo gen es una condition suficiente para producir oscilaciones robustas. Un gen es suficiente y el lazo de retroalimentacion positiva no necesita activar a un segundo gen represor, tal y como ocurre en los relojes actuales con dos genes. Esto significa que a nivel genetico un lazo de retroalimentacion negativa no es necesario de forma explicita. Ademas, este modelo no necesita reacciones cooperativas ni la formation de multimeros proteicos, al contrario que en muchos osciladores geneticos. Aplicaciones y futuras lineas de investigacion: En los liltimos anos, se han descubierto muchas moleculas de ARN con capacidad catalitica. El primer modelo de oscilador genetico propuesto en esta tesis usa ribozimas como moleculas repre¬soras. Esto podria proporcionar nuevos principios de diseno en biologia sintetica y una mejor comprension de los relojes celulares regulados por moleculas de ARN. El segundo modelo de oscilador genetico propuesto aqui involucra solo una represion actuando sobre un gen auto-activado y produce oscilaciones robustas. Sorprendente-mente, un segundo gen represor no es necesario al contrario que en los bien conocidos osciladores con dos genes. Este resultado podria ayudar a clarificar los principios de diseno de los relojes celulares naturales y constituir una nueva y eficiente he-rramienta para crear osciladores geneticos sinteticos. Algunas de las futuras lineas de investigation abiertas tras esta tesis son: (1) la validation in vivo e in vitro de ambos modelos, (2) el estudio del potential del segundo modelo como circuito base para la construction de una memoria genetica, (3) el estudio de nuevos osciladores geneticos regulados por ARN no codificante y, por ultimo, (4) el rediseno del se¬gundo modelo de oscilador genetico para su uso como biosensor capaz de detectar genes auto-activados en redes geneticas.


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Economic losses resulting from disease development can be reduced by accurate and early detection of plant pathogens. Early detection can provide the grower with useful information on optimal crop rotation patterns, varietal selections, appropriate control measures, harvest date and post harvest handling. Classical methods for the isolation of pathogens are commonly used only after disease symptoms. This frequently results in a delay in application of control measures at potentially important periods in crop production. This paper describes the application of both antibody and DNA based systems to monitor infection risk of air and soil borne fungal pathogens and the use of this information with mathematical models describing risk of disease associated with environmental parameters.


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This thesis is concerned with change point analysis for time series, i.e. with detection of structural breaks in time-ordered, random data. This long-standing research field regained popularity over the last few years and is still undergoing, as statistical analysis in general, a transformation to high-dimensional problems. We focus on the fundamental »change in the mean« problem and provide extensions of the classical non-parametric Darling-Erdős-type cumulative sum (CUSUM) testing and estimation theory within highdimensional Hilbert space settings. In the first part we contribute to (long run) principal component based testing methods for Hilbert space valued time series under a rather broad (abrupt, epidemic, gradual, multiple) change setting and under dependence. For the dependence structure we consider either traditional m-dependence assumptions or more recently developed m-approximability conditions which cover, e.g., MA, AR and ARCH models. We derive Gumbel and Brownian bridge type approximations of the distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis of no change and consistency conditions under the alternative. A new formulation of the test statistic using projections on subspaces allows us to simplify the standard proof techniques and to weaken common assumptions on the covariance structure. Furthermore, we propose to adjust the principal components by an implicit estimation of a (possible) change direction. This approach adds flexibility to projection based methods, weakens typical technical conditions and provides better consistency properties under the alternative. In the second part we contribute to estimation methods for common changes in the means of panels of Hilbert space valued time series. We analyze weighted CUSUM estimates within a recently proposed »high-dimensional low sample size (HDLSS)« framework, where the sample size is fixed but the number of panels increases. We derive sharp conditions on »pointwise asymptotic accuracy« or »uniform asymptotic accuracy« of those estimates in terms of the weighting function. Particularly, we prove that a covariance-based correction of Darling-Erdős-type CUSUM estimates is required to guarantee uniform asymptotic accuracy under moderate dependence conditions within panels and that these conditions are fulfilled, e.g., by any MA(1) time series. As a counterexample we show that for AR(1) time series, close to the non-stationary case, the dependence is too strong and uniform asymptotic accuracy cannot be ensured. Finally, we conduct simulations to demonstrate that our results are practically applicable and that our methodological suggestions are advantageous.


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We developed orthogonal least-squares techniques for fitting crystalline lens shapes, and used the bootstrap method to determine uncertainties associated with the estimated vertex radii of curvature and asphericities of five different models. Three existing models were investigated including one that uses two separate conics for the anterior and posterior surfaces, and two whole lens models based on a modulated hyperbolic cosine function and on a generalized conic function. Two new models were proposed including one that uses two interdependent conics and a polynomial based whole lens model. The models were used to describe the in vitro shape for a data set of twenty human lenses with ages 7–82 years. The two-conic-surface model (7 mm zone diameter) and the interdependent surfaces model had significantly lower merit functions than the other three models for the data set, indicating that most likely they can describe human lens shape over a wide age range better than the other models (although with the two-conic-surfaces model being unable to describe the lens equatorial region). Considerable differences were found between some models regarding estimates of radii of curvature and surface asphericities. The hyperbolic cosine model and the new polynomial based whole lens model had the best precision in determining the radii of curvature and surface asphericities across the five considered models. Most models found significant increase in anterior, but not posterior, radius of curvature with age. Most models found a wide scatter of asphericities, but with the asphericities usually being positive and not significantly related to age. As the interdependent surfaces model had lower merit function than three whole lens models, there is further scope to develop an accurate model of the complete shape of human lenses of all ages. The results highlight the continued difficulty in selecting an appropriate model for the crystalline lens shape.


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Mathematical models of mosquito-borne pathogen transmission originated in the early twentieth century to provide insights into how to most effectively combat malaria. The foundations of the Ross–Macdonald theory were established by 1970. Since then, there has been a growing interest in reducing the public health burden of mosquito-borne pathogens and an expanding use of models to guide their control. To assess how theory has changed to confront evolving public health challenges, we compiled a bibliography of 325 publications from 1970 through 2010 that included at least one mathematical model of mosquito-borne pathogen transmission and then used a 79-part questionnaire to classify each of 388 associated models according to its biological assumptions. As a composite measure to interpret the multidimensional results of our survey, we assigned a numerical value to each model that measured its similarity to 15 core assumptions of the Ross–Macdonald model. Although the analysis illustrated a growing acknowledgement of geographical, ecological and epidemiological complexities in modelling transmission, most models during the past 40 years closely resemble the Ross–Macdonald model. Modern theory would benefit from an expansion around the concepts of heterogeneous mosquito biting, poorly mixed mosquito-host encounters, spatial heterogeneity and temporal variation in the transmission process.


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This thesis concerns the mathematical model of moving fluid interfaces in a Hele-Shaw cell: an experimental device in which fluid flow is studied by sandwiching the fluid between two closely separated plates. Analytic and numerical methods are developed to gain new insights into interfacial stability and bubble evolution, and the influence of different boundary effects is examined. In particular, the properties of the velocity-dependent kinetic undercooling boundary condition are analysed, with regard to the selection of only discrete possible shapes of travelling fingers of fluid, the formation of corners on the interface, and the interaction of kinetic undercooling with the better known effect of surface tension. Explicit solutions to the problem of an expanding or contracting ring of fluid are also developed.


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We construct a two-scale mathematical model for modern, high-rate LiFePO4cathodes. We attempt to validate against experimental data using two forms of the phase-field model developed recently to represent the concentration of Li+ in nano-sized LiFePO4crystals. We also compare this with the shrinking-core based model we developed previously. Validating against high-rate experimental data, in which electronic and electrolytic resistances have been reduced is an excellent test of the validity of the crystal-scale model used to represent the phase-change that may occur in LiFePO4material. We obtain poor fits with the shrinking-core based model, even with fitting based on “effective” parameter values. Surprisingly, using the more sophisticated phase-field models on the crystal-scale results in poorer fits, though a significant parameter regime could not be investigated due to numerical difficulties. Separate to the fits obtained, using phase-field based models embedded in a two-scale cathodic model results in “many-particle” effects consistent with those reported recently.


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"This collection of papers offers a broad synopsis of state-of-the-art mathematical methods used in modeling the interaction between tumors and the immune system. These papers were presented at the four-day workshop on Mathematical Models of Tumor-Immune System Dynamics held in Sydney, Australia from January 7th to January 10th, 2013. The workshop brought together applied mathematicians, biologists, and clinicians actively working in the field of cancer immunology to share their current research and to increase awareness of the innovative mathematical tools that are applicable to the growing field of cancer immunology. Recent progress in cancer immunology and advances in immunotherapy suggest that the immune system plays a fundamental role in host defense against tumors and could be utilized to prevent or cure cancer. Although theoretical and experimental studies of tumor-immune system dynamics have a long history, there are still many unanswered questions about the mechanisms that govern the interaction between the immune system and a growing tumor. The multidimensional nature of these complex interactions requires a cross-disciplinary approach to capture more realistic dynamics of the essential biology. The papers presented in this volume explore these issues and the results will be of interest to graduate students and researchers in a variety of fields within mathematical and biological sciences."--Publisher website