919 resultados para Signal amplitude
Thermal lens signals in solutions of rhodamine B laser dye in methanol are measured using the dual beam pump-probe technique. The nature of variations of signal strength with concentration is found to be different for 514 and 488 nm Ar + laser excitations. However, both the pump wavelengths produce an oscillatory type variation of thermal lens signal amplitude with the concentration of the dye solution. Probable reasons for this peculiar behaviour (which is absent in the case of fluorescent intensity) are mentioned.
The optimal lead insertion depth for esophageal ECG recordings with respect to atrial signal quality
BACKGROUND Diagnosing supraventricular arrhythmias by conventional long-term ECG can be cumbersome because of poor p-waves. Esophageal long-term electrocardiography (eECG) has an excellent sensitivity for atrial signals and may overcome this limitation. However, the optimal lead insertion depth (OLID) is not known. METHODS We registered eECGs at different lead insertion depths in 27 patients and analyzed 199,716 atrial complexes with respect to signal amplitude and slope. Correlation and regression analyses were used to find a criterion for OLID. RESULTS Atrial signal amplitudes and slopes significantly depend on lead insertion depth. OLID correlates with body height (rSpearman=0.71) and can be estimated by OLID [cm]=0.25*body height[cm]-7cm. At this insertion depth, we recorded the largest esophageal atrial signal amplitudes (1.27±0.86mV), which were much larger compared to conventional surface lead II (0.19±0.10mV, p<0.0001). CONCLUSION The OLID depends on body height and can be calculated by a simple regression formula.
Background Magnetoencephalography (MEG) provides a direct measure of brain activity with high combined spatiotemporal resolution. Preprocessing is necessary to reduce contributions from environmental interference and biological noise. New method The effect on the signal-to-noise ratio of different preprocessing techniques is evaluated. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was defined as the ratio between the mean signal amplitude (evoked field) and the standard error of the mean over trials. Results Recordings from 26 subjects obtained during and event-related visual paradigm with an Elekta MEG scanner were employed. Two methods were considered as first-step noise reduction: Signal Space Separation and temporal Signal Space Separation, which decompose the signal into components with origin inside and outside the head. Both algorithm increased the SNR by approximately 100%. Epoch-based methods, aimed at identifying and rejecting epochs containing eye blinks, muscular artifacts and sensor jumps provided an SNR improvement of 5–10%. Decomposition methods evaluated were independent component analysis (ICA) and second-order blind identification (SOBI). The increase in SNR was of about 36% with ICA and 33% with SOBI. Comparison with existing methods No previous systematic evaluation of the effect of the typical preprocessing steps in the SNR of the MEG signal has been performed. Conclusions The application of either SSS or tSSS is mandatory in Elekta systems. No significant differences were found between the two. While epoch-based methods have been routinely applied the less often considered decomposition methods were clearly superior and therefore their use seems advisable.
The balance between the costs and benefits of conspicuous signals ensures that the expression of those signals is related to the quality of the bearer. Plastic signals could enable males to maximize conspicuous traits to impress mates and competitors, but reduce the expression of those traits to minimize signaling costs, potentially compromising the information conveyed by the signals. ^ I investigated the effect of signal enhancement on the information coded by the biphasic electric signal pulse of the gymnotiform fish Brachyhypopomus gauderio. Increases in population density drive males to enhance the amplitude of their signals. I found that signal amplitude enhancement improves the information about the signaler's size. Furthermore, I found that the elongation of the signal's second phase conveys information about androgen levels in both sexes, gonad size in males and estrogen levels in females. Androgens link the duration of the signal's second phase to other androgen-mediated traits making the signal an honest indicator of reproductive state and aggressive motivation. ^ Signal amplitude enhancement facilitates the assessment of the signaler's resource holding potential, important for male-male interactions, while signal duration provides information about aggressive motivation to same-sex competitors and reproductive state to the opposite sex. Moreover, I found that female signals also change in accordance to the social environment. Females also increase the amplitude of their signal when population density increases and elongate the duration of their signal's second phase when the sex ratio becomes female-biased. Indicating that some degree of sexual selection operates in females. ^ I studied whether male B. gauderio use signal plasticity to reduce the cost of reproductive signaling when energy is limited. Surprisingly, I found that food limitation promotes the investment in reproduction manifested as signal enhancement and elevated androgen levels. The short lifespan and single breeding season of B. gauderio diminishes the advantage of energy savings and gives priority to sustaining reproduction. I conclude that the electric signal of B. gauderio provides reliable information about the signaler, the quality of this information is reinforced rather than degraded with signal enhancement.^
This paper reports the use of a non-destructive, continuous magnetic Barkhausen noise (CMBN) technique to investigate the size and thickness of volumetric defects, in a 1070 steel. The magnetic behavior of the used probe was analyzed by numerical simulation, using the finite element method (FEM). Results indicated that the presence of a ferrite coil core in the probe favors MBN emissions. The samples were scanned with different speeds and probe configurations to determine the effect of the flaw on the CMBN signal amplitude. A moving smooth window, based on a second-order statistical moment, was used for analyzing the time signal. The results show the technique`s good repeatability, and high capacity for detection of this type of defect. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this work we present an analysis of harmonic distortion (HD) in graded-channel (GC) gate-all-a round (GAA) devices operating in saturation region for analog applications. The study has been performed through device characterization and two-dimensional process and device simulations. The overall study has been done on the total and third order HDs. When applied in the saturation regime as an amplifier, the GC outperforms conventional GAA transistors presenting simultaneously higher transconductance, lower drain output conductance and more than 15 dB improved linearity. The influence of channel length reduction on the H D is also analyzed. Although slight linearity degradation is observed in both the conventional and the GC devices when reducing the channel length, the HD presented by the GC transistor is significantly lower than the one showed by conventional device for any Studied channel length. This allows AC input signal amplitude up to 20 times higher than the conventional GAA for a same specified distortion level. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Positron emission tomography studies during speech have indicated a failure to show the normal activation of auditory cortical areas in stuttering individuals. In the present study, P300 event-related potentials were used to investigate possible effects of behavioral treatment on the pattern of signal amplitude and latency between waves. In order to compare variations in P300 measurements, a control group paired by age and gender to the group of stutterers, was included in the study. Findings suggest that the group of stutterers presented a significant decrease in stuttering severity after the fluency treatment program. Regarding P300 measurements, stutterers and their controls presented results within normal limits in all testing situations and no significant statistical variations between pre and post treatment testing. When comparing individual results between the testing situations, stutterers presented a higher average decrease in wave latency for the right ear following treatment. The results are discussed in light of previous P300 event-related potentials and functional imaging studies with stuttering adults. Educational objectives: The reader will learn about and be able to describe the: (1) use of P300 event-related potentials in the study of stuttering; (2) differences between stuttering and non-stuttering adults; and (3) effects of behavioral fluency treatment on cerebral activity in stuttering speakers. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background The aim of this study was to validate a biomagnetic method (alternate current biosusceptometry, ACB) for monitoring gastric wall contractions in rats. Methods In vitro data were obtained to establish the relationship between ACB and the strain-gauge (SG) signal amplitude. In vivo experiments were performed in pentobarbital-anesthetized rats with SG and magnetic markers previously implanted under the gastric serosa or after ingestion of magnetic material. Gastric motility was quantified from the tracing amplitudes and frequency profiles obtained by Fast Fourier Transform. Key Results The correlation between in vitro signal amplitudes was strong (R = 0.989). The temporal cross-correlation coefficient between the ACB and SG signal amplitude was higher (P < 0.0001) in the postprandial (88.3 +/- 9.1 V) than in the fasting state (31.0 +/- 16.9 V). Irregular signal profiles, low contraction amplitudes, and smaller signal-to-noise ratios explained the poor correlation between techniques for fasting-state recordings. When a magnetic material was ingested, there was also strong correlation in the frequency and signal amplitude and a small phase-difference between the techniques. The contraction frequencies using ACB were 0.068 +/- 0.007 Hz (postprandial) and 0.058 +/- 0.007 Hz (fasting) (P < 0.002) and those using SG were 0.066 +/- 0.006 Hz (postprandial) and 0.059 +/- 0.008 Hz (fasting) (P < 0.005). Conclusions & Inferences In summary, ACB is reliable for monitoring gastric wall contractions using both implanted and ingested magnetic materials, and may serve as an accurate and sensitive technique for gastrointestinal motility studies.
Background and Purpose-Functional MRI is a powerful tool to investigate recovery of brain function in patients with stroke. An inherent assumption in functional MRI data analysis is that the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signal is stable over the course of the examination. In this study, we evaluated the validity of such assumption in patients with chronic stroke. Methods-Fifteen patients performed a simple motor task with repeated epochs using the paretic and the unaffected hand in separate runs. The corresponding BOLD signal time courses were extracted from the primary and supplementary motor areas of both hemispheres. Statistical maps were obtained by the conventional General Linear Model and by a parametric General Linear Model. Results-Stable BOLD amplitude was observed when the task was executed with the unaffected hand. Conversely, the BOLD signal amplitude in both primary and supplementary motor areas was progressively attenuated in every patient when the task was executed with the paretic hand. The conventional General Linear Model analysis failed to detect brain activation during movement of the paretic hand. However, the proposed parametric General Linear Model corrected the misdetection problem and showed robust activation in both primary and supplementary motor areas. Conclusions-The use of data analysis tools that are built on the premise of a stable BOLD signal may lead to misdetection of functional regions and underestimation of brain activity in patients with stroke. The present data urge the use of caution when relying on the BOLD response as a marker of brain reorganization in patients with stroke. (Stroke. 2010; 41:1921-1926.)
Résumé Les glissements de terrain représentent un des principaux risques naturels dans les régions montagneuses. En Suisse, chaque année les glissements de terrains causent des dégâts qui affectent les infrastructures et ont des coûts financiers importants. Une bonne compréhension des mécanismes des glissements peut permettre d'atténuer leur impact. Celle-ci passe notamment par la connaissance de la structure interne du glissement, la détermination de son volume et de son ou ses plans de glissement. Dans un glissement de terrain, la désorganisation et la présence de fractures dans le matériel déplacé engendre un changement des paramètres physiques et en particulier une diminution des vitesses de propagation des ondes sismiques ainsi que de la densité du matériel. Les méthodes sismiques sont de ce fait bien adaptées à l'étude des glissements de terrain. Parmi les méthodes sismiques, l'analyse de la dispersion des ondes de surface est une méthode simple à mettre en oeuvre. Elle présente l'avantage d'estimer les variations des vitesses de cisaillement avec la profondeur sans avoir spécifiquement recours à l'utilisation d'une source d'onde S et de géophones horizontaux. Sa mise en oeuvre en trois étapes implique la mesure de la dispersion des ondes de surface sur des réseaux étendus, la détermination des courbes de dispersion pour finir par l'inversion de ces courbes. Les modèles de vitesse obtenus à partir de cette procédure ne sont valides que lorsque les milieux explorés ne présentent pas de variations latérales. En pratique cette hypothèse est rarement vérifiée, notamment pour un glissement de terrain dans lequel les couches remaniées sont susceptibles de présenter de fortes hétérogénéités latérales. Pour évaluer la possibilité de déterminer des courbes de dispersion à partir de réseaux de faible extension des mesures testes ont été effectuées sur un site (Arnex, VD) équipé d'un forage. Un profil sismique de 190 m de long a été implanté dans une vallée creusée dans du calcaire et remplie par des dépôts glacio-lacustres d'une trentaine de mètres d'épaisseur. Les données acquises le long de ce profil ont confirmé que la présence de variations latérales sous le réseau de géophones affecte l'allure des courbes de dispersion jusqu'à parfois empêcher leur détermination. Pour utiliser l'analyse de la dispersion des ondes de surface sur des sites présentant des variations latérales, notre approche consiste à déterminer les courbes de dispersions pour une série de réseaux de faible extension, à inverser chacune des courbes et à interpoler les différents modèles de vitesse obtenus. Le choix de la position ainsi que de l'extension des différents réseaux de géophones est important. Il tient compte de la localisation des hétérogénéités détectées à partir de l'analyse de sismique réfraction, mais également d'anomalies d'amplitudes observées sur des cartes qui représentent dans le domaine position de tir - position du récepteur, l'amplitude mesurée pour différentes fréquences. La procédure proposée par Lin et Lin (2007) s'est avérée être une méthode efficace permettant de déterminer des courbes de dispersion à partir de réseaux de faible extension. Elle consiste à construire à partir d'un réseau de géophones et de plusieurs positions de tir un enregistrement temps-déports qui tient compte d'une large gamme de distances source-récepteur. Au moment d'assembler les différentes données une correction de phase est appliquée pour tenir compte des hétérogénéités situées entre les différents points de tir. Pour évaluer cette correction nous suggérons de calculer pour deux tir successif la densité spectrale croisée des traces de même offset: Sur le site d'Arnex, 22 courbes de dispersions ont été déterminées pour de réseaux de géophones de 10 m d'extension. Nous avons également profité du forage pour acquérir un profil de sismique verticale en ondes S. Le modèle de vitesse S déduit de l'interprétation du profil de sismique verticale est utilisé comme information à priori lors l'inversion des différentes courbes de dispersion. Finalement, le modèle en deux dimension qui a été établi grâce à l'analyse de la dispersion des ondes de surface met en évidence une structure tabulaire à trois couches dont les limites coïncident bien avec les limites lithologiques observées dans le forage. Dans celui-ci des argiles limoneuses associées à une vitesse de propagation des ondes S de l'ordre de 175 m/s surmontent vers 9 m de profondeur des dépôts de moraine argilo-sableuse caractérisés par des vitesses de propagation des ondes S de l'ordre de 300 m/s jusqu'à 14 m de profondeur et supérieur ou égal à 400 m/s entre 14 et 20 m de profondeur. Le glissement de la Grande Combe (Ballaigues, VD) se produit à l'intérieur du remplissage quaternaire d'une combe creusée dans des calcaires Portlandien. Comme dans le cas du site d'Arnex les dépôts quaternaires correspondent à des dépôts glacio-lacustres. Dans la partie supérieure la surface de glissement a été localisée à une vingtaine de mètres de profondeur au niveau de l'interface qui sépare des dépôts de moraine jurassienne et des dépôts glacio-lacustres. Au pied du glissement 14 courbes de dispersions ont été déterminées sur des réseaux de 10 m d'extension le long d'un profil de 144 m. Les courbes obtenues sont discontinues et définies pour un domaine de fréquence de 7 à 35 Hz. Grâce à l'utilisation de distances source-récepteur entre 8 et 72 m, 2 à 4 modes de propagation ont été identifiés pour chacune des courbes. Lors de l'inversion des courbes de dispersion la prise en compte des différents modes de propagation a permis d'étendre la profondeur d'investigation jusqu'à une vingtaine de mètres de profondeur. Le modèle en deux dimensions permet de distinguer 4 couches (Vs1 < 175 m/s, 175 m/s < Vs2 < 225 m/s, 225 m/s < Vs3 < 400 m/s et Vs4 >.400 m/s) qui présentent des variations d'épaisseur. Des profils de sismiques réflexion en ondes S acquis avec une source construite dans le cadre de ce travail, complètent et corroborent le modèle établi à partir de l'analyse de la dispersion des ondes de surface. Un réflecteur localisé entre 5 et 10 m de profondeur et associé à une vitesse de sommation de 180 m/s souligne notamment la géométrie de l'interface qui sépare la deuxième de la troisième couche du modèle établi à partir de l'analyse de la dispersion des ondes de surface. Abstract Landslides are one of the main natural hazards in mountainous regions. In Switzerland, landslides cause damages every year that impact infrastructures and have important financial costs. In depth understanding of sliding mechanisms may help limiting their impact. In particular, this can be achieved through a better knowledge of the internal structure of the landslide, the determination of its volume and its sliding surface or surfaces In a landslide, the disorganization and the presence of fractures in the displaced material generate a change of the physical parameters and in particular a decrease of the seismic velocities and of the material density. Therefoe, seismic methods are well adapted to the study of landslides. Among seismic methods, surface-wave dispersion analysis is a easy to implement. Through it, shearwave velocity variations with depth can be estimated without having to resort to an S-wave source and to horizontal geophones. Its 3-step implementation implies measurement of surface-wave dispersion with long arrays, determination of the dispersion curves and finally inversion of these curves. Velocity models obtained through this approach are only valid when the investigated medium does not include lateral variations. In practice, this assumption is seldom correct, in particular for landslides in which reshaped layers likely include strong lateral heterogeneities. To assess the possibility of determining dispersion curves from short array lengths we carried out tests measurements on a site (Arnex, VD) that includes a borehole. A 190 m long seismic profile was acquired in a valley carved into limestone and filled with 30 m of glacio-lacustrine sediments. The data acquired along this profile confirmed that the presence of lateral variations under the geophone array influences the dispersion-curve shape so much that it sometimes preventes the dispersion curves determination. Our approach to use the analysis of surface-wave dispersion on sites that include lateral variations consists in obtaining dispersion curves for a series of short length arrays; inverting each so obtained curve and interpolating the different obtained velocity model. The choice of the location as well as the geophone array length is important. It takes into account the location of the heterogeneities that are revealed by the seismic refraction interpretation of the data but also, the location of signal amplitude anomalies observed on maps that represent, for a given frequency, the measured amplitude in the shot position - receiver position domain. The procedure proposed by Lin and Lin (2007) turned out to be an efficient one to determine dispersion curves using short extension arrays. It consists in building a time-offset from an array of geophones with a wide offset range by gathering seismograms acquired with different source-to-receiver offsets. When assembling the different data, a phase correction is applied in order to reduce static phase error induced by lateral variation. To evaluate this correction, we suggest to calculate, for two successive shots, the cross power spectral density of common offset traces. On the Arnex site, 22 curves were determined with 10m in length geophone-arrays. We also took advantage of the borehole to acquire a S-wave vertical seismic profile. The S-wave velocity depth model derived from the vertical seismic profile interpretation is used as prior information in the inversion of the dispersion-curves. Finally a 2D velocity model was established from the analysis of the different dispersion curves. It reveals a 3-layer structure in good agreement with the observed lithologies in the borehole. In it a clay layer with a shear-wave of 175 m/s shear-wave velocity overlies a clayey-sandy till layer at 9 m depth that is characterized down to 14 m by a 300 m/s S-wave velocity; these deposits have a S-wave velocity of 400 m/s between depths of 14 to 20 m. The La Grand Combe landslide (Ballaigues, VD) occurs inside the Quaternary filling of a valley carved into Portlandien limestone. As at the Arnex site, the Quaternary deposits correspond to glaciolacustrine sediments. In the upper part of the landslide, the sliding surface is located at a depth of about 20 m that coincides with the discontinuity between Jurassian till and glacio-lacustrine deposits. At the toe of the landslide, we defined 14 dispersion curves along a 144 m long profile using 10 m long geophone arrays. The obtained curves are discontinuous and defined within a frequency range of 7 to 35 Hz. The use of a wide range of offsets (from 8 to 72 m) enabled us to determine 2 to 4 mode of propagation for each dispersion curve. Taking these higher modes into consideration for dispersion curve inversion allowed us to reach an investigation depth of about 20 m. A four layer 2D model was derived (Vs1< 175 m/s, 175 m/s <Vs2< 225 m/s, 225 m/s < Vs3 < 400 m/s, Vs4> 400 m/s) with variable layer thicknesses. S-wave seismic reflection profiles acquired with a source built as part of this work complete and the velocity model revealed by surface-wave analysis. In particular, reflector at a depth of 5 to 10 m associated with a 180 m/s stacking velocity image the geometry of the discontinuity between the second and third layer of the model derived from the surface-wave dispersion analysis.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the feasibility of intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) perfusion measurements in the brain with currently available imaging systems. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We acquired high in-plane resolution (1.2 × 1.2 mm(2) ) diffusion-weighted images with 16 different values of b ranging from 0 to 900 s/mm(2) , in three orthogonal directions, on 3T systems with a 32-multichannel receiver head coil. IVIM perfusion maps were extracted by fitting a double exponential model of signal amplitude decay. Regions of interest were drawn in pathological and control regions, where IVIM perfusion parameters were compared to the corresponding dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) parameters. RESULTS: Hyperperfusion was found in the nonnecrotic or cystic part of two histologically proven glioblastoma multiforme and in two histologically proven glioma WHO grade III, as well as in a brain metastasis of lung adenocarcinoma, in a large meningioma, and in a case of ictal hyperperfusion. A monoexponential decay was found in a territory of acute ischemia, as well as in the necrotic part of a glioblastoma. The IVIM perfusion fraction f correlated well with DSC CBV. CONCLUSION: Our initial report suggests that high-resolution brain perfusion imaging is feasible with IVIM in the current clinical setting. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2014;39:624-632. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Les études d’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf) ont pour prémisse générale l’idée que le signal BOLD peut être utilisé comme un succédané direct de l’activation neurale. Les études portant sur le vieillissement cognitif souvent comparent directement l’amplitude et l’étendue du signal BOLD entre des groupes de personnes jeunes et âgés. Ces études comportent donc un a priori additionnel selon lequel la relation entre l’activité neurale et la réponse hémodynamique à laquelle cette activité donne lieu restent inchangée par le vieillissement. Cependant, le signal BOLD provient d’une combinaison ambiguë de changements de métabolisme oxydatif, de flux et de volume sanguin. De plus, certaines études ont démontré que plusieurs des facteurs influençant les propriétés du signal BOLD subissent des changements lors du vieillissement. L’acquisition d’information physiologiquement spécifique comme le flux sanguin cérébral et le métabolisme oxydatif permettrait de mieux comprendre les changements qui sous-tendent le contraste BOLD, ainsi que les altérations physiologiques et cognitives propres au vieillissement. Le travail présenté ici démontre l’application de nouvelles techniques permettant de mesurer le métabolisme oxydatif au repos, ainsi que pendant l’exécution d’une tâche. Ces techniques représentent des extensions de méthodes d’IRMf calibrée existantes. La première méthode présentée est une généralisation des modèles existants pour l’estimation du métabolisme oxydatif évoqué par une tâche, permettant de prendre en compte tant des changements arbitraires en flux sanguin que des changements en concentrations sanguine d’O2. Des améliorations en terme de robustesse et de précisions sont démontrées dans la matière grise et le cortex visuel lorsque cette méthode est combinée à une manipulation respiratoire incluant une composante d’hypercapnie et d’hyperoxie. Le seconde technique présentée ici est une extension de la première et utilise une combinaison de manipulations respiratoires incluant l’hypercapnie, l’hyperoxie et l’administration simultanée des deux afin d’obtenir des valeurs expérimentales de la fraction d’extraction d’oxygène et du métabolisme oxydatif au repos. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, les changements vasculaires et métaboliques liés à l’âge sont explorés dans un groupe de jeunes et aînés, grâce au cadre conceptuel de l’IRMf calibrée, combiné à une manipulation respiratoire d’hypercapnie et une tâche modifiée de Stroop. Des changements de flux sanguin au repos, de réactivité vasculaire au CO2 et de paramètre de calibration M ont été identifiés chez les aînés. Les biais affectant les mesures de signal BOLD obtenues chez les participants âgés découlant de ces changements physiologiques sont de plus discutés. Finalement, la relation entre ces changements cérébraux et la performance dans la tâche de Stroop, la santé vasculaire centrale et la condition cardiovasculaire est explorée. Les résultats présentés ici sont en accord avec l’hypothèse selon laquelle une meilleure condition cardiovasculaire est associée à une meilleure fonction vasculaire centrale, contribuant ainsi à l’amélioration de la santé vasculaire cérébrale et cognitive.
We report on a laser induced photoacoustic study of the nematic-to-isotropic transition in certain commercial nematic liquid crystal mixtures, namely BL001, BL002, BL032 and BL035. A simple analysis of the experimental data using the Rosencwaig–Gersho theory shows that the heat capacities of all these compounds exhibit a sharp peak as the temperature of the sample is varied across the transition region. Also, substantial differences in the photoacoustic signal amplitudes in nematic and isotropic phases have been noticed for all the mixtures. The increased light scattering property of the nematic phase may be the reason for the enhanced photoacoustic signal amplitude in this phase.
We report on a laser induced photoacoustic study of the nematic-to-isotropic transition in certain commercial nematic liquid crystal mixtures, namely BL001, BL002, BL032 and BL035. A simple analysis of the experimental data using the Rosencwaig–Gersho theory shows that the heat capacities of all these compounds exhibit a sharp peak as the temperature of the sample is varied across the transition region. Also, substantial differences in the photoacoustic signal amplitudes in nematic and isotropic phases have been noticed for all the mixtures. The increased light scattering property of the nematic phase may be the reason for the enhanced photoacoustic signal amplitude in this phase
We report on a laser induced photoacoustic study of the nematic-to-isotropic transition in certain commercial nematic liquid crystal mixtures, namely BL001, BL002, BL032 and BL035. A simple analysis of the experimental data using the Rosencwaig–Gersho theory shows that the heat capacities of all these compounds exhibit a sharp peak as the temperature of the sample is varied across the transition region. Also, substantial differences in the photoacoustic signal amplitudes in nematic and isotropic phases have been noticed for all the mixtures. The increased light scattering property of the nematic phase may be the reason for the enhanced photoacoustic signal amplitude in this phase.