1000 resultados para Sieve methods


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Soit $p_1 = 2, p_2 = 3, p_3 = 5,\ldots$ la suite des nombres premiers, et soient $q \ge 3$ et $a$ des entiers premiers entre eux. R\'ecemment, Daniel Shiu a d\'emontr\'e une ancienne conjecture de Sarvadaman Chowla. Ce dernier a conjectur\'e qu'il existe une infinit\'e de couples $p_n,p_{n+1}$ de premiers cons\'ecutifs tels que $p_n \equiv p_{n+1} \equiv a \bmod q$. Fixons $\epsilon > 0$. Une r\'ecente perc\'ee majeure, de Daniel Goldston, J\`anos Pintz et Cem Y{\i}ld{\i}r{\i}m, a \'et\'e de d\'emontrer qu'il existe une suite de nombres r\'eels $x$ tendant vers l'infini, tels que l'intervalle $(x,x+\epsilon\log x]$ contienne au moins deux nombres premiers $\equiv a \bmod q$. \'Etant donn\'e un couple de nombres premiers $\equiv a \bmod q$ dans un tel intervalle, il pourrait exister un nombre premier compris entre les deux qui n'est pas $\equiv a \bmod q$. On peut d\'eduire que soit il existe une suite de r\'eels $x$ tendant vers l'infini, telle que $(x,x+\epsilon\log x]$ contienne un triplet $p_n,p_{n+1},p_{n+2}$ de nombres premiers cons\'ecutifs, soit il existe une suite de r\'eels $x$, tendant vers l'infini telle que l'intervalle $(x,x+\epsilon\log x]$ contienne un couple $p_n,p_{n+1}$ de nombres premiers tel que $p_n \equiv p_{n+1} \equiv a \bmod q$. On pense que les deux \'enonc\'es sont vrais, toutefois on peut seulement d\'eduire que l'un d'entre eux est vrai, sans savoir lequel. Dans la premi\`ere partie de cette th\`ese, nous d\'emontrons que le deuxi\`eme \'enonc\'e est vrai, ce qui fournit une nouvelle d\'emonstration de la conjecture de Chowla. La preuve combine des id\'ees de Shiu et de Goldston-Pintz-Y{\i}ld{\i}r{\i}m, donc on peut consid\'erer que ce r\'esultat est une application de leurs m\'thodes. Ensuite, nous fournirons des bornes inf\'erieures pour le nombre de couples $p_n,p_{n+1}$ tels que $p_n \equiv p_{n+1} \equiv a \bmod q$, $p_{n+1} - p_n < \epsilon\log p_n$, avec $p_{n+1} \le Y$. Sous l'hypoth\`ese que $\theta$, le \og niveau de distribution \fg{} des nombres premiers, est plus grand que $1/2$, Goldston-Pintz-Y{\i}ld{\i}r{\i}m ont r\'eussi \`a d\'emontrer que $p_{n+1} - p_n \ll_{\theta} 1$ pour une infinit\'e de couples $p_n,p_{n+1}$. Sous la meme hypoth\`ese, nous d\'emontrerons que $p_{n+1} - p_n \ll_{q,\theta} 1$ et $p_n \equiv p_{n+1} \equiv a \bmod q$ pour une infinit\'e de couples $p_n,p_{n+1}$, et nous prouverons \'egalement un r\'esultat quantitatif. Dans la deuxi\`eme partie, nous allons utiliser les techniques de Goldston-Pintz-Y{\i}ld{\i}r{\i}m pour d\'emontrer qu'il existe une infinit\'e de couples de nombres premiers $p,p'$ tels que $(p-1)(p'-1)$ est une carr\'e parfait. Ce resultat est une version approximative d'une ancienne conjecture qui stipule qu'il existe une infinit\'e de nombres premiers $p$ tels que $p-1$ est une carr\'e parfait. En effet, nous d\'emontrerons une borne inf\'erieure sur le nombre d'entiers naturels $n \le Y$ tels que $n = \ell_1\cdots \ell_r$, avec $\ell_1,\ldots,\ell_r$ des premiers distincts, et tels que $(\ell_1-1)\cdots (\ell_r-1)$ est une puissance $r$-i\`eme, avec $r \ge 2$ quelconque. \'Egalement, nous d\'emontrerons une borne inf\'erieure sur le nombre d'entiers naturels $n = \ell_1\cdots \ell_r \le Y$ tels que $(\ell_1+1)\cdots (\ell_r+1)$ est une puissance $r$-i\`eme. Finalement, \'etant donn\'e $A$ un ensemble fini d'entiers non-nuls, nous d\'emontrerons une borne inf\'erieure sur le nombre d'entiers naturels $n \le Y$ tels que $\prod_{p \mid n} (p+a)$ est une puissance $r$-i\`eme, simultan\'ement pour chaque $a \in A$.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11D75, 11D85, 11L20, 11N05, 11N35, 11N36, 11P05, 11P32, 11P55.


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This past winter the sieve analysis of combined aggregate was investigated. This study was given No. 26 by the Central Laboratory. The purpose of this work was to try and develop a sieve analysis procedure for combined aggregate which is less time consuming and has the same accuracy as the method described in I.M. 304. In an attempt to use a variety of aggregates for this investigation, a request was made to each District Materials Office to obtain at least 3 different combined aggregate samples in their respective districts. At the same time it was also requested that the field technician test these samples, prior to submitting them to the Central Laboratory. The field technician was instructed to test each sample as described in method I.M. 304 and also by a modified AASHTO T27 method which will be identified in the report as Method A. The modified AASHTO Method A was identical to T27 with the exception that a smaller sample is used for testing. The field technicians submitted the samples, test results and also comments regarding the modified AASHTO procedure. The general comments of the modified AASHTO procedure were: The method was much simpler to follow; however, it took about the same amount of time so there was no real advantage. After reviewing AASHTO T27, T164, I.M. 304 and Report No. FHWA-RD-77-53 another test method was purposed. Report No. FHWA-RD-77-53 is a report prepared by FHWA from data they gathered concerning control practices and shortcut or alternative test methods for aggregate gradation. A second test method was developed which also was very similar to AASHTO T27, The test procedure for this method is attached and is identified as Method B. The following is a summary of test results submitted by the Field Technicians and obtained by the aggregate section of the Central Laboratory.


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Experimental mechanical sieving methods are applied to samples of shellfish remains from three sites in southeast Queensland, Seven Mile Creek Mound, Sandstone Point and One-Tree, to test the efficacy of various recovery and quantification procedures commonly applied to shellfish assemblages in Australia. There has been considerable debate regarding the most appropriate sieve sizes and quantification methods that should be applied in the recovery of vertebrate faunal remains. Few studies, however, have addressed the impact of recovery and quantification methods on the interpretation of invertebrates, specifically shellfish remains. In this study, five shellfish taxa representing four bivalves (Anadara trapezia, Trichomya hirsutus, Saccostrea glomerata, Donax deltoides) and one gastropod (Pyrazus ebeninus) common in eastern Australian midden assemblages are sieved through 10mm, 6.3mm and 3.15mm mesh. Results are quantified using MNI, NISP and weight. Analyses indicate that different structural properties and pre- and postdepositional factors affect recovery rates. Fragile taxa (T. hirsutus) or those with foliated structure (S. glomerata) tend to be overrepresented by NISP measures in smaller sieve fractions, while more robust taxa (A. trapezia and P. ebeninus) tend to be overrepresented by weight measures. Results demonstrate that for all quantification methods tested a 3mm sieve should be used on all sites to allow for regional comparability and to effectively collect all available information about the shellfish remains.


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Few studies on sugar cane have evaluated the root system of the crop, in spite of its importance. This is mainly due to the difficulty of evaluation and high variability of results. The objective of this study was to develop an evaluation method of the cane root system by means of probes so as to evaluate the mass, distribution and metabolically active roots related to N fertilization at planting. For this purpose, an experiment was conducted in an Arenic Kandiustults with medium texture in Jaboticabal/SP, in a randomized block design with four replications and four treatments: control (without N) and 40, 80 and 120 kg ha-1 of N applied in the form of urea in the planting furrow of the cane variety SP81 3250. One week before harvest, a urea-15N solution was applied at the cane stalk base to detect active metabolism in the root system. Trenches of 1.5 m length and 0.6 m depth were opened between two sugar cane rows for root sampling by two methods: monoliths (0.3, 0.2 and 0.15 m wide, deep and long respectively) taken from the trench wall and by probe (internal diameter 0.055 m). For each method, 15 samples per plot were collected. The roots were separated from the soil in a sieve (2 mm mesh), oven-dried (at 65 ºC) and the dry matter was measured. Root sampling by probes resulted in root mass that did not differ from the evaluation in monoliths, indicating that this evaluation method may be used for sugar cane root mass, although neither the root distribution in the soil profile nor the rhizome mass were efficiently evaluated, due to the small sample volume. Nitrogen fertilization at planting did not result in a greater root accumulation in the sugar cane plant, but caused changes in the distribution of the root system in the soil. The absence of N fertilization led to a better root distribution in the soil profile, with 50, 34 and 16 % in the 0-0.2, 0.2-0.4 and 0.4-0.6 m layers, respectively; in the fertilized treatments the roots were concentrated in the surface layer, with on average 70, 17 and 13 % for the same layers. The metabolically active roots were concentrated in the center of the cane stool, amounting to 40 % of the total root mass, regardless of N fertilization (application of 120 kg ha-1 N or without N).


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The ultrastructural features and the plastid changes caused by sample preparation were studied in sieve elements of Panicum maximum leaves. Samples of expanded leaves, taken near the ligule region, were fixed and processed by common light and transmission electron microscopy methods. In mature sieve-tube elements, the protoplast is electron-translucent and plastids are the most frequent organelles. Mitochondria and smooth endoplasmic reticulum segments are also visible and occupy a parietal position within the cell. The plastids are globular and show electron-dense proteinaceous inclusions in the stroma. The protein crystals are predominantly cuneate, but thin crystalloids and amorphous and/or filamentous proteins also occur. The presence of intact plastids plus others in different phases of plastid envelope rupture were interpreted as evidence that this rupture is a normal event in response to injury. This plastid envelope rupture is possibly activated by the release of pressure in the sieve-tube element. After plastid membrane vesiculation, the stroma and the protein crystals are dispersed within the sieve-element ground cytoplasm. The vesicles originating from the plastid envelope move to one cell pole, while protein crystalloids move to the opposite pole and agglomerate in the sieve-plate region. Our findings indicate that these protein crystalloids, which deposit in the sieve plate, may act in sieve-plate pores occlusion, preventing the release of phloem sap, similar to the role of P-protein in dicotyledons. (c) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Mature leaf fragments from eight species of Xyris from the Serra do Cipo, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, were prepared by the usual methods for electron microscopy. Ultrastructural analysis of phloem shows the occurrence of nacreous walls with a polylamellate structure in the sieve-elements of X. tortilis and plastids similar to P-plastids, form PIIcf in the sieve-elements of all investigated species.


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The distribution of ice rafted debris (IRD) is an important parameter in glaciomarine sediments. A simple method is presented allowing the determination of the IRD-content by counting the gravel fraction of the X-radiographs which are generally taken during sarnpling. In comparison with sieve analyses corresponding values are obtained by both methods. However, more information can be made available in a shorter time by this method.


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The aim of this clinical study was to determine the efficacy of Uncaria tomentosa (cat's claw) against denture stomatitis (DS). Fifty patients with DS were randomly assigned into 3 groups to receive 2% miconazole, placebo, or 2% U tomentosa gel. DS level was recorded immediately, after 1 week of treatment, and 1 week after treatment. The clinical effectiveness of each treatment was measured using Newton's criteria. Mycologic samples from palatal mucosa and prosthesis were obtained to determinate colony forming units per milliliter (CFU/mL) and fungal identification at each evaluation period. Candida species were identified with HiCrome Candida and API 20C AUX biochemical test. DS severity decreased in all groups (P < .05). A significant reduction in number of CFU/mL after 1 week (P < .05) was observed for all groups and remained after 14 days (P > .05). C albicans was the most prevalent microorganism before treatment, followed by C tropicalis, C glabrata, and C krusei, regardless of the group and time evaluated. U tomentosa gel had the same effect as 2% miconazole gel. U tomentosa gel is an effective topical adjuvant treatment for denture stomatitis.


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Negative-ion mode electrospray ionization, ESI(-), with Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) was coupled to a Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression and variable selection methods to estimate the total acid number (TAN) of Brazilian crude oil samples. Generally, ESI(-)-FT-ICR mass spectra present a power of resolution of ca. 500,000 and a mass accuracy less than 1 ppm, producing a data matrix containing over 5700 variables per sample. These variables correspond to heteroatom-containing species detected as deprotonated molecules, [M - H](-) ions, which are identified primarily as naphthenic acids, phenols and carbazole analog species. The TAN values for all samples ranged from 0.06 to 3.61 mg of KOH g(-1). To facilitate the spectral interpretation, three methods of variable selection were studied: variable importance in the projection (VIP), interval partial least squares (iPLS) and elimination of uninformative variables (UVE). The UVE method seems to be more appropriate for selecting important variables, reducing the dimension of the variables to 183 and producing a root mean square error of prediction of 0.32 mg of KOH g(-1). By reducing the size of the data, it was possible to relate the selected variables with their corresponding molecular formulas, thus identifying the main chemical species responsible for the TAN values.


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What is the contribution of the provision, at no cost for users, of long acting reversible contraceptive methods (LARC; copper intrauterine device [IUD], the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system [LNG-IUS], contraceptive implants and depot-medroxyprogesterone [DMPA] injection) towards the disability-adjusted life years (DALY) averted through a Brazilian university-based clinic established over 30 years ago. Over the last 10 years of evaluation, provision of LARC methods and DMPA by the clinic are estimated to have contributed to DALY averted by between 37 and 60 maternal deaths, 315-424 child mortalities, 634-853 combined maternal morbidity and mortality and child mortality, and 1056-1412 unsafe abortions averted. LARC methods are associated with a high contraceptive effectiveness when compared with contraceptive methods which need frequent attention; perhaps because LARC methods are independent of individual or couple compliance. However, in general previous studies have evaluated contraceptive methods during clinical studies over a short period of time, or not more than 10 years. Furthermore, information regarding the estimation of the DALY averted is scarce. We reviewed 50 004 medical charts from women who consulted for the first time looking for a contraceptive method over the period from 2 January 1980 through 31 December 2012. Women who consulted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Campinas, Brazil were new users and users switching contraceptive, including the copper IUD (n = 13 826), the LNG-IUS (n = 1525), implants (n = 277) and DMPA (n = 9387). Estimation of the DALY averted included maternal morbidity and mortality, child mortality and unsafe abortions averted. We obtained 29 416 contraceptive segments of use including 25 009 contraceptive segments of use from 20 821 new users or switchers to any LARC method or DMPA with at least 1 year of follow-up. The mean (± SD) age of the women at first consultation ranged from 25.3 ± 5.7 (range 12-47) years in the 1980s, to 31.9 ± 7.4 (range 16-50) years in 2010-2011. The most common contraceptive chosen at the first consultation was copper IUD (48.3, 74.5 and 64.7% in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, respectively). For an evaluation over 20 years, the cumulative pregnancy rates (SEM) were 0.4 (0.2), 2.8 (2.1), 4.0 (0.4) and 1.3 (0.4) for the LNG-IUS, the implants, copper IUD and DMPA, respectively and cumulative continuation rates (SEM) were 15.1 (3.7), 3.9 (1.4), 14.1 (0.6) and 7.3 (1.7) for the LNG-IUS, implants, copper IUD and DMPA, respectively (P < 0.001). Over the last 10 years of evaluation, the estimation of the contribution of the clinic through the provision of LARC methods and DMPA to DALY averted was 37-60 maternal deaths; between 315 and 424 child mortalities; combined maternal morbidity and mortality and child mortality of between 634 and 853, and 1056-1412 unsafe abortions averted. The main limitations are the number of women who never returned to the clinic (overall 14% among the four methods under evaluation); consequently the pregnancy rate could be different. Other limitations include the analysis of two kinds of copper IUD and two kinds of contraceptive implants as the same IUD or implant, and the low number of users of implants. In addition, the DALY calculation relies on a number of estimates, which may vary in different parts of the world. LARC methods and DMPA are highly effective and women who were well-counselled used these methods for a long time. The benefit of averting maternal morbidity and mortality, child mortality, and unsafe abortions is an example to health policy makers to implement more family planning programmes and to offer contraceptive methods, mainly LARC and DMPA, at no cost or at affordable cost for the underprivileged population. This study received partial financial support from the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), grant # 2012/12810-4 and from the National Research Council (CNPq), grant #573747/2008-3. B.F.B., M.P.G., and V.M.C. were fellows from the scientific initiation programme from FAPESP. Since the year 2001, all the TCu380A IUD were donated by Injeflex, São Paulo, Brazil, and from the year 2006 all the LNG-IUS were donated by the International Contraceptive Access Foundation (ICA), Turku, Finland. Both donations are as unrestricted grants. The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest associated with this study.


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The microabrasion technique of enamel consists of selectively abrading the discolored areas or causing superficial structural changes in a selective way. In microabrasion technique, abrasive products associated with acids are used, and the evaluation of enamel roughness after this treatment, as well as surface polishing, is necessary. This in-vitro study evaluated the enamel roughness after microabrasion, followed by different polishing techniques. Roughness analyses were performed before microabrasion (L1), after microabrasion (L2), and after polishing (L3).Thus, 60 bovine incisive teeth divided into two groups were selected (n=30): G1- 37% phosphoric acid (37%) (Dentsply) and pumice; G2- hydrochloric acid (6.6%) associated with silicon carbide (Opalustre - Ultradent). Thereafter, the groups were divided into three sub-groups (n=10), according to the system of polishing: A - Fine and superfine granulation aluminum oxide discs (SofLex 3M); B - Diamond Paste (FGM) associated with felt discs (FGM); C - Silicone tips (Enhance - Dentsply). A PROC MIXED procedure was applied after data exploratory analysis, as well as the Tukey-Kramer test (5%). No statistical differences were found between G1 and G2 groups. L2 differed statistically from L1 and showed superior amounts of roughness. Differences in the amounts of post-polishing roughness for specific groups (1A, 2B, and 1C) arose, which demonstrated less roughness in L3 and differed statistically from L2 in the polishing system. All products increased enamel roughness, and the effectiveness of the polishing systems was dependent upon the abrasive used.


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Silk fibroin has been widely explored for many biomedical applications, due to its biocompatibility and biodegradability. Sterilization is a fundamental step in biomaterials processing and it must not jeopardize the functionality of medical devices. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of different sterilization methods in the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of dense and porous silk fibroin membranes. Silk fibroin membranes were treated by several procedures: immersion in 70% ethanol solution, ultraviolet radiation, autoclave, ethylene oxide, and gamma radiation, and were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction, tensile strength and in vitro cytotoxicity to Chinese hamster ovary cells. The results indicated that the sterilization methods did not cause perceivable morphological changes in the membranes and the membranes were not toxic to cells. The sterilization methods that used organic solvent or an increased humidity and/or temperature (70% ethanol, autoclave, and ethylene oxide) increased the silk II content in the membranes: the dense membranes became more brittle, while the porous membranes showed increased strength at break. Membranes that underwent sterilization by UV and gamma radiation presented properties similar to the nonsterilized membranes, mainly for tensile strength and FTIR results.


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Frankfurters are widely consumed all over the world, and the production requires a wide range of meat and non-meat ingredients. Due to these characteristics, frankfurters are products that can be easily adulterated with lower value meats, and the presence of undeclared species. Adulterations are often still difficult to detect, due the fact that the adulterant components are usually very similar to the authentic product. In this work, FT-Raman spectroscopy was employed as a rapid technique for assessing the quality of frankfurters. Based on information provided by the Raman spectra, a multivariate classification model was developed to identify the frankfurter type. The aim was to study three types of frankfurters (chicken, turkey and mixed meat) according to their Raman spectra, based on the fatty vibrational bands. Classification model was built using partial least square discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) and the performance model was evaluated in terms of sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, efficiency and Matthews's correlation coefficient. The PLS-DA models give sensitivity and specificity values on the test set in the ranges of 88%-100%, showing good performance of the classification models. The work shows the Raman spectroscopy with chemometric tools can be used as an analytical tool in quality control of frankfurters.