999 resultados para Side preference


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Objectives: To determine whether chewing side preference (CSP) is correlated to lateralities (handedness, footedness, eyedness and earedness) in primary, mixed and permanent dentitions.Design: Three-hundred subjects were divided into 3 groups: Group 1-100 children 3-5 years old, primary dentition; Group 2-100 children 6-12 years old, mixed dentition; Group 3 - 100 subjects 18-47 years old, permanent dentition. CSP was determined using a method developed by Mc Donnell et al.(9) Subjects were given a piece of gum and the position of the chewing gum was recorded 7 times as right or left. Subjects were classified as 'observed preferred chewing side' (OPCS) when they performed 5/7, 6/7 or 7/7 strokes on the same side. OPCS corresponded to the CSP. Laterality tests were performed for handedness, footedness, eyedness and earedness tasks. The Chi-square (chi(2)) and phi correlation (r) tests were used to investigate significant correlations between CSP and sidedness.Results: There was a significant correlation between chewing and earedness (p = 0.00), although there was weak positive correlation (r = 0.30) for primary dentition. There were significant correlations between chewing and handedness (p = 0.02; r = 0.25) and chewing and footedness (p = 0.02; r = 0.26), however, there were weak positive correlations for mixed dentition; there were significant correlations between chewing and handedness (p = 0.02; r = 0.26); chewing and footedness (p = 0.00; r = 0.33) and chewing and earedness (p = 0.01; r = 0.29); however, there were weak positive correlations for permanent dentition.Conclusion: It may be concluded that CSP can be significantly correlated with: earedness for primary dentition; handedness and footedness for mixed dentition; handedness, footedness and earedness for permanent dentition, but these are weak positive relationships. Future work on larger samples of left- and right-sided individuals is required to validate the findings. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aim: This study evaluated the prevalence of the chewing side preference (CSP) in the deciduous, mixed and permanent dentitions. Materials and methods: Three-hundred subjects were divided in three groups (n = 100): Group 1 - children with deciduous dentition; group 2-children with mixed dentition; group 3 - subjects with permanent dentition. The CSP was determined using a direct method (visual observation) developed by McDonnell et al. (2004). Descriptive statistic was used to observe the prevalence of CSP. The Pearson's Chi-square was used to investigate signicant associations between gender, presence of CSP and preferred side (right/left). Results and conclusion: Eighty-seven percent of group 1 had a CSP. Eighty-two percent of group 2 had a CSP. Seventy-six percent of group 3 had a CSP. There was no statistically significant association between presence of CSP and gender in all groups. There was no statistically significant association between preferred side (right/left) and gender in all groups. Clinical significance: There is a higher prevalence of subjects in deciduous, mixed and permanent dentition that presented chewing side preference. The early diagnosis of the presence of chewing side preference can prevent the unilateral chewing pattern with prophylactic therapy applied to the first teeth (deciduous).


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Dairy cows often have to choose which of two sides to enter in the milking parlour. Some cows are very consistent in this choicė, and it is common to assume that when these cows are more disturbed are being milked in their non-preferred side. Such disturbance might involve significantly poor welfare. In order to assess this assumption, we decided to study the behaviour and milk yield of dairy cows and their relationships with side preference in the milking parlour. The study was carried out at Cambridge University Farm, in a two-sided tandem milking parlour. The data collection followed the daily management routine. We recorded the side chosen by each cow (left or right) during 40 milking sessions. Data from 70 cows, which were present in at least 25 milking sessions (mode = 36), were included in the statistical analysis. Cows' reactivity (CR) during premilking udder preparation, time spent fitting the milking cluster (FT), milk yield (MY) and duration of milking (DM) were measured. There was evident individual variation in the consistency of side choice. Individual differences (ANOVA, P < 0.001) were also found in CR, FT, MY and DM; although these variables were not significantly affected by the side or the interaction animal × side (ANOVA, P < 0.05). The comparison between left and right side means (paired t-test) of these variables did not show significant differences (P < 0.05). We concluded that there is no evidence that the cows were discomforted or stressed when milked in the non-preferred side of the milking parlour. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.


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This paper presents an escalator model for use in circulation and evacuation analysis. As part of the model development, human factors data was collected from a Spanish underground station. The collected data relates to: escalator/stair choice, rider/walker preference, rider side preference, walker travel speeds and escalator flow rates. The dataset provides insight into pedestrian behaviour in utilising escalators and is a useful resource for both circulation and evacuation models. Based on insight derived from the dataset a detailed microscopic escalator model which incorporates person-person interactions has been developed. A range of demonstration evacuation scenarios are presented using the newly developed microscopic escalator model.


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With the advent of digital era web applications have become inevitable part of our lives. We are using the web to manage even the financially or ethically sensitive issues. For this reason exploration of information seeking behavior is an exciting area of research. Current study provides insight on information seeking behavior using a classic ‘Find the Difference’ game. 50 university students between the age of 19 and 26 participated in the study. Eye movement data were recorded with a Tobii T120 device. Participants carried out 4 continuous tasks. Each task included two pictures side by side with 7 hidden differences. After finishing the tasks, participants were asked to repeat the game with the same picture set. This data collection methodology allows the evaluation of learning curves. Additionally, participants were asked about their hand preference. For the purpose of analysis the following metrics were applied: task times (including saccades), fixation count and fixation duration (without saccades). The right- and left-hand side on each picture was selected as AOI (Area of Interest) to detect side preference in connection with hand preference. Results suggest a significant difference between male and female participants regarding aggregated task times (male 58.37s respectively female 68.37s), deviation in the number of fixations and fixation duration (apparently female have less but longer fixations) and also in the distribution of fixations between AOIs. Using eyetracking data current paper highlights the similarities and differences in information acquisition strategies respectively reveals gender and education (Arts vs. Sciences) dependent characteristics of interaction.


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The availability of a significant number of the Structures of helical membrane proteins has prompted us to investigate the mode of helix-helix packing. In the present study, we have considered a dataset of alpha-helical membrane proteins representing Structures solved from all the known superfamilies. We have described the geometry of all the helical residues in terms of local coordinate axis at the backbone level. Significant inter-helical interactions have been considered as contacts by weighing the number of atom-atom contacts, including all the side-chain atoms. Such a definition of local axis and the contact criterion has allowed us to investigate the inter-helical interaction in a systematic and quantitative manner. We show that a single parameter (designated as alpha), which is derived from the parameters representing the Mutual orientation of local axes, is able to accurately Capture the details of helix-helix interaction. The analysis has been carried Out by dividing the dataset into parallel, anti-parallel, and perpendicular orientation of helices. The study indicates that a specific range of alpha value is preferred for interactions among the anti-parallel helices. Such a preference is also seen among interacting residues of parallel helices, however to a lesser extent. No such preference is seen in the case of perpendicular helices, the contacts that arise mainly due to the interaction Of Surface helices with the end of the trans-membrane helices. The Study Supports the prevailing view that the anti-parallel helices are well packed. However, the interactions between helices of parallel orientation are non-trivial. The packing in alpha-helical membrane proteins, which is systematically and rigorously investigated in this study, may prove to be useful in modeling of helical membrane proteins.


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This paper reports the observation of a reversible disassembly process for a previously reported octanuclear Cu(II) complex with imidazole. To identify the factors responsible for the process, five Cu(II) complexes of different nuclearity with different amino acid-derived tetradentate ligands were structurally characterized. The results show that the coordination geometry preference of Cu(II), the tendency of imidazole to act as in-plane ligand, and H-bonding played important role in the formation and disassembly of the octanuclear complex. A general scheme describing the effect of different amino acid side arms, solvents, and exogenous ligands on the nuclearity of the Cu(II) complexes has been presented. The crystals of the complexes also showed formation of multifaceted networks in the resulting complexes.


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There are two major theories that attempt to explain hand preference in non-human primates-the `task complexity' theory and the `postural origins' theory. In the present study, we proposed a third hypothesis to explain the evolutionary origin of hand preference in non-human primates, stating that it could have evolved owing to structural and functional adaptations to feeding, which we refer to as the `niche structure' hypothesis. We attempted to explore this hypothesis by comparing hand preference across species that differ in the feeding ecology and niche structure: red howler monkeys, Alouatta seniculus and yellow-breasted capuchin monkeys, Sapajus xanthosternos. The red howler monkeys used the mouth to obtain food more frequently than the yellow-breasted capuchin monkeys. The red howler monkeys almost never reached for food presented on the opposite side of a wire mesh or inside a portable container, whereas the yellow-breasted capuchin monkeys reached for food presented in all four spatial arrangements (scattered, on the opposite side of a wire mesh, inside a suspended container, and inside a portable container). In contrast to the red howler monkeys that almost never acquired bipedal and clinging posture, the yellow-breasted capuchin monkeys acquired all five body postures (sitting, bipedal, tripedal, clinging, and hanging). Although there was no difference between the proportion of the red howler monkeys and the yellow-breasted capuchin monkeys that preferentially used one hand, the yellow-breasted capuchin monkeys exhibited an overall weaker hand preference than the red howler monkeys. Differences in hand preference diminished with the increasing complexity of the reaching-for-food tasks, i.e., the relatively more complex tasks were perceived as equally complex by both the red howler monkeys and the yellow-breasted capuchin monkeys. These findings suggest that species-specific differences in feeding ecology and niche structure can influence the perception of the complexity of the task and, consequently, hand preference.


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The synthesis of a number of new 2,2'-bipyridine ligands, functionalized with bulky ester side groups is reported (L2 - L8). Their reaction with [Ru(DMSO)4Cl2] gives rise to tris-chelate ruthenium(II) metal complexes which show an unusually high proportion of the fac-isomer, as judged by 1H NMR following conversion to the ruthenium(II) complex of 2,2'-bipyridine-5-carboxylic acid methyl ester (L1). The initial reaction appears to have thermodynamic control with the steric bulk of the ligands causing the third ligand to be labile under the reaction conditions used, giving rise to disappointing yields and allowing rearrangement to the more stable facial form. DFT studies indicate that this does not appear to be as a consequence of a metal centered electronic effect. The two isomers of [Ru(L1)3](PF6)2 were separated into the two individual forms using silica preparative plate chromatographic procedures, and the photophysical characteristics of the two forms compared. The results appear to indicate that there is no significant difference in both their room temperature electronic absorption and emission spectra or their excited state lifetimes at 77K.


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When the average number of spam messages received is continually increasing exponentially, both the Internet service provider and the end user suffer. The lack of an efficient solution may threaten the usability of the email as a communication means. In this paper we present a filtering mechanism applying the idea of preference ranking. This filtering mechanism will distinguish spam emails from other email on the Internet. The preference ranking gives the similarity values for nominated emails and spam emails specified by users, so that the ISP/end users can deal with spam emails at filtering points. We designed three filtering points to classify nominated emails into spam email, unsure email and legitimate email. This filtering mechanism can be applied on both middleware and at the client-side. The experiments show that high precision, recall and TCR (total cost ratio) of spam emails can be predicted for the preference based filtering mechanisms.


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Cross-strand pair correlations are calculated for residue pairs in antiparallel β-sheet for two cases: pairs whose backbone atoms are hydrogen bonded together (H-bonded site) and pairs which are not (non-H-bonded site). The statistics show that this distinction is important. When glycine is located on the edge of a sheet, it shows a 3:1 preference for the H-bonded site. Thestrongest observed correlations are for pairs of disulfide-bonded cystines, many of which adopt a close-packed conformation with each cystine in a spiral conformation of opposite chirality to its partner. It is likely that these pairs are a signature for the family of small, cystine-rich proteins. Most other strong positive and negative correlations involve charged and polar residues. It appears that electrostatic compatibility is the strongest factor affecting pair correlation. Significant correlations are observed for β- and γ-branched residues inthe non-H-bonded site. An examination of the structures showsa directionality in side chain packing. There is a correlation between (1) the directionality in the packing interactions of non-H-bonded β- and γ-branched residue pairs, (2) the handedness of the observed enantiomers of chiral β-branched side chains, and (3) the handedness of the twist of β-sheet. These findings have implications for the formation of β-sheets during protein folding and the mechanism by which the sheet becomes twisted


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The HML and HMR mating loci of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are bound in silent chromatin, which is assembled at the flanking E and I transcriptional silencers. The retrotransposon Ty5 preferentially integrates into regions of silent chromatin, and Ty5 insertions near the HMR-E silencer account for ≈2% of total transposition events. Most Ty5 insertions occur within 800 bp on either side of the autonomously replicating consensus sequence within HMR-E. Ty5 target preference is determined by silent chromatin, because integration near HMR-E is abolished in strains with silencer mutations that alleviate transcriptional repression. The recognition of specific DNA sequences per se does not direct integration, rather, it is the protein complex assembled at the silencers. As demonstrated here for Ty5, recognition of specific chromatin domains may be a general mechanism by which retrotransposons and retroviruses determine integration sites.


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Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) is an endogenous brain substance that has diverse neuropharmacological actions, including rewarding properties in different animal species and in humans. As other drugs of abuse, GHB affects the firing of ventral tegmental neurons (VTA) in anaesthetized animals and hyperpolarizes dopaminergic neurons in VTA slices. However, no direct behavioural data on the effects of GHB applied in the VTA or in the target regions of its dopaminergic neurons, e.g. the nucleus accumbens (NAc), are available. Here, we investigated the effects of various doses of intravenous GHB in maintaining self-administration (from 0.001 to 10 mg/kg per infusion), and its ability to induce conditioned place preference (CPP) in rats when given orally (175-350 mg/kg) or injected directly either in the VTA or NAc (from 10 to 300 microg/0.5 microl per side). Our results indicate that while only 0.01 mg/kg per infusion GHB maintained self-administration, although not on every test day, 350 mg/kg GHB given orally induced CPP. CPP was also observed when GHB was injected in the VTA (30-100 microg/0.5 microl per side) but not in the NAc. Together with recent in-vitro findings, these results suggest that the rewarding properties of GHB mainly occur via disinhibition of VTA dopaminergic neurons.


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Electoral researchers are so much accustomed to analyzing the choice of the single most preferred party as the left-hand side variable of their models of electoral behavior that they often ignore revealed preference data. Drawing on random utility theory, their models predict electoral behavior at the extensive margin of choice. Since the seminal work of Luce and others on individual choice behavior, however, many social science disciplines (consumer research, labor market research, travel demand, etc.) have extended their inventory of observed preference data with, for instance, multiple paired comparisons, complete or incomplete rankings, and multiple ratings. Eliciting (voter) preferences using these procedures and applying appropriate choice models is known to considerably increase the efficiency of estimates of causal factors in models of (electoral) behavior. In this paper, we demonstrate the efficiency gain when adding additional preference information to first preferences, up to full ranking data. We do so for multi-party systems of different sizes. We use simulation studies as well as empirical data from the 1972 German election study. Comparing the practical considerations for using ranking and single preference data results in suggestions for choice of measurement instruments in different multi-candidate and multi-party settings.