1000 resultados para SiGe alloy


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sing the result of model-solid theory, we have obtained the relationship between bandgap and strain of Si1-x Ge-x alloy on Si (100) substrate with x < 0.85. It was shown that the deviation between the bandgap of strained SiGe and relaxed SiGe is proportional to the strain. According to the theoretical result, a novel method was suggested to determine the strain state of SiGe/ Si through measuring the bandgap. The strain in the SiGe/Si multi-quantum wells was measured using the new method and the results had good agreement with that from XRD measurement.


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Three n-p-n Si/SiGe/Si heterostructures with different layer thickness and doping concentration have been grown by a home-made gas source molecular-beam epitaxy (GSMBE) system using phosphine (PH3) and diborane (B2H6) as n-and p-type in situ doping sources, respectively. Heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) have been fabricated using these structures and a current gain of 40 at 300 K and 62 at 77 K have been obtained. The influence of thickness and doping concentration of the deposited layers on the current gain of the HBTs is discussed. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Double-crystal X-ray diffraction and I-V characterization have been carried out on the GSMBE grown SiGe/Si p-n heterojunction materials. Results show that the SiGe alloys crystalline quality and the misfit dislocations are critical influences on the reverse leakage current. The crystal perfection and/or the degree of metastability of the Sice alloys have been estimated in terms of the model proposed by Tsao with the experimental results. High-quality p-n heterojunction diodes can be obtained by optimizing the SiGe alloy structures, which limit the alloys in the metastable states. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The temperature is a key factor for the quality of the SiGe alloy grown by D-UHV/CVD. In conventional conditions,the lowest temperature for SiGe growth is about 550℃. Generally, the pressure of the growth chamber is about 10~(-5) Pa when liquid nitrogen is introduced into the wall of the growth chamber with the flux of 6sccm of the disilane gas. We have succeeded in depositing SiGe films at much lower temperature using a novel method. It is about 10.2 Pa without liquid nitrogen, about 3 magnitudes higher than the traditional method,leading to much faster deposition rate. Without liquid nitrogen,the SiGe film and SiGe/Si superlattice are grown at 485℃. The DCXRD curves and TEM image show that the quality of the film is good. The experiments show that this method is efficient to deposit SiGe at low temperature.


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Double-crystal X-ray diffraction and I-V characterization have been carried out on the GSMBE grown SiGe/Si p-n heterojunction materials. Results show that the SiGe alloys crystalline quality and the misfit dislocations are critical influences on the reverse leakage current. The crystal perfection and/or the degree of metastability of the Sice alloys have been estimated in terms of the model proposed by Tsao with the experimental results. High-quality p-n heterojunction diodes can be obtained by optimizing the SiGe alloy structures, which limit the alloys in the metastable states. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar os transistores de tunelamento por efeito de campo em estruturas de nanofio (NW-TFET), sendo realizado através de analises com base em explicações teóricas, simulações numéricas e medidas experimentais. A fim de avaliar melhorar o desempenho do NW-TFET, este trabalho utilizou dispositivos com diferentes materiais de fonte, sendo eles: Si, liga SiGe e Ge, além da variação da espessura de HfO2 no material do dielétrico de porta. Com o auxílio de simulações numéricas foram obtidos os diagramas de bandas de energia dos dispositivos NW-TFET com fonte de Si0,73Ge0,27 e foi analisada a influência de cada um dos mecanismos de transporte de portadores para diversas condições de polarização, sendo observado a predominância da influência da recombinação e geração Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) na corrente de desligamento, do tunelamento induzido por armadilhas (TAT) para baixos valores de tensões de porta (0,5V > VGS > 1,5V) e do tunelamento direto de banda para banda (BTBT) para maiores valores tensões de porta (VGS > 1,5V). A predominância de cada um desses mecanismos de transporte foi posteriormente comprovada com a utilização do método de Arrhenius, sendo este método adotado em todas as análises do trabalho. O comportamento relativamente constante da corrente dos NW-TFETs com a temperatura na região de BTBT tem chamado a atenção e por isso foi realizado o estudo dos parâmetros analógicos em função da temperatura. Este estudo foi realizado comparando a influência dos diferentes materiais de fonte. O uso de Ge na fonte, permitiu a melhora na corrente de tunelamento, devido à sua menor banda proibida, aumentando a corrente de funcionamento (ION) e a transcondutância do dispositivo. Porém, devido à forte dependência de BTBT com o campo elétrico, o uso de Ge na fonte resulta em uma maior degradação da condutância de saída. Entretanto, a redução da espessura de HfO2 no dielétrico de porta resultou no melhor acoplamento eletrostático, também aumentando a corrente de tunelamento, fazendo com que o dispositivo com fonte Ge e menor HfO2 apresentasse melhores resultados analógicos quando comparado ao puramente de Si. O uso de diferentes materiais durante o processo de fabricação induz ao aumento de defeitos nas interfaces do dispositivo. Ao longo deste trabalho foi realizado o estudo da influência da densidade de armadilhas de interface na corrente do dispositivo, demonstrando uma relação direta com o TAT e a formação de uma região de platô nas curvas de IDS x VGS, além de uma forte dependência com a temperatura, aumentando a degradação da corrente para temperaturas mais altas. Além disso, o uso de Ge introduziu maior número de impurezas no óxido, e através do estudo de ruído foi observado que o aumento na densidade de armadilhas no óxido resultou no aumento do ruído flicker em baixa frequência, que para o TFET, ocorre devido ao armadilhamento e desarmadilhamento de elétrons na região do óxido. E mais uma vez, o melhor acoplamento eletrostático devido a redução da espessura de HfO2, resultou na redução desse ruído tornando-se melhor quando comparado à um TFET puramente de Si. Neste trabalho foi proposto um modelo de ruído em baixa frequência para o NW-TFET baseado no modelo para MOSFET. Foram realizadas apenas algumas modificações, e assim, obtendo uma boa concordância com os resultados experimentais na região onde o BTBT é o mecanismo de condução predominante.


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First-principles electronic structure methods are used to predict the mobility of n-type carrier scattering in strained SiGe. We consider the effects of strain on the electron-phonon deformation potentials and the alloy scattering parameters. We calculate the electron-phonon matrix elements and fit them up to second order in strain. We find, as expected, that the main effect of strain on mobility comes from the breaking of the degeneracy of the six Δ and L valleys, and the choice of transport direction. The non-linear effects on the electron-phonon coupling of the Δ valley due to shear strain are found to reduce the mobility of Si-like SiGe by 50% per % strain. We find increases in mobility between 2 and 11 times that of unstrained SiGe for certain fixed Ge compositions, which should enhance the thermoelectric figure of merit in the same order, and could be important for piezoresistive applications.


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Photo-luminescence and electro-luminescence from step-graded index SiGe/Si quantum well grown by molecular beam epitaxy is reported. The SiGe/Si step-graded index quantum well structure is beneficial to the enhancing of electro-luminescence. The optical and electrical properties of this structure are discussed.


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Solid phase reaction of NiPt/Si and NiPt/SiGe is one of the key issues for silicide (germanosilicide) technology. Especially, the NiPtSiGe, in which four elements are involved, is a very complex system. As a result, a detailed study is necessary for the interfacial reaction between NiPt alloy film and SiGe substrate. Besides using traditional material characterization techniques, characterization of Schottky diode is a good measure to detect the interface imperfections or defects, which are not easy to be found on large area blanket samples. The I-V characteristics of 10nm Ni(Pt=0, 5, 10 at.%) germanosilicides/n-Si₀/₇Ge₀.₃ and silicides/n-Si contact annealed at 400 and 500°C were studied. For Schottky contact on n-Si, with the addition of Pt in the Ni(Pt) alloy, the Schottky barrier height (SBH) increases greatly. With the inclusion of a 10% Pt, SBH increases ~0.13 eV. However, for the Schottky contacts on SiGe, with the addition of 10% Pt, the increase of SBH is only ~0.04eV. This is explained by pinning of the Fermi level. The forward I-V characteristics of 10nm Ni(Pt=0, 5, 10 at.%)SiGe/SiGe contacts annealed at 400°C were investigated in the temperature range from 93 to 300K. At higher temperature (>253K) and larger bias at low temperature (<253K), the I-V curves can be well explained by a thermionic emission model. At lower temperature, excess currents at lower forward bias region occur, which can be explained by recombination/generation or patches due to inhomogenity of SBH with pinch-off model or a combination of the above mechanisms.


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Severe spinal deformity in young children is a formidable challenge for optimal treatment. Standard interventions for adolescents, such as spinal deformity correction and fusion, may not be appropriate for young patients with considerable growth remaining. Alternative surgical options that provide deformity correction and protect the growth remaining in the spine are needed to treat this group of patients 1, 2. One such method is the use of shape memory alloy staples. We report our experience to date using video-assisted thoracoscopic insertion of shape memory alloy staples. A retrospective review was conducted of 13 patients with scoliosis, aged 7 to 13 years, who underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic insertion of shape memory staples. In our experience, video-assisted thoracoscopic insertion of shape memory alloy staples is a safe procedure with no complications noted. It is a reliable method of providing curve stability, however the follow up results to date indicate that the effectiveness of the procedure is greater in younger patients.


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This paper presents bonding technology of aluminum alloy by hot-dipping tin. The dissolution curve of copper in molten tin liquid was obtained in the experiment of hot-dipping Sn. Optimal hot-dipping parameter which was suitable for soldering was designed. To elucidate characteristics of interfacial evolution, the microstructure of the coatings, soldered joint were analyzed using optical microscopy, SEM and EDX. The shear strength of soldered joints was tested as high as 39.9Mpa, which is high enough to achieve the requirement of electronic industry.


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This study investigated the grain size dependence of mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of microcrystalline (mc) and nanocrystalline (nc: grain size below 100 nm) Mg-5wt% Al alloys. The Hall-Petch relationship was investigated by both instrumented indentation tests and compression tests. The test results from the indentation tests and compression tests match well with each other. The breakdown of Hall-Petch relationship and the elevated strain rate sensitivity (SRS) of present Mg-5wt% Al alloys when the grain size was reduced below 58nm indicated the more significant role of GB mediated mechanisms in plastic deformation process. However, the relatively smaller SRS values compared to GB sliding and coble creep process suggested the plastic deformation in the current study is still dislocation mediated mechanism dominant.


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We show that SiGe islands are transformed into nanoholes and rings by annealing treatments only and without Si capping. Rings are produced by a rapid flash heating at temperatures higher than the melting point of Ge, whereas nanoholes are produced by several minute annealing. The rings are markedly rich in Si with respect to the pristine islands, suggesting that the evolution path from islands to rings is driven by the selective dissolution of Ge occurring at high temperature.


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RF magnetron concurrent sputtering of Hydroxyapatite and Ti forming functionally graded calcium phosphate-based composite bioactive films on Ti-6Al-4V orthopedic alloy is reported. Calcium oxide phosphate (4CaO•P2O5) is the main crystalline phase. In vitro cell culturing tests suggest outstanding biocompatibility of the Ca-P-Ti films. Images of the plasma-enhanced sputtering processes and cell culturing are presented and discussed.


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Conventional catalyzed thermal CVD of carbon microcoils commonly suffers from poor control of the coil shape and morphology and rarely reaches the nanoscale size range. This article reports on an unconventional Ni-P alloy-catalyzed, high-throughput, highly reproducible CVD of ultra-long carbon coil-like micro- and nano-structures using acetylene precursor at relatively low process temperatures. Helical carbon microcoils with consistently uniform, circular cross-sections and a high degree of crystallinity have been synthesized at 750 °C. A further reduction of the temperature to 650 °C led to the growth of ultra-long (up to several mm) wave-like carbon nanofibers made of two nanowires with the diameters in the 100-200 nm range. The results of the XRD and Raman analysis reveal that the nanofibers feature only a slightly more disordered structure compared to the microcoils. Our results suggest that morphology and structure of the carbon coil-like micro- and nano-structures can be tailored by the appropriate alloying of the catalyst and the choice of the CVD process parameters.