866 resultados para Short-term sickness absence
The increasing impact and costs of long term sickness absence have been well documented. However, the diversity and complexity of interventions and of the contexts in which these take place makes a traditional review problematic. Therefore, we undertook a systematic realist review to identify the dominant programme theories underlying best practice, to assess the evidence for these theories, and to throw light on important enabling or disabling contextual factors.
A search of the scholarly literature from 1950 to 2011 identified 5,576 articles, of which 269 formed the basis of the review.
We found that the dominant programme theories in relation to effective management related to: early intervention or referral by employers; having proactive organisational procedures; good communication and cooperation between stakeholders; and workplace-based occupational rehabilitation. Significant contextual factors were identified as the level of support for interventions from top management, the size and structure of the organisation, the level of financial and organisational investment in the management of long-term sickness absence, and the quality of relationships between managers and staff.
Consequently, those with responsibility for managing absence should bear in mind the contextual factors that are likely to have an impact on interventions, and do what they can to ensure stakeholders have at least a mutual understanding (if not a common purpose) in relation to their perceptions of interventions, goals, culture and practice in the management of long term sickness absence.
Purpose The success of measures to reduce long-term sickness absence (LTSA) in public sector organisations is contingent on organisational context. This realist evaluation investigates how interventions interact with context to influence successful management of LTSA. Methods Multi-method case study in three Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland comprising realist literature review, semi-structured interviews (61 participants), Process-Mapping and feedback meetings (59 participants), observation of training, analysis of documents. Results Important activities included early intervention; workplace-based occupational rehabilitation; robust sickness absence policies with clear trigger points for action. Used appropriately, in a context of good interpersonal and interdepartmental communication and shared goals, these are able to increase the motivation of staff to return to work. Line managers are encouraged to take a proactive approach when senior managers provide support and accountability. Hindering factors: delayed intervention; inconsistent implementation of policy and procedure; lack of resources; organisational complexity; stakeholders misunderstanding each other’s goals and motives. Conclusions Different mechanisms have the potential to encourage common motivations for earlier return from LTSA, such as employees feeling that they have the support of their line manager to return to work and having the confidence to do so. Line managers’ proactively engage when they have confidence in the support of seniors and in their own ability to address LTSA. Fostering these motivations calls for a thoughtful, diagnostic process, taking into account the contextual factors (and whether they can be modified) and considering how a given intervention can be used to trigger the appropriate mechanisms.
Yrityksissä on viimeisten vuosien aikana alettu keskustella enemmän sairauspoissaoloista. Ne muodostavat monissa yrityksissä merkittävän kuluerän. Monissa yrityksissä joudutaan käsittelemään sairauspoissaoloja jollakin tavalla. Jokaisella yrityksellä on olemassa toimintatapoja lyhytaikaisten sairauspoissaolojen vähentämiseksi. Toimintatavoilla on tarkoitus tukea esimiehiä käsittelemään työntekijöiden poissaoloja. Työntekijöiden sairauspoissaolot, työkykyyn ja työstä suoriutumiseen liittyvät asiat ovat helpompia käsitellä toimintamallien avulla. Esimiestoiminnalla on todettu olevan yhteys lyhytaikaisiin sairauspoissaoloihin. On lyhytaikaisia sairauspoissaoloja esimiehistä riippumattomistakin syistä, mutta niiden esiintyessä usein, saattaa taustalla olla jokin muu tekijä kuin sairaus. Tämän tutkimuksen avulla oli selvittää eniten lyhytaikaisia sairauspoissaolojen omaavien myymälöiden työtyytyväisyyttä ja onko esimiestoiminnalla selkeä yhteys poissaoloihin. Yrityksellä on käytössään erilaisia toimintamalleja lyhytaikaisiin poissaoloihin ja niiden vähentämiseen. Tutkimuksen avulla pyrittiin huomaamaan onko jokaisessa myymälässä samat toimintamallit.
Bakgrund: Sjukfrånvaron är ett fenomen som snabbt ökar i Sverige idag. Detta är något som kostar stora summor pengar varje år men trots detta finns relativt lite forskning på området. Den forskning som finns i området undersöker till stor del endast den långvariga sjukfrånvaron. Författarna av denna studie har tydligt identifierat en lucka i forskningen vad gäller kortvarig sjukfrånvaro. Syfte: Denna studie syftar därmed att undersöka storleken på avdelningen samt chefens kommunikation och interaktions påverkan på kortvarig sjukfrånvaro. Resultat: Undersökningen resultat är sammanställt ur dels en enkät som de anställda på tre avdelningar inom ett internationellt produktionsföretag fått besvara och dels tre intervjuer genomförda med en HR-chef och två chefer över avdelningarna. Resultatet blev att fem kategorikoder identifierades; Avdelningens storlek, Chefens kommunikation och interaktion, Frånvarokultur, Arbetsuppgifter och Hälsoarbete. Slutsats: Den främsta slutsats som denna undersökning resulterat i är att storleken på avdelningen påverkar de anställdas möjlighet snarare än deras tendens till att vara kortvarigt sjukfrånvarande. Den faktor som istället anses påverka den kortvariga sjukfrånvaron är hur chefen kommunicerar och integrerar med de anställda. Fokus bör därmed läggas vid denna faktor i försök att antingen minska eller kontrollera den kortvariga sjukfrånvaron på avdelningen
Breakdown of the inner blood-retinal barrier (iBRB) occurs early in diabetes and is central to the development of sight-threatening diabetic macular edema (DME) as retinopathy progresses. In the current study, we examined how advanced glycation end products (AGEs) forming early in diabetes could modulate vasopermeability factor expression in the diabetic retina and alter inter-endothelial cell tight junction (TJ) integrity leading to iBRB dysfunction. We also investigated the potential for an AGE inhibitor to prevent this acute pathology and examined a role of the AGE-binding protein galectin-3 (Gal-3) in AGE-mediated cell retinal pathophysiology. Diabetes was induced in C57/BL6 wild-type (WT) mice and in Gal-3(-/-) transgenic mice. Blood glucose was monitored and AGE levels were quantified by ELISA and immunohistochemistry. The diabetic groups were subdivided, and one group was treated with the AGE-inhibitor pyridoxamine (PM) while separate groups of WT and Gal-3(-/-) mice were maintained as nondiabetic controls. iBRB integrity was assessed by Evans blue assay alongside visualisation of TJ protein complexes via occludin-1 immunolocalization in retinal flat mounts. Retinal expression levels of the vasopermeability factor VEGF were quantified using real-time RT-PCR and ELISA. WT diabetic mice showed significant AGE -immunoreactivity in the retinal microvasculature and also showed significant iBRB breakdown (P < .005). These diabetics had higher VEGF mRNA and protein expression in comparison to controls (P < .01). PM-treated diabetics had normal iBRB function and significantly reduced diabetes-mediated VEGF expression. Diabetic retinal vessels showed disrupted TJ integrity when compared to controls, while PM-treated diabetics demonstrated near-normal configuration. Gal-3(-/-) mice showed significantly less diabetes-mediated iBRB dysfunction, junctional disruption, and VEGF expression changes than their WT counterparts. The data suggests an AGE-mediated disruption of iBRB via upregulation of VEGF in the diabetic retina, possibly modulating disruption of TJ integrity, even after acute diabetes. Prevention of AGE formation or genetic deletion of Gal-3 can effectively prevent these acute diabetic retinopathy changes.
We evaluated measures of bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and Fulton’s condition factor (K) as potential nonlethal indices for detecting short-term changes in nutritional condition of postsmolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Fish reared in the laboratory for 27 days were fed, fasted, or fasted and then refed. Growth rates and proximate body composition (protein, fat, water) were measured in each fish to evaluate nutritional status and condition. Growth rates of fish responded rapidly to the absence or reintroduction of food, whereas body composition (% wet weight) remained relatively stable owing to isometric growth in fed fish and little loss of body constituents in fasted fish, resulting in nonsignificant differences in body composition among feeding treatments. The utility of BIA and Fulton’s K as condition indices requires differences in body composition. In our study, BIA measures were not significantly different among the three feeding treatments, and only on the final day of sampling was K of fasted vs. fed fish significantly different. BIA measures were correlated with body composition content; however, wet weight was a better predictor of body composition on both a content and concentration (% wet weight) basis. Because fish were growing isometrically, neither BIA nor K was well correlated with growth rate. For immature fish, where growth rate, rather than energy reserves, is a more important indicator of fish condition, a nonlethal index that reflects shortterm changes in growth rate or the potential for growth would be more suitable as a condition index than either BIA measures or Fulton�
Polar Oceans are natural CO2 sinks because of the enhanced solubility of CO2 in cold water. The Arctic Ocean is at additional risk of accelerated ocean acidification (OA) because of freshwater inputs from sea ice and rivers, which influence the carbonate system. Winter conditions in the Arctic are of interest because of both cold temperatures and limited CO2 venting to the atmosphere when sea ice is present. Earlier OA experiments on Arctic microbial communities conducted in the absence of ice cover, hinted at shifts in taxa dominance and diversity under lowered pH. The Catlin Arctic Survey provided an opportunity to conduct in situ, under-ice, OA experiments during late Arctic winter. Seawater was collected from under the sea ice off Ellef Ringnes Island, and communities were exposed to three CO2 levels for 6 days. Phylogenetic diversity was greater in the attached fraction compared to the free-living fraction in situ, in the controls and in the treatments. The dominant taxa in all cases were Gammaproteobacteria but acidification had little effect compared to the effects of containment. Phylogenetic net relatedness indices suggested that acidification may have decreased the diversity within some bacterial orders, but overall there was no clear trend. Within the experimental communities, alkalinity best explained the variance among samples and replicates, suggesting subtle changes in the carbonate system need to be considered in such experiments. We conclude that under ice communities have the capacity to respond either by selection or phenotypic plasticity to heightened CO2 levels over the short term.
Aim: To evaluate the role of macrophages in the development of posterior capsule opacification (PCO). Methods: For this purpose, an extracapsular lens extraction was performed in 18 consecutive Sprague-Dawley rats. Animals were treated with liposomal clodronate (Cl MDP-lip-treated group, n = 10) or phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (control group, n = 8) 1 day preoperatively and on the first day postoperatively, and sacrificed 3 days postoperatively. Masked clinical, light microscopy and immunohistochemistry studies were conducted. The Fisher exact test and randomisation test were used to assess statistically differences between groups. Results: A statistically significant reduction in the number of macrophages (ED1+, ED7+, ED8+) was found in the Cl MDP-lip-treated group compared with the PBS-lip-treated group (p = 0.048, p = 0.004, p = 0.027, respectively). There were no statistically significant differences with regards to the presence/absence of central opacification (p = 0.29) and capsular wrinkling (p = 0.21) as detected clinically between groups. Similarly, a qualitative evaluation of the degree of PCO with regards to lens epithelial cell (LEC) proliferation, capsular wrinkling and Soemmerring ring formation showed no statistically significance between groups (p = 0.27, p = 0.061, p = 1.0, respectively). However, a statistically significant reduction in the number of lens epithelial cells (LEC) counted in the centre of the posterior capsule was found in the Cl MDP-lip- treated group (p = 0.009). Conclusion: Depletion of macrophages was accompanied by a reduction in LEC in the centre of the posterior capsule in rodents.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the use of an occlusal splint in children with bruxism in a pilot study with a short-term follow up. Seventeen children were recruited, only nine of whom formed the sample following the application of the inclusion criteria: presence of sleep bruxism for at least six months (based on parents' reports); presence of at least the first permanent molars; and no previous history of treatment involving an occlusal splint. The sample was submitted to a clinical exam. Other sleep problems were screened with the use of a sleep questionnaire filled out by parents before and after 90 days of occlusal splint usage. The children received a flat acrylic resin splint with full coverage of the occlusal surfaces to be worn in the maxilla. In children with erupting teeth, a space was created in the splint to allow normal eruption. After the 90-day period, the absence of sleep bruxism and sleep movements was noted in most of children. Moreover, snoring was reduced in nearly 50%, which raises a new issue to be investigated with regard to the pathophysiology of sleep bruxism. The use of an occlusal splint was effective in reducing the symptoms of sleep bruxism and other sleep problems. Further investigations should be carried out on the relationship between snoring and sleep bruxism in children.
OBJECTIVE: To compare four different implantation modalities for the repair of superficial osteochondral defects in a caprine model using autologous, scaffold-free, engineered cartilage constructs, and to describe the short-term outcome of successfully implanted constructs. METHODS: Scaffold-free, autologous cartilage constructs were implanted within superficial osteochondral defects created in the stifle joints of nine adult goats. The implants were distributed between four 6-mm-diameter superficial osteochondral defects created in the trochlea femoris and secured in the defect using a covering periosteal flap (PF) alone or in combination with adhesives (platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or fibrin), or using PRP alone. Eight weeks after implantation surgery, the animals were killed. The defect sites were excised and subjected to macroscopic and histopathologic analyses. RESULTS: At 8 weeks, implants that had been held in place exclusively with a PF were well integrated both laterally and basally. The repair tissue manifested an architecture similar to that of hyaline articular cartilage. However, most of the implants that had been glued in place in the absence of a PF were lost during the initial 4-week phase of restricted joint movement. The use of human fibrin glue (FG) led to massive cell infiltration of the subchondral bone. CONCLUSIONS: The implantation of autologous, scaffold-free, engineered cartilage constructs might best be performed beneath a PF without the use of tissue adhesives. Successfully implanted constructs showed hyaline-like characteristics in adult goats within 2 months. Long-term animal studies and pilot clinical trials are now needed to evaluate the efficacy of this treatment strategy.
Although copepods have been considered tolerant against the direct influence of the ocean acidification (OA) projected for the end of the century, some recent studies have challenged this view. Here, we have examined the direct impact of short-term exposure to a pCO2/pH level relevant for the year 2100 (pHNBS, control: 8.18, low pH: 7.78), on the physiological performance of two representative marine copepods: the calanoid Acartia grani and the cyclopoid Oithona davisae. Adults of both species, from laboratory cultures, were preconditioned for four consecutive days in algal suspensions (Akashiwo sanguinea) prepared with filtered sea water pre-adjusted to the targeted pH values via CO2 bubbling. We measured the feeding and respiratory activity and reproductive output of those pre-conditioned females. The largely unaffected fatty acid composition of the prey offered between OA treatments and controls supports the absence in the study of indirect OA effects (i.e. changes of food nutritional quality). Our results show no direct effect of acidification on the vital rates examined in either copepod species. Our findings are compared with results from previous short- and long-term manipulative experiments on other copepod species.
Background. To explore the efficacy of cycle training in the treatment of intermittent claudication, the present study compared performance and physiologic effects of cycle training with more conventional treadmill walking training in a group of patients with claudication. Method: Forty-two individuals with peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication (24 men, 18 women) were stratified by gender and the presence or absence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and then randomized to a treadmill (n = 13), cycle (n = 15), or control group (n = 14). Treadmill and cycle groups trained three times a week for 6 weeks, whereas the control group did not train during this period. Maximal and pain-free exercise times were measured on graded treadmill and cycle tests before and after training. Results. Treadmill training significantly improved maximal and pain-free treadmill walking times but did not improve cycle performance. Cycle training significantly improved maximal cycle time but did not improve treadmill performance. However, there was evidence of a stronger cross-transfer effect between the training modes for patients who reported a common limiting symptom during cycling and walking at baseline. There was also considerable variation in the training response to cycling, and a subgroup of responsive patients in the cycle group improved their walking performance by more than the average response observed in the treadmill group. Conclusion: These findings suggest that cycle exercise is not effective in improving walking performance in all claudication patients but might be an effective alternative to walking in those who exhibit similar limiting symptoms during both types of exercise.
The Short Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability is a structured judgement tool used to inform risk estimation for multiple adverse outcomes. In research, risk estimates outperform the tool's strength and vulnerability scales for violence prediction. Little is known about what its’component parts contribute to the assignment of risk estimates and how those estimates fare in prediction of non-violent adverse outcomes compared with the structured components. START assessment and outcomes data from a secure mental health service (N=84) was collected. Binomial and multinomial regression analyses determined the contribution of selected elements of the START structured domain and recent adverse risk events to risk estimates and outcomes prediction for violence, self-harm/suicidality, victimisation, and self-neglect. START vulnerabilities and lifetime history of violence, predicted the violence risk estimate; self-harm and victimisation estimates were predicted only by corresponding recent adverse events. Recent adverse events uniquely predicted all corresponding outcomes, with the exception of self-neglect which was predicted by the strength scale. Only for victimisation did the risk estimate outperform prediction based on the START components and recent adverse events. In the absence of recent corresponding risk behaviour, restrictions imposed on the basis of START-informed risk estimates could be unwarranted and may be unethical.