11 resultados para Shibboleth
Présentation vulgarisée pour faire apparaitre le potentiel de transformation de service et de soutien de services communs d'une pareille infrastructure.
L’università di Bologna, da sempre attenta alle nuove tecnologie e all’innovazione, si è dotata nel 2010 di un Identity Provider (IDP), ovvero un servizio per la verifica dell’identità degli utenti dell’organizzazione tramite username e password in grado di sollevare le applicazioni web (anche esterne all’organizzazione) dall’onere di verificare direttamente le credenziali dell’utente delegando totalmente la responsabilità sul controllo dell’identità digitale all’IDP. La soluzione adottata (Microsoft ADFS) si è dimostrata generalmente semplice da configurare e da gestire, ma ha presentato problemi di integrazione con le principali federazioni di identità regionali e italiane (FedERa e IDEM) a causa di una incompatibilità con il protocollo SAML 1.1, ancora utilizzato da alcuni dei servizi federati. Per risolvere tale incompatibilità il "CeSIA – Area Sistemi Informativi e Applicazioni" dell’Università di Bologna ha deciso di dotarsi di un Identity Provider Shibboleth, alternativa open source ad ADFS che presenta funzionalità equivalenti ed è in grado di gestire tutte le versioni del protocollo SAML (attualmente rilasciato fino alla versione 2.0). Il mio compito è stato quello di analizzare, installare, configurare e integrare con le federazioni IDEM e FedERa un’infrastruttura basata sull’IDP Shibboleth prima in test poi in produzione, con la collaborazione dei colleghi che in precedenza si erano occupati della gestione della soluzione Microsoft ADFS. Il lavoro che ho svolto è stato suddiviso in quattro fasi: - Analisi della situazione esistente - Progettazione della soluzione - Installazione e configurazione di un Identity Provider in ambiente di test - Deploy dell’Identity Provider in ambiente di produzione
The question posed in this chapter is: To what extent does current education theory and practice prepare graduates for the creative economy? We first define what we mean by the term creative economy, explain why we think it is a significant point of focus, derive its key features, describe the human capital requirements of these features, and then discuss whether current education theory and practice are producing these human capital requirements. The term creative economy can be critiqued as a shibboleth, but as a high level metaphor, it nevertheless has value in directing us away from certain sorts of economic activity and toward other kinds. Much economic activity is in no way creative. If I have a monopoly on some valued resource, I do not need to be creative. Other forms of economic activity are intensely creative. If I have no valued resources, I must create something that is valued. At its simplest and yet most profound, the idea of a creative economy suggests a capacity to compete based on engaging in a gainful activity that is different from everyone else’s, rather than pursuing the same endeavor more competitively than everyone else. The ability to differentiate on novelty is key to the concept of creative economy and key to our analysis of education for this economy. Therefore, we follow Potts and Cunningham (2008, p. 18) and Potts, Cunningham, Hartley, and Ormerod (2008) in their discussion of the economic significance of the creative industries and see the creative economy not as a sector but as a set of economic processes that act on the economy as a whole to invigorate innovation based growth. We see the creative economy as suffused with all industry rather than as a sector in its own right. These economic processes are essentially concerned with the production of new ideas that ultimately become new products, service, industry sectors, or, in some cases, process or product innovations in older sectors. Therefore, our starting point is that modern economies depend on innovation, and we see the core of innovation as new knowledge of some kind. We commence with some observations about innovation.
Pour exprimer ou définir une idée nouvelle, Derrida détourne souvent le sens d’un mot en se l’appropriant. La relation de Derrida avec les idées est telle que leur transmission passe par un vocabulaire spécifique, notamment l’analyse de l’étymologie (vraie et fausse). Mais quelle est sa conception du mot ? Quelles en sont les implications et les conséquences ? Pour répondre à ces questions, l’approche la plus féconde consiste à suivre au plus près celle que Derrida utilise en abordant la langue par rapport à la grammaire au sens large (c’est-à-dire tout ce qui fait événement dans la langue). En effet, la relation entre le mot et l’idée prend tout son sens dans l’analyse de certaines scènes bibliques, telles celles de la Genèse ou encore du mythe de Babel. Le fameux énoncé inaugural de l’Évangile de Jean, « Au commencement était la parole... », fait retour dans l’œuvre de Derrida, où il connaît plusieurs variations : il mérite examen, dans la perspective d’une déconstruction du logos et des origines de la langue. Le corpus de notre étude porte principalement sur trois textes de Jacques Derrida : « Des tours de Babel » (L’art des confins, PUF, 1979), Schibboleth – Pour Paul Celan (Galilée, 1986) et Donner la mort (Galilée, 1999), ces textes permettant tous une interrogation de l’« intention » divine dans le langage. Notre visée, en privilégiant dans l’œuvre derridienne ces « exemples » bibliques, est d’étudier la démarche de Derrida dans la « création » d’une langue, aspect qui a toujours été inséparable de l’élaboration de sa philosophie et auquel il a accordé la plus grande attention. À terme, ce travail se veut une contribution à la pensée du philosophe, portant sur un aspect capital de son travail et battant en brèche l’idée que son écriture est « absconse » ou « hermétique », alors qu’il y va pour lui de la mise en œuvre de sa manière même de concevoir la langue.
A shibboleth has grown up around the work of Edward Bond. The tag ‘controversial dramatist’ has continued to dog both the man and his work. This article will hope to explore some of the contradictory, and sometimes frustrating manifestations that such ‘celebrity’ has produced. Since the reception of The War Plays [1985] by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the National Theatre Bond has largely withdrawn his work from mainstream British theatre. Since the late 1990s he has looked to a new home – La Colline Theatre – in France, to premiere new work and run retrospective seasons of older plays. Here, Bond's celebrity is of a different kind, and has allowed him to enhance and develop his work as a playwright, director and writer about theatre. While this article draws on secondary sources it also uses material based on personal correspondence with Edward Bond.
I sistemi di autenticazione con secondo fattore permettono una migliore protezione dell'identità digitale degli utenti. Questo lavoro descrive l'analisi e progettazione della soluzione di autenticazione a più fattori da integrare nel sistema di Ateneo, conclusasi con lo sviluppo del modulo di integrazione tra il servizio di autenticazione Web Single Sign-On dell'Università di Bologna (ADFS 3.0) e la piattaforma scelta per la fornitura (Time4ID). L'integrazione è stata effettuata programmando un Authentication Provider, costituito da una libreria di integrazione scritta in C#, capace di integrarsi con la piattaforma cloud-based di verifica del secondo fattore.
The intention of an authentication and authorization infrastructure (AAI) is to simplify and unify access to different web resources. With a single login, a user can access web applications at multiple organizations. The Shibboleth authentication and authorization infrastructure is a standards-based, open source software package for web single sign-on (SSO) across or within organizational boundaries. It allows service providers to make fine-grained authorization decisions for individual access of protected online resources. The Shibboleth system is a widely used AAI, but only supports protection of browser-based web resources. We have implemented a Shibboleth AAI extension to protect web services using Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). Besides user authentication for browser-based web resources, this extension also provides user and machine authentication for web service-based resources. Although implemented for a Shibboleth AAI, the architecture can be easily adapted to other AAIs.
Bearings, and introduction.--The gentleman.--Reason.--Imagination.--The calling.--Time.--Now.--Words.--Shibboleth.--Luck.--Success.--Friendship.--The citizen.--Travel.--Religion.
That we live in a time of unprecedented and ever-increasing change is both a shibboleth of our age and the more-or-less explicit justification for all manner of “strategic” actions. The seldom, if ever, questioned assumption is that our now is more ephemeral, more evanescent, than any that preceded it. In this essay, we subject this assumption to some critical scrutiny, utilizing a range of empirical detail. In the face of this assay we find the assumption to be considerably wanting. We suggest that what we are actually witnessing is mere acceleration, which we distinguish as intensification along a preexisting trajectory, parading as more substantive and radical movement away from a preexisting trajectory. Deploying Deleuze's (2004) terms we are, we suggest, in thrall to representation of the same at the expense of repetition of difference. Our consumption by acceleration, we argue, both occludes the lack of substantive change actually occurring while simultaneously delimiting possibilities of thinking of and enacting the truly radical. We also consider how this setup is maintained, thus attempting to shed some light on why we are seemingly running to stand still. As the Red Queen said, “it's necessary to run faster even to stay in the one place.”