91 resultados para Sheltering
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
In a crosswind scenario, the risk of high-speed trains overturning increases when they run on viaducts since the aerodynamic loads are higher than on the ground. In order to increase safety, vehicles are sheltered by fences that are installed on the viaduct to reduce the loads experienced by the train. Windbreaks can be designed to have different heights, and with or without eaves on the top. In this paper, a parametric study with a total of 12 fence designs was carried out using a two-dimensional model of a train standing on a viaduct. To asses the relative effectiveness of sheltering devices, tests were done in a wind tunnel with a scaled model at a Reynolds number of 1 × 105, and the train’s aerodynamic coefficients were measured. Experimental results were compared with those predicted by Unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) simulations of flow, showing that a computational model is able to satisfactorily predict the trend of the aerodynamic coefficients. In a second set of tests, the Reynolds number was increased to 12 × 106 (at a free flow air velocity of 30 m/s) in order to simulate strong wind conditions. The aerodynamic coefficients showed a similar trend for both Reynolds numbers; however, their numerical value changed enough to indicate that simulations at the lower Reynolds number do not provide all required information. Furthermore, the variation of coefficients in the simulations allowed an explanation of how fences modified the flow around the vehicle to be proposed. This made it clear why increasing fence height reduced all the coefficients but adding an eave had an effect mainly on the lift force coefficient. Finally, by analysing the time signals it was possible to clarify the influence of the Reynolds number on the peak-to-peak amplitude, the time period and the Strouhal number.
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Common building energy modeling approaches do not account for the influence of surrounding neighborhood on the energy consumption patterns. This thesis develops a framework to quantify the neighborhood impact on a building energy consumption based on the local wind flow. The airflow in the neighborhood is predicted using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in eight principal wind directions. The developed framework in this study benefits from wind multipliers to adjust the wind velocity encountering the target building. The input weather data transfers the adjusted wind velocities to the building energy model. In a case study, the CFD method is validated by comparing with on-site temperature measurements, and the building energy model is calibrated using utilities data. A comparison between using the adjusted and original weather data shows that the building energy consumption and air system heat gain decreased by 5% and 37%, respectively, while the cooling gain increased by 4% annually.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para a obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação, Especialização em Intervenção Precoce
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil - Área de especialização de Hidráulica
Heróis de palmo e meio: a intervenção psicossocial e a relação de ajuda no acolhimento institucional
Os Lares de Infância e Juventude têm como objetivo defender o superior interesse das crianças, desempenhando um papel fundamental no acompanhamento do seu desenvolvimento. Este dever concretiza-se substancialmente na definição e acompanhamento dos seus projetos de vida. Neste sentido, as práticas dos profissionais devem ir ao encontro das reais necessidades dos seus atores, numa ação adequada, desenhada e concertada, tendo sempre como principio básico o respeito pelas idiossincrasias de cada criança e jovem. O presente Relatório tem como objetivo apresentar o desenho e desenvolvimento de um projeto de intervenção psicossocial e relação de ajuda com crianças em acolhimento institucional, intitulado “Heróis de Palmo e Meio. A intervenção psicossocial e a relação de ajuda no acolhimento institucional”. Este projeto teve como grande finalidade a “Participação das crianças e das suas famílias na construção dos seus projetos de vida com base na compreensão da institucionalização”. Priorizando as necessidades e respeitando o critério de urgência, foram desenhados dois subprojectos com duas crianças e suas famílias, tentando sempre responder às suas necessidades individuais. Foram definidos alguns objetivos gerais comuns, assim como objetivos específicos, estratégias e ações adequadas a cada um dos subprojectos. Os resultados deste projeto revelam-se significativos, já que permitiram, quer às crianças, quer às famílias, desenvolver um processo de reflexão e consciencialização em torno da sua história de vida, compreensão da sua realidade e participação ativa no projeto de vida dos filhos, o que veio facilitar o caminho inicial do processo da mudança.
Natural disasters are events that cause general and widespread destruction of the built environment and are becoming increasingly recurrent. They are a product of vulnerability and community exposure to natural hazards, generating a multitude of social, economic and cultural issues of which the loss of housing and the subsequent need for shelter is one of its major consequences. Nowadays, numerous factors contribute to increased vulnerability and exposure to natural disasters such as climate change with its impacts felt across the globe and which is currently seen as a worldwide threat to the built environment. The abandonment of disaster-affected areas can also push populations to regions where natural hazards are felt more severely. Although several actors in the post-disaster scenario provide for shelter needs and recovery programs, housing is often inadequate and unable to resist the effects of future natural hazards. Resilient housing is commonly not addressed due to the urgency in sheltering affected populations. However, by neglecting risks of exposure in construction, houses become vulnerable and are likely to be damaged or destroyed in future natural hazard events. That being said it becomes fundamental to include resilience criteria, when it comes to housing, which in turn will allow new houses to better withstand the passage of time and natural disasters, in the safest way possible. This master thesis is intended to provide guiding principles to take towards housing recovery after natural disasters, particularly in the form of flood resilient construction, considering floods are responsible for the largest number of natural disasters. To this purpose, the main structures that house affected populations were identified and analyzed in depth. After assessing the risks and damages that flood events can cause in housing, a methodology was proposed for flood resilient housing models, in which there were identified key criteria that housing should meet. The same methodology is based in the US Federal Emergency Management Agency requirements and recommendations in accordance to specific flood zones. Finally, a case study in Maldives – one of the most vulnerable countries to sea level rise resulting from climate change – has been analyzed in light of housing recovery in a post-disaster induced scenario. This analysis was carried out by using the proposed methodology with the intent of assessing the resilience of the newly built housing to floods in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.
The number of houses damaged or destroyed after disasters is frequently large, and re-housing of homeless people is one of the most important tasks of reconstruction programmes. Reconstruction works often last long and during that time, it is essential to provide victims with the minimum conditions to live with dignity, privacy, and protection. This research intends to demonstrate the crucial role of temporary accommodation buildings to provide spaces where people can live and gradually resume their life until they have a permanent house. The study also aims to identify the main problems of temporary accommodation strategies and to discuss some principles and guidelines in order to reach better design solutions. It is found that temporary accommodation is an issue that goes beyond the simple provision of buildings, since the whole space for temporary settlement is important. Likewise, temporary accommodation is a process that should start before a disaster occurs, as a preventive pre-planning. In spite of being temporary constructions, these housing buildings are one of the most important elements to provide in emergency scenarios, contributing for better recovery and reconstruction actions.
Leprosy is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae that affects the skin and nerves, presenting a singular clinical picture. Across the leprosy spectrum, lepromatous leprosy (LL) exhibits a classical hallmark: the presence of a collection of M. leprae-infected foamy macrophages/Schwann cells characterised by their high lipid content. The significance of this foamy aspect in mycobacterial infections has garnered renewed attention in leprosy due to the recent observation that the foamy aspect represents cells enriched in lipid droplets (LD) (also known as lipid bodies). Here, we discuss the contemporary view of LD as highly regulated organelles with key functions in M. leprae persistence in the LL end of the spectrum. The modern methods of studying this ancient disease have contributed to recent findings that describe M. leprae-triggered LD biogenesis and recruitment as effective mycobacterial intracellular strategies for acquiring lipids, sheltering and/or dampening the immune response and favouring bacterial survival, likely representing a fundamental aspect of M. leprae pathogenesis. The multifaceted functions attributed to the LD in leprosy may contribute to the development of new strategies for adjunctive anti-leprosy therapies.
Chlamydia-related bacteria classified in the Chlamydiales order, are strictly intracellular bacteria and are able for the most to replicate in free-living amoebae. Amoebae, ubiquitous in the environment and especially in water, are very resistant to disinfection used in drinking water production. Thus, amoebae may reach easily the distribution and domestic water system, potentially sheltering amoeba-resisting bacteria including Legionella, mycobacteria and Chlamydiales. Indeed, some of these amoeba-resisting bacteria have been shown to cause respiratory infections in people inhaling contaminated water. Therefore, an environmental and clinical study was conducted to determine if Chlamydiales bacteria are also involved in respiratory infections and if a transmission through domestic drinking water could occur. First, large scale molecular and serological tools specific of Chlamydia-related bacteria were developed and then were applied on clinical samples from patients with and without pneumonia. Simultaneously, water and biofilm samples from households of the same patients were investigated using molecular and culture methods for the presence of Chlamydiales bacteria. Chlamydiales were detected in the nasopharyngeal flora from patients with and without pneumonia. However, no significant difference was observed between both groups. Conversely, serological investigations showed that antibody reactivity against members of the Criblamydiaceae was associated with pneumonia. The thesis provided very efficient tools that showed the presence of Chlamydiales in human nasopharyngeal flora as well as in the majority of the domestic drinking water. However, no transmission from domestic drinking water to human could be demonstrated. These tools will help in the future specifying the ecology and pathogenicity of the Chlamydia-re\ated bacteria and especially of the species belonging to the Criblamydiaceae family.
Weathering steel is commonly used as a cost-effective alternative for bridge superstructures, as the costs and environmental impacts associated with the maintenance/replacement of paint coatings are theoretically eliminated. The performance of weathering steel depends on the proper formation of a surface patina, which consists of a dense layer of corrosion product used to protect the steel from further atmospheric corrosion. The development of the weathering steel patina may be hindered by environmental factors such as humid environments, wetting/drying cycles, sheltering, exposure to de-icing chlorides, and design details that permit water to pond on steel surfaces. Weathering steel bridges constructed over or adjacent to other roadways could be subjected to sufficient salt spray that would impede the development of an adequate patina. Addressing areas of corrosion on a weathering steel bridge superstructure where a protective patina has not formed is often costly and negates the anticipated cost savings for this type of steel superstructure. Early detection of weathering steel corrosion is important to extending the service life of the bridge structure; however, written inspection procedures are not available for inspectors to evaluate the performance or quality of the patina. This project focused on the evaluation of weathering steel bridge structures, including possible methods to assess the quality of the weathering steel patina and to properly maintain the quality of the patina. The objectives of this project are summarized as follows: Identify weathering steel bridge structures that would be most vulnerable to chloride contamination, based on location, exposure, environment, and other factors. Identify locations on an individual weathering steel bridge structure that would be most susceptible to chloride contamination, such as below joints, splash/spray zones, and areas of ponding water or debris. Identify possible testing methods and/or inspection techniques for inspectors to evaluate the quality of the weathering steel patina at locations discussed above. Identify possible methods to measure and evaluate the level of chloride contamination at the locations discussed above. Evaluate the effectiveness of water washing on removing chlorides from the weathering steel patina. Develop a general prioritization for the washing of bridge structures based on the structure’s location, environment, inspection observations, patina evaluation findings, and chloride test results.
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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en droit, option recherche"