993 resultados para Sheet forming


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Un dels processos tradicionals de conformació de xapa més utilitzats a nivell industrial, degut a la seva rapidesa d’operació i la seva maduresa del procés, és l’embotició. Per a dur a terme aquest procés és necessària la construcció d’uns utillatges (matriu i punxó) per a cada tipus de producte. Aquests utillatges estan fabricats amb materials altament resistents ja que han de poder suportar càrregues molt importants durant la deformació. A més, s’han de garantir unes precisions dimensionals molt bones per tal d’evitar el xoc entre les dues parts de l’utillatge i per a assegurar que la peça obtinguda tingui les dimensions desitjades. Aquest fet implica que el procés d’obtenció de les matrius i punxons tingui un cost molt elevat i per a amortitzar-lo és necessari que la producció sigui en massa.L’objecte d’aquest projecte és adaptar el centre de mecanitzat Kondia HS1000 per tal de poder dur a terme recerca bàsica de la tecnologia de conformat incremental de xapa (ISF) en el Grup de Recerca en Enginyeria del Producte, Procés i Producció (GREP)


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Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies show that the three designed tripeptides Boc-Leu-Aib-m-NA-NO2 (I), Boc-Phe-Aib-m-NA-NO2 (II) and Boc-Pro-Aib-m-ABA-OMe (III) (Aib, -aminoisobutyric acid; m-NA, m-nitroaniline; m-ABA, m-aminobenzoic acid; Boc, t-butyloxycarbonyl) containing aromatic rings in the backbones adopt -turn structures that are self-assembled through intermolecular hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions to create layers of -sheets. Solvent-dependent NMR titration and CD studies show that the -turn structures of the peptides also exist in the solution phase. The field emission scanning electron microscopic and transmission electron microscopic images of the peptides in the solid state reveal fibrillar structures of flat morphology that are formed through -sheet mediated self-assembly of the preorganised -turn building blocks.


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Friction plays an important role in sheet metal forming (SMF) and the roughness of the surface of the sheet is a major factor that influences friction. In finite element method (FEM) models of metal forming, the roughness has usually been assumed to be constant; even though it is commonly observed that sheet drawn under tension over a tool radius results in the surface becoming shiny, indicating a major change in surface morphology. An elastic–plastic FEM model for micro-contact between a flat surface and a single roughness peak has been developed. The model was used to investigate the effect of the membrane stress in the sheet on the deformation of an artificial roughness peak. From the simulation results, the change in asperity, or deformation of the local peak, for a given nominal tool contact stress is significantly influenced by the local substrate stress. The height of the asperity decreases with increasing substrate stress and the local pressure is much higher than the nominal pressure. In addition, the local contact stress decreases with an increase in the substrate stress levels.


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The trend in the automotive industry towards new advanced high strength steels (AHSS), combined with the ongoing reduction in program lead times have increased the need to get tool designs right, first time. Despite the fact that the technology used by sheet metal stamping companies to design and manufacture tooling is advancing steadily, finding optimal process parameters and tool geometries remains a challenge. Consequently, there has been a transition from designs based largely on trial and error techniques and the experience of the stamping engineer, to the increased use of virtual manufacturing and finite element (FE) simulation predictions as an indispensable tool in the design process. This work investigates the accuracy of FE techniques in predicting the forming behavior of AHSS grades, such as TRIP and dual phase, as compared to more commonly used conventional steel grades. Three different methods of simulation, one-step, implicit and explicit techniques, were used to model the forming process for an automotive part. Results were correlated with experimental strain and thickness measurements of manufactured components from the production line.