999 resultados para Shear strength of soils


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A central goal in unsaturated soil mechanics research is to create a smooth transition between traditional soil mechanics approaches and an approach that is applicable to unsaturated soils. Undrained shear strength and the liquidity index of reconstituted or remoulded saturated soils are consistently correlated, which has been demonstrated by many studies. In the liquidity index range from 1 (at w(l)) to 0 (at w(p)), the shear strength ranges from approximately 2 kPa to 200 kPa. Similarly, for compacted soil, the shear strength at the plastic limit ranges from 150 kPa to 250 kPa. When compacted at their optimum water content, most soils have a suction that ranges from 20 kPa to 500 kPa; however, in the field, compacted materials are subjected to drying and wetting, which affect their initial suction and as a consequence their shear strength. Unconfined shear tests were performed on five compacted tropical soils and kaolin. Specimens were tested in the as-compacted condition, and also after undergoing drying or wetting. The test results and data from prior literature were examined, taking into account the roles of void ratio, suction, and relative water content. An interpretation of the phenomena that are involved in the development of the undrained shear strength of unsaturated soils in the contexts of soil water retention and Atterberg limits is presented, providing a practical view of the behaviour of compacted soil based on the concept of unsaturated soil. Finally, an empirical correlation is presented that relates the unsaturated state of compacted soils to the unconfined shear strength.


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Herein are reported the results of an investigation on the effective angle of interfacial friction between fine-grained soils and solid surfaces as influenced by the roughness of the material surface, the soil type and the overconsolidation ratio. The ratio of interfacial friction angle to the angle of internal friction (evaluated at constant overconsolidation ratio) of the soil is independent of the overconsolidation ratio. An empirical correlation between this ratio and the roughness of the interface has been proposed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A theory was developed to allow the separate determination of the effects of the interparticle friction and interlocking of particles on the shearing resistance and deformational behavior of granular materials. The derived parameter, angle of solid friction, is independent of the type of shear test, stress history, porosity and the level of confining pressure, and depends solely upon the nature of the particle surface. The theory was tested against published data concerning the performance of plane strain, triaxial compression and extension tests on cohesionless soils. The theory also was applied to isotropically consolidated undrained triaxial tests on three crushed limestones prepared by the authors using vibratory compaction. The authors concluded that, (1) the theory allowed the determination of solid friction between particles which was found to depend solely on the nature of the particle surface, (2) the separation of frictional and volume change components of shear strength of granular materials qualitatively corroborated the postulated mechanism of deformation (sliding and rolling of groups of particles over other similar groups with resulting dilatancy of specimen), (3) the influence of void ratio, gradation confining pressure, stress history and type of shear test on shear strength is reflected in values of the omega parameter, and (4) calculation of the coefficient of solid friction allows the establishment of the lower limit of the shear strength of a granular material.


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This paper presents the details of an investigation on the shear behaviour of a recently developed, cold-formed steel beam known as LiteSteel Beam (LSB).The LSB section has a unique shape of a channel beam with two rectangular hollow flanges and is produced by a patented manufacturing process involving simultaneous cold-forming and dual electric resistance welding. In the present investigation, a series of numerical analyses based on three-dimensional finite element modeling and an experimental study were carried out to investigate the shear behaviour of 10 different LSB sections. It was found that the current design rules in cold-formed steel structures design codes are very conservative for the shear design of LiteSteel beams. Significant improvements to web shear buckling occurred due to the presence of rectangular hollow flanges while considerable post-buckling strength was also observed. Therefore the design rules were further modified to include the available post-buckling strength. Suitable design rules were also developed under the direct strength method format. This paper presents the details of this investigation and the results including the final design rules for the shear capacity of LSBs. It also presents new shear strength formulae for lipped channel beams based on the current design equations for shear strength given in AISI (2007) using the same approach used for LSBs.


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This paper presents the details of numerical studies on the shear strength of a recently devel-oped, cold-formed steel channel beam known as LiteSteel Beam (LSB) with web openings. The LSB sections are commonly used as floor joists and bearers in residential, industrial and commercial buildings. In these ap-plications they often include web openings for the purpose of locating services. This has raised concerns over the shear capacity of LSB floor joists and bearers. Therefore experimental and numerical studies were under-taken to investigate the shear behavior and strength of LSBs with web openings. In this research, finite ele-ment models of LSBs with web openings in shear were developed to simulate the shear behavior of LSBs. It was found that currently available design equations are conservative or unconservative for the shear design of LSBs with web openings. Improved design equations have been proposed for the shear capacity of LSBs with web openings based on both experimental and numerical study results.


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Abstract: The LiteSteel Beam (LSB) is a new cold-formed hollow flange channel section produced using dual electric resistance welding and automated continuous roll-forming technologies. The innovative LSB sections have many beneficial characteristics and are commonly used as flexural members in building construction. However, limited research has been undertaken on the shear behaviour of LSBs. Therefore a detailed investigation including both numerical and experimental studies was undertaken to investigate the shear behaviour of LSBs. Finite element models of LSBs in shear were developed to simulate the nonlinear ultimate strength behaviour of LSBs including their elastic buckling characteristics, and were validated by comparing their results with experimental test results. Validated finite element models were then used in a detailed parametric study into the shear behaviour of LSBs. The parametric study results showed that the current design rules in cold-formed steel structures design codes are very conservative for the shear design of LSBs. Significant improvements to web shear buckling occurred due to the presence of torsionally rigid rectangular hollow flanges while considerable post-buckling strength was also observed. This paper therefore proposes improved shear strength design rules for LSBs within the current cold-formed steel code guidelines. It presents the details of the parametric study and the new shear strength equations. The new equations were also developed based on the direct strength method. The proposed shear strength equations have the potential to be used with other conventional cold-formed steel sections such as lipped channel sections.


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Abstract: LiteSteel beam (LSB) is a new cold-formed steel hollow flange channel section produced using a patented manufacturing process involving simultaneous cold-forming and dual electric resistance welding. The LSBs are commonly used as floor joists and bearers with web openings in residential, industrial and commercial buildings. Their shear strengths are considerably reduced when web openings are included for the purpose of locating building services. However, no research has been undertaken on the shear behaviour and strength of LSBs with web openings. Therefore experimental and numerical studies were undertaken to investigate the shear behaviour and strength of LSBs with web openings. In this research, finite element models of LSBs with web openings in shear were developed to simulate the shear behaviour and strength of LSBs including their buckling characteristics. They were then validated by comparing their results with available experimental test results and used in a detailed parametric study. The results showed that the current design rules in cold-formed steel structures design codes are very conservative for the shear design of LSBs with web openings. Improved design equations have been proposed for the shear capacity of LSBs with web openings based on both experimental and parametric study results. An alternative shear design method based on an equivalent reduced web thickness was also proposed. It was found that the same shear strength design rules developed for LSBs without web openings can be used for LSBs with web openings provided the equivalent reduced web thickness equation developed in this paper is used. This is a significant advancement as it simplifies the shear design methods of LSBs with web openings considerably.


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This LiteSteel beam (LSB) is a new cold-formed steel hollow flange channel section produced using a patented manufacturing process involving simultaneous cold-forming and dual electric resistance welding. The LSBs are commonly used as floor joists and bearers with web openings in buildings. Their shear strengths are considerably reduced when web openings are included for the purpose of locating building services. Shear tests of LSBs with web openings have shown that there is up to 60% reduction in the shear capacity. Hence there is a need to improve the shear capacity of LSBs with web openings. A cost effective way to eliminate the shear capacity reduction is to stiffen the web openings using suitable stiffeners. Hence numerical studies were undertaken to investigate the shear capacity of LSBs with stiffened web openings. In this research, finite element models of LSBs with stiffened web openings in shear were developed to simulate the shear behaviour and strength of LSBs. Various stiffening methods using plate and LSB stiffeners attached to LSBs using both welding and screw-fastening were attempted. The developed models were then validated by comparing their results with experimental results and used in further studies. Both finite element and experimental results showed that the stiffening arrangements recommended by past research for cold-formed steel channel beams are not adequate to restore the shear strengths of LSBs with web openings. Therefore new stiffener arrangements were proposed for LSBs with web openings. This paper presents the details of this research project using numerical studies and the results.


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This paper presents the details of experimental studies on the effect of real support conditions on the shear strength of LiteSteel beams (LSB). The LSB has a unique shape of a channel beam with two rectangular hollow flanges, made using a unique manufacturing process. In some applications in the building industry LSBs are used with only one web side plate (WSP) at their supports and are not used with full height web side plates (WSP) at their supports. Past research studies showed that theses real support connections did not provide simply supported conditions. Many studies have been carried out to evaluate the behaviour and design of LSBs with simply supported conditions subject to pure bending and predominant shear actions. To date, however, no investigation has been conducted into the effect of real support conditions on the shear strength of LSBs. Hence detailed experimental studies were undertaken to investigate the shear behaviour and strength of LSBs with real support conditions. A total of 28 experimental tests were conducted as part of the studies. Simply supported test specimens of LSBs with aspect ratios of 1.0 and 1.5 were loaded at mid-span until failure. It was found that the effect of using one WSP on the shear behaviour of LSB is significant and there is about 25% shear capacity reduction due to the lateral movement of the bottom flange at the supports. Shear capacity of LSB was also found to decrease when full height WSPs were not used. Suitable support connections were developed to improve the shear capacity of LSBs based on test results.


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This paper presents the details of an experimental study on punching shear strength and behaviour of reinforced concrete corner column connections in flat slabs; a quasi-empirical method is proposed for computing the punching shear strength. The method has also been extended for punching shear strength prediction at interior and edge column connections. The test results compare better with the strengths predicted by the proposed method than those by Ingvarson, Zaglool and Pollet available in the literature. Further, the experimental strengths of interior, edge and corner column connections have been compared with the strengths predicted by the proposed method and the two codes of practice, viz. ACI and BS code, to demonstrate the usefulness of the method.


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This paper gives the details of the studies undertaken to examine the strength and behaviour of fibre-reinforced concrete corner column connections in flat slabs. Tests have been conducted on 16 specimens with varying reinforcement ratio, moment/shear ratio (load eccentricity) and volume fraction of fibres. A quasi-empirical method has been proposed for computing the punching shear strength. The method has also been extended to fibre-reinforced concrete interior column connections, tests on which are available in the literature. The test results have been compared with the strength predicted by the proposed method for corner column as well as interior column connections and a satisfactory agreement noticed.


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The mechanical properties of clays are highly dependent not only on the stress/strain ratio to which the material is subjected but also on the chemistry of the pore fluids which in turn affects the intergranular or the effective stresses. Atterberg limits and vane shear tests were performed with different pore fluids in order to observe how the fine-grained material mechanically responded. The diffuse double layer theory has been used to interpret the data of vane shear tests in order to explain the variation of geotechnical responses with the different clays. Van der Waals forces and double layer forces were obtained and capillary forces calculated. The results show that while for kaolinite and illite the chemistry of the pore fluids has no influence on the water content and hence on the mechanical behaviour of the material, Na-smectite shows a strong correlation between the dielectric constant of the pore fluids and an increase in undrained shear strength. The data obtained extends an understanding of the influence of the dielectric constant (epsilon) of the pore fluids on the geotechnical properties of fine-grained materials.


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In this paper, the dynamic shear strength of a unidirectional C/A356.0 composite and A356.0 alloy, respectively, are measured with a split Hopkinson torsional bar (SHTB) technique. The results indicate that the carbon fibers make very little contribution to the enhancement of the shear strength of the matrix material. The microscopic inspections on the fracture surface of the composite show a multi-scale zigzag feature. This implies that there is a complicated shear failure mechanism in the unidirectional carbon/aluminum composite.