995 resultados para Shared protection


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Wavelength-routed networks (WRN) are very promising candidates for next-generation Internet and telecommunication backbones. In such a network, optical-layer protection is of paramount importance due to the risk of losing large amounts of data under a failure. To protect the network against this risk, service providers usually provide a pair of risk-independent working and protection paths for each optical connection. However, the investment made for the optical-layer protection increases network cost. To reduce the capital expenditure, service providers need to efficiently utilize their network resources. Among all the existing approaches, shared-path protection has proven to be practical and cost-efficient [1]. In shared-path protection, several protection paths can share a wavelength on a fiber link if their working paths are risk-independent. In real-world networks, provisioning is usually implemented without the knowledge of future network resource utilization status. As the network changes with the addition and deletion of connections, the network utilization will become sub-optimal. Reconfiguration, which is referred to as the method of re-provisioning the existing connections, is an attractive solution to fill in the gap between the current network utilization and its optimal value [2]. In this paper, we propose a new shared-protection-path reconfiguration approach. Unlike some of previous reconfiguration approaches that alter the working paths, our approach only changes protection paths, and hence does not interfere with the ongoing services on the working paths, and is therefore risk-free. Previous studies have verified the benefits arising from the reconfiguration of existing connections [2] [3] [4]. Most of them are aimed at minimizing the total used wavelength-links or ports. However, this objective does not directly relate to cost saving because minimizing the total network resource consumption does not necessarily maximize the capability of accommodating future connections. As a result, service providers may still need to pay for early network upgrades. Alternatively, our proposed shared-protection-path reconfiguration approach is based on a load-balancing objective, which minimizes the network load distribution vector (LDV, see Section 2). This new objective is designed to postpone network upgrades, thus bringing extra cost savings to service providers. In other words, by using the new objective, service providers can establish as many connections as possible before network upgrades, resulting in increased revenue. We develop a heuristic load-balancing (LB) reconfiguration approach based on this new objective and compare its performance with an approach previously introduced in [2] and [4], whose objective is minimizing the total network resource consumption.


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Establishing a fault-tolerant connection in a network involves computation of diverse working and protection paths. The Shared Risk Link Group (SRLG) [1] concept is used to model several types of failure conditions such as link, node, fiber conduit, etc. In this work we focus on the problem of computing optimal SRLG/link diverse paths under shared protection. Shared protection technique improves network resource utilization by allowing protection paths of multiple connections to share resources. In this work we propose an iterative heuristic for computing SRLG/link diverse paths. We present a method to calculate a quantitative measure that provides a bounded guarantee on the optimality of the diverse paths computed by the heuristic. The experimental results on computing link diverse paths show that our proposed heuristic is efficient in terms of number of iterations required (time taken) to compute diverse paths when compared to other previously proposed heuristics.


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La survie des réseaux est un domaine d'étude technique très intéressant ainsi qu'une préoccupation critique dans la conception des réseaux. Compte tenu du fait que de plus en plus de données sont transportées à travers des réseaux de communication, une simple panne peut interrompre des millions d'utilisateurs et engendrer des millions de dollars de pertes de revenu. Les techniques de protection des réseaux consistent à fournir une capacité supplémentaire dans un réseau et à réacheminer les flux automatiquement autour de la panne en utilisant cette disponibilité de capacité. Cette thèse porte sur la conception de réseaux optiques intégrant des techniques de survie qui utilisent des schémas de protection basés sur les p-cycles. Plus précisément, les p-cycles de protection par chemin sont exploités dans le contexte de pannes sur les liens. Notre étude se concentre sur la mise en place de structures de protection par p-cycles, et ce, en supposant que les chemins d'opération pour l'ensemble des requêtes sont définis a priori. La majorité des travaux existants utilisent des heuristiques ou des méthodes de résolution ayant de la difficulté à résoudre des instances de grande taille. L'objectif de cette thèse est double. D'une part, nous proposons des modèles et des méthodes de résolution capables d'aborder des problèmes de plus grande taille que ceux déjà présentés dans la littérature. D'autre part, grâce aux nouveaux algorithmes, nous sommes en mesure de produire des solutions optimales ou quasi-optimales. Pour ce faire, nous nous appuyons sur la technique de génération de colonnes, celle-ci étant adéquate pour résoudre des problèmes de programmation linéaire de grande taille. Dans ce projet, la génération de colonnes est utilisée comme une façon intelligente d'énumérer implicitement des cycles prometteurs. Nous proposons d'abord des formulations pour le problème maître et le problème auxiliaire ainsi qu'un premier algorithme de génération de colonnes pour la conception de réseaux protegées par des p-cycles de la protection par chemin. L'algorithme obtient de meilleures solutions, dans un temps raisonnable, que celles obtenues par les méthodes existantes. Par la suite, une formulation plus compacte est proposée pour le problème auxiliaire. De plus, nous présentons une nouvelle méthode de décomposition hiérarchique qui apporte une grande amélioration de l'efficacité globale de l'algorithme. En ce qui concerne les solutions en nombres entiers, nous proposons deux méthodes heurisiques qui arrivent à trouver des bonnes solutions. Nous nous attardons aussi à une comparaison systématique entre les p-cycles et les schémas classiques de protection partagée. Nous effectuons donc une comparaison précise en utilisant des formulations unifiées et basées sur la génération de colonnes pour obtenir des résultats de bonne qualité. Par la suite, nous évaluons empiriquement les versions orientée et non-orientée des p-cycles pour la protection par lien ainsi que pour la protection par chemin, dans des scénarios de trafic asymétrique. Nous montrons quel est le coût de protection additionnel engendré lorsque des systèmes bidirectionnels sont employés dans de tels scénarios. Finalement, nous étudions une formulation de génération de colonnes pour la conception de réseaux avec des p-cycles en présence d'exigences de disponibilité et nous obtenons des premières bornes inférieures pour ce problème.


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Survivable traffic grooming (STG) is a promising approach to provide reliable and resource-efficient multigranularity connection services in wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) optical networks. In this paper, we study the STG problem in WDM mesh optical networks employing path protection at the connection level. Both dedicated-protection and shared-protection schemes are considered. Given network resources, the objective of the STG problem is to maximize network throughput. To enable survivability under various kinds of single failures, such as fiber cut and duct cut, we consider the general shared-risklink- group (SRLG) diverse routing constraints. We first resort to the integer-linear-programming (ILP) approach to obtain optimal solutions. To address its high computational complexity, we then propose three efficient heuristics, namely separated survivable grooming algorithm (SSGA), integrated survivable grooming algorithm (ISGA), and tabu-search survivable grooming algorithm (TSGA). While SSGA and ISGA correspond to an overlay network model and a peer network model, respectively, TSGA further improves the grooming results from SSGA and ISGA by incorporating the effective tabu-search (TS) method. Numerical results show that the heuristics achieve comparable solutions to the ILP approach, which uses significantly longer running times than the heuristics.


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Survivable traffic grooming (STG) is a promising approach to provide reliable and resource-efficient multigranularity connection services in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical networks. In this paper, we study the STG problem in WDM mesh optical networks employing path protection at the connection level. Both dedicated protection and shared protection schemes are considered. Given the network resources, the objective of the STG problem is to maximize network throughput. To enable survivability under various kinds of single failures such as fiber cut and duct cut, we consider the general shared risk link group (SRLG) diverse routing constraints. We first resort to the integer linear programming (ILP) approach to obtain optimal solutions. To address its high computational complexity, we then propose three efficient heuristics, namely separated survivable grooming algorithm (SSGA), integrated survivable grooming algorithm (ISGA) and tabu search survivable grooming algorithm (TSGA). While SSGA and ISGA correspond to an overlay network model and a peer network model respectively, TSGA further improves the grooming results from SSGA and ISGA by incorporating the effective tabu search method. Numerical results show that the heuristics achieve comparable solutions to the ILP approach, which uses significantly longer running times than the heuristics.


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A busca de sistemas de comunicação eficientes e econômicos é cada vez maior, principalmente com o aumento da demanda por tráfego e banda de transmissão. Conhecidas pela utilização eficiente de largura de banda, as redes ópticas de segmentação espectral flexível têm sido intensamente estudadas e são consideradas boas candidatas para a próxima geração de redes. Tais redes flexíveis utilizam formatos de modulação multinível e multiplexação multiportadora. Sistemas com alta capacidade de transmissão devem ser extremamente confiáveis, pois a falha em um dispositivo ou enlace da rede acarreta enorme perda de dados. Por isso, as técnicas de proteção e restauração do tráfego devem ser eficientes, de modo a garantir a sobrevivência da rede. Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvido um algoritmo capaz de lidar com cada requisição de conexão, encontrar um caminho óptico para transmissão e reservar outro caminho para recuperação do tráfego em caso de falha na rede. A seleção dos caminhos primário e de proteção utiliza a técnica smart-fit, que escolhe a solução com menor custo final, definido pela distância da rota percorrida somada ao custo do índice inicial da faixa espectral alocada, buscando equilibrar a escolha entre a posição no espectro e rota escolhida. Além disso, são definidos custos diferentes para slots de frequência livres e compartilhados, a fim de incentivar o compartilhamento espectral em caminhos de proteção. Dentre as técnicas de alocação espectral, a varredura com janela espectral varre o espectro em todos os enlaces da rota, slot por slot, em busca de uma faixa livre com tamanho suficiente para atender uma demanda. Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvida uma técnica chamada busca lógica, que lida simultaneamente com todos os enlaces da rota ao realizar operações lógicas com seus espectros. Em seguida, é realizada uma convolução entre a janela espectral, com tamanho da demanda, e o espectro resultante. A partir desse resultado, é possível saber as posições no espectro onde a demanda poderá ser alocada. Tal técnica, como será demonstrado, é mais veloz que a varredura com janela espectral. Para garantir a eficácia e confiabilidade do algoritmo, utilizando o software MATLAB, avaliou-se a probabilidade de bloqueio e probabilidade de bloqueio de banda, a fragmentação espectral média na rede, o grau de compartilhamento, a taxa de utilização espectral e a taxa de capacidade reservada. O algoritmo desenvolvido foi capaz de organizar o tráfego na rede de modo ordenado e pouco fragmentado, além de utilizar de maneira eficiente os recursos destinados à proteção.


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This paper addresses the problem of survivable lightpath provisioning in wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) mesh networks, taking into consideration optical-layer protection and some realistic optical signal quality constraints. The investigated networks use sparsely placed optical–electrical–optical (O/E/O) modules for regeneration and wavelength conversion. Given a fixed network topology with a number of sparsely placed O/E/O modules and a set of connection requests, a pair of link-disjoint lightpaths is established for each connection. Due to physical impairments and wavelength continuity, both the working and protection lightpaths need to be regenerated at some intermediate nodes to overcome signal quality degradation and wavelength contention. In the present paper, resource-efficient provisioning solutions are achieved with the objective of maximizing resource sharing. The authors propose a resource-sharing scheme that supports three kinds of resource-sharing scenarios, including a conventional wavelength-link sharing scenario, which shares wavelength links between protection lightpaths, and two new scenarios, which share O/E/O modules between protection lightpaths and between working and protection lightpaths. An integer linear programming (ILP)-based solution approach is used to find optimal solutions. The authors also propose a local optimization heuristic approach and a tabu search heuristic approach to solve this problem for real-world, large mesh networks. Numerical results show that our solution approaches work well under a variety of network settings and achieves a high level of resource-sharing rates (over 60% for O/E/O modules and over 30% for wavelength links), which translate into great savings in network costs.


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Privacy issues have hindered the evolution of e-health since its emergence. Patients demand better solutions for the protection of private information. Health professionals demand open access to patient health records. Existing e-health systems find it difficult to fulfill these competing requirements. In this paper, we present an information accountability framework (IAF) for e-health systems. The IAF is intended to address privacy issues and their competing concerns related to e-health. Capabilities of the IAF adhere to information accountability principles and e-health requirements. Policy representation and policy reasoning are key capabilities introduced in the IAF. We investigate how these capabilities are feasible using Semantic Web technologies. We discuss with the use of a case scenario, how we can represent the different types of policies in the IAF using the Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL).


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Over the last twenty years, the use of open content licenses has become increasingly and surprisingly popular. The use of such licences challenges the traditional incentive-based model of exclusive rights under copyright. Instead of providing a means to charge for the use of particular works, what seems important is mitigating against potential personal harm to the author and, in some cases, preventing non-consensual commercial exploitation. It is interesting in this context to observe the primacy of what are essentially moral rights over the exclusionary economic rights. The core elements of common open content licences map somewhat closely to continental conceptions of the moral rights of authorship. Most obviously, almost all free software and free culture licences require attribution of authorship. More interestingly, there is a tension between social norms developed in free software communities and those that have emerged in the creative arts over integrity and commercial exploitation. For programmers interested in free software, licence terms that prohibit commercial use or modification are almost completely inconsistent with the ideological and utilitarian values that underpin the movement. For those in the creative industries, on the other hand, non-commercial terms and, to a lesser extent, terms that prohibit all but verbatim distribution continue to play an extremely important role in the sharing of copyright material. While prohibitions on commercial use often serve an economic imperative, there is also a certain personal interest for many creators in avoiding harmful exploitation of their expression – an interest that has sometimes been recognised as forming a component of the moral right of integrity. One particular continental moral right – the right of withdrawal – is present neither in Australian law or in any of the common open content licences. Despite some marked differences, both free software and free culture participants are using contractual methods to articulate the norms of permissible sharing. Legal enforcement is rare and often prohibitively expensive, and the various communities accordingly rely upon shared understandings of acceptable behaviour. The licences that are commonly used represent a formalised expression of these community norms and provide the theoretically enforceable legal baseline that lends them legitimacy. The core terms of these licences are designed primarily to alleviate risk in sharing and minimise transaction costs in sharing and using copyright expression. Importantly, however, the range of available licences reflect different optional balances in the norms of creating and sharing material. Generally, it is possible to see that, stemming particularly from the US, open content licences are fundamentally important in providing a set of normatively accepted copyright balances that reflect the interests sought to be protected through moral rights regimes. As the cost of creation, distribution, storage, and processing of expression continues to fall towards zero, there are increasing incentives to adopt open content licences to facilitate wide distribution and reuse of creative expression. Thinking of these protocols not only as reducing transaction costs but of setting normative principles of participation assists in conceptualising the role of open content licences and the continuing tensions that permeate modern copyright law.


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The IEC 61850 family of standards for substation communication systems were released in the early 2000s, and include IEC 61850-8-1 and IEC 61850-9-2 that enable Ethernet to be used for process-level connections between transmission substation switchyards and control rooms. This paper presents an investigation of process bus protection performance, as the in-service behavior of multi-function process buses is largely unknown. An experimental approach was adopted that used a Real Time Digital Simulator and 'live' substation automation devices. The effect of sampling synchronization error and network traffic on transformer differential protection performance was assessed and compared to conventional hard-wired connections. Ethernet was used for all sampled value measurements, circuit breaker tripping, transformer tap-changer position reports and Precision Time Protocol synchronization of sampled value merging unit sampling. Test results showed that the protection relay under investigation operated correctly with process bus network traffic approaching 100% capacity. The protection system was not adversely affected by synchronizing errors significantly larger than the standards permit, suggesting these requirements may be overly conservative. This 'closed loop' approach, using substation automation hardware, validated the operation of protection relays under extreme conditions. Digital connections using a single shared Ethernet network outperformed conventional hard-wired solutions.


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1. Stream ecosystem health monitoring and reporting need to be developed in the context of an adaptive process that is clearly linked to identified values and objectives, is informed by rigorous science, guides management actions and is responsive to changing perceptions and values of stakeholders. To be effective, monitoring programmes also need to be underpinned by an understanding of the probable causal factors that influence the condition or health of important environmental assets and values. This is often difficult in stream and river ecosystems where multiple stressors, acting at different spatial and temporal scales, interact to affect water quality, biodiversity and ecosystem processes. 2. In this article, we describe the development of a freshwater monitoring programme in South East Queensland, Australia, and how this has been used to report on ecosystem health at a regional scale and to guide investments in catchment protection and rehabilitation. We also discuss some of the emerging science needs to identify the appropriate scale and spatial arrangement of rehabilitation to maximise river ecosystem health outcomes and, at the same time, derive other benefits downstream. 3. An objective process was used to identify potential indicators of stream ecosystem health and then test these across a known catchment land-use disturbance gradient. From the 75 indicators initially tested, 22 from five indicator groups (water quality, ecosystem metabolism, nutrient cycling, invertebrates and fish) responded strongly to the disturbance gradient, and 16 were subsequently recommended for inclusion in the monitoring programme. The freshwater monitoring programme was implemented in 2002, funded by local and State government authorities, and currently involves the assessment of over 120 sites, twice per year. This information, together with data from a similar programme on the region's estuarine and coastal marine waters, forms the basis of an annual report card that is presented in a public ceremony to local politicians and the broader community. 4. Several key lessons from the SEQ Healthy Waterways Programme are likely to be transferable to other regional programmes aimed at improving aquatic ecosystem health, including the importance of a shared common vision, the involvement of committed individuals, a cooperative approach, the need for defensible science and effective communication. 5. Thematic implications: this study highlights the use of conceptual models and objective testing of potential indicators against a known disturbance gradient to develop a freshwater ecosystem health monitoring programme that can diagnose the probable causes of degradation from multiple stressors and identify the appropriate spatial scale for rehabilitation or protection. This approach can lead to more targeted management investments in catchment protection and rehabilitation, greater public confidence that limited funds are being well spent and better outcomes for stream and river ecosystem health.


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The telecommunication, broadcasting and other instrumented towers carry power and/or signal cables from their ground end to their upper regions. During a direct hit to the tower, significant induction can occur to these mounted cables. In order to provide adequate protection to the equipments connected to them, protection schemes have been evolved in the literature. Development of more effective protection schemes requires a quantitative knowledge on various parameters. However, such quantitative knowledge is difficult to find at present. Amongst several of these aspects, the present work aims to investigate on the two important aspects: (i) what would be the nature of the induced currents and (ii) what will be the current sharing if as per the practice, the sheath of the cable is connected to the down conductor/tower. These aspects will be useful in design of protection schemes and also in analyzing the field structure around instrumented towers.


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In this paper, we analyze the coexistence of a primary and a secondary (cognitive) network when both networks use the IEEE 802.11 based distributed coordination function for medium access control. Specifically, we consider the problem of channel capture by a secondary network that uses spectrum sensing to determine the availability of the channel, and its impact on the primary throughput. We integrate the notion of transmission slots in Bianchi's Markov model with the physical time slots, to derive the transmission probability of the secondary network as a function of its scan duration. This is used to obtain analytical expressions for the throughput achievable by the primary and secondary networks. Our analysis considers both saturated and unsaturated networks. By performing a numerical search, the secondary network parameters are selected to maximize its throughput for a given level of protection of the primary network throughput. The theoretical expressions are validated using extensive simulations carried out in the Network Simulator 2. Our results provide critical insights into the performance and robustness of different schemes for medium access by the secondary network. In particular, we find that the channel captures by the secondary network does not significantly impact the primary throughput, and that simply increasing the secondary contention window size is only marginally inferior to silent-period based methods in terms of its throughput performance.


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Some 25 to 30 yr ago, when we as students were beginning our respective careers and were developing for the first time our awareness of marine mammals in the waters separating western North America from eastern Asia, we had visions of eventually bridging the communication gap which existed between our two countries at that time. Each of us was anxious to obtain information on the distribution, biology, and ecological relations of "our" seals and walruses on "the other side," beyond our respective political boundari~s where we were not permitted to go to study them. We were concerned that the resource management practices on the other side of the Bering and Chukchi Seas, implemented in isolation, on a purely unilateral basis, might endanger the species which we had come to know and were striving to conserve. At once apparent to both of us was the need for free exchange of biological information between our two countries and, ultimately, joint management of our shared resources. In a small way, we and others made some initial efforts to generate that exchange by personal correspondence and through vocal interchange at the annual meetings of the North Pacific Fur Seal Commission. By the enabling Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection, reached between our two countries in 1972, our earlier visions at last came true. Since that time, within the framework of the Marine Mammal Project under Area V of that Agreement, we and our colleagues have forged a strong bond of professional accord and respect, in an atmosphere of free intercommunication and mutual understanding. The strength and utility of this arrangement from the beginning of our joint research are reflected in the reports contained in this, the first compendium of our work. The need for a series of such a compendia became apparent to us in 1976, and its implementation was agreed on by the regular meeting of the Project in La Jolla, Calif., in January 1977. Obviously, the preparation and publication of this first volume has been excessively delayed, in part by continuing political distrust between our governments but mainly by increasing demands placed on the time of the contributors. In this period of growing environmental concern in both countries, we and our colleagues have been totally immersed in other tasks and have experienced great difficulty in drawing together the works presented here. Much of the support for doing so was provided by the State of Alaska, through funding for Organized Research at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks. For its ultimate completion in publishable form we wish to thank Helen Stockholm, Director of Publications, Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska, and her staff, especially Ruth Hand, and the numerous referees narned herein who gave willingly oftheir time to review each ofthe manuscripts critically and to provide a high measure of professionalism to the final product. (PDF file contains 110 pages.)


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This paper focuses on an efficient user-level method for the deployment of application-specific extensions, using commodity operating systems and hardware. A sandboxing technique is described that supports multiple extensions within a shared virtual address space. Applications can register sandboxed code with the system, so that it may be executed in the context of any process. Such code may be used to implement generic routines and handlers for a class of applications, or system service extensions that complement the functionality of the core kernel. Using our approach, application-specific extensions can be written like conventional user-level code, utilizing libraries and system calls, with the advantage that they may be executed without the traditional costs of scheduling and context-switching between process-level protection domains. No special hardware support such as segmentation or tagged translation look-aside buffers (TLBs) is required. Instead, our ``user-level sandboxing'' mechanism requires only paged-based virtual memory support, given that sandboxed extensions are either written by a trusted source or are guaranteed to be memory-safe (e.g., using type-safe languages). Using a fast method of upcalls, we show how our mechanism provides significant performance improvements over traditional methods of invoking user-level services. As an application of our approach, we have implemented a user-level network subsystem that avoids data copying via the kernel and, in many cases, yields far greater network throughput than kernel-level approaches.