344 resultados para Shales


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The inadequate supply of suitable road surfacing material in the southern part of Iowa raises the question of the possibility of utilizing certain shales abundant in this area. These carbonaceous shales commonly overlie the coal beds and may also be found as impurities in the coal seams. They constitute the "slate" which with minor amounts of coal makes up the "gob" piles at the mines. These shales frequently contain enough carbonaceous material to burn. Those which do not usually require only a relatively small amount of coal mixed with them to support combustion. As a result, the "gob" piles frequently burn. The residual shale material is frequently used locally as a road surfacing material. However, since there is no control over the burning, there is no assurance that the product is the most suitable which might be produced or that it is even uniform in its properties. To determine if a controlled burning would produce a suitable road building product economically a research project "Use of Shales as Highway Materials" (ISHC Project HR-21, IEES Project 299-S) was set up in the Iowa Engineering Experiment Station with funds provided by the Iowa State Highway Commission, This project was supervised by Charles Frush, formerly Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering at Iowa State University. The various shales were subjected to controlled burning, and the solid residues were tested for their suitability for highway use.


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Conodonts have not been known to exist in Montana prior to the discovery of the specimens discussed and described in this paper. With this fact in mind, the author has endeavored to correlate the species of seven genera found in the Quadrant formation of Montana with similar micro-organisms from other North American areas.


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High-pressure mechanical squeezing was applied to sample pore waters from a sequence of highly indurated and overconsolidated sedimentary rocks in a drillcore from a deep borehole in NE Switzerland. The rocks are generally rich in clay minerals (28–71 wt.%), with low water contents of 3.5–5.6 wt.%, resulting in extremely low hydraulic conductivities of 10− 14–10− 13 m/s. First pore-water samples could generally be taken at 200 MPa, and further aliquots were obtained at 300, 400 and 500 MPa. Chemical and isotopic compositions of squeezed waters evolve with increasing pressure. Decreasing concentrations of Cl−, Br−, Na+ and K+ are explained by ion filtration due to the collapse of the pore space during squeezing. Increasing concentrations of Ca2 + and Mg2 + are considered to be a consequence of pressure-dependent solubilities of carbonate minerals in combination with sorption/desorption reactions. The pressure dependence was studied by model calculations considering equilibrium with carbonate minerals and the exchanger population on clay surfaces, and the trends observed in the experiments could be confirmed. The compositions of the squeezed waters were compared with results of independent methods, such as aqueous extraction and in-situ sampling of ground and pore waters. On this basis, it is concluded that the chemical and isotopic composition of pore water squeezed at the lowest pressure of 200 MPa closely represents that of the in-situ pore water. The feasibility of sampling pore waters with water contents down to 3.5 wt.% and possibly less opens new perspectives for studies targeted at palaeo-hydrogeological investigations using pore-water compositions in aquitards as geochemical archives.


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Black shale samples of Jurassic to Cretaceous age recovered during the 'Norwegian Shelf Drilling Program' between 1987 and 1991 from Sites 7430/10-U-01 (Barents Sea), 6814/04-U-02 (Norwegian Shelf near the Lofoten) and 6307/07-U-02 (Norwegian Shelf near Trondheim) were analyzed for major and trace elements. These laminated black shales are characterized by high total organic carbon (TOC) and total sulfur (TS) contents as well as by significant enrichments in several redox-sensitive and/or sulfide-forming trace metals (Ag, Bi, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Re, Sb, Tl, U, V, and Zn). Enrichment factors relative to 'average shale' are comparable to those found in Cenomanian-Turonian boundary event (CTBE) black shales and Mediterranean sapropels. The Re content is high in the studied black shales, with maximum values up to 1221 ng/g. Re/Mo ratios averaging 2.3*10**-3 are close to the seawater value. High trace metal enrichments and Re/Mo ratios close to the seawater value point to a dominantly anoxic and sulfidic water column during black shale formation. Interbeds with higher Re/Mo ratios, especially in high-resolution sampled core sections, point to brief periods of suboxic conditions. Additionally, enhanced Zn concentrations in the black shales from the Barents Sea support the assumption that hydrothermal activity was also high during black shale deposition. Trace metal signatures of black shales at different drill sites on a transect along the Norwegian Shelf are not only influenced by water depth but also by their location in the boreal realm. Metal enrichments are higher in the northern compared to the southern sites. Volgian (=Tithonian 151-144 Ma BP) black shales exhibit elevated trace metal contents in comparison to their Berriasian (144-137 Ma BP) counterparts. This probably reflects a change in the circulation pattern during periods of black shale formation. Therefore different paleoceanographic conditions, probably controlled by climatic change linked to the transgression of the paleo-sealevel and the North Atlantic opening, may have developed from the Volgian to the Berriasian.


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Lower Cretaceous sediments are frequently characterized by a well expressed cyclicity. While the processes influencing environments above the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) are reasonably well understood, almost nothing is known about the deep ocean. Cretaceous sub-CCD sediments from the Tethys and Atlantic Oceans typically show rhythmic black/green shale successions. To gain insight into the nature of these black/green shale cycles, we performed detailed geochemical analyses (X-ray fluorescence, Rock-Eval and reactive iron analysis) on a 3 m long section of latest Aptian age. The major-element distribution of the analyzed shale sequence indicates a periodic change from a high-productivity and well-oxygenated green shale mode to a low-productivity oxygen-deficient black shale mode. It is proposed here that the preservation of organic matter was dependent on the strength of salinity-driven deepwater generation. Furthermore, the data show that the Corg content covaries with changes in the detrital composition. Therefore we hypothesize that Tethyan deepwater circulation was sensitive to changes in the monsoonal system. Time series analysis suggests that these changes are periodic in nature, although we are currently unable to prove that the dominant periodicity is related to the precession component of the Milankovitch frequencies.


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Five-hundred ten meters of Cretaceous sediments were drilled north of the Walvis escarpment in Hole 530A during Leg 75. An immature stage of evolution for organic matter can be assigned to all the samples studied. Black shales are interbedded with red and green claystone in the bottom sedimentary unit, Unit 8, which is of Coniacian to late Albian age. The richest organic carbon contents and petroleum potentials occur in the black shales. Detrital organic matter is present throughout the various members of a sequence, mixed with largely oxidized organic matter in the gray and green claystone or marlstone members on both sides. Detrital organic matter also characterizes the black streaks observed in the claystones. Vertical discontinuities in organic matter distribution are assigned to slumping. Several types of black shales can be identified, according to their content of detrital organic matter, the more detrital black levels corresponding to the Albian-Cenomanian period. Cyclic variations of organic matter observed for a sequence can occur for a set of sequences and even for some consecutive sets of sequences. Climatic factors are proposed to account for the cyclic sedimentation and distribution of organic matter for every sequence that includes a black bed.


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Organic geochemical and petrological investigations were carried out on Cenomanian/Turonian black shales from three sample sites in the Tarfaya Basin (SW Morocco) to characterize the sedimentary organic matter. These black shales have a variable bulk and molecular geochemical composition reflecting changes in the quantity and quality of the organic matter. High TOC contents (up to 18wt%) and hydrogen indices between 400 and 800 (mgHC/gTOC) indicate hydrogen-rich organic matter (Type I-II kerogen) which qualifies these laminated black shale sequences as excellent oil-prone source rocks. Low Tmax values obtained from Rock-Eval pyrolysis (404-425 MC) confirm an immature to early mature level of thermal maturation. Organic petrological studies indicate that the kerogen is almost entirely composed of bituminite particles. These unstructured organic aggregates were most probably formed by intensive restructuring of labile biopolymers (lipids and/or carbohydrates), with the incorporation of sulphur into the kerogen during early diagenesis. Total lipid analyses performed after desulphurization of the total extract shows that the biomarkers mostly comprise short-chain n-alkanes (C16-C22) and long-chain (C25-C35) n-alkanes with no obvious odd-over-even predominance, together with steranes, hopanoids and acyclic isoprenoids. The presence of isorenieratane derivatives originating from green sulphur bacteria indicates that dissolved sulphide had reached the photic zone at shallow water depths (~100m) during times of deposition. These conditions probably favoured intensive sulphurization of the organic matter. Flash pyrolysis GC-MS analysis of the kerogen indicates the aliphatic nature of the bulk organic carbon. The vast majority of pyrolysis products are sulphur-containing components such as alkylthiophenes, alkenylthiophenes and alkybenzothiophenes. Abundant sulphurization of the Tarfaya Basin kerogen resulted from excess sulphide and metabolizable organic matter combined with a limited availability of iron during early diagenesis. The observed variability in the intensity of OM sulphurization may be attributed to sea level-driven fluctuations in the palaeoenvironment during sedimentation.