11 resultados para Sextant.


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At national and European levels, in various projects, data products are developed to provide end-users and stakeholders with homogeneously qualified observation compilation or analysis. Ifremer has developed a spatial data infrastructure for marine environment, called Sextant, in order to manage, share and retrieve these products for its partners and the general public. Thanks to the OGC and ISO standard and INSPIRE compliance, the infrastructure provides a unique framework to federate homogeneous descriptions and access to marine data products processed in various contexts, at national level or European level for DG research (SeaDataNet), DG Mare (EMODNET) and DG Growth (Copernicus MEMS). The discovery service of Sextant is based on the metadata catalogue. The data description is normalized according to ISO 191XX series standards and Inspire recommendations. Access to the catalogue is provided by the standard OGC service, Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW 2.0.2). Data visualization and data downloading are available through standard OGC services, Web Map Services (WMS) and Web Feature Services (WFS). Several OGC services are provided within Sextant, according to marine themes, regions and projects. Depending on the file format, WMTS services are used for large images, such as hyperspectral images, or NcWMS services for gridded data, such as climatology models. New functions are developped to improve the visualization, analyse and access to data, eg : data filtering, online spatial processing with WPS services and acces to sensor data with SOS services.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as condições periodontais e necessidades de tratamento em crianças e adolescentes, com idades entre 7 e 19 anos, matriculados em Escolas Públicas de Araraquara, SP, Brasil, em 1995, com o propósito de se obter um banco de dados-base inicial para o monitoramento das mudanças no estado periodontal. Uma amostra de 1956 crianças e adolescentes foi examinada por duas examinadoras, previamente calibradas, usando o CPITN. Os resultados mostraram que o sangramento gengival foi a condição periodontal mais frequentemente observada em todas as idades, com média de 3,0 sextantes afetados na idade de 15 anos. A presença de cálculo dental aumentou com a idade. No grupo etário de 15-19 anos, o cálculo dental e as bolsas periodontais rasas (3,5-5,5 mm) foram observados em 39,8% e 1,6% dos adolescentes, respectivamente. Com o propósito de alcançar a meta da OMS de não mais do que um sextante com escores 1 (sangramento) ou 2 (presença de cálculo dental) do CPITN na idade de 15 anos, prioridade deve ser dada aos programas de prevenção primária para que a saúde periodontal da maioria seja beneficiada.


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The aim of this study was to compare the periodontal conditions in 7-15-year-olds from Araraquara, SP, Brazil in 1998 with data from 1995. A systematic random sample was drawn from the population of children and adolescents enrolled in all public schools in 1998. The survey was conducted by trained examiners using the CPITN and WHO diagnostic criteria. Results showed an increase in the percentage of students of all ages with healthy periodontal conditions (from 14% in 1995 to 33% in 1998; p < 0.01). An increase in the mean number of healthy sextants (from 3.2 to 4.4; p < 0.0001), a decrease in the mean number of bleeding sextants (from 2.5 to 1.2; p < 0.0001) and no difference in the mean number of sextants with calculus were also observed. At the age of 15, 54% of the students had 5-6 healthy sextants in 1998 compared to 19% in 1995 (p < 0.01). Despite the improvement observed in the periodontal conditions, efforts must be increased in order to achieve the WHO goal for the year 2010 of no more than one sextant affected by bleeding or calculus at the age of 15.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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The assessment using the PSR (Periodontal Screening and Recording) of the prevalence and severity of and the basic treatment needs for periodontal disease in a group of pregnant women who attended the Preventive Dentistry Clinic at the School of Dentistry of Araraquara--UNESP. Forty-one pregnant women of 16 to 37 years of age, were examined. The PSR index was evaluated with a suitable periodontal probe (Trinity-model 621-WHO) with index codes scores of from 0 to 4, capable of indicating the presence of the following conditions: periodontal health, bleeding on probing, calculus, shallow and deep pockets. These codes were attributed to each sextant and could be marked with an asterisk (*) to indicate the presence of gingival recession, furcation lesions, mobility or any other mucogingival alterations. It is shown that 100% of the pregnant women had some kind of gingival alteration, represented mainly by PSR code 2 (56.1%) and * (19.5%). The women in the youngest age groups, 15-19 and 20-24 years, had code 2 as their highest score with no sextant excluded. In the 25-29 age group, the PSR code 2 still prevailed (54.5%) although codes 3 and 4 were already appearing. The code * and the occurrence of excluded sextants tended to increase in the oldest age group (30-37). In general, the affected sextants showed codes 1 and 2 more frequently, corresponding to 41.6% and 39.8% respectively, which represented a mean of 2.49 and 2.39 sextants affected in each pregnant woman. Regarding the treatment needs, 90.2% of the women needed some treatment beyond the preventive measures begun, including scaling and root planning and/or corrections of defective restorative margins (61%), and more complex treatment (29.2%). The meeting of the treatment needs during pregnancy must include special efforts to increase motivation and promote oral health, minimizing the possibility of vertical transmission of pathogenic microrganisms to the child, and thus contributing to the primary prevention of the main oral diseases.


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Objective: To compare the soft and hard tissue healing and remodeling around tissue-level implants with different neck configurations after at least 1 year of functional loading. Material and methods: Eighteen patients with multiple missing teeth in the posterior area received two implants inserted in the same sextant. One test (T) implant with a 1.8 mm turned neck and one control (C) implant with a 2.8 mm turned neck were randomly assigned. All implants were placed transmucosally to the same sink depth of approximately 1.8 mm. Peri-apical radiographs were obtained using the paralleling technique and digitized. Two investigators blinded to the implant type-evaluated soft and hard tissue conditions at baseline, 6 months and 1 year after loading. Results: The mean crestal bone levels and soft tissue parameters were not significantly different between T and C implants at all time points. However, T implants displayed significantly less crestal bone loss than C implants after 1 year. Moreover, a frequency analysis revealed a higher percentage (50%) of T implants with crestal bone levels 1–2 mm below the implant shoulder compared with C implants (5.6%) 1 year after loading. Conclusion: Implants with a reduced height turned neck of 1.8 mm may, indeed, lower the crestal bone resorption and hence, may maintain higher crestal bone levels than do implants with a 2.8 mm turned neck, when sunk to the same depth. Moreover, several factors other than the vertical positioning of the moderately rough SLA surface may influence crestal bone levels after 1 year of function.


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A new scoring system, the Basic Erosive Wear Examination (BEWE), has been designed to provide a simple tool for use in general practice and to allow comparison to other more discriminative indices. The most severely affected surface in each sextant is recorded with a four level score and the cumulative score classified and matched to risk levels which guide the management of the condition. The BEWE allows re-analysis and integration of results from existing studies and, in time, should initiate a consensus within the scientific community and so avoid continued proliferation of indices. Finally, this process should lead to the development of an internationally accepted, standardised and validated index. The BEWE further aims to increase the awareness of tooth erosion amongst clinicians and general dental practitioners and to provide a guide as to its management.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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En 2013, les résultats des travaux menés dans le cadre des projets "Spectrhabent-OI" (2009-2012), étendus au projet "Bioindication" (2012-2013) ont permis d'illustrer le potentiel important représenté par les nouvelles techniques d'imagerie aérienne hyperspectrale appliquées sur les plateformes récifales de l'île de La Réunion. L'objectif principal du projet HYSCORES (2015-2016) est de consolider ces premiers résultats dans une perspective de mise en œuvre opérationnelle de ces nouvelles méthodes dans le cadre de la DCE (directive-cadre européenne sur l’eau (2000/60/CE)). Pour cela 3 axes de recherche sont proposés : 1) l’étude et l'évaluation de la pertinence de l'indicateur VCH (vitalité corallienne hyperspectrale) proposé en 2012 ; 2) la capacité de l'indicateur à mettre en évidence une évolution de l'état global entre 2009 et 2015 ; 3) mieux cerner et quantifier les moyens et les ressources nécessaires à la mise en œuvre de ces nouvelles techniques en routine. Le projet s'appuie pour cela sur une nouvelle campagne d'acquisition de données brutes hyperspectrales réalisée en 2015 et couvrant les 4 principaux récifs frangeants de La Réunion. Ce rapport final présente le projet et ses objectifs dans leur globalité. Il détaille l'ensemble des méthodologies mises en œuvre dans le cadre des traitements numériques et décrit les résultats produits. Il s'attache également à l'analyse des résultats de la campagne 2015 HYSCORES en regard des résultats antérieurs (Spectrhabent-OI / BioIndication). A travers une analyse diachronique il confirme et illustre l'intérêt de ces nouvelles techniques pour évaluer les changements (gains et pertes) tant pour la Vitalité Corallienne Hyperspectrale (VCH) que pour le recouvrement corallien en général. Ce travail ouvre également sur de nouvelles perspectives en termes d'Indices (types coralliens par exemple) susceptibles de venir compléter la VCH dans le cadre de l'évaluation de l'Etat des plateformes récifales. L'ensemble des données et des résultats produits sont diffusés librement à travers les portails Sextant océan Indien et Archimer.